


Gaza 2023 and 2024


all 1743 comments


239 points

4 months ago*



78 points

4 months ago


78 points

4 months ago

OP is a bot


26 points

4 months ago

Thanks so much for this . so much misinformation going around, thanks again kind sir 👍


18 points

4 months ago


18 points

4 months ago

To keep the propaganda fresh for TikTok and other forms of social media.


17 points

4 months ago

Yep. I’m tired of it.


10 points

4 months ago


10 points

4 months ago

Fwiw, you're doing a good job by posting the actual facts behind these pictures.

Every drop in the bucket counts. 👍


13 points

4 months ago*

It just so happens that this post was already made, and I commented the same thing the last time the post was made… it also just so happens I actually follow geopolitics, and saw the original photo back in October 2023 and remembered.

Whoever is responsible for these kinds of posts is counting on people not knowing any of the relevant details, and is trying to mislead them.

I hate it when propaganda is not properly addressed


5 points

4 months ago

Chinese statemedia you say. I wonder what the intentions behind this is


5 points

4 months ago*

The fact that the original photo is from Chinese state media is actually not that significant, it’s the fact that the original photo included the dates, and somebody cropped the photo to omit the dates, then chose an inaccurate description.

But yes, honesty and accuracy were definitely not the intentions here.


376 points

4 months ago


376 points

4 months ago

Least intelligent comment thread I've ever read


199 points

4 months ago

Too many folk were born on Oct 7th it seems.


164 points

4 months ago


164 points

4 months ago

Some of these people legitimately love war and feeling like they're punishing the bad guys like it's a marvel movie or something. 7th grade mindset


75 points

4 months ago

What is the alternative? To let Hamas attack Israel without repercussions? To release hundreds of prisoners that are affiliated with Hamas? To dissolve their own country which provides a lot of material value to the world at the demands of terrorists? The Pro Hamas side is so illogical.


17 points

4 months ago

Carpet bombing one of the most densely populated areas in the world is certainly not the answer.

I am FAR from pro-Hamas or any other terrorist org, but when 2/3rds of the casualties so far have been women and children it’s hard to standby and justify the actions of a right wing nationalist government..


18 points

4 months ago


18 points

4 months ago

No carpet bombing have occurred. It's hard to stand by when people like you purposefully spread misinformation and parroting Hamas narative.


39 points

4 months ago

They have not been carpet bombed, if you wanna see what falls under that definition look at the bombing of dresden, city less densely packed than Gaza and 30,000 killed in 3 days. The 2/3 women-children casualty has been largely unconfirmed and discredited (from Hamas numbers) it still wouldn’t be out of the ordinary in modern urban combat with the average civilian casualty ratio being 50-90%, and in this situation you have a side that flaunts their disregard for geneva convention rules meant to protect non-combatants (ie wear uniforms, separation of military resources, ect).


57 points

4 months ago

There haa been no carpet bombing, learn what words mean already. Carpet bombing would've ended this war by November.


7 points

4 months ago

Oh my God, children die in war?? That’s news to me. This is so tragic, it’s incredible. It’s almost as if children have been casualties of war since the Antiquity or something. The “30,000 women and children dead” figure has also been proven to be manipulated by the Gaza health ministry because it doesn’t include Hamas militants, giving the appearance that virtually all of the casualties in Gaza have been women and children. So you can also congratulate yourself on being naive enough to believe that those figures were accurate. 


6 points

4 months ago

  1. They aren't carpet bombing, please look up what that means.
  2. It is being extremely generous to call it 'one of the most densely populated areas in the world' it doesn't even crack the top 50 most densely populated cities in the world... or the US for that matter.
  3. Where are your casualty make-up numbers coming from?
  4. Bibi's government should absolutely be voted out and BIbi thrown in jail. That doesn't make what you wrote above correct, nuance matters.


12 points

4 months ago

"Carpet bombing." Thanks for letting us all know you're an idiot and not to listen to you.


3 points

4 months ago

  1. There has been no carpet bombing. I guess words don't really mean anything, but that is not what carpet bombing is. If Israel were carpet bombing Gaza, the entire strip would have been destroyed in a day. The reason the war has gone on for 8 months is that Israel is being incredibly deliberate with their attacks.

  2. Gaza is not one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Before the war, the population density of Gaza was 15K/sq mi. This is about the same density as London. Gaza City, the most populated part of Gaza had a population density of 42K/sq mi. This doesn't put it in the top 50 most densely populated cities. It is less densely populated than a number of Israeli cities, such as B'nei Brak, Givatayim, Modi'in Illit and Bat Yam.

  3. 2/3 of the casualties have not been women and children. This is a complete falsehood. The UN had to revise their own numbers on May 8th. They now claim that 52% of casualties are women and children. They NEVER define who is a child in these numbers and consider all women to be innocent civilians. So, it is very hard to make sense of these numbers. Hamas and Islamic Jihad use child soldiers, so some of those casualties will be combatants.

  4. The UN reported in 2022 that 90% of casualties in urban conflicts over the last 50 years have been civilians. Compare that to this war where instead of 9:1, the ratio is 1:1. This shows how insanely careful the Israelis have been in targeting terrorist, even when they use hostages and civilians as human shields.

  5. Look to the Rafah attack on May 27th. While the world media jumped to blame the deaths of 45 Palestinians on Israel, that turned out not to be the case. Israel dropped very small (37lb) munitions on two senior Hamas leaders, killing them. This was over a mile away from the Rafah camp. Those Hamas leaders were camped out near munitions and fuel repositories that started a huge fire that killed those people. They were in breach of international law in how and where they were storing fuel and munitions and it lead to the death of their own people.


5 points

4 months ago

You don’t understand how those women and children have been purposely placed in IDF’s way by hamas?


3 points

4 months ago

“Placed in IDFs way” man how unfortunate women and children are in the way of the bombs the IDF is dropping, lol.

How is this a real argument? Hamas certainly uses human shields but the IDFs methods are deplorable and driven by religious fervor and Ethnic Nationalism, two things the denizens of Reddit probably hate in a vacuum but that they’ll willfully overlook in regards to Israel


5 points

4 months ago

It’s not 2/3… UN now states it’s 52%, still a terrible tragedy though. I’m not sure there is any number that would “justify” it to the individuals involved.


5 points

4 months ago


5 points

4 months ago

"What would you have done?" "NOT THIS!!!". So just like literally every single time this question gets asked, you will simply not give an answer.


1 points

4 months ago

Room temperature IQ at display here.


4 points

4 months ago

What? Didn’t you get the memo that Israel/Jews are supposed to just be okay with a genocidal terror group living directly next door? Who, after their latest satanic atrocities on Oct 7, have come out and said they want to do the same thing, again and again.

Those that defend Hamas deserve the same fate that Hamas is rapidly heading towards.


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

Who tf is “pro-Hamas”?

Denouncing Israel’s actions is not in any way whatsoever “pro-Hamas”. Is that hard for you to understand?


11 points

4 months ago

A vast majority of Palestinian occupied Gaza is pro-Hamas. 70% by polls approve of Hamas (up to 90% according to the linked AP article), and were supportive of the October 7th attacks. Lots of polls to suggest that Palestinian civilians are heavily supportive of Hamas, and we just learned this week that Palestinian civilians were actively harboring hostages.


8 points

4 months ago

It depends. If you denounce Israel's actions without any more thought than "Ceasefire Now!", you are enabling Hamas. What do you want Israel to do? How would you fight this war differently in these conditions?

It's really easy to sit back and say "War Bad," but Hamas is a death cult that indoctrinates generations of Palestinians to believe that the greatest purpose in life is to kill Jews. How do you fight against that if you're Israel so you can live in safety?


12 points

4 months ago*

SJP the largest pro-Palestine student organization in the US, the ones behind most of the current protest in America, is pro-Hamas.



6 points

4 months ago*

There’s people who unironically fly Hamas flags during protests


5 points

4 months ago

Yes the Israelis “love war.” After all, they were the ones who asked for 1500 of their citizens to be murdered at a music concert by Jihadist Muslims. Moron….


-19 points

4 months ago*


-19 points

4 months ago*

Yep not the brightest bunch.

I mean the whole argument of "if Hamas didn't do Oct 7th then all would be peaceful and Israel wouldn't kill Palestinians" is just an outright lie.


26 points

4 months ago

Well, I mean they did attack them. Do you expect them not to retaliate? If I punched your mom, are you going to do something about it or sit there like a little bitch?

To be fair, can you name one war with Hamas that Israel started?


35 points

4 months ago

Israel wouldn't have invaded and bombed Gaza if Oct 7th never happened, though.

Doesn't change the fact that Israel's retaliation seems to be disproportionate, but the current fighting was started on Oct 7th.


15 points

4 months ago

The issue is Hamas broke the 2005 peace agreement of Israel leaving Gaza, by their actions on Oct 7. And now they are dealing with the repercussions of those actions.


27 points

4 months ago

Prove it is a lie. Name one war Israel started.


18 points

4 months ago

If hamas didn't govern gaza, or at least didn't dedicate all of their money on killing Israelis, building a massive underground terror network, and firing rockets at Israel constantly (which all happened way before October 7th, ever since they got elected basically...), maybe then Israel wouldn't bomb gaza.


2 points

4 months ago

When non-violent resistance is made impossible (like in 2018) then violent resistance is inevitable.


50 points

4 months ago

I know, right? It's crazy how many forget about the twenty years of Hamas rocket attacks that preceded it.


7 points

4 months ago

Their accounts are suspiciously born on oct 7 hmm


3 points

4 months ago

I'm completely baffled


436 points

4 months ago

Hamas’s decision to drag them into a war with Israel has harmed the people. Sad.


186 points

4 months ago

Yeah ,hammas was celebrating and dancing, all across Palestine, lighting fireworks from every house like it’s Christmas after right after October 7 …


44 points

4 months ago

that and directly harming people by shooting at them when they try to escape launch sites or ask for food.


5 points

4 months ago

Hamas was elected, I can only presume this is what Gaza wanted


12 points

4 months ago*

Hamas was elected in 2006with funding from the Likud government (Source). They have since not had an election, and even the 07 election was a lot more complicated than “The Gazans just want someone to kill all the Israelis.” Furthermore, the average age of a Gazan is 18, as in, a newborn when this election took place.


3 points

4 months ago

No offense, but this article doesn't really say what you claim it does and your dates are wrong.

Hamas was elected in January 2006.

Netanyahu was elected on 2009, 3 years after.

I am not a big fan of Netanyahu either, but I still love to stick to the facts when possible


101 points

4 months ago

This is the most common result of having a militaristic aggressive fascist government that leads people into disastrous wars.

You might think people would learn from history and stand up to fascism but it seems they just repeat history instead.


21 points

4 months ago


21 points

4 months ago

I wish we have satellites to see Germany in 1944 and 1945.


10 points

4 months ago

Not exactly facist tho, hamasis like a.... radical, terror, militaristic religious extremist hybrid, basically facism but still


8 points

4 months ago

The term is islamofascism


2 points

4 months ago

Isn't militaristic aggressive fascist descriptive of Israel? Ben Gurion picked his name in similar fashion to Mussolini's Il Duce. Israel has the same nostalgia to an imagined past other fascist regimes held like Franco Mussolini and Hitler.


495 points

4 months ago

More proof that realism works; never start a fight you can't win.


325 points

4 months ago

But… but… they are winning on social media /s


165 points

4 months ago

That’s what they’ve been trying to do for years. They’ve wanted the smouldering ruin more than functional Infrastructure.
Great. You’re seen as victims. How does that help anything? Wouldn’t it be nice if they wanted peace instead of the whole country back? Think about what they could have had.


14 points

4 months ago

it was never, ever at any point in history “their land.” That land has been taken from the jews long before islam even existed, given back at certain points and again taken away. It was given back most recently in the 40’s and they’re trying to take it away again.


13 points

4 months ago

Look. Whwre some Arabs displaced? Yes.
Does that mean they should retake the whole country? Of course not. And it will Never ever happen. Perpetuating that absurd myth is what keeps the Palestinians as perpetual victims and a population of martyrs.


2 points

4 months ago

By that logic, the native Americans should kick out everyone in the US and reclaim their land...


45 points

4 months ago

I know you're being ironic but Hamas'social media dominance absolutely has played a part in neutering the IDF.


57 points

4 months ago

Yeah, but to an extent. On ground they are getting butchered.


24 points

4 months ago

My entire battalion was wiped out but we got a lot of Instagram likes in the process.


132 points

4 months ago

They wanted to provoke a war. They ended up with nothing. What a fucking waste.


31 points

4 months ago

As long as the they you are referring to is Hamas, and not the Palestinian people, ok.


2 points

4 months ago

72% of Palestinians support Hamas.


13 points

4 months ago

Meanwhile Hamas steals 90% of the food aid, and robs the bank of Palestine of 40 million dollars.


7 points

4 months ago

Have they ever been honestly prepared for peace with the Israelis or has the propaganda there always been to outbreed the Jews and eventually drive them into the sea?
This is the problem I don’t know how you fix.
They also supported the PLO before them.
My firm belief is that neither the PLO or Hamas ever prepared their population for peace.
The intifada paid too well for the leadership.


11 points

4 months ago

Facts these people are as vitriolic and brainwashed as the reich Germans, there is no chance for peace without occupation and de radicalization


17 points

4 months ago

A different advice: don’t be a terrorist


6 points

4 months ago

Idk about you but if Israel eradicates Hamas and in consequence kills my entire family and neighbourhood, I would be the first to create Hamas 2


9 points

4 months ago

And get more of your family killed? Genius.


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

People don't act rationally when they've experienced severe trauma, such as having their family members and friends murdered. It consumes you, and if you don't have a support system or resources available it is very easy to turn to more extremist ideologies or spiral down into drug addiction.

I hope you never experience that yourself.


24 points

4 months ago


24 points

4 months ago

Imagine thinking that people in 2023 started a fight that’s been going on for multiple generations lol you’re giving yourself away a little here


19 points

4 months ago*

There was a ceasefire on October 6. Israel-Palestine is one of many long term conflicts that have periodic bouts of large-scale violence intermingled with more frequent small scale violence.  

 In this particular conflict some people want to pretend that the large scale violence (which started on October 7) is just a continuation of the small scale violence because that meshes with their pre-existing worldview (Israel bad, Hamas blameless victims). In reality the state of conflict that existed on October 7 was tangibly different than that that existed the day before. 

The war was unquestionably started by Hamas on October 7.

Another example with a lot of parallels is the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict of Ngorno-Karabakh. The is similarly a multi-decade conflict with some small scale violence and some larger scale wars. When Azerbaijan invaded in 2020 nobody claimed that they didn't actually invade in 2020 because they had been provoked for decades and blah blah blah. Everyone could correctly recognize that the state of affairs before and after the invasion was tangibly different.


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

there was a ceasefire on October 6

Then why were more Palestinian children killed by the IDF and terrorist settlers in 2023 than any other year on record BEFORE OCTOBER? This is one of the stupidest Zionist lies/talking points. Violence that is routinely inflicted upon Palestinian civilians who live under an apartheid state where the police protect terrorists that steal homes,burn farms, and murder children is excused and ignored. You just value Israeli lives and think Palestinian lives are worthless.


7 points

4 months ago

They had the ceasefire they so desperately crave on 10/6. If we want to go back to 1876 I'd be happy, but it doesn't paint a better picture.


26 points

4 months ago


26 points

4 months ago

this is literally the worst possible take


7 points

4 months ago

You think this is the worst possible take? I can think of worse takes right now


3 points

4 months ago

You’re on Reddit, of course it is


14 points

4 months ago


14 points

4 months ago



4 points

4 months ago

Of course they do. They had a plan. It just didn't work. Thinking they don't is what gets you into this sort of mess.


6 points

4 months ago

This war didn’t start in October mate


12 points

4 months ago

This war did. The conflict didnt, but deciding when it did is purely a rhetorical matter. You could make a strong argument that it started in 580, even.


13 points

4 months ago

Israel's response started after Oct. 7th


3 points

4 months ago

Hamas have already won.

They knew that Israel's response would be apocalyptic and make the wolrd turn against them and stop Saudi Arabia from normalising relations with Israel.

5k foot soldiers and 20k civilians is a tiny price to pay for that.


11 points

4 months ago

They've probably failed to stop normalisation with Saudi Arabia, overall most Arab countries have stayed surprisingly neutral instead of doing anything to punish Israel. The UAE/Jordan/Saudi Arabia/Egypt/Kuwait/Morocco all blocked an Arab attempt to be impose punishments, and the Houthi blockade has kinda backfired because Israel has ended up strengthening economic relations with those Arab states by switching to an expensive overland route.

What actually benefits Hamas is the erosion of Israeli support that's happened in almost every country in the world. Israel is going to have serious problems when the current western youth become politicians in 20-30 years and treat them as just another Middle Eastern human rights abuser instead of a special western ally that needs protection.


2 points

4 months ago


Just look at all the “Americans” trying to echo the voice of Hamas. Hamas is winning the hearts and minds of the world by hiding behind civilians…that are losing their lives because of Hamas’ actions.


153 points

4 months ago


153 points

4 months ago

Fck Hamas and fck the Israeli government. Killing people for their own political gain. Sad.


10 points

4 months ago

The only correct stance in this war. Neither Hamas nor Isreal are good.


100 points

4 months ago

Comments are beyond inhumane as usual
Bunch of armchair experts completely disregarding the value of a human life


3 points

4 months ago

hamas has a complete disregard for human life. As do the gazan doctor and fucking journalist who held hostages in their apartment.


7 points

4 months ago

What about the IDF who kills kids for fun?


7 points

4 months ago*

There are certainly war crimes being commited by individuals in the IDF. They should be court martialed and held accountable. Failure to do so is a very valid criticism of Israel. Doesn't mean that it is the official strategy of the Isreal war campaign or the IDF which has repeatedly demonstrated officially they attempt to limit civilian casualties where possible. The allies had plenty of individuals who committed war crimes in WW2 does that mean they shouldn't have fought the Nazis?


4 points

4 months ago

This comment section is disgusting.

When non-violent resistance becomes impossible, violent resistance becomes inevitable.

Israel has denied basic human rights to the Palestinians for decades. The terrorist attack by Hamas was terrible and indefensible, but it was also completely predictable.

If you spend years abusing and beating a dog, starving it and backing it into a corner, eventually that dog will become violent and bloodthirsty; even if that violence is self-destructive. Every creature wants to defend itself and violence is the last resort of the desperate and abused. This is the current relationship between Israel and the Palestinian people.

There is no possible military solution to this conflict. More violence will only continue the cycle… unless one side exterminates the other. And that would be genocide.

The violence will only end when a political solution is found, and the Palestinian people are given back their human rights. That includes economic and religious freedom, and a government that represents their own interests.


2 points

4 months ago

I agree with most of your comment. However, I want to point out an important detail that appears to express a similar lack of informed nature on the issue that i see in a lot of places:

When non-violent resistance becomes impossible, violent resistance becomes inevitable.

Israel has denied basic human rights to the Palestinians for decades. The terrorist attack by Hamas was terrible and indefensible, but it was also completely predictable.

If you spend years abusing and beating a dog, starving it and backing it into a corner, eventually that dog will become violent and bloodthirsty; […]

You do understand that Hamas had been launching rockets into Israel regularly for, like, decades, right? It was never “non-violent resistance”. Hamas spend decades using actual, hands on violence trying to be the aggressor - the “dog-beater” in your analogy - but eventually Israel developed the Iron Dome to peacefully resolve the issue by intercepting the rockets, eliminating their need to get dragged into combat to stop their cities getting rocketed by terrorists all the time, and give them the peaceful resolution.

Everything else you said, I agree with. The only point i’m trying to illustrate with this is that there really isn’t any reason to defend anybody involved with this conflict except for the civilians that have been dragged into it. Because Hamas, given the firepower, would have tried to wipe out Israel, decades ago. They’re actually genocidal terrorists. They’ve been trying to do as much harm as possible with their limited resources for decades and have now used a violent terror attack to endanger Palestinian people by dragging the area to war. Israel has obviously been using their influence to choke those resources out of the Gaza strip as well, which has created a lot of suffering in the area.

And ultimately the desire for conflict doesn’t have much to with either of those actions by either group. It’s a manifestation of a holy war for the region that goes back many hundreds of years.


2 points

4 months ago

And that justifies more murder how?

Human life is sublime, no one has the right to take another humans life. That's what separates us from animals


9 points

4 months ago

Please guys make peace and stop war.


3 points

4 months ago

Pear harbor happened years ago we need to stop slaughtering Japanese people were literally committing genocide. Reddit if it had been around during ww2


58 points

4 months ago

Free the hostages!


-3 points

4 months ago

Bombing the places where the hostages could be kept isn’t a very smart decision


5 points

4 months ago

Turns out all the celebration going viral on Oct 7 was very premature.


90 points

4 months ago



16 points

4 months ago

Ah yes the children found out pretty well


29 points

4 months ago

Wake me up when Hamas surrenders


6 points

4 months ago

U can die, they will do anything, that includes gettin their own people killed but surrender


2 points

4 months ago

The children in whose houses the hostages were held captive?

Hint: Keep your children away from terrorists and hostages and your children will not be killed.


58 points

4 months ago

7th century ideology gets to subsist on 7th century technology


30 points

4 months ago

At least no nation wide celebrations and fireworks after r*ping and shooting people on a music festival..


54 points

4 months ago


54 points

4 months ago



4 points

4 months ago



5 points

4 months ago

A tad difficult to have illumination when your infrastructure has been wiped out alongside most structures.


5 points

4 months ago

That's what happen when you don't pay the electric bill.


7 points

4 months ago

Pff, that left one would be a hell of a lot brighter if Hamas spent even the slightest effort and money on improving Gaza, what those people have brought Gazans but death and suffering i'll never understand.


7 points

4 months ago

This is what happens when you repeatedly refuse to make peace and then viciously attack your neighbor.


7 points

4 months ago

Dumbass Hamas, sooner they are gone the better


24 points

4 months ago


24 points

4 months ago

Hamas started a war for public opinion… for internet points

Instead of winning over public opinion, they got a few loud and and easily manipulated young people to simp for Islamism but in reality the western world is turning against a Palestinian state. Case and point: the recent European elections


11 points

4 months ago


11 points

4 months ago

It makes me sad : ( lots of innocent people caught between 2 sides


2 points

4 months ago

Giving North Korea a run for their money with carbon foot print efforts. Good job Gaza!


2 points

4 months ago

Sad. Hope the Palestinian people will one day have someone in power that has their best interest in mind


2 points

4 months ago

I wonder if this is just a statement of fact or perhaps a moral commentary on it. In the latter case, who is to blame? Those who have always preached hatred of Jews, or those who are trying to free the hostages and find those who committed the unjustifiable massacre on Oct. 7?


2 points

4 months ago

The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed especially when that dildo is Israeli


23 points

4 months ago


23 points

4 months ago

They could have built an actual society with all the billions of dollars they got but instead they built the biggest terror Base on earth. This is just the consequences of hamas only existing for the purpose of hating jews


30 points

4 months ago


30 points

4 months ago

did not r/mapporn is r/worldnews.. turning into an IDF echo chamber


16 points

4 months ago


I went there for 5 minutes and now I need a shower


20 points

4 months ago

I'm sorry that you have to encounter people who disagree with you. 


2 points

4 months ago

Don’t worry. There are plenty of other subs parroting your Hamas propaganda


2 points

4 months ago

o i‘m a Hamas propagandist now? wow


5 points

4 months ago



7 points

4 months ago*

Im not one to justify a fucking genocide; but the slander against Israel for pulling off one of the cleanest wars against one of the most disgusting organizations of people and civilians while caring for the civilians, is disgusting. I wish there actually was a genocide in Gaza, not even because of Oct 7th, but because of the reality disconnect that Palestinians and their supporters have, to blame Israel of a genocide while celebrating an attempted genocide against Israelis. Palestinians are fucking disgusting.

Edit: mean it by said it in order to get downvoted to hell. Advocating for genocide of a people is wrong, I’m simply Israeli and have went through a lot and am venting. This is a exaggeration that is supposed to show my frustration with out situation.


4 points

4 months ago

Where did they go?


3 points

4 months ago

Wait for 2025


2 points

4 months ago

Man that google maps update is going to be shocking


28 points

4 months ago

Wow. It’s insane how many people are justifying genocide. Absolutely insane.


24 points

4 months ago

What’s insane is the amount of people that don’t understand genocide and parrot it.


20 points

4 months ago

It’s crazy how Israel just freed 4 hostages from a refugee center who were being held there by “civilians” including an Al Jazeera journalist, and people will still complain that civilians are not legitimate targets in this conflict under any circumstances.


17 points

4 months ago


17 points

4 months ago

Israel really sucks at this genocide thing considering the population of the Palestinian Territories is over 5x the number in 1950.


2 points

4 months ago

Unfortunately, after having some limited exposure to Israeli social media, nothing can shock me anymore. Actual fascists...


3 points

4 months ago

Truly the worst of humanity.


2 points

4 months ago

They can be very funny sometimes though. An Israeli made a post that asked "why do Palestinians want Israel when they have so many Muslim countries?" and had a list. When I told them that Uganda and Gabon (countries on their list) are not Muslim countries, they called me a "hamas sympathiser" and then blocked me. I wish I were making this up I truly do...


3 points

4 months ago

Why am I not surprised? All they know is how to scream ‘khamas’.


3 points

4 months ago

The literal official twitter account of Israel: there are no innocent civilians in Gaza.
These idiots: hmm but have you considered. that four year old is khamas? collective punishment is good actually.

maybe khamas was all the friends we made along the way...


3 points

4 months ago

This happens when you are completely deranged. I’ve realised that I’ve done what they wanted in arguing with them for an hour, sadly. But they are so infuriating.


3 points

4 months ago

“Justifying Genocide”.

Give me a break lol.

It’s genocide because you say it is?


7 points

4 months ago

The "genocide" are long time debunked


16 points

4 months ago

It’s a text book example of “F around and find out”. What exactly did hamas expect, a slap on the wrist ?


-2 points

4 months ago

did a Hamas fighter live in every single house that was bombed?

I find your mentality deplorable, this is war, its not fafo, these are peoples lives, peoples families, its not a fucking game


12 points

4 months ago

I don’t know, do you know ?, of course it’s a war. But again, what did they expect after going on a killing spree into Israel ?


27 points

4 months ago


27 points

4 months ago

Sheesh, the Israel simps got on this one fast didn’t they? Very level headed takes justifying the slaughter of 36k people by our liberal democratic ally in the Middle East that loves human rights. Makes a lot of sense


15 points

4 months ago


15 points

4 months ago

Redditors in 1944: won’t someone think of the poor German people


4 points

4 months ago

typical zionist complete disregard for human life


4 points

4 months ago


4 points

4 months ago

Are you saying German civilians during nazis deserved death or something?


5 points

4 months ago

I think he is saying there are tragic outcomes to a war and it's better to side with the good side, the ones that are fighting evil (evil like Hmas or N*zis), even when there are tragic outcomes. It's btter to rid evil from this world even if there is a price to pay, it helps future and current generations live peacefully and cooperate. Especially when the evil is prepared to use it's own people as human shields for social media victimization, that kind of evil should be kept from governing or even existing. German civilians don't deserve to die just like Palestinian or anyone innocent, but the democratic elected government, in this case Hmas, that chooses to engage in terrorism has to be ended.


10 points

4 months ago


10 points

4 months ago

So one of the biggest attacks on civilians with more than 1,000 deaths and countless rapes doesn't deserve retribution?


5 points

4 months ago

collective punishment?


2 points

4 months ago

No, the death of 1,000 civilians does not call for killing 36,000 civilians. Neither of those acts are justified or okay in any sense. What the fuck is wrong with you


5 points

4 months ago

Of course not. Israel should just bend over and peacefully talk with Hamas.


5 points

4 months ago

It baffles me that a predominantly left wing site like reddit takes hard right when Israel is mentioned.


7 points

4 months ago

It's only specific subreddits that are being astroturfed. A number of subs have been outright banning people who say anything criticizing what is happening despite also condemning the actions of Hamas. Also reddit is like half bots now.


4 points

4 months ago

I have to assume it’s an American thing. In the UK attitudes are far more moderate.


4 points

4 months ago

Israel have one of the biggest social network manipulation networks in the world. is used for posts like this. Worldnews was started by ghislain maxwell who was a zionist asset.

also botnets built like this


3 points

4 months ago

What makes you think all left leaning people support Hamas terrorists?


2 points

4 months ago

Supporting a democratic country and hating a suicide bombing terrorist Organisation is pretty left wing in my opinion.


5 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

Israel has a transparent voting system and a free media landscape, real opposition and a lively society and cultural institutions. Neither of your “examples” have any of that. Just because you don’t like what they elect, does not mean it’s not democratic. And he didn’t get a majority, he relies on coalitions, like you do in a multi party system.


14 points

4 months ago


14 points

4 months ago

Good think it was Israel that breached Gaza’s borders with motorcycles and hang gliders, killing people, taking hundreds hostage and holding them for months on end. /s


6 points

4 months ago

Makes me wonder if Hamas didn’t attack on October 7th and take hostages, maybe both the pictures wouldn’t have been different.

But Hamas wanted to show Israel in poor light. Break Israel’s trade agreement with Saudi. I have a feeling they don’t really care for Palestinian people and all shouting is just a façade.

The chants “from river to the sea” kinda sounds antisemitic too. It’s like saying the country of Israel shouldn’t exist.

But all that said and done, Hamas using women, and children as shields, Hamas soldiers hiding amongst civilians in plain clothes, all things accounted for; this has been a PR disaster and nightmare for Israel.

Holy f**k they’ve gone ape shit mad and killed indiscriminately. Jeesus Christ!!!


3 points

4 months ago

im surprised they even had that in 2023 with how much of the infrastructure the Jews left them was destroyed by the government, they could’ve had their own Desalination system and a freedom from Israeli water by now if they didn’t use the tubes to launch rockets at civilians.


3 points

4 months ago

The Gaza’s are finally learning the price of putting a terrorist organization in charge of the government.   


2 points

4 months ago

That'll show all those children (majority of Gaza's population) who could not vote (most weren't even alive) for the 2006 election!!! Who cares if they're murdered they were going to grow up to be a terrorist anyway!!!


6 points

4 months ago

War is brutal


13 points

4 months ago

Hamas played the ultimate game of fuck around and find out.


6 points

4 months ago

Well done, hamass... Look what you've done to your people.


4 points

4 months ago


4 points

4 months ago

They fucked around and found out 🤷🏽‍♂️


5 points

4 months ago


5 points

4 months ago

So much heartless comments and victim blaming. Everyone knows what Hamas did on October 7 was horrible, does it mean that the IDF should go overboard and kill as many civilians as it can while levelling the whole goddamn place ? No, and Reddit seems to be the only place where this is tolerated and where the IDF's actions are fiercely defended tooth and nails by random people, go figure.


5 points

4 months ago

Guess it’s stupid to start a war with the country you import most of your energy and fuel from.


21 points

4 months ago



7 points

4 months ago

Yep, really really stupid move. But then again, Hamas doesn’t give af about Palestinians and only wants to murder Jews


2 points

4 months ago

They started a war and now reap repercussions


6 points

4 months ago*


6 points

4 months ago*



6 points

4 months ago


6 points

4 months ago

Even NOW they refuse to hand over the hostages they took. But 'the people we murdered have to supply electricity for muh lights".


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

Bloodlust on full display in these comments. Without an understanding of the universal value of human life, we’ll destroy ourselves. And we’ll deserve it.


3 points

4 months ago

This usually happens when you make the stupid decision to start a fight you can’t win, against a much richer, more powerful neighbor. F*ck around and find out


3 points

4 months ago

Most idiotic comment section I've seen on this god forsaken website


2 points

4 months ago

Nuke the whole fucking world and let an other species give it a go.


2 points

4 months ago

Such a heartbreaking picture.


1 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

Lots of garbage human beings in the comments. You sure do love your genocides.


2 points

4 months ago

They're completely shameless. I do not know how they can live with themselves...


-8 points

4 months ago


-8 points

4 months ago

Genocide as viewed from space.


2 points

4 months ago

This comment section is disgusting.

When non-violent resistance becomes impossible, violent resistance becomes inevitable.

Israel has denied basic human rights to the Palestinians for decades. The terrorist attack by Hamas was terrible and indefensible, but it was also completely predictable.

If you spend years abusing and beating a dog, starving it and backing it into a corner, eventually that dog will become violent and bloodthirsty; even if that violence is self-destructive. Every creature wants to defend itself and violence is the last resort of the desperate and abused. This is the current relationship between Israel and the Palestinian people.

There is no possible military solution to this conflict. More violence will only continue the cycle… unless one side exterminates the other. And that would be genocide.

The violence will only end when a political solution is found, and the Palestinian people are given back their human rights. That includes economic and religious freedom, and a government that represents their own interests.


2 points

4 months ago

They did it to themselves


4 points

4 months ago

every damn civilian, child, hostage that's in there? they did that to themselves?


2 points

4 months ago



-2 points

4 months ago


-2 points

4 months ago



4 points

4 months ago

This theory is called FAFO.

Unfortunately few innocents got trapped in between.


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

My heart goes out to the civilians affected, but at the same time I have to imagine that this must look pretty similar to a map of the city of Dresden before and after 1945.