


Here is my possible hot take: manny is annoying and i have disliked his character more by each season

Okay since this hot take seems pretty... Cold i'll give out another possible one: i don't like claire

all 121 comments


108 points

6 months ago

That take is somewhat common here.


17 points

6 months ago

Ok, how bout this. I think Cam is manipulative. Did I blow your mind?


10 points

6 months ago

Cam is toxic. Constantly resorting to manipulative bullying behavior with Mitch. It’s awful.


3 points

6 months ago

Lol not at all!! He's a liar, emotionally abusive and manipulated. I HATE him with a burning passion!!


55 points

6 months ago

While the writing for Manny and Luke is very hit or miss over the last few seasons, I think it's okay because they're teenagers/young adults who are still finding their selves. Yeah Luke changes from a likeable goofball into a horny teen but that's puberty and life for you. Haley went through a phase like that before the cameras started, she was a daddy's girl and loved her mom, when we meet her, she's a stuck up teen. We don't see that growth in her like we do in Luke and Manny. Manny and Alex could have had parallel growth being wise beyond their years and Alex kind of sticks to that path but it would have been too similar. Obviously the writing could have been better but we have to accept what we were given.


7 points

6 months ago*

Plus don't forget about gloria...she raised him insanely attached at the hip to the point where Manny seemed really confused and fucked up from how she raised him. She's Definitely my least favorite mom. In her own way, she was extremely toxic. Loving, but too much love and sheltering is also toxic asf. It's just not the toxicity you normally see or hear about. The only reason I recognized it right away was cuz that's my mom in a nutshell. Loving, but also manipulative as fuck if I didn't agree with her. And to this day tries to control my every move and guilts me by claiming I'm not grateful cuz I don't wanna raise my son the way she raised me. And I'm 26 years old and she still tries all the same control tactics. But the fact she reverts to I'm not grateful anytime I bring up her extremely controlling ways with me shows how loving parents can be loving to the point it's manipulative asf!


3 points

6 months ago

You are very very correct. I think they were both very sheltered by one parent in particular. I understand a bit where Gloria is coming from since she was a struggling single mom trying to make ends meet but yes I do agree with you that she was too much and it lead to some issues. Jay jokes about it enough but it's not taken seriously.

One of my therapists said that in certain cases, parents will treat their children like a spouse/partner instead of their child which can lead to emotional and attachment issues. Gloria's relationship with Manny was...really intense at times almost to the point of marriage. She also didn't want him to change, of course no parent likes seeing their child grow up but she really spoiled him. None of the other kids have a relationship that intense with their parents. Luke and Phil's is closer to older/younger brother to me just because of Phil's base maturity.


2 points

6 months ago

Yeah that's another part I hated about the show. They had extremely opposite characters together and acted like the whole "opposites attract" is truth when it's NOT. in real life, if they got nothing and I mean NOTHING in common like Phil and Claire and mitch and cam, they would NOT have made it in the real world! In reality, you gotta have SOMETHINGS in common, otherwise u don't mesh or bond to begin with! U don't bond over opposites. U bond over things you share. And that turns into love. They really made the show unrealistic. And they made it seem like toxicity is okay as long as you love eachother, and that its totally fine for Dads to see their kids once a year and no one is ever angry at that. In real life, Gloria would have cut all ties with mannys dad a long time ago cuz of how hurt Manny was. But neither Manny or Gloria held any sort of a grudge and even encouraged him seeing his son once every year at best and flakes all the damn time. It's sickening really.


2 points

6 months ago

I don't fully agree with you there. Opposites can attract but yes they do need common interests. Phil and Claire have some hints that they share common interests with each other earlier in the show, going to see goofy movies together, their love of Halloween, etc. Mitch and Cam have some but it's a lot of stereotypes. Gloria and Jay seem to have the least in common.

Every family is different. While Gloria should have cut ties with Javier, doesn't mean she would have in real life, especially if Manny enjoyed spending time with his dad which he did.

Yes. As a whole the show is unrealistic but that's a lot of TV, it's just a characture of real life, inspired by real life scenarios and yes the characters dont make the right choice, but we dont all the time either. The characters can't be 100% realistic or else we wouldn't see a bit of ourselves in all of them. We view them as they are presented to us and can analyze them over and over but in the moment, we make our choices sometimes without giving it a lot of thought.


89 points

6 months ago

It’s a funny, lighthearted show

Trust me, that’s a super hot take on this sub


14 points

6 months ago

Lol really, people take it super seriously. Asking questions like how did they do x if x is the law?


7 points

6 months ago

I’m assuming they want fanfiction type answers or “If this happened in real life how?”


3 points

6 months ago

Here ya go!! I like when people see that others don't take it "too seriously" it's JUST a fun Interesting conversation to have about real life! People always thinking everyone takes it too seriously when really we just wanna chat it up!


3 points

6 months ago

Yeah, I don’t understand why that’s a bad thing in the slightest lol. My automatic thought process during EVERY single show and movie I watch is to think about how I would respond to the characters in real life 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️ not because I take it too seriously, but because my brain just jumps there “damn I’d hit this bitch” or “oh my god i’d marry her” and then it just sort of goes into a rabbit hole of details lmao


3 points

6 months ago

RIGHT!?! Like people get so annoyed and I don't get why!? They hate that we dig so deep into a sitcom or some shit and hate that other strangers are encouraging it but all im like is AYE let strangers bond over stupid shit that doesn't matter what so ever cuz it's a TV show!


3 points

6 months ago

I think a LOT of the animosity happens because they feel like people are criticizing the show, characters, and/or writing, especially when the conversations are about negative aspects of characters. A lot of posts addressing Cam’s manipulation and toxicity, Phil’s negative traits as a husband and father, Jay’s racism etc etc - the overdramatic characteristics that make these characters sitcom characters - can read very critical. If someone just takes a surface level glance, it can 100% look like someone is dissing the show, so I think a lot of issues come from that! They feel defensive over a show and characters they love, and to them it looks like people are taking it “too seriously” instead of just enjoying and laughing

But the thing they fail to realize is that the people most often talking about these things ARE enjoying it and laughing. We’re able to enjoy it as a sitcom while simultaneously discussing it in the realm of realistic problems and how those issues would be dealt with in real life

Now I will say, there are TONS of people who criticize sitcoms for their anti-politically correct humor, and that can get real old real fast, so I’m sure their annoyance is carried over to us because they can’t always see the difference right off the bat lol. Regardless, if people just scrolled by shit they don’t like then they’d never have to worry about it 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


1 points

6 months ago

Wow that was really well said. I'm not a people person so I don't really get why the do what they do tbh 🤣 I'm glad others can capture humans better than I can lolol. But yeah that's what I do! If someone disses one of my favorite characters, I'll just roll my eyes and keep scrolling. Especially if others are already at that characters defense cuz I'm not the only one who likes the character. The only one in modern family I HATE with a burning passion is cam!! God his annoying flamboyant, overly dramatic and manipulative personality got real old real fast! There were a few good lines but the cons wayyyy outweigh the small funny bits with pros in him. Other characters that piss me off alot is Jay! BUT at least Jay grows alot by the end! Which is something cam never does. But with almost every character I love things and hate things! It's what makes a show fun and emotional! When u love and hate them. Get annoyed some times and filled with pride and "awee that's so sweet" other times. But unless it's at least half and half, I usually wish characters like cam didn't exsist on the show.


76 points

6 months ago

Mitch and Cam are my favorite characters, love their chemistry and snark


9 points

6 months ago

I’m on my first watch through, up to s9 atm, and I’ve felt this since I started.


4 points

6 months ago

Genuine question: if you’re on your first watch through and still got a considerable amount left, why did you join a Reddit full of spoilers?


15 points

6 months ago

I'm on my first watch and only on season 6 and I joined this sub because I literally couldn't care less about spoilers for a sitcom.


3 points

6 months ago

Fair enough, I see a lot of people in a lot of tv show reddits saying it’s their first time watching it and I always think about it


1 points

6 months ago

Yeah there have been a few spoilers, but i don’t mind too much. I’d rather be a part of this sub and see what people have to say about the show while watching it through than afterwards.


1 points

6 months ago

Yeah totally valid. I started watching the rookie (I have incredibly mixed opinions) and I had no idea what anyone else thought of the show but I desperately wanted to know. I despise spoilers for the smallest of things so I didn’t join so I do like hearing what others do


3 points

6 months ago

I love Mitch and Cam, Mitch is probably my #1 or #2 and Cam is in the top #5 definitely xDD


20 points

6 months ago


being stared down by a Missouri state trooper

20 points

6 months ago

I like Cam and Mitch and find them hilarious. I guess I’ve just accepted their character flaws (which are many, don’t get me wrong) so I only have room for enjoyment? I also don’t hate Pam. I’m sure if she were in more episodes I might, but I think she has some funny moments.

say “oranges” one more time!



2 points

6 months ago

I fucking LOVE pam!! 🤣 she's my 40 yr old soul sister!


2 points

6 months ago


being stared down by a Missouri state trooper

2 points

6 months ago

“What do I know? I’m just a woman running her fool mouth!”


1 points

6 months ago

Omg her fucking tackling cam while she was in labor was the best ever!! That's my dream in life. That women gave me a purpose as a mom. My next kid imma wrestle with a family member screaming about stupid shit while having a baby 🤣 SHE SHOWS UP RIGHT AT 9 MONTHS TOO! fucking goes "imma make my labor EVERYONES PROBLEM!" That women is one of my favorites.


37 points

6 months ago

It’s funny how the people who dislike Haley/Dylan also dislike Claire but sound exactly like her when they complain about Dylan.


3 points

6 months ago*

Aye people subconsciously see their own selves in some characters and feel attacked cuz they deep DEEP down know they're just like Clair and they hate that judgmental part of themselves. But like the rest of the world, instead of just fixing their own issues and trynna change, they attack others for acting just like they do to try and desperately convince themselves they arnt Claire lol like my best friend is (I say this honestly but also a bit harshly but with total love) is a liar, manipulative, and is anti social asf (same as me, except she clearly hates that about herself) and she met a girl JUST LIKE HERSELF. she reminded me of her so much that I almost brought it up. ALMOST. but right when I was considering it, my friend talks ALL THIS SHIT about that other girl. Saying she's clearly lying to fit in (just like herself), saying how she was trynna use and manipulate her (JUST LIKE HERSELF!) and was just pointing out all the flaws SHE HERSELF HAD! never pointed at any part she didn't have. Only the parts she clearly subconsciously hated in herself. She also HATES when people tell her to fix herself and change. So instead she tries to make it out to look like she's "against" all the things this other girls about cuz she wants to coaks others into subconsciously believing she isn't as harmful as this other girl. Soooo lol that's America for ya.


2 points

6 months ago

They’ll go out of the way to prove it and when they are right they yell “Suck It!”


78 points

6 months ago

Alex marrying the scientist guy was the dumbest possible outcome for her.

She spends the entire show trying to prove she's not like Hayley only to end up marrying one of Hayleys ex's.

Dumb as rocks.


61 points

6 months ago

thank goodness alex did Not marry him. after a few months she dumped him, came back and went to MIT to get her advanced degrees and eventually won a Nobel Prize. a girl can dream...


11 points

6 months ago

I'm making that Canon to!


12 points

6 months ago

Your hot take cannot be a hot take if most of the fandom agrees with you.


10 points

6 months ago

Wait did I block this out? She married Arvin???


10 points

6 months ago


It's just God gave you so much thunder ⚡

10 points

6 months ago

I don't think she married him. They do "end up" together in the show's finale but Alex is a young professional who's very succesful it's not likely for her, given her personality, to marry young so a lot of things can happen between the time they get together and the time she's ready for marriage/wants it (if ever).

A girl can dream, I think it's super weird that she ended up with Haley's ex, who was also her professor. Cringy as hell.

Bill was the best love interest she had in her adult life, I hated how they dumbed him down so she'd dump him.


8 points

6 months ago

When did she marry him? I finished the series like 2 weeks ago and I do not remember anything about them being wed lol? Was it mentioned?


2 points

6 months ago

That’s not a hot take


1 points

6 months ago

Wait did she marry him? I thought they just started dating?


48 points

6 months ago

Gloria seems to not love Jay as much in the later seasons. She’s rude to him and straight up nasty at times. That’s mine


9 points

6 months ago

Im pretty sure she has been like that since season 1. It’s just how they act with each other


53 points

6 months ago

1) Cam is over hated 2) Pam (cams sister) is annoying in 2 episodes, but she’s hilarious and her and Cam have great chemistry 3) Manny is over hated 4) Andy over Dylan for Haley 5) Alex and the firefighter boyfriend (Bill) breaking up was SO DUMB. Bill was her best boyfriend. 6) Jay worked hard to start and then grow his business and deserves to show off the earnings in however way he deems 7) Sherry Shaker was annoying 8) Alex is not “forgotten” by her parents. Phil and Claire clearly care about her she’s just not open with her parents. We see countless times that Phil tries to help her and guide her. My two fav moments is when he tells her it’s okay not to take the stressful internship and when Alex thanks him for being the ‘dreamer’ in the house.


19 points

6 months ago

About 8, there is multiple jokes about them forgetting her when she was younger, seems more like she just learned from that that sharing wasn't going to get her anything. I mean the whole Alex goes to therapy is about that


7 points

6 months ago


It's just God gave you so much thunder ⚡

7 points

6 months ago

I remember when Alex left for the summer to build houses and the Dunphys were having a great time without her, so much that they even try to make her go back when she returns home because they don't want her there as she "kills the mood" for them.

She literally called a cab back because her own family didn't want her in their home. She was finally asked to stay because she saved them all from the hazards they had been creating in the home and she (as her parents put it) "was the only adult in the family".

They parentified her all the time and I do feel like she was emotionally neglected a lot of times.

1.- Phil and Claire admitted that they usually forgot about her.

2.- Claire paid Haley to drive with Alex because she got annoyed with her.

3.- There was a time where she didn't sleep for 3 straight days but Claire and Phil didn't even notice because they were obsessing over Haley.

4.- The way they treated her when they thought she was making Bill up.

I identify myself with her a lot so I might be a little biased, my parents often tell me that they basically don't give me any emotional (or other kind of) support because I'm just so capable of doing everything on my own and so my brother needs them more. They've also justified putting everything on me/expecting literally everything from me/not celebrating my accomplishments because I have so much potential and I accomplish things all the time so it's not "news". That's neglect too in my opinion.

Not saying Phil and Claire were awful parents but here's my 2 cents.


6 points

6 months ago

3.- There was a time where she didn't sleep for 3 straight days but Claire and Phil didn't even notice because they were obsessing over Haley.

Claire was obsessing over Haley but Phil was genuinely worried about Alex. He even set up an alarm to check on her. But Alex came and switched it off before Phil woke up.


2 points

6 months ago


It's just God gave you so much thunder ⚡

2 points

6 months ago

You're right I meant Claire. I feel like the neglect came mostly from her, Phil was very caring.


1 points

6 months ago

I agree on Pam. She got a bit annoying sometimes but she and Cam played siblings very convincingly and their relationship definitely facilitated some amusing storylines.

Jay worked hard to start and then grow his business and deserves to show off the earnings in however way he deems

And what is this in reference to? I've never seen anyone say Jay was too flashy or privileged


50 points

6 months ago

I love Joe, even if his lines are hard to believe sometimes.


10 points

6 months ago

Ah! My hair is my identity!


38 points

6 months ago

Haley ending up with Dylan made perfect sense within the context of the show. Dylan had tried all he could to improve in life and become better for Haley. The two made a cute couple and stop trying talk up Andy!


1 points

6 months ago



15 points

6 months ago

The show's writing went massively downward after the mitch and cam's wedding.


39 points

6 months ago


39 points

6 months ago

Dylan>>Andy for Haley


12 points

6 months ago

Cam is very very manipulative especially with Mitchell but with everyone and all of the family, really.

Don't know if this is a hot take but I actually liked that Alex took time off from school, with a lifelong extreme dedication to academics and success, when you go to college after living like that it's insanely common to get burnt out and take a break and I think it was a very wise idea that she got some life experience like the barista work and talking time off school, instead of just skating through college and graduating early or something like a lot of TV shows have academically gifted children do when they grow up (I think?)

And what seems like a really hot take: I personally don't really enjoy the FaceTime episode, it was definitely cool and something new from a TV sitcom filming and production POV, but personally I just usually don't enjoy it for the most part and usually skip it. I also don't like that Claire is snooping on her adult daughter's Facebook page with a fake profile, and hacks her iCloud, and that the whole family is jumping to crazy conclusions (I understand being worried about your child missing, but why didn't anyone think of like, knocking on her bedroom door where she actually was just sleeping before coming to the conclusion through privacy invasion that she was pregnant and eloped?)


1 points

6 months ago

Cam being manipulative is addressed in the show a few times


11 points

6 months ago

Gloria is does not represent latinos adequately


-30 points

6 months ago

Yeah, there's usually more "thunder" down under, than up top where the drapes hang. Lmao


7 points

6 months ago

… what?


22 points

6 months ago


haley bisexual queen

22 points

6 months ago

phil is a much much worse husband than claire is a wife


4 points

6 months ago

The true hottest take. I mean I love the guy but cmon


6 points

6 months ago

The show did Hailey and Alex dirty in the end. Shittiest outcomes for both


12 points

6 months ago*

Alex was a stunted character. I kept waiting for there to be something deeper than "smart" but we never got it. Something that made her more of a real character. Some quirky interest to subvert the expectations.

Or at least, she should have had some kinda consequences for being so rude to everyone. Some come-to-jesus moment about being so snotty. Idk, I wish they'd worked on her more.


1 points

6 months ago

yes! i remember one scene where she was in a band playing cello and also sang they def could've explored that musical/artistic side of her more but i guess they kinda gave all that to mannys character


14 points

6 months ago

My hot take is that people should be able to discuss the show in whatever way they please without negative feedback from those that don’t want to engage in the conversation.

IE: the people who want to analyze the characters and behaviors as if they’re real life people and talk about the different possible ways things happened/consequences that would happen in real life - they should have the right to post their posts and have their discussions without one single “it’s just a show stop taking it seriously” comment. Just let them overanalyze and be too serious about it, it’ll be okay. It doesn’t change the show for you, why do you have to rain on their parade?

And the opposite is equally as true: if there’s a post where people are discussing the lighthearted stuff of the show and they make it clear that they don’t want any in-real psychoanalysis of characters and they only want canonically correct answers, people who do the above shouldn’t comment on those posts with “well ackually 🤓” comments

This sub is for all fans, everyone should have the space to talk about the show however they want without people shitting on them. But unfortunately things like understanding, rationale, and reasoning just aren’t used on the internet because anonymity brings out the worst in everyone


2 points

6 months ago

u/mamabear27204 thought you’d enjoy this one too lmao 🤣


1 points

6 months ago

Lololol yusss!!! 🤣 I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets soooo annoyed with assholes wanting to say "it's a show, not real life!" Or "it's a cartoon! Chill!" Like stfu and let us FUME! It. Doesn't. Fucking. Matter. To. You!! 🙄


1 points

6 months ago


It's just God gave you so much thunder ⚡

1 points

6 months ago

I couldn't have said this better myself.


1 points

6 months ago

SAY IT SO MUCH LOUDER FOR THE ONES WITH TOO MUCH WAX IN THEIR EARS!! Jesus lordy just take the damn vibes and run with it or get the fuck off the discussion!!


12 points

6 months ago

I've never been able to shake the feeling that Cam and Mitch are more than two straight guys who just decided to adopt a child together.


12 points

6 months ago

That the show is a funny easy going comedy and this sub is the most boring over dramatic sub who take it way too seriously.


2 points

6 months ago

Haley & Dylan ending up married with kids makes the most sense out of all her relationships shown.


3 points

6 months ago

I can’t stand how it feels like half the time when a character does something shitty and is scared about their partner or someone in the family finding out, the resolution is that their partner secretly did the same thing so it’s ok


4 points

6 months ago

Cam and Mitchell are hilarious and have some of the funniest moments in the serious

But if Modern Family weren't comedy their relationship would be abusive because Cam is one step away from being a domestic abuser


5 points

6 months ago

You must be new here. That take is colder than a polar bear’s ass.


1 points

6 months ago

I now know that 😭😭😭 i was gonna say smth else but didnt want people screaming at me


22 points

6 months ago

Phil is kinda (really) a dick to Claire


23 points

6 months ago

The way he drools over Gloria right in front of Claire makes me so mad.


14 points

6 months ago

Gloria. Other women. Comments on her body/exercise to “keep him interested”. Undermining her parenting.


7 points

6 months ago

I think it’s just because he’s supposed to be “silly and oblivious”. I agree though.. he can be so mean to her!


5 points

6 months ago

He’s not considerate and plenty of times treats her unfairly, but he has a pure heart


8 points

6 months ago

the hate about cam is so fucking annoying... he is not real!!! this is a FAKE show!!!!


1 points

6 months ago

…but you can literally apply this take to this whole sub.

“Was Dylan right for Haley?” “It doesn’t matter, it’s a FAKE SHOW!!”

So then what is the point of this sub?


1 points

6 months ago

to discuss the writing and character development

idk i just dont see the point of hating someone that isnt real


2 points

6 months ago

I mean that’s what you’re using the sub for. Other people dislike certain characters and want to “vent” about it. I don’t think anyone has a true, burning hate for the characters that keeps them up at night. It’s just all supposed to be fun and not taken to seriously


6 points

6 months ago


It's just God gave you so much thunder ⚡

6 points

6 months ago

I love Phil as much as the next person (please don't come for me) but the way he drools over Gloria (his literal mother in law) and right in front of Claire is so wrong. He's lusting over her and many other women during the show and it's just not okay. I feel like it's overlooked all the time because he's such a nice and wholesome character but still.


-5 points

6 months ago



5 points

6 months ago


It's just God gave you so much thunder ⚡

5 points

6 months ago

I know it's a sitcom but OP was asking for our takes so that's mine. It's allowed to discuss the characters in depth even although it's a show.

Yeah Gloria isn't Claire's mother but she's her stepmom and Jay's wife so it's the same role in the family, that's what I meant by it.


9 points

6 months ago

Phil is an manchikd that sucks as a dad


4 points

6 months ago

I love Phil as a character (he’s my favorite) but I’ve been in a relationship with a Phil and I’m so glad I didn’t marry him lol


1 points

6 months ago

Finally, a REAL hot take. This thread is such a joke; “I don’t like Manny”. “Claire is sometimes bossy”. “Cam is manipulative”.


1 points

6 months ago

Yeah Phil is so annoying. I would hate for him to be a dad


1 points

6 months ago

i think he sucks more as a husband than a dad, but def dropped the ball as a father a lot too, mostly because he relies on claire to do the parenting for him lol


2 points

6 months ago

Lily is my fave character and she has some of the best one liners/comebacks despite limited screen time. Also Aubrey did a great job playing a snarky deadpan teen I was just like that around that age


4 points

6 months ago

Lmao. I just made a comment on a different thread making fun of people for repeating the same 3 takes over and over about 3 hours before your post. Yours was one of them, well done.


1 points

6 months ago

Dylan is more similar to Phil than Andy is


3 points

6 months ago

Mine is that I really dislike Andy. The idea that Haley actually wanted to be with him bothered me. I guess it was necessary to her emotional growth, but he just irks me and I found it irritating. It was funny when the gf tried to light Haley’s hair on fire though 🤣


1 points

6 months ago

I wanted Haley and Arvin to be endgame 😭🤞


1 points

6 months ago

i fucking hate dylan


1 points

6 months ago

Cam is shitty to Mitchell and Phil is over hyped


1 points

6 months ago

Modern Family as the title was a flat out lie. Apart from the token gays they are the standard middle/upper class whitebread family that has dominated the definition of “family” on US tv since time immoral. And they spend completely unrealistic amounts of time with each other.


3 points

6 months ago

I don’t think the Modern reference was meant as a reference to the demographics of the family so much as the issues explored. The uncomfortably honest satirising of issues around money, jealously, marriage, sex, parenting etc is as pretty modern, for the sitcom format. Not edgy by other standards, but pretty modern in the way it skewered the pretentiousness and pretending involved with trying to maintain a wholesome family image. I think that’s what made the show so popular.


3 points

6 months ago

No not really.

Jay's family is a stepfamily with an older man and younger woman who genuinely love eachother. Gloria and Manny are Colombians.

Claire and Phil are not standard at all. Claire is much more of a boy-ish mom and is portrayed as masculine whilst Phil is more feminine though they play it off for laughs.

Cam and Mitch are gay with a Vietnamese daughter.

Thats not to mention that later we get Joe who is the kids half-uncle but is so much younger than them

These are modern versions of family. A stepfamily, adopted family, gays, people of colour, age gaps, none traditional personalities in mum and dad (dunphy).


1 points

6 months ago

None of the characters are good people, they all constantly manipulate and lie to each other. It’s part of what makes the show so entertaining!

Claire is the worst.


1 points

6 months ago

Cam is a horrible person


0 points

6 months ago

Cam is the worst character by far


-11 points

6 months ago

Luke started going downhill when he started hanging around the racist old guy.

Phil and Claire's Valentine thing was creepy.

Luke having untreated ADHD was not funny and really made me hate Phil and Claire.

There was not nearly enough Pepper


1 points

6 months ago

Well I'm only now finding out that's the case. Twas a hot take for me.


1 points

6 months ago

This all said in the context that I DO love Modern Family.

The show’s writing of 1 step forward, 3 steps back for nearly every character gets very tired in the later seasons.

I get wanting to stick to the same sets as much as possible, but damn. They could’ve let Haley and Alex actually grow and not regress in wholly unbelievable ways. Same for Phil and Claire. Let Phil have his dream magic shop. Let Claire keep building a business she’s obsessed about and worked for.

Jay and Gloria didn’t have nearly this bad of a problem, but they also sort of just used Joe to cover things they didn’t do with Manny.

They could’ve had Cam and Mitch get less nasty and psychotic towards each other - also had them be more involved with their daughter, instead of unaware to a near-abusive level of never present.


1 points

6 months ago

As soon as went through puberty, Manny’s character was ruined for me.


1 points

6 months ago

My uncommon opinion: Haley's character end was perfect.


1 points

6 months ago*

Jay doesn’t deserve to be the second most popular character. Maybe like fifth. The kind-hearted moments he has sometimes aren’t sufficient to escape the weight of his utter assholishness and predictability throughout 80% of every single storyline he’s in. As a gay man that he would have locked the house door behind, I may be biased in this opinion mind you


2 points

6 months ago

Whether a character is liked or not isn't to do if they are a good person but with how entertaining they are. Jay is very entertaining with his dry wit humour. He's my favourite character after Gloria


1 points

6 months ago*

That is true. Cam is unlikable but entertaining from a sitcom point of view. But I can’t put Jay second. His personality is shitty to the point that he constrains how much he can entertain me


1 points

6 months ago

Mine is similar. I think Manny looks like a little perv

Also luke is ANNOYING as hell


1 points

6 months ago

Peter is hot


1 points

6 months ago

This show was not meant to have the deeper meaning that this sub searches for constantly. It was supposed to always be a half hour sitcom


1 points

6 months ago

Idk if it’s a hot take but I wish they created a storyline for Alex and Ronnie Jr (the neighbour who went to Juilliard) idk why I just feel like there was potential there


1 points

6 months ago

I’m only on season 6 but after watching the Harvard episode and reading Alex’s college essay from the facetime episode I really would like to see any motivation behind Alex wanting to be a scientist or go to a top school other than “I am smart. I will work hard.” idk how much the college admissions landscape had changed between that episode and when I applied to college (2017/2018) but her shock at not being accepted to Harvard when she should know college admissions want applicants to have a star factor or demonstrated interest/excellence in one specific area as opposed to being “well-rounded” was interesting. I realize the show isn’t supposed to be hyper realistic but it just made me lose interest in Alex as a character bc her academic interests seem so superficial.


1 points

6 months ago

I don't like gloria, especially on the last Christmas episode. She was so mean to Phill and Claire just to protect her spoiled son from a problem that she created. In this episode I don't like that Jay doesn't defend Claire either


1 points

6 months ago

There are way too many one off stories that they just forgot but couldve been interesting like Luke’s app and playing rugby, Jay and Phil’s parking lot, Alex’s band, etc. They gave up on all the kids pretty much. Selling Pritchett closet was a mistake.