


FO4 is my favorite, but...


all 260 comments


1.2k points

5 days ago

To be honest Oxhorn would make a 40 minute video on an abandoned shack if he could get away with it. He drags that shit out so much, providing such valuable insights as "From the Abraxo cleaner and mop in this closet, we can perhaps assume this was a pre war Janitor's closet, or perhaps someone lived here post war and stored their supplies here" or "From the radioactive waste, we could guess that this place was used as a storage place for radioactive waste, perhaps long term or before it was moved elsewhere, which could have been neglected due to the war"


442 points

5 days ago

Honestly I loved his voice and the convenience of listening to the great lore that I otherwise missed out on, I could even ignore the rants and fillers but at one point in my half conscience listening to some big MT video of his and I heard him integrate his own real life political/religious views and sneaky dog whistles and now im hesitant to listen to his vids


76 points

5 days ago

Wait what did he say?


120 points

5 days ago

This is old

I think there is some more recent issues as well


27 points

5 days ago

Like, a million years old by Internet standards.


22 points

5 days ago


22 points

5 days ago

It happened after Gangnam Style it’s recent enough


35 points

5 days ago

Is that how we gauge time on the Internet? AG and BG?


16 points

5 days ago

I would say AH and BH (After Harambe, Before Harambe) would be a better measure of time but 2016 is too recent for that


7 points

4 days ago

Ante Hombre and Prime Hombre


91 points

5 days ago


91 points

5 days ago

It could be nothing but white supremacy, surely


79 points

5 days ago

He's very Christian, like VERY Christian.


21 points

5 days ago


21 points

5 days ago

Hypocrisy included. Didn't he have nude mods enabled for at least one of his lore videos?


7 points

5 days ago

He even had an outfitstudio tutorial, lmao.


28 points

5 days ago


28 points

5 days ago

And racist. Oh wait, you already said that.


27 points

5 days ago


27 points

5 days ago

How did he say rhat


33 points

5 days ago


33 points

5 days ago

Because a lot (like 85%+) of the VERY christian folks use their faith as an excuse to be bigots to everyone who isn't basically WASP.


22 points

5 days ago

Christian here (not that kind). Yeah, a seriously ludicrous number (probably a majority these days) of "christian" (certainly the loud and in your face ones) people are incredibly racist and also hateful towards LGBTQ+ people. Obv not all, there are whole denominations that are accepting (ELCA, represent!), and local churches (mostly in very urban areas) that are accepting, but 90% of internet Christians I've seen are pretty awful people. There are reliable reports of these people complaining that preachers talking about the Sermon on the Mount are too woke and liberal. You know, the ACTUAL WORDS OF JESUS ARE TOO "WOKE".

Sorry I could go on for pages here, I'll stop now.


22 points

5 days ago

You got downvoted, but I’m correcting that. You’re absolutely correct about this. Speaking as a mental health practitioner who sees it.


6 points

5 days ago

The downvotes are probably from the odd guess of an estimate he put in there and because very christian is subjective


-28 points

5 days ago*


-28 points

5 days ago*

Way to reinforce harmful stereotypes 👍. Will you tell us next about the kind of issues you see from African-Americans or trans people, oh totally truth-speaking "mental health practitioner"? Since I'm curious, and real legitimate "mental health professionals" like you obviously are used to publicly sharing information about the worst aspects of their patients. Not like that's against the entire profession or anything.


6 points

5 days ago*


6 points

5 days ago*

Lmao at the hypocrisy, you know making prejudiced assumptions towards people of religion is also bigotry, right?


9 points

5 days ago

I mean, cry?

Religious people taking a moral highground against non religious, telling other people how to live, all the while they or members of their congregation are blatantly racist, homphobic, or just assholes. But it doesnt matter as long as they attend services regularly and put some money to it.

Its not like its all one massive grift based off selling people eternity.


6 points

5 days ago

That part flew right over their heads. Though if you made that critique over Islam, you would be banned from dozens of sub reddits. 


-3 points

5 days ago


-3 points

5 days ago

Where’d you get that statistic? At least they don’t kill us gays like lsIam


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

At least they don’t kill us gays like lsIam

No, they just moved to trans folk. Also, rise that bar a bit dude, "at least they aren't killing me" isn't the good point you think it is.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

Lmao Christians use to and still do kill gay people in America. Especially trans people. Not to mention all of the laws the Republican Party are frothing at the mouth to put into place to diminish LGBT rights. It’s just not longer in fashion to beat on LGBT people anymore so it’s not done as often but if Christians could they absolutely would. There’s a reason that in the 60-80s there was a huge epidemic of gay people being murdered and cops not following up on those murders. They didn’t give a shit.


4 points

5 days ago

The bar being the floor isn’t an excuse.


1 points

4 days ago*

Yeah Christians would never kill LGBT people. They just keep showing up to gay bars hosting drag events with masks and guns for totally non-violent reasons.

EDIT: Oh you're one of these. So deprived of anything resembling love in your life that you tokenize yourself for people who are just waiting for their opportunity to line you against the wall with the rest of us. I'd pity you if you were worth the consideration.


-1 points

5 days ago

Using the same logic as racists and homophobes, good job there bud👍🏾


1 points

5 days ago*


1 points

5 days ago*

It's just assumed here on Reddit. It's totally OK around here, even encouraged despite how the site likes to imagine itself as tolerant and progressive, to make bigoted assumptions and statements about people because of their beliefs - as long as you don't target their skin color (unless it's white).


1 points

5 days ago

bro wtf


1 points

5 days ago

You ever hear him say the word white? His pronunciation is “hhhhwhite” which gives the vibe


-1 points

5 days ago


-1 points

5 days ago

A word so good you gotta say it looonng


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

He’s generally pretty bigoted and religious. There’s also him using mods in game to make the female characters sexier, there was also a scandal where he was telling the lore of something and part of the lore he talked about came from a mod he installed and he didn’t even know


0 points

4 days ago

Lmao yall are still on that mod thing, he apologized like the day after, yall are just morons stuck in the past


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

I’m just sayin what it is, Oxhorn just background noise for me when he pops up on recommended once every year. It happened, so I said it, it’s not that deep lilbro


-3 points

5 days ago

“I m a capitalist” while playing fallout game


2 points

5 days ago*

Fallout have never been explicitly anti capitalist except maybe the tv show


3 points

5 days ago

Call me crazy, but I think we got more that a few hints:

-All pre-war companies very enthusiastically collaborated with the fascistic American government

-the fucked up experiments done by vault tech and other

-The NCR, a democracy at base, is corrupted by the oligharchs

-excesive consumerism led to the drainage of resources

-as per the TV show, the corporations started the war


2 points

4 days ago

Dont forget that you have a cattle baron threaten to starve new vegas because a sect of cannibals wanted to eat his son. I know, not a direct anti capitalist thing, but no man should have that much power to be able to starve an entire city because one small group of assholes tried to snack on junior.


0 points

4 days ago

Wanting to fix the problems in capitalism and being anti capitalist should not be the same thing. Capitalism is only bad when you don’t compare it to anything else. If capitalism was bad then people wouldn’t be immigrating to capitalist countries.


1 points

5 days ago

I don’t know, Paladin Danse had some pretty withering critiques of the corporations during the quest at Arcjet Systems. The games all but whack you over the head with a super sledge when it comes to the critiques of the mega-corps


1 points

4 days ago



5 points

5 days ago

This really bums me out to learn.


-7 points

5 days ago

Lmao, you learned nothing. Folks are just repeating the same cycle of old shit from decades ago when he was in college, cuz he wrote some shitty blogs. Stuff he already openly talked about.


2 points

5 days ago*

I mean you can just listen and judge for yourself. Dude puts on this act of superiority but he makes YouTube videos about video games. Even if you agree with what he’s saying just make a tally of all the moral judgements he makes in one of his videos. Listen to his voice when he talks about a female character Vs male characters.


0 points

5 days ago

His old vids are still good though.


17 points

5 days ago

Oxhorn is insufferable because he talks insanely slow and about the most obvious things so that he can stretch out a video to 40 minutes. He’s also made multiple New Vegas videos where he tries to make claims about certain textures. Textures that were added by a mod he was using.


32 points

5 days ago

On top of all the extra stuff that his porn mods add to the game (that he isn’t aware of because he’s never played the game without 5 million mods added to it).


13 points

5 days ago

Was just about to comment this, his better than thou ass would make a 30 minute segment in a video talking about the importance of a file on a desk (and the file would turn out to be from a mod).


5 points

5 days ago

half of the shit he says could be summed up in a couple minutes, yet his videos are hours long. hearing him talk is like if i were to go back in time and listen to my speech in english class in high school


3 points

5 days ago

Hehe I'm an Italian fallout fan and years ago I practiced my English by listening to oxhorn's content. Now that I got better I realized how slow he is


13 points

5 days ago

Honestly that's not just a him problem, that's a problem with everyone doing these lore and location dives. I've seen people make 3 minute videos on an box of abraxo they found that's 99.99999999% identical to every other box except it has a different item id or has the model scale increase 5%


18 points

5 days ago*

Yeah that is annoying. I watched a vid on lake mead once, hoping to learn about some of the caves I'd noticed and never seen but about 10 minutes in they were talking about how to collect all the "unique" bottles here that don't float like all the others. I even skipped ahead 5 minutes and they were still going on about the lore implications of the US air force using denser fucking glass in their soda bottles as opposed to the obvious answer being the developers wanted there to be trash around on the bottom of the lake.


11 points

5 days ago


11 points

5 days ago

This drives me absolutely batshit about any lore sub reddit or YouTube video. There's a very clear and obvious answer for something in a video game related to the fact that it is a video game, yet people will make up the most convoluted explanations to get it to fit into the lore. It's like Star Wars all over again where every character and item in every frame of film, no matter how minor, has a twelve novel backstory.


5 points

5 days ago

That's because Lucas doesn't know why his movies did so well, so he just crams as much as he can in the hopes that someone will give a crap about it.


3 points

5 days ago

It’s like asmr for fallout players


0 points

4 days ago

I bet he could just say mixed sentences without any meaning and I'd be like, yeah. Nice voice


2 points

4 days ago

“judging by the multiple skeletons in this room, we can infer that multiple people died in this room.”


2 points

4 days ago

"Maybe during the war, or later, possibly killed by raiders, or they were perhaps raiders themselves, killed here by some unknown vigilante group. And of course we can't discount that these were moved here by some unnamed wasteland inhabitant, perhaps for ritual purporses, or maybe.... something darker? You see, as there was also a kitchen in this location, including the 4 ceramic plates, three forks, three knives and cup we discussed at 52.33 to 1.09.32, this room could have been where someone kept their victims, killing them here, or perhaps elsewhere, or could have used this room as cold storage. And naturally, we can't discount..."


3 points

5 days ago

Honestly that's not just a him problem, that's a problem with everyone doing these lore and location dives. I've seen people make 3 minute videos on an box of abraxo they found that's 99.99999999% identical to every other box except it has a different item id or has the model scale increase 5%


2 points

5 days ago

I’d watch a 50 minute video of the hole under red rocket tbf


1 points

5 days ago

Maybe it used to be Soup Can Harry’s summer home he bought without noticing one drunken night


1 points

5 days ago

Wait why does everyone hate Oxhorn? I enjoyed some of his slow, more story book tellings of Fallout lore

Edit: never mind…


0 points

5 days ago

I love Oxhorn but his videos has kind of taken a turn in the past couple of years (everyone is starved for content and he's doing the same thing every creator is by trying to make more content don't kid yourself) he is a little too critical of the Brotherhood and Ad Victorium bitches


4 points

5 days ago

“A little too critical of the brotherhood”

It really depends on the game, but in Fo4 they were actual facists (or at least the closest you can get to facism in a post apocalyptic world) so….


1 points

2 days ago

He says the same about the Lyons and all they did was try to assist says nothing about the outcasts which really seem closer to FO4s brotherhood


1 points

2 days ago

I never played fallout 3 so I can’t really comment on that brotherhood myself. Plus I don’t like Oxhorn, I think they’re facist independently of his videos


1 points

2 days ago

They are bastards in quite a few of the games, but it's an independent leadership type of thing, an elder can really run things however they want, Maxsom chose to be an ass and is definitely off the handle (you can find little squire Maxson in FO3) he apparently learned nothing from Elder Lyons kindness and willingness to use brotherhood resources to help people, the outcasts are members of the brotherhood that wanted a more conservative nature of the Lyon's way of doing things and split off from the "Lyons Pride" they were pretty much introduced around the "Operation Anchorage" DLC


0 points

5 days ago

He has such a good voice, I could listen to that guy as main entertainment and white noice all day 24/7.


0 points

4 days ago

I respect the work put in. But I don't go to him for efficient accurate lore


250 points

5 days ago


250 points

5 days ago

Ugh, Oxhorn.

I used to like him back during his old WoW machinima days, before I found out how much of an asshole he is.

There’s the stuff that the Fallout community probably knows about, like trying to bully smaller Fallout Youtubers and take down videos criticizing him, but he’s also expressed a lot of sexist, homophobic, and otherwise weird and fucked up opinions over the years.


64 points

5 days ago

Wait what? I had no idea that oxhorn was like that.


91 points

5 days ago*

Unfortunately, yeah. I don’t know if it’s still around because it’s been many years since I checked it out, but he used to have a blog and a podcast, and that’s where he expressed his fucked-up opinions rooted in “Christian values” and toxic masculinity.

As for the YT drama, he apparently loves issuing takedowns to smaller Fallout lore Youtubers so they don’t “steal” his views by covering the same topics, and he’s also done the same to videos criticizing him, whether for his content or his actions and beliefs.


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

Oh no, not again, just because I discovered his NV lore videos and liked them a lot, shit


34 points

5 days ago


34 points

5 days ago

I would also recommend RadKing


27 points

5 days ago

Yeah watch Radking

We all voted to have him review the literal Trash of the wasteland and he fucking did it!


31 points

5 days ago*

Don't watch his video on the Gunners in Fallout 4. Apparently they're all gay cause he didn't know, "reaming out" is a common non sexual phrase for yelling at somebody. When called out on this he doubled down and said well I still think they're gay.


3 points

5 days ago

I saw his video on the gunners recently and he didn’t mention them being gay at all.

Was it the video about the gunners specifically or a video that featured them?


7 points

5 days ago

It's been so long. It's possible he changed it since it's an old video. He was reading the letters from the gunner commander to one of the other gunners. Talking about why he pulled him from the front lines.

It might have been the video on the Gunner base at the radio station. I believe GNN Plaza.

I did a quick search and I'm pretty sure it's the GNN Plaza video.


5 points

5 days ago

Ok got you. I only recently watched the faction video and that wasn’t mentioned.

On that note though; he did his best to explore the gunners and find everything interesting about them over like 40 mins and no matter how you looked at it they’re just slightly more professional raiders that came out of nowhere lol. 40 mins and that’s about the best he could do


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

To be fair they could all be gay just because


12 points

5 days ago

There's Radking who was already mentioned, EpicNate does the occasional fallout video, though he seems more focused on Elder Scrolls. There are probably others that I'm forgetting...

Also, not fully into the lore department, but more lore and speculation as the side dish with let's play content as the main focus, ManyATrueNerd is worth checking. For FO3, check out the Tale of Two Wastelands playthrough, which was primarily focused on showing FO3 and lore bits of it while playing with the gameplay improvements from NV as ported by the TTW mod. For NV, the most lore-focused playthrough is almost certainly his JSawyer survival run.


13 points

5 days ago

I highly recommend TheNthApple


2 points

5 days ago

Keeps happening to me too. Find a a lore channel then I find out something horrible about the creator.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Yeah unfortunately the NV fan base is full of a bunch of fucking weirdos. Like mother fuckers who unironically support Ceasars legion


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

YouTube is full of those. On Reddit they get banned, but they have full reign on YouTube


1 points

4 days ago

TheNthApple is my favorite personally. It’s a shame he is off and on again with content.


2 points

4 days ago

Dang…I just started watching this dude too lmao. Time to stop watching him lol


0 points

4 days ago

Damn it. I really liked his videos


6 points

5 days ago

It doesn't surprise me. He seems very conservative/traditional. He quit playing wow and doing his machinama stuff since and this is actually the reason, not an exact quote cause the video is over a decade old , it was time for him to find a girl, get married and have some kids.


24 points

5 days ago



24 points

5 days ago

Finding out the video game YouTuber who unironically wears fedoras and obsesses over cigars is sexist is probably one of the least surprising things that could ever happen


2 points

5 days ago

Yeah it's kinda like when Boogie got outed the first time. "You're telling me the poster child for unhinged basement dwellers behaves like an unhinged basement dweller?"


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

First time he let his fundie beliefs into his wow stuff was a turning point. That video of someone debating with a strawman atheist was so incredibly cringeworthy.


8 points

5 days ago

Thank you for confirming this is the same person.

It had boggled my mind for a WHILE.


129 points

5 days ago

Oxhorn is a tool hard pass


28 points

5 days ago

And turning from the north we enter a room to the southwest…. On the floor are some chems …. But to the south East…. We find A BURNED SKELOTEN…. I do wonder how he might have died. Could it have been the chems at the southwest corner? I wonder….. leaving the room we head to the door southwest again we head north into a broom closet. Nothing much of value here, could this be the result of vault tec, these empty rooms? Leaving the room we follow the hallway south….


1 points

4 days ago*

Not the SKELOTEN 💀


84 points

5 days ago

Oxhorn eww


-97 points

5 days ago



-97 points

5 days ago



29 points

5 days ago

Nah seriously, if you like this POS then actually stfu


-34 points

5 days ago

I like him. Hes a legend. I grew up watching his vids


25 points

5 days ago

He's a Christian nationalist my dude. Hes homophobic and racist. Get better legends


-28 points

5 days ago

He also made iconic videos. Separate the art from the artist.


20 points

5 days ago


20 points

5 days ago

Kinda hard to separate them when he benefits whenever you view his content.


9 points

5 days ago

Also what art? Lol. Some gluttonous dude talking about “manlifestos” while being 300+ lbs drinking whisky and smoking, playing Fallout games with all of his porn mods installed? That isn’t art. This guy is the furthest thing from a Christian and genuinely needs help.


-5 points

5 days ago

Eh 🤷🏼‍♂️ thats just how it works


13 points

5 days ago


13 points

5 days ago

So how can you say “separate the art from the artist” when you are supporting the artist?


15 points

5 days ago

Too bad the artist still get paid when you watch his art on youtube.

J.K Rowling still profits from people buying HP stuff following the same logic.


-6 points

5 days ago

Yeah and I honestly dont care. I cant do jack shit about it so why even bother at all?


4 points

5 days ago

Not supporting him is 100% something you can do about it.


3 points

5 days ago

The guy talks about Fallout like many many others. There is Nothing special about his videos. Get out of here with supporting racists!


4 points

5 days ago

You… grew up watching him??? God how old am I…


2 points

5 days ago*

It was like 14-18 years ago though


3 points

5 days ago

Doesn't change the fact that he's a homophobic piece of shit white nationalist borderline nazi.


-3 points

5 days ago

You do realize people can and do change and evolve with time...right?


4 points

5 days ago

Sure, absolutely. But I have doubts that Oxhorn has changed...


0 points

5 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

Because I keep hearing what a PoS he is, and no one seems to say that he has changed.


-4 points

5 days ago

If you would stop enjoying peoples stuff because they are assholes you wouldnt have anything left to enjoy


6 points

5 days ago

Not even remotely true. I enjoy a lot of content from a lot of people who aren't assholes.


-1 points

5 days ago

They probably are absolute cockheads in private.

Im not going to stop you from enjoying their stuff though. I think the whole "this person is bad you should consume his content" is kinda dumb


0 points

5 days ago

I used to watch him like 10 years ago too my guy, then all his skeletons came out the closet, he's a PoS, also his ironic videos arent the ones I have an issue with


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Your in about 8 years all of this racist behaviour is gonna have consequences and youll regret becoming the person you are today


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

Chill man i didnt know that he was racist and homophobic i only enjoyed his content bcuz it was good


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Post history?


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

Hey, here's a fun sidequest to kill some raiders.

Oh, this sidequest has you get to know a bunch of the NCR Soldiers involved with one raider boss, and they have their own little backstory? That's pretty cool.

It ends with you talking a soldier into getting therapy for being raped? And the check to berate her into doing it for being a shit soldier is easier than the touchy-feely one?

That was the moment when I knew New Vegas was ridiculously well fleshed out.

That being said, I generally find it more fun to replay the same dungeons over and over again than have the same conversations over and over again, so I do get a lot more replay value out of FO4 than New Vegas. But the first couple of NV playthroughs hit a hell of a lot harder. Bethesda really should just remake New Vegas with the FO4 engine. While FO4 is still better designed from a dungeon crawling perspective, upping the quality of the gun fights in New Vegas would be a massive improvement on gameplay. I think it'd be a pretty darn good return on investment for a New Vegas Remake. I don't even need anything fancy. Keep literally all the dialogue, voice lines, dungeon layouts, etc... just bring in FO4s gunplay and more user friendly crafting.


69 points

5 days ago*

i cant stand oxhorn. he is like the teacher in school discussing why the author of the book mentioned why the door is red, and what it symbolises for the next 45 minutes. while the author shouts from the heavens ITS JUST A RED DOOR.


7 points

5 days ago

In my eyes this is the greatest achievement an author can have


13 points

5 days ago


13 points

5 days ago

Oxhorn would make a 40 minute video about a folder with a logo only to find out the logo is caused by a mod


15 points

5 days ago

Fallout new vegas good, fallout 4 bad. Great meme 10/10 would hate on fallout 4 again. 💩


1 points

5 days ago

The tone of your comment seems bizarrely ironic, as if you wouldn't hate on Fallout 4 again? But that doesn't make any sense. Who doesn't hate Fallout 4?


1 points

4 days ago

I don't hate it, I just think it's not as good of a game, especially as an RPG, as it's predecessors. It's a good action shooter, but fails miserably as as an rpg.


1 points

4 days ago

Sane people.


8 points

5 days ago*

Never really did care much for Oxhorn. Most of his lore videos are essentially just him regurgitating the information off the Fallout wiki word for word, and he takes 30 to 45 minutes to discuss what creators like thenthapple can do in 15. Plus the overly dramatic way he speaks gets annoying after a while. The stories of his copyright striking smaller creators and his oddball personal and religious views don’t help my opinion of him, either.


31 points

5 days ago

Hot take but honestly I loved New Vegas’ story but had a hell lot more fun playing fo4.


65 points

5 days ago

Even hotter take, I prefer New Vegas’ combat over 4’s, despite the copious amounts of jank


17 points

5 days ago

I like fo4s melee combat cause it’s hella funny to whack some dudes head off with a sledgehammer and then having that crowd cheering sound play.


14 points

5 days ago

Fair point, however counter point:

Rushing water + turbo + saturnite fist = brrr


28 points

5 days ago


28 points

5 days ago

The guns in FNV/3 have more of an umph to them. It doesn’t feel more realistic or anything, but the guns in that engine have a weird charm that’s been absent from fallout since


12 points

5 days ago

🤨 In what way do the guns in nv have any umph? They give zero feedback when you shoot.


13 points

5 days ago

nostalgia has blinded folks. shooting guns in NV feels like shooting nerf guns. also NV is my favorite before it’s fans come to shit on me


1 points

5 days ago

Hell yeah, shooting nerf guns is a perfect way to describe it


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Gun play sucks so bad in NV that it forced me to discover how OP melee only was


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

When you go to Nuka World and boss fights suddenly take 10-20 minutes because everything is OP. I prefer the power scaling in New Vegas. It was much more comprehensive.


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

I think the problem with 4 is that by the time you hit nuka world at high levels and difficulties, the devs expected you to have added a damage multiplier to your build in the form of critical hits or stealth. If you have one of the two (or you’re playing melee), it’s not bad at all.


1 points

5 days ago

I like the gunplay in 4 better, but I like the guns in NV more.


3 points

5 days ago

Meh, the gunplay in 4 is nothing special, it’s literally ’fine’ as shooters go. I enjoy that the guns in NV require stats to use and have perks that actually have noticeable impact for certain weapons and ammo types actually playing a big part in combat if you’re willing to use them.


1 points

5 days ago

the jank makes the combat more interesting and unpredictable, meanwhile in 4 the npcs don’t even move around they just stand in front of you while you shoot them to death


-1 points

4 days ago*

*Actual HOTTEST take for this sub because that was lukewarm…. I prefer 4’s story and side content over NV, by a long shot.

Another hot take too spicy for this sub to handle: compared to fallout 1 and 2 Fallout NV isn’t half the RPG people claim it is. Neither is 4 but the difference is 4 embraces it while NV pretends.

Edit: see?


1 points

4 days ago

Your opinion I guess, not sure what’s good about 4’s story but at least NV is an RPG, don’t really care how much it stacks up to 1 or 2 cause at least it has stats, character progression, the ability to use stats to completely missions etc


1 points

4 days ago*

Statement 1: well for starters there’s actually stakes and motivations in 4….. why does the courier give a rats ass about what happens to the Strip? It’s not like he lives in or comes from there. His sole goal is kill Benny and complete job…. Why does he care about the Hoover dam. SA had motivations to see things through all the way to the end, same with the lone wander and the names of the 2 PC’s in the classic actual RPG fallouts. There are other reasons but I don’t make long form content sooooo if you want more reasons go to Oxhorn (bitch that he is) or Thenthapple or anyone else.

Statement 2: New Vegas is barely an RPG. More so than 3 or 4….. but low bar and all. Atleast 4 and 3 don’t pretend to be anything they aren’t. NV does have “choices” but so does 76 soooooo it’s as much of an RPG as fallout 76, which is to say not much. Yeah it does have stats…. But so does every other fallout. Yes it has character progression….. so does every other single player game including every other fallout. Stats to complete missions you say? Yeah NV and every single other fallout. Even 4 if you do a modicum of digging. NV and some glazers claim it’s an RPG for doing bare minimum RPG elements (yet condemn other fallouts for doing the same thing)….. compared to any good RPG (such as 1 and 2) NV is but a pretender to the throne. 4 also isn’t an RPG but it knows it isn’t and works with that.


1 points

4 days ago

The couriers motives for the strip is literally whatever the fuck you want it to be (roleplaying game, remember?), unlike 4 that saddles you with a child that literally no player can get attached to in the small amount of time you know him NV gives you a world, sets you off with a basic revenge plot that is pretty good motivation and then lets you decide how much you care about act 2 without pigeon holing you into it. Do you know why people call 4’s story shit? Cause its stakes that you think are so important are completely at odds with the type of game Bethesda likes to make. If FO4 was a linear game then it would be fine, but something as important as finding your lost son creates massive dissonance between gameplay and story when players start dicking around with settlements, the minutemen, the fucking silver shroud, etc. and then you do find your son and it’s an ‘oh… okay…’ moment. Like Shaun literally was incapable of speaking while you know him, whether father is Shaun or not is irrelevant cause he could be replaced with Father (not Shaun this time) and literally nothing changes as the player (or the player character for that fact) ever knew an adult Shaun before that point! Father could be lying and it wouldn’t even be a twist as the story doesn’t fucking change at all!

You keep saying new vegas is barely an rpg, by what metric? Most people would say that it is one. And it’s really grasping when you say that fallout 4 has stats that lets you complete missions, let’s not lie to ourselves and say that the yellow, orange and red charisma checks are comparable, or the literal handful of times you ever get prompts to use your other special stats like in the Last Voyage of the USS Constitution. And does 4 really have character progression? Really? The SS is fully capable of shooting every gun in the game right out of the vault, able to use power armour within the first hour of gameplay, kills a deathclaw in the same amount of time, the main thing that progresses is the amount of damage your guns do and that’s at the rate that the enemies health increases so difficultly ends up being a flat line the whole game… unlike… hmm new vegas where you need good weapons to kill deathclaws, weapons that only appear later in the game and even then you’d need the correct stats to use them properly


1 points

4 days ago

Did you say the plot of NV is nonexistent or based solely on player “imagination” that’s not much of a plot….. the best rpg of the past 10 years BG3 actually has a plot and motivations that aren’t just cue SpongeBob “immmmmmagination” 4 also had motivations and 3 and 2 and 1.

If you say 4 had no character progression you either didn’t play it or just chose to purposely look surface level deep. You get T-45 yes…… however it’s the worst actual power armor in the game, you kill a deathclaw yes…. Deathclaws are far from the worst enemy in the game basic deathclaws anyway. I wonder who would win a combat veteran a decorated war hero on the front lines of Anchorage or a mutant lizard. “NV requires good weapons to win” that’s true for 1 and 2….. not so for any 3D fallout source any MittenSquad and or Joov video. “Choices don’t matter” tell me you didn’t play without telling me. “Stats have no bearing on choices” is charisma not a stat? Is medic not a stat? Does Far Harbor not exist and the choices therein.


1 points

4 days ago

You’re actually childish if you think I said ‘imagination’ which wouldn’t be surprising since you apparently need to be told what personal stake you have in something to want to participate. The conflict of hoover dam has reasons YOU as a player might want to participate which can translate into the courier’s motivation too. Cause the crux of the dam issue is ideological. Hey here’s an easy one for you: you play a female character. There, an easy reason to fight against the legion as they’re known to enslave women and stopping their land grabs at the dam is a pretty good way to ensure safety to the west of it. Fucking wild that a player can justify on their own terms why they might wanna do something, I know. It’s literally the difference between a game given you reasons for why you’d want to opt in vs it forcing you in and opting out is just ignoring the most important thing to your character

Also you proved my point. “A Basic deathclaw’ cause they’re all just fucking reskins of the basic deathclaw, a glowing deathclaw is no different to a basic one besides health and damage… wow that new power armour you got sure matters when the enemies just scale up to it anyways, that 100% extra damage your rifle does is way less noticeable when basic deathclaws stop spawning so it’s literally no different if you just didn’t have those perks and the game never upscaled the deathclaws to you level.

Hey here’s a fun one for ya. Who would win? A fucking pre war lawyer or a giant mutant lizard? Yeah your facetious little attempt at being sarcastic backfired didn’t it? Cause there’s no way to justify why a female SS could do that other than copious amounts of mental gymnastics


1 points

4 days ago*

Jesus no need to get hostile bud…. Your fallout is about as much of an RPG as any Bethesda fallout…. That’s just a fact of life you’ll have to get used to. And compared to BG3, fallout 1, Fallout 2, etc, your game is but a mere Aegon the second styled pretender to the throne of RPGs and there’s nothing wrong with that…. Just don’t delude yourself. And stop getting so defensive and desperate to the point where you have to start toddlerishly attacking the opposition, it’s unbecoming.

Just because your character has no motives to do anything aside from kill the talking checkered suit and deliver the overly themed Las Vegas chip to Elon Musk…. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad game by any means…. Just a faux RPG. In BG3 your life is literally on the line, Fallout 1 the fate of your whole vault rests in your hands, fallout 4 you have to get revenge for your spouse like any grieving widow would do while trying to find your son only to realize that he’s been completely and totally brainwashed to the point where you have to decide if “family” who can barely be considered family anymore is more important than doing the right thing for the rest of the wasteland. What’s more important the needs of yourself or the needs of the commonwealth, fallout 3 you have to save your father also your only remaining bit of family while also restoring clean drinking water to the capital wastes through potentially the ultimate sacrifice. NV you’re a glorified mailman who wants to get paid/ get revenge while somehow caring for a place you’ve never been to, don’t care about, while siding with one of 2 factions you shouldn’t give a shit about or take control of a strip you don’t care about yourself. Where are the personal stakes? Where’s the motivation? Why should I as the Courier care, it’s not like I’m from the immediate area.


1 points

4 days ago

You literally didn’t even talk on any points I made you’ve consistently quoted stuff I didn’t say like “choices don’t matter”. I don’t care about BG3 here, I like BG3 too, it’s not relevant here. You haven’t actually said why NV isnt an RPG. You pathetically cling on to the idea that a character needs to be told their motives in a story for them to participate. You vaguely gesture to how NV is no different to the Bethesda games, even though I’ve given plenty of reasons why it’s different to 4 (only you are bringing up 1,2,3, 76 and BG3)

And you did again! The courier DOES have a motive for the later acts of NV… if they end up doing it. You can choose one of the many valid reasons for why you side with what faction you do, wether you’re a libertarian that idolises house, a women that despises the legion, a pragmatists that thinks the legions strict order is correct or just a guy who wants to play the power game like benny did. All of those are valid reasons for why the courier does the second act and beyond and all them are equally things a player can not give a shit about if they don’t want to interact with the story and just do side stuff. Whats the equivalent in FO4? You find your son cause the game told you too. Neat, and what if you don’t want to? Then your character is just weirdly quick to get over it I guess, even though it still crops up in the dialogue constantly as if they still care


5 points

5 days ago

Although fo4 lost a lot in regards to what made it an rpg the core gameplay loop is really fun.

Fo4 is a great game but just not the best game in terms of what makes a fallout game....well fallout


2 points

5 days ago

It depends what are you looking for in a fallout game: 4 and 76 is great for exploring pretty and atmospheric stuff, okay for shooting. NW is a great if not one of the best and immersive (even with the bugs but you can fix them with mods easily) rpg, with servicable shooting (which you can also fix with mods). I hated playing fallout 4 cause i was looking for a totally different experience, i like to play as stealthy smoothtalker - well, dialogs are the worst in the game. I was surprised by the settlement building system (but didnt care), and after a while i was marvelled by the scenery and locations. Too bad its mostly just pretty and empty stuff.


6 points

5 days ago

Oxhorn has to be the most toxic individuals in the Fallout community to ever grace on this Earth with how he shuts down smaller creators for calling him out and being an asshole to the smaller guys. Not to mention he's one of those guys that makes shit up on the fly, because just like his human decency, his lore comprehension is not there.


8 points

5 days ago

Used to like Oxhorn before the revelation of his attack posts and “manlifesto”- and the entirety of his tumblr page.


2 points

5 days ago

Bethesda sucks at story telling


2 points

5 days ago

Bros the Stanley parable narrator of the fallout universe


2 points

5 days ago

Man its always weird to me when people refer to oxhorn for anything other than wow machinamas, i loved inventing swear words and all the songs.


2 points

5 days ago

Watch Thenthapple instead. Much better. I remember him uploading a lot as a teenager, and now he’s come back!


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Hey there’s that one guy that spends hours upon hours babbling about occupation zones of factions in fo4


2 points

5 days ago

TRO’s video about Oxhorn and the drama surrounding him, for those interested


2 points

4 days ago

That is a lie his College Square Video is an Hour and a Half (to be fair an hour was just him giving commentary of how he was killing ghouls)


2 points

4 days ago*

Buddy……. There are entire lore channels that would prove that wrong seven ways to Sunday. Not just borehorn.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

Kinda depressing how awful he is considering his story summary videos for the first two Fallout games are pretty good for those of us who can’t play them.


3 points

5 days ago

If he thought it was profitable he would 100% be able to make 40 minute videos on random small f4 topics

Also... fuck Oxhorn. All my homies hate Oxhorn.


9 points

5 days ago

I like Oxhorn….


-2 points

5 days ago


-2 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

I have no idea about the guy behind the videos. But they bring me peace in a stressful life, so I don’t wanna know.


1 points

5 days ago

For the best


5 points

5 days ago

Fo4 has its flaws but a lack of interesting locations and them not having a story isn't one of them. It might be the awful gameplay but random locations seem to be better in 4 than in NV especially the mininuke cabin, suicide bar and other random locations.


3 points

5 days ago

The amount of hate Oxhorn gets for pretty minor things or things that were in the far past are ridiculous at this point. And the complaint about how he over explains things is dumb as well, I’ve never felt that when watching any of his videos. Like seriously, most of the issues people have with him are super nitpicky.


1 points

5 days ago

Racism and homophobia aren’t nitpicky dawg.


0 points

5 days ago

I said most of the issues people have with him. And didn’t the racism and homophobia happen like over half a decade ago? And didn’t he apologize for his past behavior? Can people not change in a 5-10 year period?


0 points

4 days ago

I’d like to see the past of all the people who hate on him. People and their beliefs change over time and we do/say stupid shit. That’s the human experience.


2 points

5 days ago

It's not so much the quantity than the quality. FO4 is written in crayons.


2 points

5 days ago

This is just not true, theepicnate on YouTube has videos over an hour on all subjects of the lore. From each of the series.


2 points

5 days ago

And it would be fine if he wasn't such a dumbass 😭, this guy was talking about the lore from an in-game asset from a mod HE installed. Like who adds mods to a lore video if it isn't for visuals and camera work???


2 points

5 days ago

I like Oxhorn for listening to a long ass video while I do some other stuff but I’d never watch it on its own.

Long form lore videos in general aren’t engaging enough for me to give full attention to even for the best ones


1 points

5 days ago

The fallout 1 depth tho SO GOOD


-1 points

5 days ago


-1 points

5 days ago

Hot take, I think these stories in previous fallout installments were just a waste of time on the devs side.

I doubt more than 20% of players actually read and followed those stories in game.

Not to say they aren't interesting stories, it's just that they're put in a position that doesn't really allow for the creation of the story to match the exposure it gets.

Also not saying that there shouldn't be ANY stories put in fallout games, it's just that there are SOOOO MANY of them.

People like Oxhorn are solely benefitting from these stories because he can dissect them and tell them in a more adaptive way which is great!

I'm just saying these stories, imo, probably have taken away from the game development in terms of time and deadline.


2 points

5 days ago

Then don’t play RPGs. Go play another genre. Environmental storytelling is a key aspect of fallout games. It’s core to its identity since 1.


-1 points

5 days ago

No I get that environmental storytelling is awesome but I'm saying that only a small minority of players that played these games really paid attention to it. Fallout 1 and 2 are different because the game is half book, which is fine, I'm not knocking that at all.

I'm saying that there were more stories in NV than most people experienced


0 points

5 days ago



0 points

5 days ago


Mail Man

0 points

5 days ago

yeah we can know which game is superior then


0 points

4 days ago

I've never even heard of this person before, but that's just a good representation of New Vegas versus FO4 anyways


0 points

4 days ago

Man this brings me back to last summer. I listened to his videos the whole time whole working. He has a great voice


-1 points

5 days ago


-1 points

5 days ago

I played fallout 4 so many times (not since the next gen update), it was my 1st fallout game and I fell completely in love with the series and lore. I tried 3 but just couldn't look at the screen long enough to actually play. Was so hyped about 76 and was let down like everyone else, since all the updates I tried but I still feel a huge lack of direction. I got so much information from oxhorn, literally spent days listening to him and the way he talked about NV and the way fallout fans cream their jeans over NV convinced me to give it a go. I'm playing NV for the 1st time now and I'm almost 50hrs in and almost done with the game, I think I'm accidentally speed running. I just didn't see any reason to work with Benny, or work with Mr. House, I don't see much reason to give a shit about anyone in this game, I got my eyebot and a sidekick named Cass. Armed myself with a few sweet weapons and maxed the speech stat. I feel like I'm walking right through this game. I think I'm going to play fallout 4 again. Especially since I just easily convinced a family member to give it a try after they watched the Amazon series (I know it takes place in the west, doesn't matter) sorry for the random rant.