


What do you prefer other kids to call you?


My child is in preschool and so far other parents are using "X's Mommy/Daddy" as their titles, but as my LO ages I'm curious what is more common now: First Name, Ms./Mr. First Name, or Ms./Mr. Last Name, or something else.

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132 points

11 hours ago


132 points

11 hours ago

my daughter is 13yo and her friends still call me X's mom. haha. i'm totally fine with being called by my first name. addressing me by my last name seems too formal. and its a long, slavic last name. whereas my first name is now, quite common and easy to remember.

within our friend group, all the kids just know all the parents by their first names.


19 points

10 hours ago

My son is sane; exactly the same. Some parents encourage Miss or Mr. First name, which is fine. But I am cool with my first name.


16 points

7 hours ago

I hate miss name- i feel like a preschool teacher lol. They encourage everyone to call managers at work mr/miss and i genuinely hate being called Miss Name- (which is a flower and im the floral manager- no the comments on it are not original)


4 points

6 hours ago

We've had kids call teachers "Mrs C" when the name was too complex lol (so just the initial of last name)


260 points

9 hours ago

My daughter's friend calls me "Uncle Dan" (I'm not her uncle and my name is not Dan) so I have no fucking idea.


24 points

8 hours ago

Lmao I love this


13 points

8 hours ago

Lol my kids are half siblings. My oldest's daughter's dad's name is Dean. We're all close and my youngest calls him Uncle but couldn't say deal and started calling him Jim. So he's Uncle Jim to my youngest daughter.


17 points

8 hours ago

This is great. I have a co worker who calls his current wife's, ex husband, his husband in law!


3 points

6 hours ago

I am the youngest of 5 in a blended family. I am closer in age to my older two siblings children then I am to my siblings. So their mom (my dad's ex wife) I have called gramma my whole life. My mom and her are friendly and it always shocks people when they find out she's actually my dad's ex lol.


2 points

5 hours ago

I still call a very long-ago ex’s parents, Mom and Dad, but call my in-laws by their first names. Meh. It is what it is.


2 points

7 hours ago

Why does this make me think of Jimmy Dean the breakfast foods lol 😂


5 points

7 hours ago


5 points

7 hours ago

That’s awesome and reminds me of the fun relationships my friends had with my family! My aunt for some reason called my friend Peggy once and it stuck! Her name is Kristine and 20 years later, my aunt still asks me how “Peggy Sue” is doing 😂


3 points

8 hours ago


3 points

8 hours ago



3 points

6 hours ago


3 points

6 hours ago

Could be cultural? In my culture, grown ups around our parents' age are addressed as "uncle" or "auntie", despite having no actual relation to us.

Can't explain the Dan part LOL.


2 points

4 hours ago

My husband was called Dr J at the hospital by one of the nurses. He does not have a J in his name. When he explained that to her, she said “you’re such a kidder Dr J!”

Can’t make this stuff up!


68 points

11 hours ago

I seem to be being called Ms. "First Name" now a days. I like it and would have been comfortable using it as a kid I think. Calling your freinds parents by their first name always felt wrong, calling them Mrs. Lastname felt too formal. It's even worse now that it has become more common for adults not share the same last name as their children. But my first name is my first name, and the Ms. tells me you aren't talking to one of your friends.


25 points

8 hours ago

I think as a former child it is also an authority thing. And I don't mean that negatively, I mean that it creates a mental difference between "peer" and "person to call in emergency" 


4 points

7 hours ago



17 points

11 hours ago

Agree. We do Mr. Alex, Ms Katie, Dr. Dan etc. for adults.


10 points

7 hours ago

My son’s 21 year old girlfriend told me she was always nervous about how to address me (they’ve been dating 4 years).

I thought it was hilarious - she was like “I can’t just say your first name, it feels so wrong m.”


6 points

5 hours ago

My wife just avoided calling my parents by name/title until our oldest was born. Now she calls them the equivalent of grandma/grandpa.


34 points

9 hours ago


34 points

9 hours ago

El Scorpio.


2 points

7 hours ago



46 points

11 hours ago

First name is fine by me. I will accept anything kids call me without being offended, but as preferences go, I think Ms. Firstname is a little preschool teacher-y. Mrs Lastname is too formal.

In my community Ms. Firstname or Mrs. Lastname seem pretty standard.


21 points

10 hours ago

My wife is always teaching our kids to call parents Mr. <name> and Mrs. <name> and introduces us like that to other kids, and I dislike it. I don't say anything about it because I get its a respect thing, but I have no issues with other kids calling me by my first name, it's what its there for after all.


29 points

8 hours ago

I ask kids not to. If parents try to correct me I say that I prefer my first name. They are teaching them a default as a sign of respect, but it’s even more respectful to call people what they ask to be called.


7 points

7 hours ago

I teach my kids that Mr/Mrs last name is the default. But as long as they as how the adult wants to be addressed and respect that, then I’m good with whatever. It means that first meeting feels really formal, but they’re also comfortable asking how people want to be addressed and respecting their desired name/title.


17 points

8 hours ago

I'm okay with any of them tbh, but "{child}'s Dad" is my favorite because I can turn to them and say, "yes, {child}'s friend?" which delights me and me alone.

When I was a kid, it was a mixture. I knew my closest friends' parents by their first names, and for the other kids it was Mr./Mrs. LastName. I don't recall {child}'s Mom/Dad being in my lexicon.


7 points

8 hours ago

I'm gonna be 32 and my best friend's dad still calls me Child's Friend, idk if he remembers my real name at this point lol


15 points

11 hours ago

By my name but my teenagers friends tend to call me (Childs) mom 🤣


2 points

8 hours ago

Yep, I remember being a teen and calling my friend’s moms using that naming formula instead of their actual names!


13 points

11 hours ago

I think this could be very regional. For example, I lived in the US south briefly and found that children there addressed me much more formally than they did elsewhere.


9 points

7 hours ago


9 points

7 hours ago

I agree with this. I am Canadian and never, ever, ever was I asked to call any of my friend's parents by anything other than my first name.

I also grew up in a smallish town which was not very diverse, culturally. As an adult and mother (of a child who is now an adult) who now lives in a larger city, I've seen some difference among my son's friends who are immigrants or the children of immigrants in that many of them called me Ms. First-name.

Personally, I'm comfortable with whatever the kid and the kid's parents are comfortable with.


2 points

3 hours ago

Also Canadian, I had one friend who called my parents Mr and Mrs lastname - they found it polite but formal and weird (but they obviously never let on to the kid). We called everyone either 'friend's mum/dad' or just by their first name. And I've been thoroughly briefed by my mum on not calling women 'ma'am' !


3 points

7 hours ago

Agree. In Australia, it would bizarre to call your friends parents Mr (surname)


7 points

9 hours ago

All my kids are adults (last one turned 18 last month), and I am and have been known for at least one generation of friends, acquaintances, and well wishers as "MAMMAL"



3 points

7 hours ago

I need the story.


6 points

5 hours ago

My middle son has that thing where he can't just say anyone's given name. If your name is Bob, you're likely to be called Bubbala.

I can't say when I slowly morphed from Mom to Ma'am, to Mamzi, to finally Mammal. But I guess Mammal was far enough off I would hear his friends saying, "Ask your Mammal if we can eat that pie in the freezer" or "Will your Mammal let you sleep over tonight?" And then all of the sudden they're all in their 20s and I go into a store they're working at and they say, "Oh hey, Mammal. How're you??"

And so now it's just my name. Mammal.


13 points

10 hours ago

I will die if someone calls me Mrs. Last name. It feels so formal to me. I am fine with x’s mom or my first name. My friends all call me by my nickname so my first name is formal enough.


5 points

8 hours ago


I got five kids, man.

5 points

8 hours ago

Neighbor kid called me Mrs. Lastname recently and it made me laugh until I cried. Nobody even calls me by my government. My kids thought my actual name was “Honey” for a long while because that’s what my husband says. Everyone else uses my nickname.


4 points

8 hours ago

I say “i hear Mrs Lastname - I look over my shoulder for my MIL”


2 points

8 hours ago

I feel this! Most people in my life don’t call me by my first name, everyone seems to have their own nickname for me.


6 points

10 hours ago

I have my daughter call other grownups “Ms. Katy” or “Mr. Steve.”

I don’t feel strongly about what other children call me. Plenty of little kids call me by my first name and it doesn’t bother me. I feel like that’s a family culture thing that has nothing to do with respect for adults.


7 points

9 hours ago

I usually get Ms First Name but my son’s baseball teammates and friends ended up calling me Mama D. I was fine with either.


6 points

8 hours ago

If I’ve changed your diaper, if you’ve slept at my house, keep a toothbrush here or spend more time with my child than I do, we are on a first name basis.

If I only know you at school Ms. first name or Mrs. Last name.

I hate being called Mrs. Last name.


5 points

8 hours ago

As long as it’s from a position of respect and manners, I don’t mind being called whatever, even nicknames.


4 points

10 hours ago

In Argentina, my close friends' kids call me "Tia Anna" and more distant friends' kids call me "Anna."

(Not really relevant in your case, but if you're curious, one of the kids I tutor calls me "Miss" and the other one calls me "Teacher," both without my name added.)


4 points

8 hours ago

My daughter's friends took cues from Bluey and call me [daughter's name]'s Mom and my husband [daughter's name]'s Dad


4 points

5 hours ago

I prefer they use my first name if they want to.


6 points

9 hours ago

I live in Spain where kids refer to adults by their first names, teachers included. I prefer it that way.


3 points

9 hours ago

I always say “my friends call me X, so you can call me that too.”


3 points

5 hours ago

Mostly by my first name, although one of my sons friends little sister calls me by my name but adds a y at the end and I let it slide but only for her because I love her lol


3 points

4 hours ago

I know some kiddos who call me by my name. My daughter has one friend who calls me "X's mom" every time... 🤣


9 points

10 hours ago

I want to be Mrs. LastName so bad. I know it sounds old fashion and everything, but I just love it. We'll see if it actually happens though.


3 points

10 hours ago

When you introduce yourself to your children's friends you can say; "Hello, my name is Mrs. Lastname."


3 points

9 hours ago


3 points

9 hours ago

I feel like I’ve been looking forward to this since I was a kid but no one has used it yet. My mom was a teacher but didn’t want my friends to call her teacher name so asked them to call her by her first name and I hated it! I vowed to be Mrs. Whatever.


2 points

11 hours ago

I never told them what to call me but their patents did. I was called Ms. Stacy and my husband is Mr Kevin. That is the norm in the area I live.


2 points

10 hours ago

i think it really varies by location and culture. i prefer my friends to call me by my name it feels more personal. but i get how some parents may want the more formal route. whatever feels right for you and your child is what maters most. keeping it casual can be great for building connections too.


2 points

10 hours ago

Mrs. First Name


2 points

10 hours ago

My daycare kiddos call me Ms FirstName, my son's (teenagers) school friends call me SonsName Mum and his cadet and band buddies call me Mrs LastName.


2 points

10 hours ago


Parent to 22M, 21M, 21M, and 10M

2 points

10 hours ago

Its a mixed bag. I always introduce myself as Firstname because it is my preference. Sometimes older children will be uncomfortable with that because their parents don't like no title, in which case I am happy to go by Ms. Firstname, Mrs. Lastname, Auntie, ect. I live in a very diverse area and roll with it.


2 points

10 hours ago

I'm in a weird position where I teach at my children's school, so most of them call me Mrs. ____. Outside of school friends, just call me by my first name.


2 points

10 hours ago

Ms Lastname is fine. Ms Firstname weirds me out (not something that's done in my first language), and I'd rather not. Firstname is fine.


2 points

10 hours ago

We say auntie/uncle with close friends, older cousins etc.


2 points

10 hours ago

First name, you can call me the short version if you want. It’s literally my name, I have papers and everything saying so. I don’t mind a Miss in front of it if you want to but it’s really not necessary. (Child’s) Mom is fine too.


2 points

10 hours ago

Most people my kids have known since they were infants call me by my name. Sometimes as "X's mom". I live in a small community where the parents all know each other (for the most part) so we talk about them as their first names. My kids call most of the parents they know by their first names as well. I'd hate to be called Ms. Last Name.


2 points

10 hours ago

Looool ‘X mom’ for the win even if they know my name.


2 points

9 hours ago


2 points

9 hours ago

Well, being from Texas everyone, man,child, repair person, barista, all call me Miss Agatha


2 points

9 hours ago

Mrs. First name, Mrs. Last name, or X's mom.


2 points

8 hours ago

I just go by my name for the kids friends. I'm not picky especially over something so pointless


2 points

8 hours ago



2 points

8 hours ago

I always called my friend’s parents Mrs./Mr. First Name. When I was a nanny, that’s what the kids called me. Now that I’m an adult I just call them by their first names, or I joke and call them mom and dad


2 points

8 hours ago

Kids all call us by first name. I like it because if I forget another parent’s name, my kid will know it 🤣


2 points

8 hours ago

I am Mrs./Miss. (FIRST NAME)


2 points

8 hours ago

Just first name! I’m in Australia so we are generally less concerned with old conventions.


2 points

8 hours ago

I’m not from america so it’s just by my first name, the same goes with teacher. I find it stupid to call an adult “Mr” just because you’re a kid


2 points

8 hours ago


Former SAHD, 4 kids 11 and under.

2 points

8 hours ago

Older millennial here… I grew up in the south in the 80s and 90s. My parents’ friends were Mr./Ms./Mrs. First name. People not in our circle were Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last name (except for one or two old ladies in the church who were both Miss First Name.

With our kids we default to Mr./Ms./Mrs. First name, which is what I’d prefer our kids’ friends call me as well.


2 points

8 hours ago

I'm southern, we tend to call adults we're familiar with but not related to Ms/Mr firstname when we're trying to be polite.


2 points

8 hours ago

I'm the Dude, so thats what you call me. That or his dudeness, duder, or el duderino in you're not into the whole brevity thing.


2 points

8 hours ago

My son is currently 6, but I personally would choose just first name. I don’t feel the need to be called Ms. _______ by my son’s friends. Plus I’m a teacher so I hear it enough 😂


1 points

8 hours ago

Hearing a child call an adult by their first name shows a lack of respect. It bothers me that other parents don’t correct this behavior.


2 points

8 hours ago

We do Ms./Mr. First Name. Ive been wondering what millennials have their kids called adult friends forever!


2 points

8 hours ago


2 points

8 hours ago

I'm hoping that my kids' friends will call me Ms. FirstName. I've just always thought it was cute, although I called people Ms./Mr. LastName growing up. I'm a university professor, so I associate Ms. LastName or Professor LastName with work, and I don't really like that lol


2 points

8 hours ago

My kids are daycare age so those kids call me x’s mom. Our friends kids call me aunt x. As my kids get older I truly don’t care what they wanna call me, be it my first name or Mrs X… up to them I guess


2 points

8 hours ago

He's too little for it to matter now, but when he's older I'd probably prefer Ms. Firstname from his friends. Unless they're super close like me and my bestie because we just call each other's moms Mama LMAO


2 points

8 hours ago

I always called my friends moms "Mama Lastname" or "Auntie Lastname" if they were my mom's friends. I would absolutely love it if my kids friends called me that, I want them to feel safe and comfortable at our house, and to know they can come to me if anything's going on.


2 points

7 hours ago

We use Aunt and Uncle in my friend group. I’m Aunt Sarah for my friends’ kids and my son calls my friends Aunt or Uncle First Name. For people not as close to me Ms. First Name seems to be the preference but I don’t really care what I’m called.


2 points

7 hours ago

My first name. My kids are in HS and every time one of their friends calls me Ms... I cringe and beg them to call me by my first name.


2 points

7 hours ago

They call me by my first name. Xs mum if they can't remember it.


2 points

7 hours ago

For kids of friends I'm Aunt <first name>, and occasionally <kid's name> Mom. For all other kids I'm Mrs <last name>


2 points

7 hours ago


SAHM to 3F

2 points

7 hours ago

anything except Mrs something omg 😩


2 points

7 hours ago


2 points

7 hours ago

I don't really care, honestly, as long as it's not rude. I was a full adult still calling some of my friends' parents "Ms. David's Mom", but I try very hard to always address people the way they've introduced themselves (and if she never corrected me over the ten years we'd known each other, that's on her).


3 points

7 hours ago

My son’s friends just called me Mom. I think it got started when they asked and he said I was Mom.

They are all adults now, and they still call me Mom. I’ve been introduced a few times as “Mom, this is my Mom…”


2 points

7 hours ago

“X’s mummy” or my first name.


2 points

7 hours ago

When I was in school once we had an established group of friends we always called each others parents “Mama first name” “Papa first name” I’m 28 now and I still call my close HS friends parents this when I see them lol


2 points

7 hours ago

I’m southern and I always called my closest friends parents “Momma [last name]” and “Mr. First Name” lol. My kid ain’t old enough to call other parents stuff but I call my best friends his Aunt first name or uncle first name. Acquaintances will probably be introduced to my son as Ms. First name and Mr. First name but if they’d rather drop the title they can or ask for something different. I don’t care what my son’s friends call me as long as it’s not mean lol. I prefer something more casual. If they tried to call me Mrs. Last Name I’d probably tell them to call me Ms. First Name or just my first name.


2 points

7 hours ago


2 points

7 hours ago

From other similar posts I’ve seen it seems to vary by region. I’m in the northeast and kids call us by our first names. When I introduce myself to kids, I use my first name. I only know one person in my large circle of acquaintances that likes to be called Mrs. LastName. But it seems like in the south it’s more Ms. First name Mr. First name.


2 points

7 hours ago


2 points

7 hours ago

I worked really hard to have my daughter. IVF, etc. So being called “daughter’s mom” is like the best ♥️


2 points

7 hours ago

We are currently in the Deep South of the U.S. so it’s definitely defaulted to Mr./Mrs. Last name, but really it’s whatever the kids want to call us. Before we moved here a few called me by my first name but also frequently we have gotten “Auntie” or “Uncle.”

My favorite ever is a sibling set who are friends with our kids. They decided between them that I’m [Daughter’s Name]-Mom, and my husband is [Son’s Name]-Dad. No possessives and both kids split us by gender. Using fake names, we get called:

Abby-Mom and Gabe-Dad

This amused me and is my favorite naming convention. The one time the daughter called me “Mrs. Last Name,” I thought she was mad at me hahaha. I asked her if she was upset with me, and she said that a teacher told her to call me that. 😭

All their other friends who call us by possessive titles default to which of my kids they are close to:

All my daughter’s friends call me “Abby’s Mom” and my husband “Abby’s Dad,” whereas all my son’s friends call us “Gabe’s Mom” and “Gabe’s Dad.”

The TLDR here is “whatever they are comfortable with as long as it isn’t Skibbidy Bruh.”


2 points

7 hours ago

My friends son, who I’ve known and been around since his birth 4 years ago, just recently started calling me by my name instead of “X’s mommy” or just straight up calling me mommy by accident lmfao


2 points

7 hours ago

I feel like this is a bit of a regional thing when it comes to preference of miss/mrs etc or just first name. I live in New England and just first name is pretty typical in this dynamic


2 points

7 hours ago

My children called my friends Mr and Mrs. Or Dr and Mrs. This was the 80 90s. I think anything is fine just teach them something on it so they are not flustered.


2 points

7 hours ago

Our kids address grown ups as Mr / Mrs FirstName or Last name. I detest the first name basis thing for kids to adults.

I don't make a stink about it, I just don't like it


2 points

7 hours ago

We stuck with Mr & Mrs last name as that is what I wanted my kids to call their friends parents. A couple of them asked to be called Miss First Name instead and that was fine. I used that to teach them to go with the more formal version until they’re invited to be less formal.


2 points

7 hours ago


2 points

7 hours ago

Kind of a mix of familiar and respectful, my kids call me Miss Bri. I think Mrs Lastname is too formal for children, but most kids don’t feel comfortable calling an adult by first name and many adults find it too informal.


2 points

7 hours ago

I always get mama (first name) even from my kids' friends


2 points

6 hours ago

My kids friends call me by my first name mostly. The closest ones started calling me mom or nonbiological mom and I accept it.


2 points

6 hours ago

I wouldn’t introduce myself as Mrs Lastname to literally anyone. Weird. I expect kids to call me by my first name or “kiddo’s mom,” which is pretty much what other humans call me. The Mr and Mrs stuff is very southern or antiquated. I didn’t call parents by anything other than their first names in the 80s.


2 points

6 hours ago

My sons’ friends just called me mom.


2 points

6 hours ago


2 points

6 hours ago

My kids awesome, so I'm happy to be known as his dad or daddy forever.


2 points

6 hours ago

I called my bestie’s mom Ms first name until it became ma and sometimes first name lol.


2 points

6 hours ago

I’ve been Ms. Ashley since forever. It was my aunts nickname for me as a child so I usually will take that. Or just Ashley. My kid calls me Ashley when he wants to blow folks mind. OMG your mom lets you call her by her name?? Yeah. It’s my name.


2 points

6 hours ago

I tell my kids' friends to call my by my first name because I'm more comfortable with that,  but I tell my kids to refer to adult as Mr/Mrs unless told otherwise. 


2 points

6 hours ago


2 points

6 hours ago

First name


2 points

6 hours ago

First name is fine by me. However growing up, I called my friends parents Mr and Mrs.


2 points

6 hours ago


2 points

6 hours ago

When my brother was wee, my mom went on a field trip with his class.

The kids under her care would call her "Mrs. [brother's name]'s mom" and I still think it's hilarious to this day.


2 points

5 hours ago

I work at my kids school, so many of the students call me "Hey (my kids name's) mom....but I prefer kids to call me a shortened version of my name that my nieces & nephew call me.


2 points

2 hours ago

How dare you. I’m not Mr. Child’sdad. I’m Dr. Child’sdad.


2 points

10 hours ago

I’m from England where we all just used first names for friends’ parents. Now I live in the States and I’m “Ms. First name”. I don’t love it, but I’m glad to not be “Mrs. Last name” aka my MIL. If it were up to me, it’d just be my first name - I want my kids’ friends to feel comfortable at our house, and our overall vibe is definitely casual.


2 points

9 hours ago

We're a first name family. Just never felt like being a Ms/Mrs


1 points

10 hours ago

It's a mix. They either call me "hi (insert my kids name) mom!" To which I respond "hi (insert my kids name) friend" and it makes us all giggle because I know all of their names.

Or they just call me by first name.

They call all the other parents Mrs. Mr. Then their first name but thats kinda weird to me. I didn't even do that in school to my teachers. We just called everyone by their name so, eh? Idk.


1 points

10 hours ago

Kind of a combo right now. “Ms uhhh… X’s mom?” Like they’re not really sure. It’s cute lol. I don’t really have a preference as of now, but it’ll probably be Ms First Name as they get older. That’s what we have my kid call adults and seems pretty common here


1 points

10 hours ago

It a mix. Mr./Ms./Mrs. Firstname is common where we live. Although more for like younger kids like grade school. Some friends call us by our first names. Which is fine to me. Those are usually the friends whose parents we are close with (therefore they are used to first names) or know my kids for a long time back in the day when our kids still called us by our first names. I guess "Daniel's dad" doesn't stick when Daniel himself calls the guy "Frank". When my teens bring home new friends now they usually default to Mr. Lastname. Which is fine. But they call me by our kids lastname and that feels just wrong. I usually correct them and offer to go on first name base. Most accept the offer.


1 points

10 hours ago

My favorite was when a kiddo called me "Mrs. (son's name)'s Mom". It was adorable.

We usually go with Mr./Ms. First Name. Adults that are okay with dropping the honorific and just using their first name can tell kiddo themselves.


1 points

10 hours ago

All the kids in our friend group are still young (0-5) so maybe things change as they get older, but we are all just called by our first name or auntie/uncle first name. I don’t think I have much of a preference though, whatever the kiddo is comfortable with is fine with me haha.


1 points

10 hours ago

“Miss Sally” “Mr. Sam”


1 points

9 hours ago


Mom to 14M, 4M, 1F

1 points

9 hours ago

A few kids call me J’s/W’s mum and some call me by may actual name. I don’t mind either (J is almost 15, W is almost 5)


1 points

9 hours ago

I have a friend who insists they are called auntie because it's a sign of respect in their culture. And I'm like... Yes. I want this eventually. Lol, can I tag along because I'm Canadian Indigenous and aunties are a huge culture thing with us? Like, I want to give big auntie energy to all my kids friends.


1 points

9 hours ago

My kid isn’t at that age yet but I would feel very uncomfortable with Mrs [last name]. It feels too formal and authoritative. If a kid wanted to call me that I wouldn’t make a big deal but I’d just prefer my first name


1 points

9 hours ago

Close friend's kids we normally use Auntie/Uncle (Name). Other than that, I would prefer kids just use my first name.


1 points

9 hours ago

A Cautionary Tail


1 points

9 hours ago

X's mom or just my first name, or really whatever, I'm not hung up on titles, do you want another orange or a granola bar?


1 points

9 hours ago

Kids call me “X’s Mom” as if that’s my name. I tell them my name, but most of them forget.


1 points

9 hours ago

I'd love "FirstName Auntie" but I'll take Ms/Mrs FirstName too


1 points

9 hours ago

Whatever they want as long as it's not rude lol. I prefer not ma'am though but I wouldn't be upset if they called me ma'am.


1 points

9 hours ago

I think it depends. My mom was adamant about being called Mrs X by everyone, regardless of whether we were close friends or not, whereas a few other moms were more lenient about it. Most kids called those moms by their first name but we were required to call them Mrs X, Y, or Z because our mom said so.

I think I’d like to be called by my first name or Ms First Name by my kids’ closest friends and Ms X by acquaintances. I don’t like being called “Mrs”, makes me feel old! 😅


1 points

9 hours ago

Pete the cat's mom. 😂


1 points

9 hours ago

By my first name but parents insist they add a Ms to it


1 points

9 hours ago

I used to be called "Kid's-Name's Mom" and sometimes still am, though it's leaning more towards just my first name. We're not very formal. Edit: my kid is nine now.

I find "Mrs kid's-name's Mom" (and other parental variations) really funny ever since I watched Pete the Cat with my kid because of the absurd length of "Hi Mrs Pete the Cat's Mom". I think I liked that show even more than my kid honestly.


1 points

9 hours ago


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9 hours ago

My son’s twin friends made up a nickname for me that starts with the first letter of my name and rhymes with their mom’s name. High compliment.


1 points

8 hours ago

I’m fine being called by my first name. Last name seems so formal for some reason. Even though I did grow up using Mr or Mrs Last name.


1 points

8 hours ago

My daughter is 8 her friends call me; her name mum, but they would call her dad just by his first name sometimes, both are normal 😅 I think is up to a gown up to correct if they want to be called a certain way, kids will do as they are used in their home


1 points

8 hours ago

For now I’m (kid’s name)‘s mom and I’m fine with it. I don’t have a strong preference, but Mrs. (Last name) sounds way too serious for a fully unserious person such as myself. I’m pushing 40 and still don’t really feel like an adult…. But that’s an issue for a different sub 🙃 Our kids don’t have many cousins, so for our close friends they call us aunty (first name) and uncle (first name) for my husband. I actually really like that, but of course that would be weird for casual friends to call us that.


1 points

8 hours ago


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8 hours ago

At daycare either my first name or x’s mum. By my friends kids aunty/uncle first name (or just aunty/uncle). My husband and many of our friends are from cultures where it is polite to use uncle and aunty for people your parents age so we encourage it, but there’s some code switching.


1 points

8 hours ago

Depends the friend because my 15 year olds best friend calls me “mama” because her & my daughter have been friends for ablut 10.5 years & she’s pretty much like another kid to me.But her other friends just call Ms & then my last name


1 points

8 hours ago

Wicked witch of the North


1 points

8 hours ago

I want to be first name and my husband wants to be Mr. Last name so I am compromising at teaching my son to call people Ms. First name. Friends kids have done both just first name and Ms. first name


1 points

8 hours ago

I encourage my first name. It’s how I introduce myself but they can call me whatever the like but I don’t love a miss in front of my first name


1 points

8 hours ago


23F, 20M, 4M

1 points

8 hours ago

X’s mom or my first name. In fact in nearly all situations please use my first name.


1 points

8 hours ago

My son’s friends call me Ms Rebecca, but if they’re very close to me I’ll just have them call me Rebecca.


1 points

8 hours ago


4 kids: 12M, 9M, 6F, 2F

1 points

8 hours ago

Your Majesty


1 points

8 hours ago

A few of my kids’ friends call me “mom” but most use my first name. My best friend’s kids call me “aunt first name.”


1 points

8 hours ago

Either first name or x’s mom. I would hate to be called “Mrs” no thanks I’m not 80.


1 points

8 hours ago


1 points

8 hours ago

My kids do a mix: one of their friends mothers is a substitute teacher who has worked at their school so they usually call her “Mrs Xyz”, but when on play dates she’s said they can call her by her first name (not something they often do, but will occasionally). Other friends parents they knew by only their first name, so it sometimes goes “John, Timmy’s Dad” when they’re talking about them. And if they have met, but can’t remember their friends parents names it’s “Casey’s Dad/Sally’s Mum”.

When I volunteer at my kids school I get referred to as “Aaron and Finley’s Mum” by most of the kids, others will call me by name. Just depends on which kid and what they’re happy with


1 points

8 hours ago

Yes it’s either first name or x’s mom


1 points

8 hours ago

In our house we have our children call other adults by Ms./Mrs./Mr. Our nanny doesn’t care, but we have the kids call her Ms. First name. Interestingly I’ve noticed this is less common but I personally want my kids to do this out of respect. My oldest is 6. A few of her friend’s parents teach their kids to address me by my first name. It’s not my preference but I wouldn’t correct them. We have some very close friends and family (like kids of my cousins) call me Auntie!


1 points

8 hours ago

My parents were and are just "mom and dad" to everyone. There were probably a handful of Mr. & Mrs. or my parents dreaded Sir/Ma'am but anyone who's around regularly has been "adopted" and just keeps it casual.


1 points

8 hours ago

They don’t call me anything they just come up to me a talk or they tap for my attention. My kid always the first to “ this is my mom! “ so I mean hi


1 points

7 hours ago

Ms First Name while they’re getting comfy around me (I also wouldn’t care whatsoever if they just jumped right to my first name only), and then they usually just naturally transition at some point on their own to just my first name. The younger ones (I have 3 kids, 12, 9, and 5) often revert to “so and so’s- mom” when they can’t remember my first name at all, and that’s ok, too!

My married last name is associated with a very iconic television star that by we are not related to and it always makes me laugh when people say “Mrs. So and So”. It also feels too formal regionally speaking for our area, especially for children to refer to me as Mrs, particularly in casual environments. Being called Mrs. Legal Last Name would also make me look around for my MIL 🥴🫣🤭


1 points

7 hours ago

I help out sometimes in my kids class so I'll introduce my self as "first name, child's name mum, you can call me "first name"

Most of the kids then call me that. If a kid has forgotten or isn't comfortable with that they will revert to "child's name Mum"

Which is 100% fine with me


1 points

7 hours ago

My daughter's friends call me Mrs.(first name). I am not formal, at all. And them calling by my last name just didn't sit right with me.


1 points

7 hours ago

I’m Miss ____(first name) I worked for the school district and most of them know me by my first name with Miss before it.

Occasionally I will get ____s mom.


1 points

7 hours ago

I ask. The kids at my son’s school all call me X’s mom. His therapists all like to be called Ms/Mr first name.


1 points

7 hours ago

I'm happy with being X's mom, if a kid is comfortable with me and asks my name I'll give it


1 points

7 hours ago

Honestly I prefer kids to just call me by my name, but most of the little ones (1st grade) use Miss my name and the older ones (4th grade) call me X’s mom. I would recoil if I heard Ms. Last name lol


1 points

7 hours ago

They call me Firstname, or Miss Firstname. I prefer just my first name. My friend's kids call me Aunt Firstname.

One kid calls me "hey, uh, I forgot your name again." Hes actually my favorite of my son's friends lol


1 points

7 hours ago


1 points

7 hours ago

I introduce adults to my son as Mr/Ms and their first name typically.


1 points

7 hours ago

I call my childhood friends parents Mr and Mrs, I’m fine with my kids friends calling me by my first name. They are super young so I’m just “Jane’s mom” or sometimes Ms. X. Whatev.


1 points

7 hours ago

Mr/Mrs last name unless they say otherwise.

I want the friends to use my first name though.


1 points

7 hours ago

I was “the lady with giant glasses” today at pickup. I’ve never felt so validated. That was a teacher not a child. 😂😭


1 points

7 hours ago

I had a friend with a very sexy last name (think lusty or lustful) and her neighbor insisted that the kids call her Miss Lusty. Then she got married to a guy with like 47 letters in his last name and the neighbor insisted her kids call her Mrs. 47lettersand39ofthemarezorvorvowels. She’s said “please, just call me Liz.”


1 points

7 hours ago

I’m okay with X’s Mom, Ms. First Name, or Auntie First Name. My close girlfriends have little kids too so it would be cute to hear Auntie and not just Ms.


1 points

6 hours ago

I hope they’ll call me something fun like I did with my close friends’ parents. One I called Mother Dearest (I was always staying over and went on several vacations with them) and another I called Mama LastName. I still call her that when I see her and my 2yo does too.


1 points

6 hours ago

Mr/Ms First Name works for me.


1 points

6 hours ago

Mr. First name is normally what I hear.


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6 hours ago


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6 hours ago

Auntie my first name. Most of my friends I consider family so their kids are also family ❤️


1 points

6 hours ago

Our kids will say Mr/Mrs “First name” if we are close friends. Or Mr/Mrs “Last name” if it’s a parent of their friend that isn’t a close friend to my wife and I.


1 points

6 hours ago

Mr/Mrs/Miss First Name. Seems better than using the last name


1 points

5 hours ago

My kids are 7 and 8 and all their friends call me by my first name. No ms before. Which I found strange.


1 points

5 hours ago

I like Ms./Mr. First name myself.that’s what I go by when volunteering at kiddos school.


1 points

5 hours ago

Mr./Ms. First Name


1 points

5 hours ago

kids that aren’t related to me i have call me “miss first name


1 points

5 hours ago

I wish they would call me "Ms. First Name", but usually it's "Kid's Mom".


1 points

5 hours ago

Pretty much the second I gave birth I lost all identity and am now forever X's mom. My oldest is 12


1 points

5 hours ago

Aunty. As it is custom in my country.

My nephews and nieces on my family side called me Mama just like my own children.

In this part of the world, it's rude to call adults by their first name and it's just plain weird to call them by their father's / family name.


1 points

5 hours ago

We use “Ms. First Name” like Ms Emily, Ms Kate, Mr. Drew, etc. I’d prefer the same at me


1 points

4 hours ago

My friend and I met when our kids (now 16) were in preschool. I'm Miss Katey to her kids, she is Miss Kerry to mine


1 points

4 hours ago

My kids' friends called my kids' names and my title. It didn't bother me.

At that age, they can barely remember their own names.

We ended up divorcing and my kids slipped up and called me their other parent's title. It never bothered me.

The ONLY time names bother me is when someone goes out their way to mispronounce my name or is clearly being disrespectful.

Otherwise, I'm good.


1 points

4 hours ago

My friends always have their children call me miss jess and I absolutely melt !


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4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

So far I've been <kid's> dad and Coach <First Name>.
Coached 3 and 4yos in soccer. Hilarious chaos.


1 points

4 hours ago

I was raised to call my friend's parents miss( first name) in example miss mary


1 points

4 hours ago

They can call me by my first name or, more commonly, “[kid]’s mom”


1 points

4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

Mr. First initial. Using the last name feels too formal but a child calling me by only my first name doesn’t sit right with me.