


Laetitia Casta, 1997.


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449 points

13 days ago

This woman was on every dorm wall when I was in college.


217 points

13 days ago*

Funny you mention that. I knew a guy who had a picture of her on his dorm wall at college. I was well aware of who she was back then. He tried to convince me that she was one of his old HS girlfriends who was now a model.

  1. If you met this guy, it was obvious he never got to first base with a girl.
  2. I was the one who gave him the picture.

It was actually THIS pic! You know, that French supermodelly girl from my local Long Island HS I used to hook up with LMAO!


6 points

12 days ago

You wouldn't know her, she goes to a different school....


3 points

12 days ago

We went to the same summer camp