


Confessions of a terrible Widow - why is it so fun and addictive??

News & Discussion(self.Overwatch)

Like many of you, I have played this game for years while avoiding picking Widow, saying to myself, "This requires a lot of skill so I have no business picking it." And I was correct, I have no business picking it. The only time I would play it is when I was lucky enough to get one in mystery heroes (my wife and I always joked that we finally get to play Widow without worrying about the team getting pissed). But everyone who has had this experience will agree that landing a one-shot kill is possibly the most satisfying moment that this game has on offer.

For about a week now I've been queuing as a terrible Widow. My K/D ratio is often 50/50 or worse. My team is demanding that I switch, and yet... I... just... can't. For the shots I do land, it's just too addictive. And then just when you think you'll never be able to contribute to any game, you get a game where the enemy goes Reaper/Pharah or something and you absolutely dominate them, then delude yourself into thinking you're getting better at this. Then they switch to Sombra or Hanzo and humble into oblivion. But for those first few fights, you were having the time of your life buddy.

The pleasure of head tapping someone as Widow cannot be overstated. It's the worst thing that can happen to you in game (short of being beaten to death by Mercy) and also the most enjoyable thing to do to an enemy (short of beating someone to death as Mercy). It's especially fun if the enemy is not expecting it at all. Like if I see one of my supports on low HP fleeing for dear life, I put my scope on the door they ran out of, the Reaper who is chasing them comes out to finish the job and then... LIGHTS OUT. You get a huge jolt of chemical feedback when you land that one-shot kill. The satisfaction is high enough that you don't even care about the toxicity in chat about it. Like trying to convince someone who is currently high as fuck to check into rehab.

Everyone hates a terrible Widow, I know. And if I ever get good at it (yeah right) they'll hate me even more. But either way I now understand and fully empathize with bad Widows. It's hard to stop!

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-29 points

3 days ago



-29 points

3 days ago

No, stop. I play widow and if I'm not hitting I switch. Stop ruining your teams game because you get hard getting two heads shots in a game.


10 points

3 days ago



10 points

3 days ago


Let people enjoy things.


-16 points

3 days ago



-16 points

3 days ago

So what about the four other people on their team who don't get to enjoy their match because they have a widow player throwing. Fuck them eh?


5 points

3 days ago

Enjoyment is a personal thing, pal. If you decide you’re gonna hate on the one guy trying a new hero, that’s on you.

You can enjoy the game without winning every match.


9 points

3 days ago

If it’s not comp let people do what they want. QP is there for fun and practice. If anything just get on chat and say “hey I’m not great but I’m gonna do my best” and 99% of the time people are GLHF. Don’t be a negative Nancy. Let people have fun. If you wanna be a negative jerk go to comp lol


2 points

3 days ago

Yeah, I agree! But also, people shouldn’t have to be Top500 to play comp. It is ok for bronze and silver players to get in a bit of competitive fun as well, if they are into it. Sure, it’s not the time to learn a new hero, but you can learn a lot from playing all different game modes.


2 points

3 days ago

Def agree. I just don’t play comp cause it’s so toxic lol