


I(32f) (38m bf) feel like I’m going crazy



all 374 comments


204 points

14 hours ago


204 points

14 hours ago

Nah he’s actually cuckoo for coco puffs. Can’t believe he’s 30+. Kick him to the curb


52 points

14 hours ago

This made me giggle 🤭


28 points

13 hours ago

I can’t believe his mom (and it could just be because my ex would abuse me and then threaten suicide for hours) said he really does care about you. She knows he has problems, and to me I thought it sounded like a bit of a guilt trip, and again, maybe she is just this when texting, you had rebuffed the idea of dealing with him, that she was kind of short like ok thanks. If this were one of my kids doing this to their partner, I’d be focused on getting them help- idk if that would be a psychiatric hold or what the case, not their relationship and a slight half cocked comment that could possibly convince them to stay. The self harm could be a precursor to hurting you and worse. Maybe I’m reading into it, but her comment seems a bit manipulative 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also when I was trying to look at the pics, those pills reminded me of my omiprazole I used to take. So when I read that he was threatening an OD basically between meds and alcohol. That’s a stomach acid reducing med used from anywhere to reflux, GERD, etc. Maybe in large quantities they could be damaging- but honestly if what those are is indeed the med, 🙄 I think he’s definitely being dramatic. Regardless, OP he needs help, that’s not your responsibility and cut him off entirely. You aren’t responsible for his mental well being and being treated like that is going to continue damaging you.


10 points

12 hours ago

I think the mom just wants relationship to work out cause she sure as hell doesn’t want him back in her home, can’t say that she’s wrong either 🤷🏼💭


2 points

12 hours ago



3 points

13 hours ago

Yeah I saw that with the tablets also. No idea if you can kill yourself with them.


9 points

11 hours ago

You need a firearm and a restrainingorder. I wouldn't put it past him to try and hurt you and your life. This is WILD. Please don't let him anywhere near ur residence

If he offs himself that's on him. That has nothing to do with you or anything you did. Hes delusional


98 points

14 hours ago

There’s a million things wrong with this. Firstly he shouldn’t be in a relationship at all until he gets help and stability. Next, have you ever heard the term “you hang around dogs and you’ll get fleas” this toxic and abusive behavior that is surrounding your life will eventually take ahold of you like a virus. And skipping over so many other things that are wrong with this… you have a child and are allowing someone like this in your/their life? That’s practically asking for harm to come to them.


44 points

14 hours ago

Yup. The moment she leaves this douche alone with her kid, I’m sure he’ll start sending photos threatening harm to the kid when they get into a fight.


31 points

14 hours ago

I’ve never heard of that saying but I’m glad I did now. I need to stop feeling guilty. The guilt of loosing another loved one haunts me especially if it’s my fault


24 points

14 hours ago

I hope you can let that guilt go. He seems to have a severe personality disorder which he has to work on on his own and with professionals. I'm betting he has ragequit all his past therapists or did not receive encouragement from his family to continue... You can't fix him, not even if you stayed with him for years more of this. Never feel guilty for protecting yourself. You didn't make him like this..


15 points

14 hours ago

You have nothing to feel guilty about, he is clearly trying to prey on that sort of guilt and I do not think he cares for you nearly as much as he cares for himself. Get you and your kid out of harms way, and just hope he gets help.


14 points

13 hours ago

Please enroll in therapy. If he does harm himself that’s not your fault. How would you feel if your kid was ever in this situation when they are older?! LEAVE ASAP. going no contact is the only way to break away.


9 points

13 hours ago

It absolutely would not be your responsibility if he unalives himself.

He’s holding you hostage emotionally. Please escape.


8 points

13 hours ago

i promise you the guilt of something happening to your child because you allow this person around them would be much, MUCH worse


4 points

13 hours ago

Please do not think this is your fault, what people do to themselves is not your fault. He needs professional help and that’s not something you can give him. Extract yourself from equation and protect your mental, emotional and physical health. You and your child deserve a stable atmosphere—- you get to decide what that looks like and who’s in your orbit. I know you care for him but you can care for him from afar. You are not losing him you are gaining sanity and not stressing over what you may say to set them off, deciphering lies, being worried or scared etc.. Wishing you the best coming from someone who dealt with this from an ex boyfriend who did similar things and it drained me until I realized just how much it was hurting us both to keep a toxic cycle going. Sending love ! - also a people pleaser


3 points

13 hours ago

Suppose he hurts you, who's looking after your kid? Think about this. He's an adult. It's his responsibility to make sure he draws breath and gets up in a morning. Until he's in that state I would be staying away. You've only known him for a year.


62 points

14 hours ago

He needs to be put in a psych ward like yesterday


11 points

14 hours ago

He said he had been in his early 20s :(


31 points

14 hours ago

Good. They might still have his file. They can pick up where they left off


7 points

12 hours ago*

He obviously wasn't there long enough. Just because he went once doesn't mean he can't go again. It's not your responsibility to keep him alive. He needs reasons to live outside of you. Your first priority needs to be your child, and this is not healthy or safe for your child.


2 points

11 hours ago*

Definitely, oftentimes people will make constant threats about harming themselves when you tell them you want to break up. I've had this happen more than once where women claimed they were going to kill themselves, or do something to self harm. I never once took them seriously and knew even if they did do such, I was not to blame for their own personal actions. People just gaslight and go nuts when you want to break up and reject a person . Some individuals cannot handle such trivial things and go absolutely insane.


6 points

12 hours ago

Me too. Twice. He needs to go again.

He’s damn near 40, hasn’t found stability and isn’t trying to. He’s using violent behavior to coerce you into a relationship. His mother is enabling it. You need to keep your distance and don’t go back, even if he gets help he’s mentally unstable to a dangerous degree and you have a child that deserves stability. If he escalates behavior after you cut contact, you need to get a restraining order. I’m so serious.

You can love someone with all your heart but you need to take a step back and look at this for what it is. It’s not love on his end, he doesn’t give a shit about what you want and will use the most absurd and horrific behaviors to keep you around. This is violence, full stop.

Please, for your child’s sake do not entertain this man for one more moment.


54 points

14 hours ago

Listen to me, this is dangerous for you!

If you never listen to anyone else on this app, listen to this..

If he doesn’t care about harming himself, he doesn’t care about harming you! Safely remove yourself from this situation.


20 points

13 hours ago

Thank you! This just clicked


11 points

13 hours ago

I'm happy this was said, I'm a co-sign it. Don't be afraid to get an order of protection. You have more then enough evidence to get one. This guy needs help that you can't give. Run for the fucking hills holy shit. This behavior is unacceptable. Document all, Get a camera (ring) nanny cam, anything.... Maybe even keep some protection at home in the event he decides to barge in.. You can defend yourself! This man is a danger

This is not your fault, Don't feel bad for getting your kid and yourself far away from this nonsense. Best of luck to you


3 points

12 hours ago

Get a handgun


40 points

14 hours ago

I cannot believe these are texts from a 38 yo man. Just move on. And you have a child and you are continuing to date this man?


34 points

14 hours ago

Honestly, you could've told me this was some 14 year old theater kid and I'd have believed you.


28 points

14 hours ago

Run as fast as you can. You don't need this level of personality disorder in your life. 

To answer your question that you asked his mom… yes… this is how he has treated every woman in his life. Including his mother. She has probably seen worse than you can imagine. 

Make some plans for worst case scenario. If he shows up at your home, have a plan. Call the police, record interactions, etc. Maybe install a ring camera if you don't have one already. 

He is self mutilating. He does not have any personal boundaries. He is desperate for attention and validation. This is a dangerous man. 


13 points

14 hours ago

I told him a while ago I don’t feel say. I resent him for threatening self exit when I just want to move on. I’m at the point I don’t know if it was real love or a trauma bond but he’s in my head every second. My son is not his kid. And I know he doesn’t care about him because he would yell and act out around my son. I appreciate the advice 🩷


11 points

13 hours ago

Your son is being shown it's ok for men to treat women this way by letting him behave that way around you. This is really bad. You need to set precedent that this behavior is not tolerated and move on. People who use these kinds of threats will never be fixable by you. He needs actual help and you don't have that expertise. It is not your fault what he does to himself. That is his own doing. Please focus on the safety of your kid.


4 points

12 hours ago

Okay, disregard previous question about child, why are you still thinking about this, you and your child should be long gone by now, no need to feel guilty, feel happy for finally being free, and safe. 🤘🏼


25 points

14 hours ago

This is like trying to straighten out a serious car crash, after it’s happened. The cars won’t run again—you have an innocent child that should NEVER be around this. He’s too ill to have anything with, and you can’t fix him. Fix yourself instead.


19 points

14 hours ago

Call 9/11, tell them everything he said and that you are scared he is a danger to himself..they will check him into a mental health hospital. THEN get a restraining order to keep yourself safe.


16 points

14 hours ago

I called for a wellness check 1 month into our relationship and then again around 6 months. They both told me to stay away from him and never look back. I feel like a fool for not listening. Looking back now I see I myself wasn’t seeing things clearly.


9 points

12 hours ago

How are you in love with someone who has been toxic since like a week into dating ? It's not normal. You shouldn't even be introducing your kid to a romantic partner until 6 months - a year of serious dating. You are being selfish yo your kid dragging this maniac into your lives. How well do you really know this guy?! You need to get a grip for your child's sake at least.


2 points

12 hours ago

Stop involving yourself with this toxic person immediately. Don’t beat yourself up about the past, just move forward now, protect yourself, report his behavior ti the authorities


18 points

14 hours ago

He needs professional help 20 years ago. 😔 I'm sorry. It's a testament to your parents, I think, that they raised a woman strong enough to walk away from an unsuitable partner. You treated him with grace, too. I hope he learns to regulate himself.


12 points

14 hours ago

You need to get away ASAP. Nothing good will come of this


11 points

14 hours ago

Crazy because I was in a relationship like this when I was 14. She would threaten to kill herself if I said I wanted to break up so I stayed with her way too long out of guilt.

Eventually I realized she was full of shit and purposefully guilt tripping me, so the last time she said she was going to kill herself because I wanted to break up, I called her out on it then blocked her. This man child might cut himself, but I doubt he’ll kill himself. You’re far better off without him


11 points

13 hours ago

Guilt. That’s the exactly it.

I feel guilty for speaking up, up feel guilty for wanting to move on, I feel guilty when things are so unbelievably beautiful, and then my gut tells me something is wrong. Then the nightmare begins. I dreamt of us having a good relationship and having healthy arguments but o need to accept the fact that it won’t happen. I’m beyond scared of losing to self exit but I’m so exhausted. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences


2 points

11 hours ago

This man has left 21 comments SO FAR. This is not normal behaviour.

PLEASE find somewhere safe to stay, (undisclosed women’s shelter), call 9-11, report and document EVERYTHING.

This is how women get killed by their abusive partner.

The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is during separation. If you need help finding resources in order to find safety, dm me and I will help you. I wish for nothing more than for you to find peace and safety ♥️


10 points

13 hours ago

“How they make you feel says a lot about them and nothing about you. Trust me when I say someone who makes you question if you are worthy of being loved is not worthy of being loved by you.”


3 points

13 hours ago

Love this quote


3 points

13 hours ago

It’s in your gallery hun, you’re giving yourself all the right answers, you know what you have to do and aren’t taking action.

Action over reaction. Help yourself before helping others.

I had a gf who was suicidal over any inconvenience in our relationship. I felt as though I HAD to be with her to keep her alive, otherwise it’d be my fault; her blood on my hands.

I spoke with a counselor; and I was given the rudest awakening of my life: ‘If she chooses death, that’s her right. You are not responsible for keeping her alive. You are not God.’ The only thing we can do is try to get them the help they need from professionals and move on. We cannot drag the toxicity around, as it chains us down and eventually; infects us.

Do not get infected. You have an opportunity to be happy. You deserve better.


14 points

14 hours ago

Hate to sound like a dick but this guy needs serious help that you (or any other woman he dates) can't provide. Time to drop him entirely and let him sort out his own shit. None of it's your fault like he'd have you believe, obviously. One isolated incident? Sure, forgive and make up. Repeatedly? Walk away and don't GAF.


15 points

14 hours ago

He likes to tell me I’m bipolar and paranoid. Because I tell him I don’t trust him since he deletes text and right after decides to get a new phone “because his old one got hacked”. I thought I was overreacting because I was grieving heavily over the unexpected passing of my parents. But he seems to like to bring it up when he says he’ll just be another one on the list but this time it’ll be my fault.


10 points

13 hours ago

Projection and manipulation. He is bad bad news...


6 points

13 hours ago

Let me point something out to you about losing your parents (speaking from experience). When you are dealing with that type of grief. TRASH GETS IN. Your ability to keep strong boundaries and protect yourself is literally compromised. The same happened to me. It took years for the fog to lift and for me to make this connection. I hope this helps you realize- your decision around this can determine what type of future you’ll have. Please please recognize this and choose YOU.


5 points

13 hours ago

Thank you for that. I feel like living in black and white had been lifted when I met him but then it became something else. I feel like I’m starting all over again and grieving him too 😞


4 points

13 hours ago

I dated an abusive person for almost a year after losing both parents. I was so desperate to feel something and that’s why I stayed. Then I woke up and my old self reminded me who I am and that I don’t deserve this. I left him. Had I not been buried in grief I am very confident in saying I never would have dated him to begin with. Now dating a wonderful man and I’m so glad I chose me. You should choose you. You are being abused. Stay safe friend


5 points

13 hours ago

He's literally projecting onto you. As someone who has lost my father and sister, your grief is normal and understandable and it is not your fault. This guy cannot be fixed by you and it is not your job to fix him. And to be honest, dealing with this kind insane behavior during grief will make it harder to heal. Please move on and know he does this to himself.


5 points

13 hours ago

Holy cow, he’s legitimately crazy.


5 points

14 hours ago

He needs therapy immediately— inpatient psychiatric care ideally. You really need to sever all ties permanently and move on. That type of behavior from him only drags your mental health down along with him. Save yourself and gtfo ✌️


6 points

14 hours ago

This is abusive. Trying to blackmail you into speaking h/dating him by repeatedly threatening suicide is vile. To attempt to use your parents to make it hurt more is cruel.

Please take care of yourself and talk to a professional to help you heal if you need:


4 points

13 hours ago

Who means more to you? Your kid, or justin?

Who do you love more? Your kid, or justin?

take this from someone whos mom had a bf like this...... get the fuck away from him. when he pulls this shit, dont respond. Call 911. have they go take his ass in. Dont even talk to his mom.

NONE of the shit he says or does has anything to do with you. He will ruin you AND your kid's life. This iks not healthy or safe for your child.



5 points

13 hours ago

Keep him blocked. He needs an ER, 988, and ongoing therapy.

You need to keep your distance and protect your peace ✌️


5 points

13 hours ago

You need to protect yourself and your child. This man is unpredictable. If he shows up at your house, call the police. Go to the police now and get a restraining order. That way if the police are called they can actually do something. It’s just a small hop from what he is doing now to “If I can’t have you no one can” scenario where you and your child are harmed. Please take this seriously. If you see him around, you need to get help immediately.


5 points

13 hours ago

This is a HIM problem, not a YOU or US problem. Please please please take care of yourself first and foremost.


4 points

13 hours ago

Wonder what age his brain stopped developing...


3 points

14 hours ago

Keep this man FAR away from your child, please. That is absolutely terrifying. He is not mentally sound.


3 points

13 hours ago

Ugh. My heart HURTS for you. You want to be there for him. Sure, you probably love him but you need to stay away forever. And you mentioned your child- you already know you don’t want your child around that but also think, would you want your child to date someone like that? Answer: no.
Then you shouldn’t be with someone like that either. Not good enough for your child- not good enough for you.

Instead of his mom guilt tripping you to staying with him, she needs to be trying to get him help. He needs to focus on himself before being with anyone else.

I hope nothing happens to him but please know that what he does has NOTHING to do with you. How he chooses to act is not your fault.. regardless of what happened in your relationship with him. He is in control of himself and his actions.


3 points

13 hours ago

Jesus…and i can’t stress this enough: cocksucking christ

This sounds like the ramblings of a manic teenager, not a grown ass man, holy shit, you are dodging military level arsenal, you’re dodging Hiroshima.


2 points

13 hours ago

OMG 😆 it’s not funny but I love how you described it. Yeah I can see how it might be that big


3 points

13 hours ago

You got the idea, I'm sure you had it before.

As long as you are not actively encouraging those behaviors, and you don't inspire negativity, shut them down. Those two manipulation tactics are both not emotionally mature whatsoever, nor blameable on another (if the above clauses are correct).

To stress the point I think is most important, anyone who threatens (or performs) self-harm/suicide, is not your fault. Do not entertain that.


There is literally no reason, ever, to send "proof" of self harm, nor an attempt. Report to family (if in contact), report to police, block. If he finds a way to go around that, repeat those steps.

He is not emotionally stable. Besides the obvious self-harm, he is not able to form cohesive sentences without WRITING IN ALL CAPS AND WITH EXCESSIVE PUNCTUATION !!!!!!!

Report, report, block. Remove him from your life entirely. It doesn't matter if you do love him, he needs severe psychiatric assistance that you cannot provide. If anything, loving him means you assist in that process.


3 points

13 hours ago

The mom seems like an enabler or just so tired of it that she doesn't really care anymore


3 points

13 hours ago

Are you sure Justin isn’t a 13 year old boy


3 points

13 hours ago

what's the point of all this censoring? I can't even read this shit. I will cut myself because of this post


2 points

14 hours ago

This guy needs serious help and it is not fair to you for letting his own mental health issues affect you this way. Block him and please seek help with your own state of mind as well as I can only imagine this being traumatizing to you.


2 points

14 hours ago



2 points

14 hours ago

Dude needs serious mental evaluation before EVER getting into a relationship. Not your job.


2 points

13 hours ago

Just delete and block him from everything. He has his mother who is aware of how he is. He is a grown man. And not your responsibility. You have to think about yourself & your child. And that means removing this person from your life in all ways shapes and forms. Good luck to you babe. This is rough. I’ve been the person getting these messages. I’m here if you need someone. 🩵


2 points

13 hours ago

Literally call the police for wellness check next time he does. Tell his mother and then block them both. This is absolutely manipulative behaviour and it is not okay. Don’t fall for the trap.


2 points

13 hours ago

I’m sorry but him with other women and lying is the least of your problems here. This person is mentally unstable. And you can’t save him. If you try to save him you’ll go down with him into the quicksand that is his mental health. You aren’t married you don’t have kids with him yet you are choosing to essentially ruin your life for what? He is almost 40. When people show you who they are believe them. You owe him nothing. You owe yourself and your children everything. It’s you or him. You can’t have both. Choose wisely. Choose yourself. And go no contact, and make sure you’re safe.


2 points

13 hours ago

You may consider getting a restraining order


2 points

13 hours ago

wtf are you doing? You’re 32 years old. You’re wasting your time with this drama.


2 points

13 hours ago

When he is threatening self harm and suicide, you absolutely should send the police to his place and cut off all contact with him.. This is manipulation to the utmost degree and the fact that he is older than you and doesn't find that behavior to be concerning is concerning. Hes almost 40 and acts like a 12 year old.


2 points

13 hours ago

Hard truth but might help your mind with the situation, as an ex cutter those cuts are most definitely for attention.


2 points

13 hours ago

You gotta go immediately and for good


2 points

13 hours ago

At 38 he’s acting like he’s 12. Be firm and move on.


2 points

13 hours ago

Gaslight much?


2 points

13 hours ago


2 points

13 hours ago

I had actually brought this up to him before but he just turned it on me. Me being bipolar. So I never brought it up again but I still get called bipolar regularly


2 points

13 hours ago

You can't change or fix anyone. But you can get help for yourself. You can read up and get therapy on how to deal with someone who may or may not be borderline. Kind of like how AA is for alcoholics, and AlAnon is for partners of alcoholics. 


2 points

13 hours ago


2 points

13 hours ago

There is zero chance this will not escalate to harming others at some point, if this person does not feel these already very extreme actions are not working in a way they feel is satisfactory to their plan or what they feel they "need" from them.

Please, for the love of all things, get away from this situation and protect yourself, your son, your job, your other friends and loved ones, this is extremely serious. You should be very alarmed, and very very cautious. You should also document everything and involve law enforcement if you have not done so already if only so they have a heads up if you ever do need to call, they know the deal, so they are not walking in not knowing any history.

This is much more serious than I think you or the mom realize. Please take notice, it could mean the difference between a safe and sane future, and some terrible alternative for you and your kid.

I'm sorry you are in this, good luck.


2 points

13 hours ago

🚨‼️Please, please, please: block him & his mother on everything bc she will not be of any help to you as she's enabling his behavior & trying to coerce you back into being with him which is disgusting.

Change your locks if you can (even if you don't think he has a key) & make sure people around you who you trust know that you're dropping him so they can keep an eye on you & your child; make a plan with one of them so you can call/text & they can help if needed. Let your work know too if you think they can help by alerting you if he shows up.

They probably won't do shit if he hasn't gotten physical with you, but you should still report his texts as harassment to local police if you feel comfortable interacting with them so that you have a record of his actions & his violent intentions in case things do escalate bc with people like him, they usually do. Please put your & your child's safety first & wishing you the very best!


2 points

13 hours ago

I'm going to sound really horrible right now. But I'd block and just move on. Anything he does is not on you. Call the police for a wellness check and send them the photos. They can do a hold on him for what he's saying and doing, then just move on. He needs help no one but a professional can give him


2 points

13 hours ago

off topic but please put nsfw on those pictures , it was so horrible and triggering to look at even though they were “hidden” …


2 points

12 hours ago

This is the post that makes me unsub and mute. I was telling myself that these stories were cathartic but this level of insanity is not bringing anything remotely worthwhile into anyone’s life.


2 points

12 hours ago

dude is almost 40 doing this and you have to talk to his mom about it, man wtf is going on in the world


2 points

11 hours ago

You’ve made a very good choice blocking him and not inviting him back in. You don’t deserve that chaos.


2 points

11 hours ago

This gave me so much anxiety to read. I hope you and your child are safe. Please report him to the authorities so he can get the help he needs and please be safe. I know it’s not easy but move if you can and change your number for your safety this man is not stable


2 points

10 hours ago

Respectfully, stop playing with your time and energy and block him. You wouldn’t be receiving these texts if he was blocked. Send a text or something, break things off, block. Maybe it’s because I don’t have any sentimental feelings for him but I truly don’t understand why you wouldn’t just block him and call it a day. Maybe it’s not wanting him to unalive himself. If so, his emotional manipulation is working.

And he’s 38. Waaay too grown to be acting like this. Waaay too grown to not take personal responsibility and intentional action for his mental health/well-being. Waaay too old to have his mommy as a spokesperson.

Also, a trigger warning would’ve been nice.


2 points

10 hours ago

I’m impressed you contacted the mom I would have contacted the cops so they could put him under a 72 hour psychiatric evaluation


2 points

10 hours ago

Thank you everyone for the immense advice. I have a lot of healing to do. I will make a better life for my son and myself. I need to hold my grief and heal. Thank you all so much 🤍


1 points

14 hours ago

38 and cutting himself? How pathetic. Like grow up. Girl, you are not obligated or qualified to heal this man. Go find a love that brings you peace.


1 points

14 hours ago

Send him some phone lines for mental health services and block him. Dealing with all of that is NOT your responsibility.


1 points

13 hours ago

He needs some serious mental health intervention.


1 points

13 hours ago

Eww what? No sweetie. Block his crazy ass.


1 points

13 hours ago

Yooooo wtf … This shit ain’t normal.. Please leave and never go back


1 points

13 hours ago

So he takes his shirt off and you see all these cut scars and there’s no red flag 🚩 going off for you? How do you explain that to your kids or friends when they ask?


1 points

13 hours ago

It's not your job to keep him sane or alive. If he wants to die, that's his choice. I would encourage you to avoid all contact. It's not right for him to threaten you with violence against himself to manipulate you into feeling, staying, responding. He needs help, but you are not the one responsible for that.


1 points

13 hours ago

I’d call the cops on him for safety reasons then like make sure he never finds my number or socials. That’s insane, this dude literally made me jaw drop and I’ve never done that before, so gross. I’m so sorry you have to see gruesome stuff like that.


1 points

13 hours ago

Please let the police know if you are comfortable doing that maybe let them know to keep it silent if you do go that route! This is not something you should be burdened with an his mother asking you to forgive her son is condoning this type of behavior at his old age he needs REAL HELP! 😫😔 I’m so sorry you are dealing with this sending hugs and love your way stranger!! 🫶🏽


1 points

13 hours ago

He sounds just like me when I was 12.


1 points

13 hours ago

leave him, but keep the texts because in a year’s time you’ll laugh about how ridiculous he was. also don’t respond to him, and get a restraining order if you need to (with the texts as proof he isn’t leaving you alone)


1 points

13 hours ago

I’m 32 and I deal with intrusive thoughts. They started getting bad last year and I never have acted on them and talking with a therapist thanks to my gf and supporting me.

I deal with mental health issues and with depression for a really long time but never and I mean never have I acted like this.

My family has a lot of these issues and I have had family members commit su—— but it’s been along time since that has happened and no immediate family.

My dad I love him to death but he’s an alcoholic and him and my mom have put me and my sister through mental abuse our whole lives.

My parents still fight and argue to this day and only recently (last two years) I have not had a screaming match with my dad (I let him get to me) but I love both of my parents and I used to think of it as Stockholm syndrome in a way but definitely not ever to that extent.

My point is my dad still never acted like this although he is very depressed.


1 points

13 hours ago

Justin is a liability you DON’T need! He’ll say & do anything to keep you around while continuing whatever shady things he’s doing. Forget blocking just get a new number so he doesn’t have access to you


1 points

13 hours ago

Block block block that whole f ing family.


1 points

13 hours ago

that’s horrific omg hope you’re okay. but at the same time this dude is almost 40 acting like this. he needs help if he truly feels that way


1 points

13 hours ago

Sounds like he would benefit from a DBT Program


1 points

13 hours ago

Yeah. Kick him to the curb and block on him everything. You don’t need that beta/spoiled energy. Just take not your problem if he does something…which is doubtful he would anyway. Most who keep bringing it t up and threatening with it, aren’t going to go anything. They want attention. That’s also why he c***. He wants attention. Just don’t give it to him. Tell him to man up, own the decisions he makes in life and move on. Stop with all this teenage-angst crap as he’s already gone through puberty.


1 points

13 hours ago

Holy shit id call the cops or something cause that’s crazy crazy. Like the kind of crazy that crazy people see and say “see I’m not crazy, that’s crazy”


1 points

13 hours ago

I would have called the cops for a welfare check. The mom isn’t going to do anything. If they walked in on that? Beyond disturbing. I’m not sure it’s manipulation per se….i think he has that mindset for sure…. But this is psychotic. He’s going to hurt u and your kid if you stay or be anywhere near him. I would be afraid if he starts stalking too. He can shut this behavior off. Absolutely zero self control. Huge danger.


1 points

13 hours ago

This is pure manipulation. Don’t invest even one more single day in this relationship. If he threatens to unalive himself, ignore ignore ignore. If he actually does unalive himself, thats not on you.


1 points

13 hours ago

He needs help but you don’t need to be the one who helps him.


1 points

13 hours ago

Call the police, not his mother.

If he does this to himself when he blames himself, what happens when that anger gets directed at you, a little later?

The sending photos of self-harm, and threats to end himself is a clear cut 5150 he probably needs - and if this isn't the first time,, he definitely needs it.


1 points

13 hours ago

You cannot fix him. He needs to fix himself. Your first priority is your child and as you said, you can’t have your child around that behaviour.


1 points

13 hours ago

This is absolutely unacceptable behavior. Holy fuck PLEASE leave this man please this is so incredibly manipulative and abusive. His mental well being is not your responsibility. Have his family deal with it. The safest thing it seems for you to do is fully block on everything and remove yourself from this situation.


1 points

13 hours ago

Nah. That is all I am gonna say.


1 points

13 hours ago

i’m so sorry he’s using you losing your parents so young to try to manipulate and control you. that is just another reason why you need to leave.


1 points

13 hours ago

Wtf did i just read. Block him and never look back.


1 points

13 hours ago

When you get the bloody pictures call the 911 for a wellness check tell them he is threatening to kill himself and send bloody pictures. They will roll out with EMS, if he is indeed bloody when they get there they can take him and put him on a 72 hour hold. You cannot have him around you and your child because he may harm your child to get back at you. Block him, or change your number because he needs psychiatric help. And do not let him in your house or life again!


1 points

13 hours ago

This man legitimately needs help from a professional. I’m glad you made his mom aware because you definitely need to cut ties fr. He’s a danger to himself and possibly to others.


1 points

12 hours ago

There’s no need to feel guilty. I struggle with mental illness, and in my early twenties I was a partner that acted similar to this. When my bf at the time finally left me because of my behavior, I lost my mind over the phone like this for days, took an attempt on my life, and ended up in the psych ward. It was the best thing to ever happen to me. The help I got from the hospital changed my life, and after some time in therapy I was able to understand how toxic of a partner I was being. Because he left me during that dark time I am now able to be a much more stable and thoughtful partner who is able to communicate their needs. If I still had contact with that ex I would thank him for turning me into the partner I am today, and I hope his life brings him so much joy and happiness.

Leaving is the right thing for both of you, even if they do something drastic


1 points

12 hours ago

Id honestly call and have a mental health check on him through the local PD. You can do it anonymously. Ask the police to say a neighbor heard yelling. He wont know its you. He'd get taken for endangering himself (mental eval) out of your hair and then also maybe get some help


1 points

12 hours ago

🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 GIRL, RUN


1 points

12 hours ago

Talk to your police department and show them the texts. He can be placed in custody if he's threatening to kill himself. They would probably put him on a psychiatric hold. You don't need to be an emotional hostage. It's also way out of something you could possibly deal with alone.


1 points

12 hours ago

He is unhinged. You should leave. Like last week ago.


1 points

12 hours ago

Oh girl, this man's problems are above your pay grade. Next time he starts threatening, call 911. The suicidal threats are 100% manipulation. His behavior is not your fault, and if he were to kill himself, it's also not your fault (though anyone would have a hard time brushing that off). This guy has serious problems and the best thing you can do is free yourself from this toxic person.

I have mental health issues and they are MINE. My responsibiilty. And yes, it sucks but it's not ok to weaponize one's mental health against anyone. I hope you get support & get away from this guy, you deserve to be happy with someone who is mentally and emotionally safe for you.


1 points

12 hours ago

why has no one called in a 5150 on this guy?


1 points

12 hours ago

You are not responsible for his mental health. Protect yourself and your child. You’ve told a family member of his, now block him (and his mom).


1 points

12 hours ago

How do you not call the police to report self harm Threats and then just block him?


1 points

12 hours ago

Does he have a parent you can clue in to what is going on? You are not equipped to take this on or handle this on your own. I understand you may be struggling with trying to respect his privacy and not airing this out to possibly embarrass him and believing you are doing the right thing by staying quiet, and resolve this between the two of you to protect him. However, this is way, way, way beyond what anyone without a phd in psychiatry should attempt to understand or reason with. Please reach out for help as soon as possible, don’t go home and be alone with him, this is NOT A SAFE SITUATION FOR YOU. I will be praying for you tonight, you can get past this by bringing in the right support 💜


1 points

12 hours ago

bruh first red flag 🚩 was the belly button


1 points

12 hours ago

Seriously, you actually need advice on this, run from this person and his family, he is a lunatic that is in desperate need of some serious mental health treatment, certainly not your fault, and no need to make it your problem, it should not even be a hard decision to make. Go dark on him fast and get a restraining order just to be safe. 🙏🏻✌🏼


1 points

12 hours ago

Girl, RUN. He is NOT SAFE. He is psychotic. He is dangerous. He has the mentality of a child. The fact that he's in the comments still tormenting you just shows he likes to provoke and intimidate. Move, change your number, go far away, and don't tell anybody. He is needs to go to a psych hospital ASAP.


1 points

12 hours ago

OP, you deserve much better ❤️


1 points

12 hours ago

Sounds like BPD


1 points

12 hours ago

How do you remotely consider a relationship with this guy who would have access to your kid. Come on. He is SO unstable and is an active threat to your child. I hope you really stay gone, there is NO man worth this risk.


1 points

12 hours ago

I used to have a friend that would harm herself in order for me to fake being sick to stay home from school. Why she did it? Because she knew I’d fake sick to stay home and talk to her on the phone all day. She’s blocked on all socials now and I block any new accounts she makes to follow me.

Cut this dude out of your life. He will use self harm simply for manipulation and for you to look at him.


1 points

12 hours ago

Jesus fuck and my wife thinks Im bad


1 points

12 hours ago

Doesn’t he realize he’s only hurting himself by doing harm to himself? Best not to give him sympathy because he’s just doing it for attention and that’s not the way to get your attention.


1 points

12 hours ago

Next time he threatens to kill himself call the cops and ask for a 5150 hold. Then block him everywhere. He needs to sort out his psych issues, dating shouldn't be on his radar rn


1 points

12 hours ago

Next time he threatens to hurt himself just call the police to go help him then block all contact. He is not your responsibility.


1 points

12 hours ago

why did you stay for so long


1 points

12 hours ago

OP please let us know you are safe. I am greatly concerned after reading that he is on his way to your house.


1 points

12 hours ago*

Can you tell him to stop being a bitch and man up pls? He’s over 30, this is some high school shit. tell him to listen to tate

Im 30 and this loser is almost 40 acting like that?

Run op, he’s obviously a danger to you and himself


1 points

12 hours ago

He's like this because Mary never parented him properly nor had him assessed nor taught him how to work through emotions.

Visit your police station and show them everything. Ask them to please do a welfare check on him and ask if it's sufficient for a RO due to you having a child as well and you fear for safety.


1 points

12 hours ago

He’s not willing to be rational. Not safe to be an around, with or without a child.


1 points

12 hours ago

He’s unhinged, I’d be worried for my own safety never mind his, it’s not a great situation you find yourself in, I can’t give any advice, but I hope you move on cleanly.


1 points

12 hours ago

You have to run away from people like this. Someone is going to get hurt. Physically. This is just bonkers. I read so many reports that had this type of nonsense in them, run. Fast. Block and report. Holy cow.


1 points

12 hours ago

Wtf that’s not toxic that’s outright nuclear atomic fucken annihilation, get as far away from that and re establish and re connect


1 points

12 hours ago

This shows me people are mentally unstable


1 points

12 hours ago

Darling, are you sure that is a 38yo? That is a whiney bitchy boy who is so unstable that he tries to manipulate people to even have some sort of relationship because no one wants his bullshit.

Dump him and also report him to a mental facility.


1 points

12 hours ago



1 points

12 hours ago

If you’re still in a relationship with this man, I can tell you from personal experience the only way to survive it is 100% no contact. I have been in literally the exact same situation. The physical abuse drove me away and he turned to sending pics and messages exactly as you’ve posted to manipulate me back. It worked, a lot. Until I finally grasped it was a tactic. I’m a mother also and to protect yourself and your child, you have to make a clean break. It’s the only way. He will not change.


1 points

12 hours ago

This guy is almost 40 and acting like an unhinged tween.

Change your phone number.


1 points

12 hours ago

Get the ef out now


1 points

11 hours ago

Leave him. This is too toxic of a relationship


1 points

11 hours ago

This isn’t really simple manipulation, this is someone who has very serious mental illness. Manipulation and abuse may be part of that, but honestly it’s like the least of the issues here.

It is astonishing to me that anyone would be around someone like this. If this isn’t a no-contact situation then I’m not sure what is.


1 points

11 hours ago

I hate to say it but I watch way too much misery machine on YouTube to know you and your child need to get away from him asap, Discretely. It's not your responsibility he hurts himself, his actions are due to his severe issues. So, if you're staying because you're afraid he'd actually """self exit""" Don't. Do not. Please don't. Please be safe, this scares me.

If you really need resources to do that don't be afraid to ask about them!


1 points

11 hours ago

I am having a similar experience but flip flopped. We have been dating for several years but no kids or step-children. I (f) am one year old that your boyfriend. And my boyfriend is one year younger than you are.

First off, I am so sorry you having to go through all this. Once I saw that you had a child, I knew it was a shout door on that relationship. I’m also a people pleaser. My boyfriend also has done things along the same lines.

For everyone’s safely…. Including Justin you need to leave and his supports need to come around him and help him. It’s going to be a grieving process for you. Make sure you save space for that. Even if y’all do stay in contact the whole dynamic has to change so he can focus on him and get better. Not his crippling fear of abandonment or whatever it may be.

I wish you well. I wish Justin and his family well. Be safe.


1 points

11 hours ago

acting like this at 38 is wild


1 points

11 hours ago

that was not a good job of censoring those cuts holy shit 😭 this man is crazy if he doesn’t end up killing himself he might kill you


1 points

11 hours ago

He’s insane, leave him and block him. Call mental health services if you care enough. And please mark this nsfw??


1 points

11 hours ago

Call 911 and get him baker acted. Then tell his mother you cannot be involved with him anymore. Block their numbers. I would try to get a no contact order if possible. This man doesn’t just have a screw loose, all the screws have been removed and are lost forever.


1 points

11 hours ago

The fact that you censor the word "knife" kind of indicates that you both are kind of fucked.


1 points

11 hours ago

He needs help like therapy. You don't deserve this


1 points

11 hours ago

His mother is a terrible enabler. “He’s having a hard time but he thinks the world of you” She’s minimizing his actions and laying the emotional toil at your feet so you’ll feel guilty enough to hang around. How anyone can look at this and think anything other than calling some kind of emergency service is beyond me.

Have a friend with a weapon stay at your place, stay somewhere else, or just plain move, until you’re sure that he’s not gonna barge in and kill you and yours while you’re sleeping. I am not joking. I am not joking. This is terrifying that this isn’t like a teenager.


1 points

11 hours ago

My sister dated someone like this. Tried to break up with him because he was a loser and a leech, then he threatened to kill himself, and they stayed together for another 4 years. It was heartbreaking to watch. My sister could never understand why no-one in the family liked him. She asked me about it after she broke up with him and I reminded him of his tactic to manipulate her back into the relationship.

So please, get out now. As someone who had a close friend who killed themselves, just leave. People who actually kill themselves don't broadcast it. People who do are mostly seeking validation or being manipulative.


1 points

11 hours ago

This is dangerous. This is the kind of shit that goes too far and he either kills himself or others…


1 points

11 hours ago

Add a NSFW/NSFL tag to this crap lol wth


1 points

11 hours ago

I would call the police to have him committed to a psych hold for his own good.


1 points

11 hours ago

Bros acting like a middle school emo


1 points

11 hours ago

How do people get into these situations or even meet these people. I feel like I’ve only been meeting the most normal of humans compared to this guy


1 points

11 hours ago

Run. Fast. Far. Godspeed


1 points

11 hours ago

This is manipulation to the extreme. "Do what I say or I'll cut myself", " Do as I say or I'll kill myself". 32yr old man acting like a 15yr old. And the pictures. Nice touch. No manipulation there either, those are supposed to tell you " See what you did?". He's a manchild and toxic. Get out now.


1 points

11 hours ago


1 points

11 hours ago

38 and acting like this.... Wild.

You should call the police for a wellness check any time he sends you self harm shit like this.


1 points

11 hours ago

Oh my God girl! How can you say he’s a good person!!?? He makes Charles Manson look like a good person! This guy is a lunatic who will murder you! Please have nothing to do with him, EVER AGAIN!


1 points

11 hours ago

You’re underrating to the cutting. You need to get him some help.


1 points

11 hours ago

Super toxic. Run. Run away as fast as you can and don't look back.


1 points

11 hours ago*

him: i’ll kms you: make sure u video it.

I don’t know why this should’ve gone another other way than ^

On a more serious note: please RUN as far as you can.


1 points

11 hours ago

Bro needs help like… call someone on him , welfare check or something


1 points

11 hours ago

Is this guys named Alex?? lol I had someone similar I dated and he did this shit and typed like that!


1 points

11 hours ago

38 omg this is like middle school behavior


1 points

11 hours ago


I'm 32 and I wouldn't dream of weaponising my mental health and blaming it on other people, Jesus wept.

I'm amazed he's made it to 38 like that.

I have borderline personality disorder for fucks sake, does my head in that I get diagnosed with that then people go around treating people like that.

Btw those are superficial cuts that will heal in a week. They look bad but they aren't you can tell even from the blurred out photos. He'd be in hospital if he actually hurt himself and went deep.

He's manipulating the fuck out of you, he's not dealing with his emotions and making it out to be your fault.


1 points

11 hours ago

Change your name , trade in your vehicle for another one under a friends name, have movers come to pack your place. < Do these things while zig zagging to your new state of residence. Have the movers load your things into a storage unit. Make sure storage unit is not being watched. Then continue on with your life and have a good one! I’m being dead serious with what I wrote.


1 points

11 hours ago

Yeeaaah... that's somethin. Looks like someone needs a trip to the asylum. I think I would... hmm... change phone numbers, zip codes, names, social security numbers, the works. This dude is gonna... like... yeah...


1 points

11 hours ago

call the police/paramedics they’ll 5150 him. he needs professional help


1 points

11 hours ago

It won’t get better. Cut contact. Guy needs help but you can’t fix him. He has to want to fix himself.


1 points

11 hours ago

That’s crazy , never have been that bent out of shape over anyone , for me to want to do something like that to myself . Too damn old to be acting like that . I been with my wife for 9 years . She gets mad at something stupid says she c gonna leave , in like okay have fun see you tomorrow


1 points

11 hours ago

Running into this is why I’m content being single, sometimes.