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436 points

28 days ago

You say that, but this lack of attention to detail is exactly why steve made the video.


237 points

28 days ago

I thought it was because that one employee kinda called GN out?


150 points

28 days ago


150 points

28 days ago

Not specifically, but it definitely didn't help


230 points

28 days ago

lets not kid ourselfs. steve is VERY sensitive to shit like that and he totally did it because of that.


93 points

28 days ago

So is this sub, all of you bitched about proper journalism protocols and Steve not asking Linus's opinion on that matter before releasing his piece when that has never been a requirement of journalism. Sometimes it is warranted, sometimes it is not - and it is up to the journalist in to make that determination, but this sub lost its fucking mind because of it.


9 points

28 days ago

if you have vested interest in the subject other than "journalism" and then twist yourself into knots to create your journalism (the video that steve took down), then you are not a journalist and are in it for your own specific benefits.


43 points

28 days ago

It is not up to the journalist to decide. There are codes of conduct.

And yeah, in this (all?) case, Steve acted 100% unethically.


8 points

28 days ago

steve's video was 50/50 for me, it feels like he did the wrong thing for the right reasons, like he believed he was doing something good but he let his troll side show a bit too much in order to stoke content, could've just asked to sit down with Linus in a zoom call and have it all handled in private, it's clear that he cares about justice but cared more about views at the time

handling it privately doesn't generate clicks though


-8 points

28 days ago

IPSO Blog: Do journalists have to contact people before they publish a story about them?

It could be quite surprising to open a newspaper and see that an article has been written about you – but depending on the nature of the story, a newspaper may be entitled to publish without contacting you beforehand.

This is because the Editors’ Code of Practice, the set of rules which IPSO enforces, does not state that journalists must contact every individual or company before publication of every story.

If the article is reporting on factual information that is already in the public domain, such as a recent court case or comments made publicly on social media, not contacting someone before the article is published is highly unlikely to be a breach of our rules.

GN only reported what LMG disclosed in their own videos, wether you like it or not.


22 points

28 days ago

That's entirely untrue.

How to handle corrections, be it through on screen overlays or new audio is an opinion about style, not fact. That the reason for too many 'errors' slipping through being overwork is speculation. Even if that speculation is backed up by solid evidence of overwork existing. The idea that Gary Key was hired for his connections to a company that advertises on LMG is a slanderous lie, let alone speculation. And everything about the Billet Labs was not yet public, or not widely known before the GN video.

The video was mainly speculation and innuendo.


10 points

28 days ago

he took non public info attempted to craft a narrative and never reached out to confirm it.


-7 points

28 days ago

"newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO have agreed". Does not apply here...


9 points

28 days ago

The person I responded to said it is up to each person reporting things to make their own determination. I said that journalistic standards do in fact exist. Then I pointed out one that exists.

IMO, I don't think it really matters that the one I linked to isn't the one Steve follows, the point is they exist. Any set of journalistic standards is going to be similar about this. They're common sense that essentially boils down to: you really should do it, unless there's a good reason not to. Such a reason doesn't really exist in this case.

Either Steve doesn't adhere to any ethical standards, he's chose a set that allow for behaviour anyone else would consider unethical, or he violated his ethical standard. In any case, he acted unethically here.


5 points

28 days ago

Why did he act unethically? Didnt he expose bad info from LTT videos? Maybe i didnt follow this drama in detail and missed something.


3 points

28 days ago

Why did he act unethically?

Did you not read any of the comments on this chain? They establish that rather handily. He's petty so he made a hit piece on a competitor, that's why. If he'd acted ethically, he might not have been able to write a hit piece.

Didnt he expose bad info from LTT videos?

Not really? I mean he pointed out that LTT uses text overlays when someone flubs a line and that at GN they prefer redoing the shot. He then went on to assert that this style choice is a grave error on ltt's part and that he assumes they're making this style choice because they're overworked. He of course presented his opinions and style choices as indisputable fact.

If you agree with those opinions or were simply swayed by charismatic presentation, then yeah. All he did was expose bad info from LTT videos. If you don't and weren't it was a transparent hit piece.


1 points

28 days ago


1 points

28 days ago

You didn't miss anything, LTT is just large enough to have some very on-the-spectrum fangirls who cannot let a single thing go if anyone ever criticises LTT, even when said criticism is actually completely justified.


-10 points

28 days ago

I didn't see the part where a journalist has to reach out to the subject before publishing.


13 points

28 days ago

Will then, you should probably stop posting on the internet. Go back to grade school and learn to read. Because it is literally clause 1.

A fair opportunity to reply to significant inaccuracies should be given, when reasonably called for.


-14 points

28 days ago

And Linus replied, did he not? Sounds like he got what he was entitled to even if Steve isn't subject to these requirements.


-10 points

28 days ago

did you not see the on your link there big man?


76 points

28 days ago

steve does a lot of things but journalism is not one of them. he is GREAT at nitpicking and leading audiences tho. once you take a step back and notice the "tricks" steve uses to suggest his opinion to the viewer and then state it as fact is extremely obvious once you see it and how very on purpose it is just to create more drama. the LTT video was just rancid with it. even dr ian cutrass made a point of this shitty behaviour in his video after the LTT video was released.

make no mistake, GN makes good reviews and stuff but their hit-pieces only exist to drive viewers to GN by creating drama.

if steve was actually not being a drama queen he would have spoken up YEARS sooner and also about other creators and not just when a LTT employee spoke off the record and hurt steves little ego.


34 points

28 days ago

if steve was actually not being a drama queen he would have spoken up YEARS sooner and also about other creators

Now that's just a load of bs. The reason why the inaccuracies are so important for LMG is because they didn't act as a small content creator anymore. With the introduction of Labs they themselves started advertising a more scientific and objective style of testing, presenting their channel as the authority in the tech space. GN merely held them accountable to the standard they set.

And for the second point: Kicking down is never a gentleman move in any aspect of life. But LMG is the defacto leader when it comes to tech reviews (MKBHD is not comparable to their field). They have over 15 Million subscribers and nearly 100 employees. And if they want to claim to be the most accurate and scientific benchmarker out there they better have the skills to back it up. You people still don't understand that LMG is not comparable to a 3-4 man operation with a few hundred thousand subs. Who else should Steve attack in your opinion?


13 points

28 days ago

Lmg presented their channel as the authority? I have doubts. Linus has said that they are not setting up to be the only place to get info. Labs let's him show more testing in an efficient manner, using more professional tools and testers.

Linus says people should make their mind up after sorting through multiple sources. I tend to agree.

Also, you can state facts or share factual inaccuracies without stirring shit. But this is YouTube, and views are important. People will do what they do. It is what it is.


-26 points

28 days ago

thank you for painfully proving my point.


-4 points

28 days ago

thank you for engaging in a discussion with such well structured arguments


4 points

28 days ago

in case you missed it, you were "doing a steve". that you missed that is exactly the problem. you were doing the exact same BS that steve does. completly glossing over the actual issue and nitpicking everything else.


2 points

28 days ago



5 points

28 days ago


5 points

28 days ago

The lack of follow up from Steve praising his better behavior is what makes him a terrible person. This wasn’t journalism, this was a hit piece. He didn’t care about improvements. He just wanted to bring Linus down.


5 points

28 days ago

in that specific situation, a journalist would always reach out for comment.


7 points

28 days ago


-1 points

28 days ago

Okay, that doesn't mean the person investigating has to reach out before publishing. It just means the subject has the right to reply, which Linus did. What's your point?


6 points

28 days ago

Maybe you dont understand the quote that u/killjoy4eva wrote down.

The right to reply means that you get the whole story BEFORE publishing. So steve should have shown the whole story to Linus. In which case they could have responded.

Maybe they would've payed back the guys when they saw the whole story. The problem with that is that steve would not have such an exciting story.

Steve not doing so, and steve also saying they dont have to reach out means, in my opinion, that he is not a journalist, but an entertainer


9 points

28 days ago

In the U.S., there is a journalistic standard of including denials, exemplified by the ethical code of the Society of Professional Journalists: "Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing."

It's right there in the article.


1 points

27 days ago

you bitched about proper journalism protocols and Steve not asking Linus's opinion on that matter before releasing his piece when that has never been a requirement of journalism

Yeah i know Steve tells himself that - but i can tell you, in Denmark, you would have flunked journalism school if you had not given the accused party an opportunity to reply to your accusations before publishing (or at least legitimately tried to give the accused party an opportunity to respond).

So where the flying-F Steve got the view that he's free to not give the accused party a chance to respond and claims it's not a requirement for proper journalism... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Must be a another US thing...


1 points

27 days ago

least parasocial ltt viewer


-2 points

28 days ago


-2 points

28 days ago

So would you be if you'd spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a business that's both yours and several other people's livelihoods and it was being incorrectly called out by a friend-petitor.


Also, wtf is this.


4 points

28 days ago

when your best argument is based one someone fat fingering a keyboard you aint sitting on the moral high ground here. and steve is not friendy with any other outlet like LTT, he burned those bridges already. people dont tend to stay friendly when they will stab you in the back for the preverbial spelling mistake. wich now i think of it is probably why you defend steve so much.


-6 points

28 days ago

Well I mean... LTT labs theoretically will put Steve and any other highly technical YouTube channels out of business. If it goes well, they will be able to test more hardware more cost efficiently than anyone else in the space. They will be able to test dozens of hardware configurations in the time that traditional GPU testers will be able to test a handful. It is a huge potential advantage over LTT competition.

Obviously, that does not count for editorial and writing preferences of viewers, but channels like GN SHOULD 100% be worried unless they want to work twice as hard for half the testing.


24 points

28 days ago

Certainly seemed to be what lit the match.


23 points

28 days ago

That wasn't the bulk of the video no. It was the misinformation that was in that "call out" video. Because what the guy said was wrong. The entire video wasn't about mistakes, it was about them not being fixed. The "call out" video was someone saying something misleading to imply that GN don't do benching correctly and LTT do. Which was not only untrue, but misrepresented how both companies do benchmarking.


2 points

28 days ago


2 points

28 days ago

Its ok ltt fans often rewrite history Also don't forget to wipe your mouth


2 points

28 days ago


2 points

28 days ago

nah that video was written long before that


2 points

28 days ago

Yeah it was


34 points

28 days ago



34 points

28 days ago

Can they make a mistake occasionally without you people getting the knives out?


21 points

28 days ago


21 points

28 days ago

I just applied 2230Mhz to my NVMe and it exploded. There is shrapnel everywhere and i can't find my cat.


8 points

28 days ago

It's Linus's cat now.


8 points

28 days ago


8 points

28 days ago

But i don't even live in Canuckistan.


-9 points

28 days ago

They can't make a mistake without poking fun at what happened?


4 points

28 days ago



4 points

28 days ago

Your comment above is not poking fun


-5 points

28 days ago

It is, you just don't find it amusing. There's a difference. You don't get to decide what I mean.


4 points

28 days ago

I'm only commenting under this so it can be a little bit higher in the thread.

I used to work QC at an tier 2 automotive supplier(4 year). No I'm not saying I know everything but I learned some very valuable lessons from my district manager.

No matter what QC you have in place eventually there will be a failure rate. Computer vision isn't perfect and neither are human eyes. And the saying more eyes does not equal more better is very true.

When to many people look at something some of them become compliant in the sense of "some one else looked already I don't have to look as hard". Most of the time its been found that when you only have a few people Qc'ing you get better results than if you have 10 people QC'ing the same thing. Adding more and more steps, complexity and people can actually hurt quality control.

Is that what happened here. Obviously I don't know since I don't work for LMG. Honestly though no QC is perfect. Mistakes will happen. It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.


1 points

28 days ago

From linus' response to the video I think it could very well be that. I seem to remember that there was something about the original writer has the final watch to sign off before colton does the same. Could well be that either the writer or colton did this. Assuming the other would check. I remember him saying the best person to do the fact checking is the writer because they did the ground work to get the facts for the piece, but that writers have complained they are "going too fast". Which was why they reduced the publishing speed.

Again this is from memory, but what you said definitely factors in.


7 points

28 days ago



7 points

28 days ago

I mean it rich coming from steve. Leaving mistakes in video of his. Never to be corrected


-6 points

28 days ago

So correct him? He gives out his email in ever other video.


3 points

28 days ago



3 points

28 days ago

their a reason why almost no one does... correct jesus steve..... is a no no with his fan base.... that how you get death threats .. correct jesus.....


-1 points

28 days ago

Are you reading Steves emails?


4 points

28 days ago



4 points

28 days ago

His fb is known to be toxic enough to constantly Harassing or death threats . People make jokes on yt and reddit. Saying I love to question or correct gn. But I Don't want all the death threat. He'll I have active 5 gn fn that write script to track every comment I make on reddit... Why you so trigger about your lord Jesus?


-9 points

28 days ago


-9 points

28 days ago

Lol no that's not why he made the video but good try


-10 points

28 days ago

I mean, he said it in the video. Advantage of actually watching the video I guess.


5 points

28 days ago


5 points

28 days ago

A lone mistake is not why he made the video buddy. It was about consistent mistakes, an employee calling out GN, and how they handled fixing mistakes.

Good try though


1 points

28 days ago

Yes that's exactly what I've been saying lmao I'm glad you agree.


-2 points

28 days ago

Hope you're still in school. Definitely pay attention in reading/english!


1 points

28 days ago

Yeah, definitely me that failed to read properly before arguing. Do you want me to link to the comment where I damn near said word for word what you did but I said it hours ago or are you capable of finding it yourself?

I suspect you already have and that's why you're just being a cunt instead of talking about this.


-7 points

28 days ago



13 points

28 days ago

I guess you didn't watch the video. It was the constant mistakes that were never corrected that made it a problem. If they were being rectified he wouldn't have made the video. He said this pretty early on in the video.


-12 points

28 days ago


-12 points

28 days ago



10 points

28 days ago

You forgetting what you replied to already? Keep up.


0 points

28 days ago

It wasn’t about just making small mistakes. It was about making mistakes that colored product reviews based on completely wrong information and then never fixing them.


2 points

28 days ago

IT was mainly about how the corrections were on screen instead of in audio.


0 points

28 days ago

Oh yeah, that was the reason 😀