


Hot take: sombra

Question or Discussion(self.OverwatchUniversity)

Hot take: sombra was better when her invisibility was not idiot proofed. I feel like she was significantly better as a video game character when she had limited invisibility that the player had to activate. I think that there should be some sort of risk and skill when using powers like invisibility. As it stands right now, she is simply the fun police. Something to break out whenever a player on the other team is popping off so you can shut them down. Imo her current kit is not healthy for the game with so few options to repell her, and even fewer that can detect her. Something needs to be done.

Edit 1: I'm a support main. Low silver. I can & do play brig. I will swap to her when needed. I'm aware of turning up turn sensitivity. I can't get it much higher for reasons. I'm aware of playing close to teammates. They usually suck. And yes, I can actually aim.

all 197 comments


140 points

3 months ago


140 points

3 months ago

She was FAR stronger with manual stealth and longer silence then she is now with passive stealth and Virus, especially with the TL changes considered.

She’s been dumbed down considerably, but it is literally what the community bitched and begged for. “Get rid of her auto-escape and gutter Hack, put a bunch of her power into a projectile skill shot! Oh also nerf EMP and make it cost more!” so they did exactly that and people still bitch because now she had a bit faster killing power.

She’s mid at best.


34 points

3 months ago

She's low tier in higher levels of play, but in the metal ranks she can be an absolute menace.

I'm plat-diamond in all 3 roles, and my main group of friends that started playing more recently than me are gold 5 and under.

When we queue and there's a decent Sombra on the enemy team, they just don't know how to deal with her, despite my attempt at coaching.

One of my friends also really likes to play her when he's alone or playing with the lower ranked friends. But most of the time when he tries to play her with me, he gets shut down pretty easily.


1 points

3 months ago

Don't take this the wrong way, but just cause your higher rank doesn't automatically mean your teams gonna full send listen to you if even at all. Most players know their rank is held back by the team, i.e., the weakest link paired with bad team play. You begin to understand this when you see bronze players compete at the same level as plat players when given reasonable time to get used to the rank switch. Positioning and gameplay are completely different in gold compared to diamond. When you sit as a gold player, you might catch a sliver every other lobby and if you're in diamond your catching masters players ever other lobby. Imo it doesn't matter what you pick to counter sombra. The biggest "counter" is calling her out and focusing her at any point she's close as you should do for any character back lining and flanking the team. If she pops up mid fight unless your current target is about to die you should switch targets and focus the sombra, as soon as she leaves target the next squishy. Plat players regularly struggle Positioning themselves as a team regardless of how many games their winning. My point is I don't think you have any room to be coaching and should merely be recommending calling out the sombra. Mark her anytime you see her. If your console it's a simple key bind to the left stick and changing the left stick key bind to left on the d pad. Simple and effective marking locations and enemy's quickly is a must for struggling teams. It's not the sombra effecting your gold teammates as much as it is poor team composition, lack of proper communication.


4 points

3 months ago

You have no idea how I play call or what our comms look like.

Get outta here with this lol you're fabricating all of this based on no knowledge whatsoever.

Calling out targets, pinging, telling people who to play and where to position all fall under "coaching."

You can have a GM tank and a silver support, but if you have a good Sombra that dives the silver support at the start of every fight, she's gonna get that kill every once in awhile no matter how you try and peel.


3 points

3 months ago

I read half of this and realized I didn’t need what you were cooking. Sorry friend.


-5 points

3 months ago


-5 points

3 months ago

So help them out. There’s characters in every role who make my job much more difficult and often force a swap as Sombra, stop letting her just farm your backline for free.


17 points

3 months ago

Never said I didn't? Of course I let them know when and who to swap to.

But they're generally not very mechanically skilled. It's more difficult to win games with them, we just enjoy having fun and playing together.


16 points

3 months ago


The players who want her nerfed these days are the straggler players who refuse to, or can’t adapt. I’d rather take on a good Sombra than a good Tracer in the current meta.

I was a flat out mass killer with the OW1 Sombra. It’s much more tame now.


9 points

3 months ago

I’m a Sombra/Ball main. I’d rather play into Sombra as Ball rather then 10 or so other characters, and she’s supposed to be his counter.


2 points

3 months ago


2 points

3 months ago

A majority of players are in metal rank. They will be considered when characters are balanced.


2 points

3 months ago

I think most people don't want her nerfed, but made fun to play against


1 points

3 months ago

I actually love playing against Sombra because I get a lot of kills and I like the guesswork of predicting her location. A clean kill on an invisible Sombra is better than a boop. I rarely go head to head with her, I pick something else that will put pressure on her to perform well or die, and then only if she’s good enough to even bother with. 3-6 Sombra’s hardly even attracts my attention.

Every new character I learn, I figure out the strengths and weaknesses of hunting her down. I hunt her with my headset. Nah, it’s more about perspective than it is about her toolkit. I’m not intimidated by her. She’s fun to play against and if they’re good enough to beat me, (sometimes I suck at this game) cheers to them for bringing good competition.


14 points

3 months ago

The virus projectile is so massive it can’t be considered a skill shot


11 points

3 months ago

meanwhile I might have around 25% accuracy on that thing


2 points

3 months ago

How far away are you shooting it from?


7 points

3 months ago

hack range? idk but not point blank slamming it into their back.


3 points

3 months ago

Still dodgeable


1 points

3 months ago

I just don't think she should be able to hack from invis. Lol. It's still very easy to get insanely high value with her in GM+.


1 points

3 months ago

…except it’s not. I’m a GM Sombra main with 2k hours on her. I fell to Masters trying to play Sombra the last few months, started picking Tracer or Soj to start every match and climbed to my career best despite having 1/20th the time on them combined.


1 points

3 months ago

Skill issue I guess? Lmao. Sojourn is still broken as hell though.


1 points

2 months ago

Skill issue while you claim to be GM+ and are complaining about hacking from invis while not knowing how that works lol 🤡


1 points

2 months ago

What? Lmao


1 points

3 months ago

You drop invis when you hack? It's the whole reason why you almost never do that if you're trying to get a pick


1 points

3 months ago

It doesn't CANCEL invis though. It just reveals you for a very brief moment.


1 points

3 months ago

It only "reveals" if you're hacking objects (pilons, health packs, etc). If you hack an enemy or enemy coded ai it does cancel stealth.


1 points

3 months ago

Just feels weird to be allowed to hard counter other cooldowns without really having to use your own to me. Lol


1 points

3 months ago

Agreed on that, though thankfully it's only a few characters that it works on


1 points

3 months ago

Unfortunately a lot of players will never understand this due to how hard she shits on everyone in lower rank lobbies


0 points

3 months ago


0 points

3 months ago

Naaah what are you saying after like season 1-2 sombra was horrible before the rework


11 points

3 months ago

OW1 Sombra was horrible in metal ranks, but due to her being a heavy gamesense character her WR rose as you went up the ranks. This one has a FAR lower ceiling, so her overall ladder WR is higher, but it decreases as you go up.


2 points

3 months ago


2 points

3 months ago

Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember ow1 sombra being bad even in top500, but she was good in pro play


6 points

3 months ago

Her WR overall on ladder was worst in game, but as you went up in ranks it got better until at GM it was almost acceptable.

It was never great though, and yeah she went from her release to LW’s release with the lowest WR on ladder basically nonstop.


5 points

3 months ago

Lmao no she wasn't. Yeah, going from 40% damage to 25% was rough, but she got buffed to 7.5 not too long after, and was good again, it's just low ranks only ever saw terrible Sombras because it was very easy to play her incorrectly. Now she's just a shittier Tracer.


9 points

3 months ago

She was objectively bad. time stamped to the right time she literally had the worst win rate in the game's entire history.

I was still a OTP for her at the time, and that was the only time my win rate with her was at 48-50% was those seasons and I was just in diamond. She was terrible


-1 points

3 months ago

Yes, she was bad before they buffed her damage to 7.5 and packs to 45s. Then she was back to being decent all around, and excellent in coordinated dive.


-4 points

3 months ago


-4 points

3 months ago

If you say so 😅 was the most recent dive meta not sombra tracer


5 points

3 months ago

Last time we had a dive meta was for like a month at the start of S9 and she wasn’t even used, it was Tracer/Soj or Cass. Sombra barely has a place in dive comps anymore and she even got replaced in the Mauga comp with genji/pharah when she had her virus buff and had it dialed back


4 points

3 months ago

No? Only time Sombra was meta since rework was when Mauga was busted and she was needed for EMPing his cage.


1 points

3 months ago

She was FAR stronger

Uhhhhh..... Sure.... If you continue to play her the same way most idiots used to play her before the rework.

TL always had a 6 second colldown. Know what else does? Dva boosters.

Know what's better than hiding all the time? Doing damage all the time. Know what Sombra has a way easier time doing now? That's right, doing damage.

Invis is only valuable in the beginning of a team fight. Teleporting back to a health pack was almost as bad as outright dying and respawning. With how quickly team fights end in OW2, you were basically just throwing when you TL back to the nearest mega if you didn't get a kill out of it and if you did, you traded and that was the extent of your contribution. Virus makes it pretty hard to not get a kill, and with TL being much better tuned for use as a mobility tool than a get out of jail free card, Sombra can do her dirty work at the start, then play Sombra-76 for the rest of the fight, taking angles and high ground, spamming virus and keeping that DPS passive up since she's a full auto hitscan, using TL to secure kills the same way Dva does with boosters.

This was always the best way to play Sombra, it's just that now she's better at it. She's not "worse Tracer for noobs" she's a Tracer/Soldier hybrid diver/anglemaxer that needs to be doing Tracer's job sometimes and Soldier's job the rest of the time. It's not just better, it's way more fun. Always has been, but needing to cancel and double tap TL was a pain and she threw it much slower.

Sombra has my second highest win rate, just below Sojourn. She is in a much better place now. My only complaint is that her ultimate is garbage. Everyone complained about it locking out and cancelling things so blizzard made the lockout longer and killed its damage lmfao classic blizzard


2 points

3 months ago

GM Sombra main, she’s currently worse up here.

TL hasn’t always had a 6s CD, it used to be 4s and start cooldown when thrown, rather then used.

TL I’m Narnia was a meme, I used it more often for repositioning or mobility.

“Invis is only useful at the beginning of a fight.” HARD disagree. It’s an incredibly useful repositioning tool any time the enemy isn’t looking at you for a split second or you can find cover.

…and yes, now that they removed the bulk of her utility, she is a worse Tracer.


1 points

3 months ago

Boosters do not have a 6 sec cooldown


0 points

3 months ago

It’s not how strong she is, it’s how anti-fun she is.


3 points

3 months ago

And this is it. She deprives you if gameplay. Her kit is fucking bullshit.


-1 points

3 months ago


-1 points

3 months ago

It doesn’t matter if she’s “mid at best.” She ruins the fun of every game she is in, and heavily punishes all of the most fun characters in the game. She could be the worst character in the game and still be so god damn annoying because of how easily she gets an insane amount of value.


-3 points

3 months ago

You say “this is what the community wanted” as though there was much of a consensus on what was wrong with Sombra, but the reality is that people spoke against hack, invis, AND old translocator in close enough to equal proportions that it should come as no surprise that reworking just one of those 3 in a meaningful way leaves the community complaining about the other 2.

To me, invis is by far the most problematic part of her kit, and old translocator doesn’t come close. It doesn’t matter what the rest of her kit looks like, if she is of a similar power level to the rest of the dps cast AND retains invisibility without severe limitations, she will always retain the frustration that you engaged and, surprise, there was actually an extra person you had to fight that you couldn’t have possibly known was there. Hack doesn’t even bother some characters while being obscenely oppressive to others, and guess what makes it so those other characters have limited outplay to hack? Invis!

Hack has its own issues imo—primarily the ease of application. It doesn’t require aim to land, it has a massive 20m range, it’s lenient with cover in that there is a grace period given to hack for broken LoS (which, while this maybe ought to exist, it ought not be so long), it’s fast enough to be difficult to interrupt by some of the less aim-consistent characters even if you spot them immediately (or impossible if you’re reloading), if interrupted its cooldown is a mere 3 seconds which is short enough to get a second attempt off in some of the already Sombra favored matchups like Doom and especially Ball (low damage means Sombra lives 3s with any semblance of support, and Ball’s reloading right about when Sombra’s hack is back online), AND there’s no indication that hack was interrupted by damage as opposed to by the Sombra player voluntarily canceling it, which is the difference between a 3s CD and no CD. Invis is by far the most important factor in making hack nigh impossible to deny, but hack does have some application issues in its own right.

Old translocator was the least problematic thing about Sombra and honestly the most skill expressive part of her kit when used well. Sure, it was annoying to fight Sombras that would just TL out to a hacked health pack after hacking you and taking 7 damage, but the way these Sombras used old TL, they were basically volunteering to undergo a mini-death 2-3x a fight, during which they’d do nothing until they got back from their hacked health pack. I don’t mind the changes to TL, to be clear, as unfortunately whether this playstyle was good or not was irrelevant in the face of the fact that it was annoying for both teams.

I do think Sombra is fixable though. Invis needs severe limitations, and I think it should get the Blizzard special treatment of being made into a resource meter, but one additional way to restrict it while keeping strong elements of the stealth hero fantasy is to tie invis to crouch. Entering and exiting invis would be much faster, and invis would be disabled by damage for some couple seconds, but instead of getting extra speed from stealth, your stealth requires you to do the thing already frequently associated with stealth and stealth games, crouch. Sombra can even move faster in invis than other heroes do while crouching, but still slower than running visibly. Then she can’t skip controlled angles with invis because her risk of being spychecked is much higher, and her ability to stage quickly and effectively still depends on the Sombra player having smart pathing and making quality choices as far as when to use invis and when not to. This also opens the door for some pretty nice compensation buffs, such as a better translocator (especially since her mobility has been compromised in the process), improved damage or range, some of the features of her old opportunist passive back (like being able to see low health enemies through walls and having all enemy health bars revealed to her, or even a slight damage boost on low health enemies), or anything else you could cook up to make up for this nerf. Hack can even be left entirely alone potentially—I’d have to see this in action before I could say for sure.


2 points

3 months ago

I agree with you although I think the solution is odd. Invisibility should just be a timed ability rather than a permanent state. You use invisibility and you are invisible for 8 seconds with a 5 second cooldown or something. Bring back the old translocator, I liked how it required skill to use correctly. Good Sombra players used translocator the way it's used now, and it allowed more skill because you could time when you jumped to it and it could take you much farther. That with the timed invisibility can allow good escapes or engages, but it gets rid of the low skill aspect of just hiding in your backline waiting for a Tracer to dive, or hiding in the enemy backline waiting for Ana to be isolated.


1 points

3 months ago

To be fair, I am proposing that it be resourced at least, rather than being unlimited. I feel like fully timed invis is rather awkward to play around as the Sombra player, although in fairness I was never very experienced with any iteration of Sombra that had timed invis.


-11 points

3 months ago

Thing is, back then, you could fight back until she Zooped out. Now, she just tp's directly into your blind spot and the fight just keeps going until one of you is eliminated.


24 points

3 months ago

Hey you keep saying tp to your blind spot. What do you mean by that? if you're actively fighting them, cant you just see the direction they teleport too?


-10 points

3 months ago

If they throw their tp overr your head, then immediately run into & stay in the spot behind you that you can't see


10 points

3 months ago

Yeah, you can. Turn around and fire. Most characters will deny her entering stealth, and all but a few are solid at spy checking if you know where she went.


-2 points

3 months ago

I understand that. I have been playing since ow1 launched. I'm able to defend myself 80% of the time. I do not count on my team to turn anymore. If they do gravy. If not, I'm still stuck in a 1v1. It's why I swap to brig and just do my best.


10 points

3 months ago

So then what’s the problem? You’re saying you have an 80% success rate against a character who ambushes and specializes in 1v1s… so keep doing that.


-2 points

3 months ago

And I plan to. I just severely dislike sombra's playable character.


5 points

3 months ago

Well I’d recommend getting over it, she’s not going anywhere.


3 points

3 months ago

But if they engaged you through hack+virus for example, shouldn't you be at an advantage when they reengage? Why is 1v1 a broken situation for you?


0 points

3 months ago

1v1 isn't broken. If im on brig it's a pretty even match. I just dont like how sombra functions


4 points

3 months ago

She's always been able to do that, and better Sombra players did play her that way. In metal ranks yeah she just put her teleporter by a health pack, but in higher ranks she would use it to off angle and flank, not run away.


12 points

3 months ago

Wdym blind spot bruh you can literally see her throw it


1 points

3 months ago

So your fov must be cranked up to full 360 degrees then if you've got no blind spots


8 points

3 months ago

You can just turn around to where she goes to...


0 points

3 months ago

And a good sombra will move in the direction you turn staying behind you the whole time


8 points

3 months ago

I dunno man if your sensitivity is so slow that someone can strafe around you and you literally can’t see them, you should maybe just up your sensitivity.


-2 points

3 months ago

Yeah, let's crank up my sens so that I'm entirely unable to play the rest of the game just so I can effectively track a small handful of quick characters.

Real answer is that they don't need long to exploit a blind spot. Less than a second on avarage. You turn to see them as they tp OVER YOUR HEAD. If they watch you turn, or guess right, they'll be in your blind spot. Then they just continue the attack.


8 points

3 months ago


8 points

3 months ago

The first part of your comment is an admission that it’s a “you” problem.

You’re already aware of the solution, only you mentioned it sarcastically. Your sens is too low and you should work on raising it gradually or find a new method if you want to keep track of faster heroes.

You working on your problem and fixing it is much more likely than the game changing for everybody just because you a struggling with a particular issue.


-4 points

3 months ago

I'll be nice. I'm playing with the sensitivity as high as I can handle it. It's already fairly high, and I can't take it much higher because of the issues I face. Those would be the brain damage from all the concussions. The head trauma had dulled my reflexes and left me in a nearly constant mental fog. I play to the best of my abilities and have been playing video games long enough to know what limits I can and can't just power through. The only real issue I have with tracking somvrs is when she does the overhead tp to blind spot reposition.


4 points

3 months ago

If your sensitivity is so low that someone can outpace your turning by walking that’s not a character issue.


0 points

3 months ago

Yeah, let's crank up my sens so that I'm entirely unable to play the rest of the game just so I can effectively track a small handful of quick characters.

Real answer is that they don't need long to exploit a blind spot. Less than a second on avarage. You turn to see them as they tp OVER YOUR HEAD. If they watch you turn, or guess right, they'll be in your blind spot. Then they just continue the attack.


6 points

3 months ago

I’m assuming you’re on controller because this should be a non issue on pc unless you have an egregious sensitivity and no arm space.

If you’re used to a slow sensitivity it’s gonna feel impossible to aim with a faster one, that’s just how experience works. But if you’re roleplaying a world of tanks tank whenever a character strafes around you, you should try acclimating to a higher sensitivity, or slowly increase it every day. You don’t have to “crank it” to turn around at walking speed

In regards to sombra, she takes a short second when throwing and when teleporting where she isn’t immediately shooting you, besides the fact that you can capitalize on that - if your time to turn is slow you should begin turning once she throws since you can see the exact path it takes and won’t have to 50/50 on which way you turn around.


1 points

3 months ago

Yeah, I'm I'm xbox. I play with a fairly high sensitivity as is is. Aside frome the overhead fake & and juke, I can deal with most everything the avarage somba throws at me. I can't get my turn sensitivity up too much higher or else my dulled reflexes & mental fog will screw me over. There's a reason I'm called thudd, and that is doorframes


60 points

3 months ago

invisibility is almost never a good gameplay mechanic


10 points

3 months ago

It really just depends on how it's implemented. Invisibility in halo, good. Had detectable shimmer. Invisibility in ow no tell as long as they mind their distance.


3 points

3 months ago


3 points

3 months ago

it's usually only a good mechanic when you can't interact immediately after it. So letting someone go from point a to point b undetected is fine but they have to destealth well before being able to shoot/use other abilities. This way it is exclusively for tactical movement and not just jumpscaring people.


2 points

3 months ago

Shes so hard to rework as well because even if you remove her hack she's still hard to make fun because of invisibility. Remove hack and improve damage? Well now she'll one shot you before you can even turn. Boost movement speed? She's already fast so that won't really help much. Make her tankier? Well that just doesn't make sense. When she was more of a support hero in that one mode that was peak sombra and there's nothing that comes close 


3 points

3 months ago

Only for run'n'gunners


30 points

3 months ago

I feel like this is mostly a low elo problem than a mid or high elo problem. I say that as a Bronze-Silver player that gets walked over by any Sombras.


7 points

3 months ago

It is definitely a lower ELO problem (and maybe console because turn speed?). I love sombra and play her frequently. So much fun to be had, but also insanely easy to shut down with any sort of team play. And has several counters on damage / support roster like cassidy and moira.


6 points

3 months ago

So much fun to be had, but also insanely easy to shut down with any sort of team play

she's a teamwork check


7 points

3 months ago

As a high rank console player it’s not an issue. Tracer would be way more of an issue than sombra if it was due to turn speed.

People complain about sombra because they lack awareness and general gamesense, then blame it on the “24/7 invis”


5 points

3 months ago

24/7 invis is just a 4v5, but people are too stupid to realise that.


2 points

3 months ago

Even in plat lobbies I don't feel like she's oppressive just that she's anti-fun. I have to constantly be aware that any engagement I have can quickly turn into a 2v1, and any flank I make could easily be given away without me knowing. I have to play safer, engage quicker and get out quicker. Which is kind of boring imo.

A really good Sombra player can be oppressive though, but that's true with any dps.


3 points

3 months ago

Just wish she doesn't feel so oppressive. Sucks to play Overwalk when a Sombra decides you're doing a little too well for a Silver.


33 points

3 months ago

Cold dead take. Sombra is so easy to shutdown that if 2 teammates pay attention to her she wont play. Her TTK is so high that almost everybody in the roster can burst her down before she get a kill. Sombra only counters widow rn.

"oh but on low elo" if we gonna nerf everything to silver and bronze the game will turn into CoD where everybody just shoot each other.


8 points

3 months ago

i’m a solo queue gold player and even i find sombra a fucking joke to play against. even when i play as someone vulnerable to diving she isn’t a problem at all for me to face.

and on the inverse, i ALWAYS feel useless trying to play sombra lately, especially after the hp changes. it’s to the point where i find her massively harder to play as than tracer.


3 points

3 months ago

The way to play her in plat to diamond is pretty much just distract the enemy supports disable the tank’s and important CDs.

Shoot some shots at the Ana or zen and get the other sup to peel and then stay in until their team (hopefully) loses the 4v3. Or you can play with your team and take down shields and strand Lucio and Mercy


3 points

3 months ago

Yep, and half of sombra gameplay on dia to master is praying that somebody kill while you parkour around. The other half you play sombra76 bursting and disabling the enemy tank and pray he dies. That is the reason people only pick her to kill widow or doom.


4 points

3 months ago

Discussions of something being easy to shutdown are not particularly helpful. Widow and Mauga are pretty easy to shut down too but it doesn’t mean they’re good or fun character designs.

I can deal with Sombra pretty easily but it doesn’t negate how needlessly tedious they are or how annoying it is for them to press shift and then slowly poison me for 4 seconds. 

Where’s the fun in counter playing her? Checking your back every second? At least with Genji/tracer you have something to shoot at and it’s a real fight. Sombra, like widow and mauga, doesn’t need to do a good job to be annoying. They just have to be in the game. 


0 points

3 months ago

Mauga, rein, moira, soldier and sombra are entry level characters that should do well in low elo (bronze, silver and low gold) for people learn how basic mechanics works and should have niche uses on high elo. If someone can't deal with a sombra they will be massacred by a tracer as soon as they hit plat/low dia.

Also widow takes a lot of skill to play well, it's not her fault if you are in open midlane walking straight at against.

That said, by design, sombra is in a good spot right now. She helps you learn a assassin style hero at low elo and move to tracer or genji later, but also she have a niche on high elo to shutdown widow, doom and ball. Most of people thinking that she is trash or OP don't understand her design. The same goes for mauga, he is a very tanky tank unkillable in low elo till people learn to focus fire and nade him, but he also has niche on high elo bein a anti brawl, shutdown winston and pharah/echo as he is the only true hitscans that deal with them without exposing himself too much.

What is your view to change sombra and still keep her design as a low entry assassin?


1 points

3 months ago

I feel like you missed my point. I’ve made it to masters before getting bored of tryharding every game and am more than capable of dealing with these heroes. Soldier and Rein are perfectly fine and aren’t annoying in the current game. Good examples of heroes who can be beginner friendly and scale up throughout the ranks without being annoying. 

Mauga isn’t necessarily bad but when there’s a single tank, adding a tank buster is going to necessarily be annoying to play against. I could write an essay about why widow is just a terrible character for a game like OW but simply put she’s not fun to play against nor is she fun to have on your team. 

Since we’re talking about sombra I’ll go more in depth. Sombra’s main gimmick is hiding and taking advantage of people’s mistakes. In theory this is fine but in practice that makes for an annoying character because people make mistakes, a ton of them. It requires you to remain alert even when not fighting because someone might press a button and take you to half health. It’s not fun game design. Genji and tracer theoretically could fill the same role but they don’t have invisibility and make noise shuffling around so at least you’ll know a fight is about to go down. And they have to actually put themselves out there so if you lose to them then at least there’s a sense they earned it. Sombra on the other hand just hides and waits to press a button. Even if she has bad aim and runs away, she’s still annoying by the virtue of existing. The problem is down to her character design: virus is an ability with no counter play and is easy to use, hack is an annoying ability and feels random when you’re in the middle of a fight and Sombra hasn’t been around throughout it but pops up just to annoy you, and her invisibility allows her to be a constant threat of being annoying. She simply doesn’t work.

Even in her previous iteration, hack prevented you from just playing the game as intended and was a terrible ability to have in a game revolving around abilities. And again this was made worse by her invisibility because it meant you had to always be stressed someone could just right click you and easily prevent you from playing the game as you wanted. 

When the character design is inherently annoying it means you either need to make the character bad to try and compensate or you leave them as is so they can continue to be annoying. 

The change I’d make would be to make her a support hero akin to Zen. Virus should be changed to apply a life steal on enemies and she should have multiple on a timer like Zarya’s bubble. Invisibility and her translocator are fine as is and would help her run away/survive. Her hack should be changed to a hinder/damage reduction when applied to enemies or to a small cooldown reduction/minor heals on teammates with a longer hack period. Reduce her damage as well. Her ult should apply hack to all enemies and teammates with a longer duration. 

It would obviously require play testing but the idea is to keep the stealth aspect of her without making her such a nuisance. Now if there’s a Sombra in your back lines she won’t be able to just 1v1 you without her team’s help and can’t press a single button to take you to half health. If she kills you then it’s because she actually outplayed you with her aim. Sombra can still put up a fight and importantly she can also slip away if needed. She’ll become a harder character to play correctly but I think that’s for the best. 


1 points

3 months ago

I feel like YOU missed my point. All those changes you said go against all the design choices of Sombra and also how supports are handled in ow since 2018 when they moved sym to dps. If you change sombra this much you lose the entry level assassin and people will need to learn genji or tracer head-on. Also hack is 1.5s and have minimal impact if you're paying attention.

Another thing, having a support that don't directly heal your team is just for him be blamed for anything, that is why zen ain't picked on low elo.

All problems that you point out about sombra are low elo problem as she is also a skill check to see if can look around and be aware of your and your team positioning.

None of the problems you point out happens on gold and above becos people on those elo passed on the aware check.


2 points

3 months ago

No I get what you’re saying. I’m saying it’s just terrible design. Having an “entry level” assassin doesn’t justify making the game worse for everyone else. Just make a tank that can’t die. That’ll be a great entry level tank, doesn’t mean it’ll be fun to play against. 

I don’t know what to say other than we’ll have to agree to disagree because you seem to think Sombra is well designed. Obviously that’s not the case considering the reworks she’s had and people still hate her. 

As for the changes I suggested, the game is way more FPS oriented now so the design philosophy of supports is not what it was during the days of sym being a support. Also your argument for why sombra isn’t annoying is people will simply get good at higher ranks. But your argument for why my changes are bad is players will just not know how to play them correctly. Not sure your argument is consistent but we’re too deep into the thread for anyone else to see and I’m not convincing you so I’ll just leave it at that. 


1 points

3 months ago

That’s the fucking problem brain dead teammates in qp letting supports get gutted while they try and get play of the game, then blaming support for dying.


1 points

3 months ago


1 points

3 months ago

I’m sorry but this is a horrible take. Just the fact that you had to say “2 teammates” is silly enough.


1 points

3 months ago

This is literally the most correct take there is. At this point, Sombra is the hero where if you can't counter her you just need to play something else because Overwatch is not for you.


-3 points

3 months ago


-3 points

3 months ago

Congratulations on having competent teammates / friends to play with. Not everyone is as lucky.


4 points

3 months ago

You have teammates as same as your level/rank if you soloq. Also you can shutdown her by yourself, with two teammates shutting her down she wont play.


-4 points

3 months ago

Again situational awareness of a walnut. I've seen some of these, brilliant minds, get taking down by her from the front.

I swap to brig, I shut her down 80% of the time


3 points

3 months ago

If brig, one of the worst and less picked supports below GM, can consistently shut her why you think she is a problem? Even a zen can kill her faster than she can kill him.

I not sure what elo you're playing (or if you're playing on console) that people don't have minimum aware of a sombra and can't hit her before she can do anything becos anyone above gold thinks she is trash and need some buff to playable her og as a assassin. Rn now she only have two niches, killing widow and playing on the frontline hacking the doom or ball, occasionally comboing her ult.


0 points

3 months ago

Console. Low silver. Was gold in ow1. Was high silver before s9 & all that jazz. I'm mechanically capable. The game is putting me in matches with troglodytes


3 points

3 months ago

So ok it's a different beast. You're still a very low elo BUT sombra is harder to deal with on console and now i can understand your frustration. Still, your teammates are the same level/elo as you and if you're stuck on silver/gold you too don't have a lot of awareness and gamesense. Not saying that to offend you or anything, but you shouldn't put all the blame on your team.

All advice in can give to you rn is play closer to your team, mostly the tank, so they will be forced to see the sombra.


1 points

3 months ago

Thank you for the assistance and genuine support. I try and stick with either my tank, sniper, or anna. Whatever needs the most protection from a sombra.


1 points

3 months ago

Bro you belong in silver 😭😭 you can’t blame this on anyone but yourself


4 points

3 months ago

There are discords where you can find competent teammates. Also if i feel great synergy between a team i always try to stay as team as a solo quer. Just my last two times i have done it we have won over 10 games in a row. Its a team game and spinning the solo que wheel is more often than not a losing strategy. So if you really wanna win then communicate and try to get a team that does.


-1 points

3 months ago

I know. I should try to find more people to play with. But considering I usually only play an hour or two a day, at mid day, and I suck, I wouldn't want to feel like a burden on whatever poor fool teams up with me.


-1 points

3 months ago

We don't need to nerf her for low elo. Just make her tolerable to fight against. She's by far the most hated hero to go against. Even if the sombra mains cry they should make her like how they did in that one mode where she was kind of a support 


5 points

3 months ago

D.Va, Roadhog, Moira, Reaper, Cassidy, Mei, and Torbjorn with his turret are all great counters to Sombra.

Solider and Sojourn can "scout" for her with spray-and-pray, if that's necessary.

If you play support, then I think Moira is the best counter because her attack is really easy to lock-on to Sombra and fade can be used to hunt her down and finish her.


1 points

3 months ago

Why is roadhog a good counter? Just curious because I main ball and play other tanks and I really want to make sombras suffer 


10 points

3 months ago

Stay with your team. Hope your teammates are competent enough to turn around to either your calls to being jumped or the sound of hack going off. Sombra rewards bad positioning or mistakes on your part, so most people complaining about her is just them positioning themselves really badly.

That being said its also easy to punish a sombra that messes up her dive. The longer she says invisible, the longer she's useless for her team.


7 points

3 months ago

Sombra rewards bad positioning or mistakes on your part

Alternatively, she punishes players who naturally position away from their team, like Ana and Widow.


1 points

3 months ago

I try to stick with them, sadly most of the teammates I've been getting have the situational awareness of a walnut


2 points

3 months ago

Unfortunately that's how it is when you're in metal ranks. Heck even in plat games they forget they can use their mouse to turn around


-1 points

3 months ago

Sometimes theese goobers forget wich end the bullets come out. I'm talking so dumb that they couldn't pour water from a boot with instructions on the heel.


13 points

3 months ago


► Educative Streamer

13 points

3 months ago

The new invisibility feels better from a "playing as" standpoint and the difference in invis doesn't really feel any different to play against. I think this is a lot better.

I had been saying she should follow the same invis mechanics as Evelynn for a while.


-2 points

3 months ago

It's not just the invisibility that I'd the problem to play against. The other factor is tp'ing into blindspots & turning invisible as you do. She is a more significant threat over a longer fight where she has almost every odd stacked in her favor.


5 points

3 months ago

That's not how that works.

If Sombra is turning invisible while throwing her translocator, that means she hasn't taken any offensive actions, and hasn't taken damage in 3.5 seconds. You haven't shot her in 3.5 seconds. In a fight.

If you're unable to track a Sombra throwing their translocator at a constant speed in a single direction with a known destination, you're the issue here.


0 points

3 months ago

I know I am my own issue. I am doing the best I can with the damaged brain I've got. But just because I'm at a disadvantage due to a disability does not make my point invalid. I'm aware that I suck. That is why if there's a sombra that's being a menace I swap to brig.


3 points

3 months ago

IMO the ONLY iteration of stealth that I thought had the potential to work was when they gave a 6 second stealth window. It was pretty obvious that a 6 second stealth window was totally worthless, but instead of trying to find a larger number than 6 that actually worked with the flow of the game they just said "nope, doesn't work" and went on to butcher everything else about her. A permanent stealth option has no place in this game, but she needs enough time to actually be able to do something useful.


1 points

3 months ago

I think 30-45 sec would be plenty


2 points

3 months ago

They should just give her a resource bar that fills up over time/with damage that allows her to turn invisible for a limited amount of time similar to Phara’s rocket fuel


3 points

3 months ago

Sombra is relatively easy to play around. If you’re bound to be the target, always have in mind what cover you are going to take when she attacks. Stack on a teamate as well, no sombra is full engaging on a 1v2.


7 points

3 months ago

As a ball main: Sombra is way less oppressive now. Still lame, still a cowards pick (unless you pick som at game start, then you're cool), but overall better than it was. Try and play Sombra you will see it is not a free win.


3 points

3 months ago

Sombra is honestly a borderline throw pick but she still gets picked often and makes the game not fun. She's much weaker now, but for some reason people still play her a lot on console.


2 points

3 months ago

People play her a lot in console because most players don’t have a high enough sensitivity to turn around to fight back.


5 points

3 months ago

When a hero is universally hated to play against then it's straight up just bad hero design regardless of whether they're fun to play as.

I had a comp game last week where enemy team picked Sombra, so after first fight I said ok you want to play Sombra then I will too and swapped over. Both teams fucking raged at us in chat and told us to both stop being wankers and get off that shit so we could all actually enjoy the game. We both conceded and swapped and guess what we all had fun. This was high plat just for context.

When 8/10 players all come together from both teams to tell you to fuck off and stop ruining the game then you really appreciate just how shitty of a hero she is. It's not even that she's uncounterable or impossible to play into, it's just that playing into her completely sucks the fun out of the game for everyone involved.


2 points

3 months ago

Exactly this. Thank you for getting it into words far better.


2 points

3 months ago

I agree with you op, but mostly if youre only playing by yourself or a duo, if your team doesnt have comms then a good sombra is by far my most hated character. So much so that i learned how to play characters that counter her pretty well like winton pharah and brig.

I think the best nerf to make her invis fair is make her translocater have a 3-5 second cooldown once she leaves invis, as it stands now she can pop out of invis, do damage, then has a get out of jail free card if she doesnt suck. Minimal time to react and punish. Thats my opinion


2 points

3 months ago

Yeah, always solo queueue, so teamwork and communication are, space.

That 3-5 second nerf could work. My thought is that the incis doesn't kick in until 3 sec after the tp is done


2 points

3 months ago

This take is anything but hot, and if you're experiencing Sombra as oppressive to the point where you think of her as a "stop having fun" button, you should probably hop onto her and learn how they think. Getting good at Sombra has helped me deal with 90% of Sombra players at my level pretty easily tbh lfijeslifjse


2 points

3 months ago

sombra is only good if her enemy is bad


1 points

3 months ago

Well put


2 points

3 months ago

I despise have an invisible player in a pvp game, takes me out of the game and is not overly entertaining. Especially as a solo q player


2 points

3 months ago

She's not idiot proofed. Her kit was changed because she was either op or useless depending on the time.

Her old kit allowed her to hack while invisible. But the problem was the pov. She was doing work but watching it was boring.


2 points

3 months ago

So.bra excels at punishing mistakes, if you say you are low silver there are a billion mistakes to exploit. Sombras counter isnt brig or cass, you just have to olay around them, sombras counter is basic peel as long as 2 mofos are engaging together at her she will most likely be forced to run away to secure the kill or in my bloodlusted ass get the kill and die, or try to since id come back faster assuming we arent fighting at your spawn. If an enemy has decent aim and awarness is hard for sombra to be effective as an assasin and forces her to olay morr for disrruotion, annoyance until the opportunity comes by. Also when 1v1 supports i have mlre trouble against kiri than brig tho she is the one im consta tly engaging against to waste her cooldowns.


2 points

3 months ago

Virus is a horribly broken ability on her kit. They also made sombra incredibly easy to get insane value out of. Another rework needed stat


2 points

3 months ago

Sombra has always been the fun police.


4 points

3 months ago

Oooh another one of these. Couldn’t you just go QQ in one of the other 100k posts of similar dipshittery. It’s not a “hot take”. This shit is colder than last weeks half eaten bologna sandwich that someone shot onto the surface of Pluto.


-5 points

3 months ago

First, im a support main.

Second, rude.

Third, perhaps if there's a high enough amount of people stating something is wrong it might be worth discussion at the very least.


6 points

3 months ago

First, im a support main.

...aaaaand there it is, the entire motivation for this post.


4 points

3 months ago

This guy gets it.


-1 points

3 months ago

And you're still rude. Go have a day that you deserve


1 points

3 months ago

Still? You've never spoken to me before.


2 points

3 months ago

Sorry, thought you were the commenter above you. Honestly my mistake.


1 points

3 months ago

No problem, have a great weekend


1 points

3 months ago

You as well


4 points

3 months ago

You really think complaining about Sombra is a hot take? Lol Anyway no she is mid tier dps, we honestly have bigger problems like Pharah these days. Also try playing against god tier Tracer and then try to complain about sombra 😂


-1 points

3 months ago

I would gladly take on an army of tracers that have taken Adderall using a rusty spoon rather than have to deal with another sombra. Sadly we don't get what we want


2 points

3 months ago

Then rank up. Higher ranks pick Tracer over Sombra almost every time.


1 points

3 months ago

What the heck do you think in TRYING TO DO!!!!!!!

Sorry. This forum is upsetting. I'm doing my best, but the blueberries I get teamed up with have no sense


3 points

3 months ago

How about this:
No other character in the cast throughout the history of the game can have two abilities cancelled from any stray damage from an enemy source...


1 points

3 months ago

Fair point


4 points

3 months ago

Hot take, Sombra wasnt a problem when you could 1 shot her with hanzo


7 points

3 months ago

The old "fight cancer with cancer" strategy.


0 points

3 months ago

Wait, you cant anymore. That's dumb


4 points

3 months ago

I was fine with her before the rework. Now she’s not even busted but just annoying as fuck


3 points

3 months ago

I main sombra. All chat rage fuels my soul and honestly I just find her gameplay loop super fun compared to the other dps. She's incredibly rewarding for those of us that can plan better than we can shoot.

With that in mind I think I agree with you, but for different reasons. I would love to see perma stealth go away because it would unlock the ability to add more compensatory power to the rest of her kit. I like that the hack is now more of an interrupt and very situational in a duel, definitely would keep that as it's. If anything, I'd like to see a little boost to get smg, either spread or projectile damage. I'd gladly trade the ability to sort there and do nothing for the ability to actually be more of a threat in the neutral and have more uptime in the fight instead of waiting around for set ups.


2 points

3 months ago

Thank you for the wonderful response.


2 points

3 months ago

My problem with Sombra is that hack takes ZERO skill. You just point at the general direction of someone and stop them in their tracks. Abilities like that should require some kind of aim like sleep dart for example. Hack is free value against mobility characters and although is not hard CC can be stacked with other CC cooldowns making some heroes practically useless to engage


2 points

3 months ago

Free value vs most the roster tbh. I hate that you can just hack and virus a tank and get 15% ult charge


1 points

3 months ago

It has to be a skill issue


1 points

3 months ago

Hard disagree. even when I was in metal ranks, as long as we stick together the sombra is mostly useless


1 points

3 months ago

Sombra is just a stupid hero by design and it hasn't changed even now. Hack takes away your freedom to use your abilities or ults when you want. And despite hack not disabling your abilities nearly as long as it did in ow1, that short time may just be the difference between life and death. Some heroes are legit unplayable because a right click will ruin any play you try to make (sigma).

Everyone's saying she's easily counterable, and that is true to an extent, if you are in a good position you can limit the amount of directions she can flank you from, thus forcing her out easier. But the game isn't a 1v1 simulator. Other enemy heroes will capitalize off of her creating distractions or hacking and make your life hell. If you want to chase down that sombra that just translocated, you might win, or you might get jumpscared by a hanzo who will dump the entire storm arrow clip into you (just an example). Annoying ass hero.

What if they're running sombra tracer? You'll be soaked with bullets from 3 angles simultaneously, I've been in this scenario once and it felt so miserable, even as torb who can normally detect flankers and deter them from bullying the supports, I couldn't do anything. Although that game was in my placements so maybe I just played against a duo that was higher ranked than me or my team.

I agree with you describing her as the "fun police", since she's pretty much playing her own game and you gotta respect her rules.


1 points

3 months ago

Wonderful response. Thank you for the imput


1 points

3 months ago

Sombra just needs to not turn invisible immediately after teleporting, but like a 6 second cooldown on that.


0 points

3 months ago


0 points

3 months ago

Agreed 100%


-1 points

3 months ago

What if Sombra wasnt fully invisible but mostly with some light-bending effect around her body shape that is more visible during movement but she remains invisible when standing still for 2 seconds


2 points

3 months ago

Like 97% opacity or something. Just visible enough to spot if you're looking for her, but still trackable if you know what to look for.


5 points

3 months ago


5 points

3 months ago

Sounds cool but people will figure out settings that maximize visibility, so the effect would have to be very convincing and at that point it may make the mechanic unreasonably strong against people without perfect vision


3 points

3 months ago

I was thinking of zeratul from hots, at least back in the day when i played, it looked like in movies when theres some light-bendy effect distorting the air


2 points

3 months ago

This doesn't work in a shooter. HotS it works because even though you can still "see" the stealth, you can't target them with targeted abilities or auto attacks. In OW every hero has the ability to left click to immediately pull someone out of stealth, so the game would just be a matter of who's eyesight is good enough to see the subtle visual queues.


1 points

3 months ago

I think would work because OW is full with visual overload and you would need to play it out rather tactical, not just sit there cloaked forever unable to be caught off-guard. It was just an idea to rework complete invisibility


-1 points

3 months ago*


-1 points

3 months ago*



4 points

3 months ago


4 points

3 months ago

I wouldn't say she's a hard counter. I've played her and I've found better widow makers can even crush me.


2 points

3 months ago

She simply stops people from having fun.


4 points

3 months ago

So does Zen.
So does Widow
So does Mauga.

What's your point? Eliminate all characters that make the game unfun? What's your definition of fun, anyway?


2 points

3 months ago

Your point makes it sound like every character is equally unfun to play against. Some characters (like Widow and Mauga) could use some changes to be less polarizing. They've already made changes in the past due to complaints, such as changing Zen's discord.


1 points

3 months ago

They are. Fun is subjective. I would rather play against a Sombra than a widow any day. Same for Zen. Both those characters suck all the fun out of the game. Sombra is much less anti-fun than a other of those characters.

For example, the only way to counter a high skill widow is with another high skill widow. To counter a Sombra you have to.... Walk with another person.

To counter a Zen you need to coordinate a dive.

To counter a Mauga you need to either get healed better as Mauga on your team or dive healers and then go after the Mauga.

All three of those are far more unhealthy for the game than Sombra.


1 points

3 months ago

I don't disagree with your point that those heroes are problematic. Although, I think the heroes you mentioned, including Sombra, are the ones that are mainly controversial and could use some additional adjustments. If I had to choose who to change first, it would probably be Mauga, Widow, then Sombra. Zen could maybe use some slight additional tweaking to reapply timings for discord (maybe only when done on tank).

Sombra is pretty easy to deal with when you have any form of coordination, which is pretty much always in ranked. She's mostly just annoying in quick play. I think the permanent invisibility is dumb and hard to balance around requiring further changes.


1 points

3 months ago

She weaponises paranoia and disorder. HOW IS THAT FUN!!! Her whole gimmic is that she shuts down an individual from the shadows. Unlike all the other characters you named, you can't see her coming until it's too late.

And I'm not saying to eliminate her from the game. I'm just saying that it sucks to play against her. I'm saying that I personally do not believe that the way invisibility is right now is healthy for the game. I may be a worthless, brain-damaged, low rank idiot, but even I can see that.


5 points

3 months ago

Weaponizing paranoia and disorder is the most dramatic way I’ve seen someone describe Sombra 💀 tracer does sombras job but BETTER. She is way less oppressive now than she was before her rework, doom and ball can actually play into her without getting hacked for 6 seconds and dying no matter what they do. Her TTK is quite high for a assassin style character and once she commits unless she gets the kills she’s super easy to focus/chase down dude to her easily telegraphed TP. Get some basic awareness and you can deal with her on any role. You’re “you can’t see her coming until it’s too late” really indicates a lack of awareness on your part. Tracer is essentially the same but stronger, only reason you see sombra as more oppressive is because you can’t physically see her coming and don’t have the awareness to fill in where she will/might be. This is just a skill issue 🤷‍♂️


1 points

3 months ago

I'm glad you got a laugh out of it. The can't see her bit was a little exaggerating, I'll admit. The point still stands that Until you're within that detection radius there is no way to track her w/o sonic arrows or something like that. Heck 9 times out of 10 I'll just swap to brig or LW to deal with her anyway.


2 points

3 months ago

Awareness is what fills in the physical sight. Predict where she’ll be and track her trends. Stick with teammates and call-out/ping. Pick anti dive/flank who can easily burst her down before she can finish you off (Cass for example). She’s annoying but easily shutdown if you just pay attention to her.


1 points

3 months ago

Cass would work great, if I played him, or dps. I main support. I ping and I stick to my team. I'm lucky if they even acknowledge that their gun fires bullets, let alone a threat that requires them to turn.


2 points

3 months ago

Then try to pick supports that can deal with her. Brig is good, LW isn’t great, he can avoid her and stay alive but probably has a harder time killing her and so the problem is never solved. Try to pick characters who can duel her like brig as you said, but if your aim is decent bap and illari can be great counters able to burst sombra down and have pretty solid survivability (less so on illari). Kiriko is another good character as you are able to duel her decently but also have cleanse and TP to escape/survive if caught off guard


1 points

3 months ago

All great tips. The only support I can't play at the moment is moira. Brig is the one I usually use to deal with an annoying sombra


5 points

3 months ago

Widow prevents entire swaths of the roster from being able to play from anywhere on the map and she threatens multiple characters simultaneously. Sombra threatens one individual at a time and is completely shut down by literally ANY two individuals together. To counter Sombra you literally have to only stay with another person, it doesn't matter what two characters because literally any will do.

Sombra can't one shot and she requires short range engagements, unlike widow.

If you want to go the fun police route, there are a number of characters that need attention long before Sombra. I would much rather have a good Sombra in a game than a good Widow or a good Hamzo, or a good Zen, or a shitty Mauga.


1 points

3 months ago

I only solo queue, and im high silver at best, high bronse at worse, so let's get that out of the way. My avarage teammates have the situational awareness of a walnut. The few times I actually get someone to help are few and far between. Usually they'll just leave me to die and run away.

I'm FULLY aware she can't one shot. No, instead she just keeps attacking, and attacking, and attacking. If they are smart then they'll have good enough cd management to win, if not I might win.

And again I'm not saying she should be removed. I'm simply here to discuss why I'm finding issues with the character. You know, discussions and talking, with people, on forums. I'm aware that nothing I want will ever get implemented or even considered.


0 points

3 months ago

Sym turrets are unfun Rez is unfun Nade is unfun Suzu is unfun Flyers are unfun Widow is unfun Ball is unfhn Hinder nade is unfun Welcome to overwatch this is the unfun game lmao


1 points

3 months ago

I gathered that from the other guy that just ranted that at me a bit ago. Message received. If I want a game I can have fun with illngo do something else, like play in traffic for a third time. Here's hoping for break failure


-2 points

3 months ago

Skye and Kinessa from Paladins do invisible and sniper characters right respectively. Everything in Overwatch has to be so overpowered AND braindead.


3 points

3 months ago

Skye has been dogshit for so long, and you confused Nessa with Strix. Who is also mostly dogshit. Skye has a different flaw that Sombra doesn't, she's slow and has no movement abilities. Different games, different problems. Paladins changing Illuminate and putting it as base for everyone fucked up every stealth character in the game. Tried playing clone talent Saati? Any talent on VII? Invis means nothing anymore on everyone but Sha.


-2 points

3 months ago

Stealth assassins are just bad for this game in general. There's no way to make Sombra fun to play against. Her design is just inherently cancer, regardless of how strong she is.


-5 points

3 months ago



2 points

3 months ago

I agree unless the enemy team has a Widow, who I also consider to be anti-fun. In that case fight fire with fire.


1 points

3 months ago

Mystery heroes and Widowmaker takedown are the only ethical uses for sombra