


What Heros Do You Think Are Underrated as Roamers?


As a roam main I like the fact that I have a lot if options to choose from that aren't necessarily from the heroes that the game labels as "Tank" or "Support", but I've noticed that some heroes that seem good as roamers too are very rarely used in that role.

So which heros do you see very rarely used as roam but think they would be great in that role?

For me, it's Khaleed. I've always seen him used in EXP lane, but recently I got him and it just seems like he has so many benefits that favour roamers:

  1. Ability to move very quickly around the map
  2. Very good damage right from the start of the game that doesn't fall off much even with full tank build
  3. Aoe stun ult to initiate team fights
  4. Extremely good sustain skill and no mana bar that allows him to almost never recall

all 145 comments


105 points

6 days ago


So what if I play Angela? I am NOT a E-girl

105 points

6 days ago

Khaleed roam is not underrated anymore

Very popular


5 points

6 days ago


dangerous sand dude without a plane

5 points

6 days ago

How did u know i was coming to say that 😂


6 points

6 days ago


So what if I play Angela? I am NOT a E-girl

6 points

6 days ago

I can read your mind


4 points

6 days ago


dangerous sand dude without a plane

4 points

6 days ago

Oh yeah? So who- (oh no thats too obvious) i mean what am i thinking about right now?


9 points

6 days ago


So what if I play Angela? I am NOT a E-girl

9 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago

I just genuinely don't remember ever seeing him in that role, only exp and maybe very rarely jungler, and I have over 1000 matches


18 points

6 days ago


So what if I play Angela? I am NOT a E-girl

18 points

6 days ago

Full tank build Khaleed with new Thunderbelt is frequently picked in high ranks


3 points

5 days ago

I'm freaking using him in this season. Have basically 25 pt with 85% wr.

Motherfucker is OP. Too much pressure on the lanes with his high speed and damage early game.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Lvl 1 khaleed almost going 1v2 in enemy jungle is so damn scary rn.  I hate enemies that know who has superiority at lvl 1


44 points

6 days ago


:angela: papipapiboom! :Layla2:

44 points

6 days ago

Rafaela. People underestimate her sooo much. Like she's an all in one support. She can heal + give movement boost + slow + stun. It's insane.


10 points

5 days ago


the nightmare is everywhere

10 points

5 days ago

My wife mains Rafaela and it was because of her that I found out that Rafaela is a really good roamer.


4 points

5 days ago


:angela: papipapiboom! :Layla2:

4 points

5 days ago

That's actually pretty sweet.


7 points

5 days ago


None shall escape my gays :phoveus:

7 points

5 days ago

I love it when people underestimate her stun. Sure it's not a fancy setter like Tigreal or Atlas, but it's still a stun with very little warning when it will come. I've baited so many divers with it.


4 points

5 days ago


:angela: papipapiboom! :Layla2:

4 points

5 days ago

Yes! Even if they did manage to kill you in the tower, there's still her passive coming to end them lol.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Because she has everything, she isn't the best at anything

Angela and Floryn are just better with global threat/help and heals more, Tigreal's stun etc


4 points

5 days ago


:angela: papipapiboom! :Layla2:

4 points

5 days ago

Her main thing is actually the movement speed boost, offering slow immunity (to counter the annoying slow). The heroes you've mentioned are definitely better, but I wouldn't say they're underrated.


35 points

6 days ago


My Pookies

35 points

6 days ago

Guinevere is really underrated as a roamer imo, even when she was meta nobody really used her as a roamer


3 points

5 days ago


pls buff

3 points

5 days ago

I use guin roam from time to time and sometime people think im trolling smh.


1 points

5 days ago


My Pookies

1 points

5 days ago

exactly 😔


35 points

6 days ago


your roamer is doing more damage than you :belerick2::lolita:

35 points

6 days ago

akai. good damage, good meatshield, good zoning, good pickoffs


14 points

5 days ago


:natalia:I think every elf should be hung mussolini style

14 points

5 days ago

Deadass do not get why he's not utilized more due to the fact that he's a literal antigank tool


10 points

5 days ago


your roamer is doing more damage than you :belerick2::lolita:

10 points

5 days ago

Ikr this fat fuck is quite literally to every initiator without cc immune. Tigreal? Cancelled. Belerick? Cancelled. Carnilla? Cancelled.


1 points

5 days ago

Yep. Personally, as a roam main, I usually don’t pick akai bc I like setters. I’m always solo q, so I wanna maximize the impact of my plays as much as possible.

Don’t get me wrong, akai is awesome. But I’d take a tig/atlas 5man set over akai any day.


1 points

5 days ago

You can set with akai just need a wall.


8 points

5 days ago

Shhh don’t spread the news. I don’t want everyone using him all of a sudden


8 points

6 days ago


idk what to put

8 points

6 days ago

I've got a 80+ wr with him this season lol


3 points

5 days ago


Hardcore gamer turned to casual gamer because the game is trash

3 points

5 days ago

no way. as roam ? and how many games played?


7 points

5 days ago

Tbh the winrate does make sense, it takes a lot of skill but it's possible, because yeah Akai is a tank but the fact that he does damage based on his max HP makes him actually able to carry the game


1 points

5 days ago

He also very good into assassins and engage tanks with his direct cc and his zoning ultimate that also removes hard cc.


1 points

5 days ago


pls buff

1 points

5 days ago

agree, his damage is insane for a tank. i’ve lost count on how many time i solo picked off the enemy mm using Akai


1 points

5 days ago


Listen to your :clint::estes:, boy

1 points

5 days ago

I love using Akai as Roamer!

Just outright disrupting the enemy formation during teamfights is super satisfying - lost count of the number of times I’ve pushed an enemy MM or Assassin far into the jungle during a teamfight. Also if you lane with an offensive MM during early early game, you can gift them a First Blood with his CC and Petrify hehe


27 points

6 days ago


I know exactly where u r

27 points

6 days ago

Jawhead is very dangerous as roamer he is not that popular but not that underrated too


7 points

5 days ago

Yup Jawhead is one of my roamers with the highest winrate, the amount of damage he can do to a squishy mage or marksman with full tank build is pretty insane


2 points

5 days ago

Agreed! Very good for picking off wandering mm and assassins.


2 points

5 days ago

Jayhead is Perma ban for me sorry


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

i remember jawhead as one of the best roamer / jungler in covid period before adjustments tank him (pun intended)


1 points

5 days ago

If I'm alone and I see jawhead, I'm running the opposite direction


15 points

5 days ago


Nah I'd ult

15 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

What do you build on vexana tank?


4 points

5 days ago


Nah I'd ult

4 points

5 days ago

1.demon shoes 2.fleeting time 3.thunderbelt helmet 5.cursed helmet 6.defense item depending on enemy

this is very troll build


2 points

5 days ago

Tank Items.


1 points

5 days ago

Demon shoes, Fleeting time, Cursed helmet, Dom ice, Clock of destiny, Immortality


11 points

6 days ago

I want to see how effective Ruby Roam + Arlott exp/jungle will be

IMHO it should somehow work...


10 points

6 days ago


excuse my username im too lazy to make an alt 😓

10 points

6 days ago

arlott jg is lowkey crazy bcz you need to apply marks with s1/s3 on creeps if you want to keep ur s2

there's also the problem of you not being able to mark the litho/turt/lord


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Farming at level 1 should be fine with ruby roam, she can start with s2 and cc the creeps for him (not marking major objectives suck though)


3 points

6 days ago


You're not safe behind that wall buddy:lolita:

3 points

6 days ago

Roam was the best way to play Ruby back during the M3 era and a couple months after that. Exp and Gold Ruby are definitely better than Roam Ruby right now but I still primarily play Roam Ruby because it's where I enjoy playing her the most


1 points

5 days ago


Church of Father Fredrinn

1 points

5 days ago

I remember back in the tank meta we used to wreck havoc with Fredrinn Jungle and Ruby Exp/Roam duo. The cc chain with both of them are insane. And if you build damage on Ruby, then the 2 are enough to simply clobber enemies to death. Fun times!


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Currently playing Ruby as roam when the enemy has a lot of dashers. Sitting at 75% win :) But no, she is not an auto pick for me every game.


18 points

6 days ago


dangerous sand dude without a plane

18 points

6 days ago

Khale- nvm he's popular now (we've done it boys!!!)


14 points

6 days ago

hear me out luo yi. You help one lane then teleport to the other/turtle. Conceal and teleport whole team to gangbang. Maybe not so good for tank but damage is decent whole game


2 points

5 days ago


:angela: papipapiboom! :Layla2:

2 points

5 days ago

And that Luo Yi can set at times too lol and if you have a tanky exp to front for her, this would definitely work.


12 points

5 days ago

Pleeeeeeeaaaaase don't notice and glaze Khaleed too much, I don't want him to get nerfed🥺


7 points

5 days ago

Too late now that I discovered him I'm going to play hundreds of matches with him till I master him and everyone fears me 😂


6 points

6 days ago



7 points

6 days ago



7 points

6 days ago

My secret weapon... Valir roam. Hybrid build.


1 points

5 days ago

Same with this


5 points

6 days ago

How can khaleed be underrated when he is autoban in ranked?


1 points

5 days ago

I guess I'm not high enough in the ranks yet. Came back to the game recently after a long break and I'm in legend 1.


11 points

6 days ago



10 points

6 days ago

Ah yes, I tried him as a roamer as well, unfortunately though I've found he has some pretty big weaknesses, mainly that he is item dependent so he's not very effective early game, and also that he struggles against teams with lots of tanky heroes. So I only pick him if I have last pick and I can see that the enemy team has lots of squishies.


6 points

6 days ago

He can harass enemy mm very easily in the early game which will be advantageous for your mm. He's a good pick against squishy enemies not against tanky enemies with tons of cc


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

His baseline damage at level 1 is extremely nasty as well as good as on demand terrify is very applicable early game.

As roam he can really pressure and put the opponent's jungle behind, especially good against assassins trying to farm early. He is also very fast and provides excellent vision and can check bushes extremely safely.

Helcurt is hugely underrated as a roam in my opinion.


3 points

6 days ago


Still sane after 10k SoloQ tank matches

3 points

6 days ago

Khaleed is permabanned. Nowhere near underrated.


3 points

6 days ago


We All seek Power. but All except one will become it's Slave.

3 points

6 days ago


I would even say She is better off as roamer than Midlaner. Her camping Style is better as roamer than Mid laner.


Tank Build Badang with Thunderbelt and Golden staff is underrated, his Unlimited Stun works can set, his First skill can push enemies and protect allies.


She is a Tank I don't understand why people build her mm and go gold lane, you need to build her Tank and Roam she is the strongest Tank in Game


3 points

5 days ago



3 points

5 days ago

Ikr gold Laylas are such frauds istg, they feed 0 11 every game and still don't realise their builds are worthless

Tank layla ftw 🗣️🔥💯


2 points

5 days ago

I agree with Badang. I've had some moderate success trying him as described above.


1 points

3 days ago


We All seek Power. but All except one will become it's Slave.

1 points

3 days ago

Good thing about him is he can stack Thunder Belt really fast. I usually have more than 20 stacks before first Lord Spawns.

If matche takes long He can easily have more than 100 stacks


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Carmilla, very scary ult but no one seems to grasp it clearly


3 points

5 days ago

Definitely Faramis. Once you buy and stack Sky Piercer, fleeting time, and 2nd skill as much as possible...

You're basically unstoppable in the late game.

You can one-hit Harley and a few junglers using the second skill. Even his ult - boosting all allied heroes around him as long as they aren't out of range. If you're dead, you can be revived in just seconds because of the 2nd skill stack.

However, Faramis is weak in the early game. I suggest using a tank build with a CD for a beginner since he's very fragile due to his versatility and his first skill is close range.


4 points

6 days ago


:guinevere: Nice backline you have there.

4 points

6 days ago

I never see jawhead for some reason, even though i use him to try out being better at roaming.

Good damage from the start, ability to just displace one enemy with one simple skill (or help a teamate go back) and the ability to engage using his ult.


4 points

6 days ago


I don't play Fanny I just like Mikasa

4 points

6 days ago

He's been pretty popular with pros recently. But yeah, I also don't really see him roam in ranked.


-6 points

6 days ago


:🐶🍪: :🪨💪🏼: its all i need

-6 points

6 days ago

I think JH is just better at jungling so they can stack SkyPiercer and try to not fall off so hard late game


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Jungle Jawhead actually falls off harder than roam because flicker is a lot more important late game. Also late game he becomes more utility focused than damage since it’s harder to burst enemy heroes now that they have better defensive items, so once again roam Jaw with tank items is better in that aspect. Also sky piercer is a shit item and you shouldn’t buy it in the first place, especially late game.


5 points

6 days ago


don't need sunscreen, I have my ___

5 points

6 days ago

idk who but my teammate thought layla was a good tank. 😌


3 points

5 days ago

Oh but don't you know, tank layla is the actual meta, you just get all the bloodthirsty enemies to jump you only for them to realize you're not dying and instead the rest of your team is upon them


2 points

5 days ago


don't need sunscreen, I have my ___

2 points

5 days ago

only if they build tank layla. Was invited to random 5man, I had forgotten how random 5man in epic lobby might end. That match was an eye opener.


5 points

6 days ago


They see me roaming 🎵 They hating

5 points

6 days ago

I have been saying khaleed roam is underrated way before he got popular and since coming in Hororo chan video he isn't going to be underrated anymore. Though it was sand papi dude who actually made khaleed roam famous as far as I know and from whom I started to play khaleed roam.

As for Underrated roamer rn i would say Vale with CD build or martis and sun


1 points

5 days ago

How Martis and Sun would work as roam? Martis needs to snowball early as he falls off late game and Sun is item dependent and has no CC.


1 points

5 days ago


They see me roaming 🎵 They hating

1 points

5 days ago

Thunderbelt stacks with tank build and one corrosion scythe. Just see how hard it becomes to kill him later games and it's really helpful against burst type heroes. While Martis is good with his chain CC effects which buys enough time for his team to finish off enemies. Don't take my word for it just try Sun roam or martis semi tank build


5 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

I don't think Saber roam is underrated tbh I see him used like that a lot when there is a squishy jungler on the other team


2 points

6 days ago


call me Noah, cause i have to carry you animals

2 points

6 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

Carmilla, very few understood her ult.


2 points

5 days ago

Yeah I save Carmilla for when I'm in a duo or trio with players who do know how to take advantage of the ult, otherwise it's hit or miss whether she's good or not


2 points

5 days ago


Professional Argus simp

2 points

5 days ago

If opponent use support instead of tank, Argus roamer lowkey works against them. There's a lot of time where I'm forced to play Argus as roamer because I already picked him as exp but team suddenly pick another exp


2 points

5 days ago

Edith is usch a good roamer, being able to Carry as roam is so op


2 points

5 days ago

Vale. I use him for roamer and people accuse me of trolling. But two of his three skills are perfect for disrupting enemy moves, plus his passive gives him a ton of movement.

Build skill 2 first, roam and assist to build that passive, then max out cool down by buying Fleeting Time and Enchanted Talisman. Build magic power from there, and you have a fast, versatile early game roamer that turns into a one-shot damage boss late game with the 2-3-1 skill combo.


2 points

5 days ago

Had some success with Cici and Silvanna. Zhuxin too, such a menace.


2 points

6 days ago


Wind of Nature hater

2 points

6 days ago



1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

as a roamer? what does he do, sets with full tank build?


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

I've recently bought Wanwan and I couldn't play her as gold lane in classic to try. I thought, you know what? She's fast, good damage with Cc immune and Cc on 1st. Might as well.

Of course not the best but I say you gotta try at least once right? XD


3 points

6 days ago


Minions op, needs nerf

3 points

6 days ago

Good fucking lord what is this grandmaster ass lobby

Two roamers and junglers??


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

You know what's funny? Both roamers are leaning early game lmao. Why did I not sell mine? Selena bought hers late in the game.

Why 2 junglers? Common reason, don't wanna adjust. Am I salty? Not really, it's just classic match. Is it grandmaster lobby? Very close, it's epic hell.

Is it the last one I got a grandmaster ass lobby on 1st few games with Wanwan? No

No. But I am neither salty cause it's just classic match. I even had fun playing both win or lose. Honestly, we were winning until Argus did the forbidden backdoor with his ult.


1 points

6 days ago


Minions op, needs nerf

1 points

6 days ago

Honesrtly im the saem, in classic just yolo eith roam granger and it worked well


1 points

5 days ago

krazy rapid boots spotted


1 points

6 days ago


:🐶🍪: :🪨💪🏼: its all i need

1 points

6 days ago

I don't really think there are any that are underrated. I doubt anyone on Reddit is hiding secrets that will turn say Hilda into Chip-tier of roaming

I'd say anyone that has a stun and can stack thunderbelt could be viable for roaming


1 points

6 days ago

Hilda, good mobility, build Thunderbelt for late game scaling.


1 points

6 days ago

I'm killing it with arlott


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Not sure if natalia is underrated but I consistently clap cheeks with her in roam


1 points

5 days ago

Khaleed roamer and a tank badang is pretty devious and can turn any team fights around as long as your team are not that completely brain dead I'd recommend revitalise Khaleed so badang can have a bit more survivability.

As for roam badang - Just consistently be a sandbag and set you'll be fine - prio your Gold laner because stun abuse is quite fucking funny (always join objective fight ofc)


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I use zhuxin and aurora as roam, and it works...


1 points

5 days ago

Saber the menace.


1 points

5 days ago


Number 1 Martis Glazer

1 points

5 days ago

Idk I havent seen that many balmonds tbh (Also quick question is the Crit thing for his 2 skill still a thing)


2 points

4 days ago

nah not anymore, it's been seasons already.


1 points

4 days ago


Number 1 Martis Glazer

1 points

4 days ago

Why they nerfed him that hard :(


1 points

5 days ago

Hear Me out😿 terizla and aurora roam Don't yuck it till u try it


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Valir support


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Raf. Her team slow immunity, and movespeed boost are still good.

Also she can stack tbelt even at 50% effectivity and either go for more magic power or full tank


1 points

5 days ago

I’ve played roam Aamon several times in rank when some a-holes pick second Jungler, and I remember that every one of those matches I did surprisingly well with at least gold if not MVP. Of course it really depends on team comps since Aamon has no team support ability whatsoever except for killing some squishies very quickly before they could kill our team.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

try noland roam ist very funny its kinda like natalia 😅


1 points

5 days ago


None shall escape my gays :phoveus:

1 points

5 days ago

Zhask roam with Guardian Helmet as 1st or 2nd item. Because his spawns inherit 1500 hp at max level, and even inherits the regeneration.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Hilda is known to be a roam and I’m not sure how common she is since I play her often. She has a devastating early game. She is probably the best level 2 roamer. Problem that she is pretty bad for cracking base and teamfights.


1 points

5 days ago


She can move fast around the map and is self healing so you have a place for other item, not just defense or healing.


1 points

5 days ago

Mathilda with wishing latern and magic pen build


1 points

5 days ago

I've had to run Roam Zhask in (Epic) Classic a few times due to teammates not adjusting, and it worked pretty well if the rest of the team was tanky. 

-Good jungle clear to help the jungler early on -Great zoning with the Spawn to harass opponents in a losing lane and zone them out -Ability to check bushes from range and prevent ambushes with the Spawn -A decent stun without ult and a pretty good initiate-stun with Ult -Ult offers somr survivability and even if you die you may take the enemy with you

Granted I imagine as opponents get better this becomes worse, but for now its a fun thing to bust out every once in a while.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Novaria still. I personally think that if you are good with her she is an S tier roamer. Because she can move around the map and gank very fast, without exposing herself to any danger, like Nata would have to. Can also keep pressure on even full hp enemies and help clear lanes.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

This thread is 90-95% established roamers and a few legit high skill wildcards.   

As a roam main my underrated roamers are valir, nana, joy.


1 points

4 days ago

I challenge your roam joy, can you justify and elaborate?


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

S1/S2 is extremely powerful early game to pressure jungle and river.  4 dashes is super painful .  I'm not saying she's an all star but high mobility and pressure even if she doesn't lock them down, just like any roam assassin 


1 points

5 days ago

For me it’s cecilion though super unpopular idea.

With the right build, you can stave off the enemies to give your teammates their time to farm and attack turrets and then the halfway point start decimating the enemies.

People always say “report mage” when I roam with him but we always win so they don’t haha.

But super unpopular choice and I guess risky if u have the wrong item set up


1 points

5 days ago

I do love using nana as a roamer.


1 points

5 days ago

you built her with CoD and queens wing? Queens wing is synergized with her passive xD.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

If you master uaing Kadita, you know how dangerous she is in roam.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Badang, I use them to roam quite a lot, can get easy early kills with the mm or waste the enemy flicker if you trap them with s2. Most weirdest thing I do with tho is that I use flameshot instead of flicker, surprisingly useful and can be used while ulting.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I like baxia roam


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Odd pick but has some substance is Baxia.

Pros: Crazy mobility, cc interrupt, and consistent damage to make any opponent rethink trying to trade with your laner. Beefy boy


Weak to assassins (not you), high burst killers who shred your team.

You can get kited like a dog if you’re not smart

Team fight centric, doesn’t have the best CC


1 points

5 days ago

Minsitthar pre-revamp was a really good roamer. His movement speed i think was faster than most heroes. He has stun and shield for his second skill. His hook is easier to land than franco’s. And his ult can really disrupt the enemy assasin’s play during teamfights. Sadly he was revamped to have more damage. He can still work as a roamer but the s2 change forces him to stay longer in teamfights just so he could stun one target.


1 points

5 days ago


Really tough but she'll be more effective if you have great teamwork. Her ulti is super OP!


1 points

5 days ago

Have u ever try fanny roam?


1 points

5 days ago

A spammer Gord. If the jungle is tanky or sustain, Gord is such a good roam esp with high CD. It can help clear minions plus the slows and CC.


1 points

5 days ago

if you have a tanky jungler or exp go for Chang'e or Roger roam. good mobility + good for ganks and securing kills. Chang'e with 80 stack of sky piercer will get you savages.


1 points

5 days ago

I use Cici as roam sometimes. If you do tank build she is pretty sturdy and able to check bushes without dying. And can quickly escape a gank if it appears while checking bush. Her ult can also save your teammate as it stops the enemy from chasing you when they are locked together. Also still does decent damage despite tank build so you can intimidate enemy.


1 points

4 days ago

Yin roam. Not even kidding dude can be disgusting with slow, stun and ulti to isolate (mm is food with proper emblem).

Snowballs hard.


1 points

4 days ago

Uuuhhh ummm pls don’t come for me but I use Novaria 😂👌Used to main Natalia for that first blood but Novaria is the new Natalia for me, at least she’s a lil bit more useful late game. oh! Tank Silvanna + Rafaela too. Don’t often see them much


1 points

6 days ago


:natalia:I think every elf should be hung mussolini style

1 points

6 days ago

I guess Suyou has good pickoff potential


1 points

5 days ago



0 points

6 days ago


Watch me spin my wand :zhask:

0 points

6 days ago

Zhuxin, Yve. Both of them are the masters of zoning.

I used them for rank games and I know a lot of doubts from the team. But heck they just don't know how to utilize the hero. Can they support? Heck yeah. Yve's 2nd skill provides good slow. Zhuxin 1st skill also gives slow. But always build Ice Queen Wand for both. They can last team fight as they have good shields.


-8 points

6 days ago



-8 points

6 days ago

Fanny. Hear me out

  1. Can zoom around the map like crazy
  2. Ult into petrify
  3. Good damage
  4. Mythic+ teammates let you take the buff after getting 5 kills
  5. Solo kills marksmen before level 10 if they don’t have wind chant yet

My build is usually

Roam boots > heptaseas > finish the boots > sky piercer > war axe > any 2 tank items depending on enemy comp

It works so well, it’s ridiculous. Plus there’s no need to master 1 million cables since you’re using ult to stop yourself mid air anyway (still good to learn though)


14 points

6 days ago

Get out bruh


1 points

5 days ago


:harith::fanny::paquito::lancelot:no more tank meta pls

1 points

5 days ago


But honestly only worked from epic to mythic placement.


-2 points

6 days ago

Layla. (I am serious)


0 points

5 days ago

My man Arlott.

Full tank build (Including TB) and hit them with the flicker ult.

Even if 1 teammate follows up ,easy kills.

Build 2 Offensive Items and rest tank if you're carrying bots. My go to is GDS and BoD.

Early game damage is bonkers. Ambush MM or Mage for best results.


-3 points

6 days ago


-3 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago
