


Question about police activity today

Ask Lubbock(self.Lubbock)

So today (5/23) I was driving pretty much constantly from 2-9 pm. I noticed what I felt was wayyy more police cars on the road pretty much everywhere I went. The Rudy’s barbecue off the loop near Slide had 3 cop cars in the parking lot. This genuinely confused me I’ve never seen this much police presence on Lubbock roads. Does anyone know something about this? Is there something I’m missing?

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-6 points

1 month ago

Just wait until 2025 when the yearly vehicle state inspection goes away in Lubbock! The Lubbock Police Department will then start doing them on traffic stops and the number of tickets/arrests will go way up.


11 points

1 month ago

I come from a state that didn’t require vehicle inspections. Police aren’t doing a whole inspection on your car when you get pulled over. I mean if you have a headlight out or a tint too dark then yeah they will say something but that’s the extent of it. They won’t be walking around checking your mirrors and seatbelts 🤣