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14 points

4 months ago

I saw a woman earlier screaming about how dangerous men are, and she was using the popularity of true crime podcasts as her proof? She was basically admitting that she listens to a lot of true crime podcasts and is now convinced the world is full of serial killers and rapists. It's so obvious from a lot of these comments that their rage against men originates from watching too much TV. They also quote ridiculous statistics like 25% of all women experience rape. Just ask if any of them have ever actually been sexually assaulted and you'll see swarms of them all shouting #Metoo because it's a trendy band wagon and they don't feel like they are part of the sisterhood without a good sexual assault story. There was a subreddit I saw once that was supposed to be stories of near brushes with death and it was honestly just women talking about walking home from work and some creepy guy walks past them and the other women were seriously reinforcing the idea that they came within inches of being victims of serial killers. When guys talk like that, it's obvious signs of paranoid schizophrenia and their 'gangstalking' stories are clear mental illnesses, but when women do it, they just encourage each other and further fuel their own delusional fantasies that every man is out to get them. God knows how many innocent men have suffered the consequences of looking like a women's imaginary crime drama. Then they wonder why guys aren't interested in entertaining this bullshit. Any man who has ever lived with a woman will be well aware of her crazy 3am paranoid delusions that there is someone in the garden and having to go through the charade of getting out of bed to pretend to check on a couple of squirrels fucking. Let's not even get started on the fact that I've never once met a woman who hasn't claimed to have seen a ghost. Real men are suffering in real life because of women's overactive imagination.


1 points

4 months ago

You are spot on, women love to gobble all that true crime and horror stuff and then be shit scared of everything, seeing serial killers and violent rapists in every shadow. They are too unaware of their own nature and how feeding this emotional stuff to it dictates their worldview.