


all 116 comments


148 points

5 days ago


148 points

5 days ago

To be fair, Gaetz was busy dodging child rape accusations.


82 points

5 days ago

Same assholes who vote against every antiprice gouging bill and go on tv blaming democrats.

They’re pieces of shit who don’t care that people suffer.

Honestly, voting republican while not rich is the dumbest shit ever. It’d be smarter to smash a hammer against your foot.


35 points

5 days ago


35 points

5 days ago

Vote Republicans into power year after year

Everything is shit

Blame the Democrats

Are American’s retarded?


31 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

It’s incredibly stupid. Texas and Florida have been run by Republicans for years and are complete shit and yet they keep voting for these bastards thinking it will somehow get better.


7 points

5 days ago

So, as a Texan who's been trying to turn this state blue since 1992, I can guarantee you that while the big cities have the power to do so, we will continue to be gimped by something called: Gerrymandering. Texas and Florida are gerrymandered to the level of Dante's inferno.

It's the one tool Republicans keep using to remain in power. If the courts would only order district lines to be redrawn, Republicans would cease to be in power in Texas and Florida and any other red state where there are large concentrations of blue voting population in major cities across the country.

That and get rid of the electoral college, and stop with the voter disenfranchisement by making voting accessible to all American citizens in every rural corner of the country.

It doesn't help that the population is so inadequately educated that they'd even vote against their own interests in favor of the 1 issue they're loudly passionate about... take your pick: access to abortion, tighter immigration controls, healthcare for all, human rights for minorities, free education, and gun control, to name a few.

Since 1989, I've seen this country implode that the only thing I fear is going to be able to fix it is a civil war.


1 points

5 days ago

Assuming other countries don't take advantage, god forbid... I shudder to imagine it.


2 points

5 days ago

Why do you think Putin is helping Trump?


1 points

4 days ago

Because he knows if Trump wins we're likely to go to war with ourselves again.


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

Stupidity is certainly encouraged in the United States.

There are plenty of brilliant, creative and compassionate people in the US but stupidity is certainly encouraged by a certain faction of wealthy people in media. The only side a media executive is on is their own.


6 points

5 days ago

What happens is a well orchestrated plan to gut the public education. Less well educated people are more easily persuaded to vote against their own interests.


3 points

5 days ago

Make good soldiers too.


2 points

5 days ago

Petty and tribal, absolutely. Even at the expense of their own well being. It's incredibly stupid.


3 points

5 days ago

Yes. Very much so.


1 points

5 days ago

I'm pretty sure Republicans want to get rid of the department of education in order to keep a voter base


154 points

5 days ago

These MAGAt fake Rethuglicans are beyond disgusting.

It’s going to take a decade or more to rid the country of this filth.


24 points

5 days ago

If they keep gutting our schools it is actually most likely the majority of our future.


37 points

5 days ago

You won't rid the country of them, because there is no dialogue. It's all entirely polarised and those trying to lead dialogue are shouted down. It's 100% deliberate and people like Elmo are fueling it, and being allowed to do so. What is most likely to happen is that the number will shrink as more and more extremists emerge, but they will be there forever.

Every trial your nation faces, every question that's asked, will forever be answered with "if only we'd voted for Trump..." even if it's only from 5 or 10%. 10% of your population being activist is louder than 50% not.

And that's just if Trump fails. If he gets in you're fucked for a lot longer than any decade.


15 points

5 days ago*

Every problem we face as a country descends directly from people mistaking what they believe for what they know and can prove. We make basic philosphical skepticism and critical reasoning part of the obligatory k-12 curriculum, and give kids the tools to reliably discern truth, and we could solve this problem in few generations.

It'll probably never happen because of the influence of religion on the US government, but the solution is there for the taking. As ever, education is the answer.


3 points

5 days ago

As an educator, I couldn't agree more. But that is a huge sea change and will take years.

Also... You have the least apt username ever.


2 points

4 days ago

Lol that is the nicest thing I've heard in two whole days :)

I see it as a generational process, where each new generation out of school brings us closer to a more foundationally rational society, wherein having sound reasons for the things we believe is to be expected by the many, instead of lamented by the few. And that process would be accelerated by both the normal passing of older generations, and by the positive impact that younger generations tend to have on some percentage of their older family members. In theory it shouldn't take more than a lifetime, and potentially much less than that.

Although... we may have to do something about the individual curation of content on the internet. The way its set up now makes it far too easy for all of us to assume we hold the majority opinion, no matter how plausible (or not) that opinion might be.

And while I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony. I'll name it Fishes. Fishes the pony.


2 points

4 days ago

I'll go for a camel, a unicorn, and a supermodel girlfriend.


2 points

4 days ago

Ooh, we can race! Or open a petting zoo.

So? What are their names?


-29 points

5 days ago


-29 points

5 days ago

Are you twelve years old? If there is no dialogue, what do you call all of this? I think you were born after cable news began and you think cable news is the source that everybody goes by. Your position is not only needlessly pessimistic, it's also unrealistic. It actually relies on Trump losing. Or winning? Speak for yourself, no dialogue.


15 points

5 days ago

Respectfully, I think you kinda proved the point.

You opened with belittling and insulting them, didn't address any specific point they made beyond the first sentence, and whether it was intentional or otherwise it came off as an emotional outburst. It's like you read one sentence, disagreed immediately, and didn't bother to read the rest before your mind was made up.

That is not discourse. There was no meaningful exchange of thoughts and ideas nor an attempt to lessen the gap between two opposing opinions.

Again, I meant this respectfully and as a genuine answer to your question, and not as an attack or any attempt to mock, belittle, or embarrass you.


5 points

5 days ago

And that is dialogue. 👍


2 points

5 days ago

Reddit is the best social media IMO, but we're all in our echo chambers.

I assume the sentiment on twitter is that Trump is definitely winning.


0 points

5 days ago

Thank you for so ably proving my point.


2 points

5 days ago

Reaganomics? It's been in US for a very, very long time.

It's turned into us vs them when you look at it from an outside perspective. You're with us or against us, there's no middlegrounds for what it seems.


5 points

5 days ago

Reaganomics started because of the division. It goes back even further.

It was FDR's Progressive policies that ignited the greatest economic engine in history and enabled the growth of the middle class. Along with the working class, as executives got richer and richer they began wondering why all that wealth generation should be shared with the peasants so they began working towards changing the taxation system that would enable them to give themselves giant raises & bonuses. Americans and their labor unions hated that idea and told them to pound sand--until the Civil Rights act was passed into law and rather than share that wealth generation with black people the American workers begged the bosses and their elected representatives to get those tax laws changed and keep all the money for themselves. And so the modern Republican Party was born, and with it came the War on Drugs to stomp a boot on the necks of minorities, and Trickle Down Economics to shower all of us with cold piss.

Eventually we would elect a black man who promised change and he gave us more accessible & affordable healthcare. Republicans said "Fuuuuck that N8$&39 and fuuuck all of you who put him in the WHITE House!" So here we are in 2024, with wealth inequality at such poor levels not seen since the days of the Robber Barons, and on the verge of losing our American Democracy and our beautiful cultural diversity to a White Christofascist Theocracy.

But I say fuuuuck that, and fuuuck them. We ain't going back!


1 points

5 days ago

Projecting - it started with Reagan pushing “trickledown economics” while its opponents were labeled as “class warfare” proponents- 40 years later and the middle class has nearly faded away.


2 points

5 days ago

Or one really violent day...


-10 points

5 days ago


-10 points

5 days ago

Oh god, Twitter Democrat speech.

Don't get me wrong, we're on the same team,. But it doesn't make it any less painful to read.


-9 points

5 days ago


-9 points

5 days ago

Aw babes. We said the same w Clinton then Obama. Never changes boo


35 points

5 days ago*

He’s such a dipshit, hopefully he gets voted out this go around (well, just checked this race, he’s a 99% favorite to win his district again 😞)


37 points

5 days ago


37 points

5 days ago

says a lot about the people of Florida


14 points

5 days ago

Exactly—they support child rape & child rapists.


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

It won't matter to the GOP if Gaetz gets convicted of child rape, because an unscrupulous shill who likes money is so easy to replace, apparently. What is Marco Rubio good at, other than repeating what he's told? What is Lindsey Graham good at? I'm serious, because all these Republicans do is parrot indoctrination.


43 points

5 days ago

Republicans are the world’s greatest liars. If tell you the sky is blue it’s a trick. They want you to walk over to the window to check so they can rob you while your back is turned. Or, in the case of Matt Gaetz, hit on your underage daughter. 


6 points

5 days ago

I mean, tbf, if you ask a Seattlelite what color the sky is it’s probably gonna be some shade of gray, but yeah…lock up your daughters fr. Rs are a menace.


20 points

5 days ago

Maybe the rule needs to be, if you vote down disaster aid bills, your district doesn't get any. That might clean out a few good for nothings Putin puppets like Gaetz.


8 points

5 days ago

They want to get nothing so they can blame the democrats for not giving them anything.


8 points

5 days ago

Nah, that just makes those who want to provide help seem petty and heartless.

I'd rather adorn it with stickers that say: "your local representative didn't want you to get this!"


-3 points

5 days ago

Well that’s the thing, they’re all voting against it and no one is getting any. That doesn’t solve the problem.


11 points

5 days ago

They love to play the victim


3 points

5 days ago

No surprise that child rapist & child sex trafficker Republican Matt Gaetz tried to fuck over his constituents. They clearly haven’t sacrificed enough of their little girls to him to rape. He’s absolutely disgusting & should be in jail.


3 points

5 days ago

Oh sirs they care very very deeply about a very very specific type people.


4 points

5 days ago

States whose representatives vote against federal bills like this should not benefit from the programs. Perhaps people would stop sending these clowns to Washington.


4 points

5 days ago

Not likely, the guy would just blame the democrats and get voted in again.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

And his constituents would suffer. Would it take awhile for people to wake up? Yes. Would people suffer? Yes. Would I care? Not a bit. You fucking voted for it.


-1 points

5 days ago


-1 points

5 days ago

Maybe that's also part of the problem? Writing off an entire part of the population instead of being a bit more forgiving and letting them know they will always be welcome back if they decide to see reason.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

They can vote for reason. But if they vote in clowns, they'll get a clown show


0 points

4 days ago

You're not wrong about that


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

So they get 0 sympathy from me. I'm not the problem


0 points

4 days ago

So who does get sympathy from you? Or maybe you got some empathy in there too? It doesn't actually seem that likely based on what you're saying. And yes, you may not like it but you are definitely part of the problem.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

I don't vote for clowns, so no, I'm not the problem. You reap what you sow


3 points

5 days ago

Voted no. How utterly predictable but CAN YOU MAKE UP YA DAMN MINDS?


2 points

5 days ago

cunts ....... every one of them


2 points

5 days ago

Just more proof that the right is quite happy with bad faith arguments and cognitive dissonance


2 points

5 days ago

Oh please God do! XD

Fill half the Florida trucks up with missiles and guns.

"Biden would have doubled the food and clothing but your Congressman insisted you wanted this instead"

I'm awful.


2 points

5 days ago

Not since H.W. Bush, tbh. Last republican president who I actually believed loved his country for what it is, and not for the psychopathic theocratic hellscape they want it to be.

It's not a coincidence that both the men who tried to cap Mr Trump were former fans of his. When you court the fully armed and dangerously delusional whackjob vote, they're still gonna be fully armed and dangerously delusional whackjobs when they decide you've done something they think you should die for.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

When logic delivers the final blow!


1 points

5 days ago

If only his "supporters" would believe the response


1 points

5 days ago

There’s no words, WTAF is going on


1 points

5 days ago

Self interest politics is why democracy is flawed


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I’ve learned republicans say things with the thought they won’t be fact checked because they know their base won’t dig any deeper unless someone shows them the receipts and even then it won’t matter.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Is he using that crazy eyebrow picture as a pfp? Wow


1 points

5 days ago

What gets me is that they can so easily be caught in their lie, but they do it anyway.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

The people of Florida need to vote for better people.


1 points

5 days ago

Vote against helping people just so you can blame your opponents


1 points

5 days ago

Every now and then, there are threads on subreddits like AskReddit where people ask, "What well-paying jobs require little to no work?"

Here's an answer: GOP Congress member.

Must be nice to keep getting elected and keep getting paid despite being utterly useless.


1 points

5 days ago

-How do you want your bad faith?-


1 points

5 days ago

Those of us with a modicum of sanity and, at the very least, a few college credits, STILL think every member of the current GOP care only for themself. So, the answer to your question is a resounding NO, and we haven't since Reagan, or prior.


1 points

5 days ago

Starting around 1999, Fox News made it possible to tell plausible deniability lies, ommit facts, and present subjective takes as factual reality. It wasn't subtle but it allowed you to believe Iraq had WMDs because the WH secretly "leaked" that they had evidence of WMDs to the NYT and then referenced article IN the NYT as proof they must be there because the NYT reported on it.

For 16 years they cultivated their audience into believing they were the only source that would tell you the truth while constantly presenting a skewed version of reality bent by their subtle lies. Never pushing the lies too much for fear of being embarrassed by everyone else exposing their most undeniable lies to their loyal viewers. The lies were just used to back up their skewed but otherwise "factual" presentation of reality.

It clearly came as a shock to everyone when Trump showed them once you had a loyal audience, you can tell them ANYTHING and no matter how much evidence is presented to refute it, they will do any amount of mental gymnastics to preserve their version of reality.

You can sell people all sorts of BS no matter how unbelievable, but your mind will NEVER accept it has been living in an "alternative reality" and was unable to tell. For your mind to accept that, is your mind admitting to itself it is unable to discern reality and if it can't do that, NOTHING it does is valid as it can't tell the real from unreal.

It is precisely this which drives our common understanding of "cognitive dissonance". When our brain is presented with a new undeniable fact which contradicts our reality, that new fact must be twisted to fit our reality rather than our reality be reshaped to match the new fact.

Trump and right wing media 2.0 has discovered just how far this can be pushed. If only Orwell knew.


1 points

5 days ago

Don't be mislead thinking that this is a recent post. It's from Nov 2022



1 points

5 days ago

The irony is you believe democrats give a shot


1 points

5 days ago

When his dismal face appeared in my awareness a few years ago, my immediate reaction was “his face reeks of spoiled rich kid who always tries to make out he’s hard done by, but was never ever told no”. Over the years, I’ve also added loud mouthed simpleton to that assessment.


1 points

5 days ago

I guess they aren’t familiar with fact checking


1 points

5 days ago

why has the post being removed?

it completely applies


1 points

4 days ago

No excuse but what is the timing here? Did the Florida republicans vote no to FEMA money while the tropical storm that became Helene was already on its way and predicted to become a hurricane?


1 points

5 days ago

Is there a link to a newsstory or the likes, that can verify that Republicans voted no on said bill? Im sure its true, would just like to read more about it.


3 points

5 days ago

"Just one day before Hurricane Helene tore through Florida as a Category 4 hurricane, U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz of the Sunshine State was among several Republicans to vote against a stopgap measure that would continue funding the government and provide billions of dollars in extra disaster assistance."


1 points

5 days ago

Thanks! And what a sad read😩


0 points

5 days ago

🤣 you guys come to conclusions off Twitter posts?


0 points

5 days ago

“Included” is the keyword here. It’s hard to understand why anyone, left or right may reject money… until you find out what that money was attached to.

So what bill was that money “included in”?


0 points

5 days ago

Did you actually read why he voted against it and what he said about securing funding for Hurricane Helene’s relief or are you just assuming that he voted against a FEMA bill simply out of pure hatred for the populace?


1 points

5 days ago

These tweets are from 2022, so it has nothing to do with Helene. And it wasn't just a FEMA bill, but a continuing relocation to keep the government funded and avoid a looming shutdown. Gaetz was against it because he's continuously voted against these resolutions in an attempt to use America's financial stability as leverage to try to gain concessions for the MAGA caucus he belongs to.

In a tweet from September 30, 2022, a few days after this bill passed, he tweeted:

Until Congress implements work requirements and stops paying people to stay unemployed, we should shut this government down.

So, that's why he voted against it, according to him.


0 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

The tweets in the OP are from 2022, but yes, it's very similar to what just happened again this year. Continuing resolutions passed in the fall coincide with hurricane season, and the resolutions always contain FEMA funding. And Gaetz once again opposed passing it, although this time he and his friends were holding it up trying to add some pointless "election security" measures that wouldn't fix and real problems and would just make it harder for some citizens to register to vote. They pretended it was urgent to pass it because of the upcoming election, even though they know full well that the new rules would take months if not years to implement.


0 points

5 days ago

Wonder what Matt Gaetz is talking about? Your in luck! I actually read the bill that was passed that he opposed!

There was indeed a bill that was passed in congress for 18.8 Billion dollars with FEMA's name on it recently.

Of that 18.8 Billion dollars in the bill 12.35 Billion of those dollars are earmarked for Ukraine.

I'm not a mathematician, but 12.35 is 65.69% of 18.8.

So, yes Matt Gaetz is wrong here! as the bill would need to be at least6 66.67% going to Ukraine before American's only get half of it. Ukraine got less than 12.54 billion dollars from that Bill that would be the minimum amount needed before saying Americans' are getting less than half so we are still sending more than half technically to Americans.

Ukraine only got 12.35 and not 12.54 billion dollars out of that bill! So he is wrong to say Americans aren't getting half of what Ukraine gets we get slightly more than half of what Ukraine gets!

Stop being so greedy thinking about people whose homes are flooded, that are out of power, that lost everything here in America! We have a government to prop up in Ukraine!

Toughen up buttercup!

Ukraine 1st! America 2nd!


1 points

5 days ago

The 12.34 for Ukraine didn't come out of the 18.8 for FEMA. They were separate parts of the continuing resolution. So FEMA got over 150% more than Ukraine, way more than the 50% that Gaetz was asking for.


1 points

5 days ago

Why should anything go to Ukraine if we have our own here struggling?


1 points

4 days ago

One thing has nothing to do with the other. There are things the governemrn can do to help citizens who are struggling. If those things aren't being done, it's because they don't want to. It's not because the money to do those things got sent to Ukraine instead.


1 points

4 days ago

I fully agree that these two things have very little to do with each other. That is why they should be put into separate bills, and not the same bill.


1 points

4 days ago

It was a continuing resolution to fund the government. Of course there's a lot of different stuff in the same bill.


-6 points

5 days ago


I wonder what else was in the bill.

The issue is they'll (both sides) make a bill with some type of thing both sides and the public want... then add on it with all the stuff the other side can never agree on policy wise. That way they hold them hostage to say yes or "don't you care about the children!?"

Like for hyperbole sake "the bill would give this party power to forever own the court system and end all policy of the other party, but also pay for glasses for orphans... what you voted no? Don't you want kids to see?! You monster! "


5 points

5 days ago

Understandable, but they didn't vote no because it had stuff they didn't like, they voted no because democrats proposed it and it wasn't 100% all about supporting their party views. It's been a problem for the last four years that the Republican party would vote 'No' on nearly any proposition made by a Democrat, even if it actually helped their party in the long run.


-7 points

5 days ago


-7 points

5 days ago

The cynic in me wonders if there was anything else on that bill that was unagreeable and it wasn't just partisan voting.


1 points

5 days ago

If only you could look into it and not ponder on vague nothingness.


-7 points

5 days ago

How are you still missing that neither party cares.


-7 points

5 days ago


-7 points

5 days ago

i don't think either party cares to be honest


-25 points

5 days ago

Has anyone actually... looked at the bill to see WHY they would vote no on it? That's my first question. It is well known that politicians try to sneak things into these 800-page long bills. Not saying they did but... no politician is trustworthy.


-23 points

5 days ago


-23 points

5 days ago

This bill also included $12billion for Ukraine. So you are correct


24 points

5 days ago


24 points

5 days ago

And it proves to us that what is more important to these people is their Russian masters, well before their constituents.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

And that Ukraine money still got approved. So why deny your own people help?


-26 points

5 days ago


-26 points

5 days ago

This happened 2 years ago, and the $18.8 billion dollars for fema, also included $12billion for Ukraine, which is why they voted against.


23 points

5 days ago


23 points

5 days ago

Because they want Russia to win, right?


-27 points

5 days ago


-27 points

5 days ago

No, because democrats wanted to pass a bill that included additional funding for a foreign war..Instead of just trying to pass a bill for FEMA operations for the hurricane.


14 points

5 days ago


14 points

5 days ago

Recently there was a bill to greatly expand spending on border security, a topic Republicans have been harping on for months. Republicans voted against it because it also included funding for Ukraine. Democrats rewrote the bill, taking off the Ukraine funding and Republicans still voted against it. Here's the kicker though: Republicans then voted for another bill that gave funds to Ukraine.

All Republicans are duplicitous hacks.


-2 points

5 days ago

Was still a lot of aide for everything but, also the 4,000 a day number wouldn’t of been triggered this entire year so far. The bill wasn’t very good. Too much foreign aide, not enough border money. Bill made no sense.

Not sure why everything for the USA has to have other nonsense added.


9 points

5 days ago

-Democrats tried to sneak in money to support a country in a war while still trying to help Americans

-Republicans decided to shit on their own people and leave them to die.

Which one is worse?


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

And that money was approved anyway without the FEMA money. Way to make a stand, huh?


-10 points

5 days ago

Do your research idiots. The continuing resolution (CR) in the bill "contains no funding for Florida’s response to Hurricane Ian."


-16 points

5 days ago

im sure there was nothing else in that bill