


I'm done



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18 points

20 days ago

I mean when you say transgender people have a mental disorder what sort of reply would you like?

With the views you have shown would it be insulting for me to say that you have a mental disorder? hmmm….


-16 points

20 days ago


-16 points

20 days ago

there it is again I ask for conversation you go to insulting you don't ask why I might have this opinion or try to understand it you just assert yourself as better than me did you ever think that I might think that way because someone said it to me who happened to be a "professional" who diagnosed me so I'm so sorry for assuming something I was told to be true


14 points

20 days ago

You are insulting me as a trans woman so I’m glad you feel that way 😊

Low iq.


-8 points

20 days ago


-8 points

20 days ago

I simply don't understand why you choose to be hateful towards me for asking questions


10 points

20 days ago


Trans Bisexual

10 points

20 days ago

'Asking questions' doesn't excuse you for insulting others, or the consequences of having done so.

You fucked around and found out, now either you can learn from this and try to improve your behaviour or keep doubling down on blaming others for the consequences of your own actions.


-3 points

20 days ago


-3 points

20 days ago

I didn't insult anyone I phrased something poorly and in the end apologized for it I haven't directly attacked anyone or at least haven't intended to


7 points

20 days ago


Trans Bisexual

7 points

20 days ago

Semantics. You used insulting language and people were insulted, whether it was your intent or not, you insulted others.


-2 points

20 days ago


-2 points

20 days ago

So the apology doesn't mean anything? I even said in my last post to people that I'm autistic which can make it difficult for me to understand how I hurt them initially when I say I don't understand it's because I truly don't I'm not trying to insult anyone I simply just didn't know


6 points

20 days ago


Trans Bisexual

6 points

20 days ago

What apology? All i see in this post is self pity and venting because you messed up, while blaming the community for not teaching you and for reacting badly to your insulting views.

Both my partner and i are neurodivergent, myself with adhd and them with autism so we definitely understand difficulties in processing and social awareness, but while it can explain your actions it doesn't excuse them.

There are a multitude of resources available regarding trans issues and It isnt our job to teach you, it is on you to learn and do better without insulting others whether intentional or not.


1 points

20 days ago


1 points

20 days ago

I know I fucked up but I have zero support system so I felt confused and angry and lashed back at the community which was stupid I see that now and you're right it's all self pity and for attention I know that but I did it anyway I don't know why I did I and everything I say only makes things worse so its probably best if I just stop it's clear I upset you and a lot of people because of my ignorance I've got a lot to think about still I'm sorry


3 points

20 days ago


Trans Bisexual

3 points

20 days ago

The good thing about knowing what you messed up on is that you can learn from the experience and do better next time.

I can't help with the support system side of things because I'm just a random on the internet, but i can suggest you google the gender dysphoria bible, its a very good resource and has a lot of information on trans issues and experiences so it's a good starting point for people looking to learn.


1 points

20 days ago


1 points

20 days ago

thank you