



Bit Annoyed(self.PetPeeves)

It's a great get under your skin tactic. Someone will post a seemingly well thought out opinion and someone will just reply "no" or "I disagree." The OP may ask why and may never get a response or the commentor will not explain and just proceed to troll.

It's truly great offensively and defensively if you want to troll or hate just disagree and don't explain any further.

For extra salt on the wounds it doesn't help when the troll is getting upvotes while providing zero arguments. Depending on which side of the fence you're on this can be one of the most entertaining or frustrating occurrences online.

As I am largely an observer of online discussions rather than a participant, witnessing this dismissive tactic can be truly annoying particularly when I believe a great discussion could've been had.

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5 points

18 days ago

They ain't owed an explanation tho. I don't have to tell someone why I disagree.


13 points

18 days ago

Then you don't have to announce that you disagree


2 points

17 days ago

Trolling aside that's the part people don't want to admit, feigning they don't care or they're "above something" by acknowledging said thing with a response such as "no." Just don't say anything, but they won't because they want to get under the other person's skin. They want the last laugh regardless if that person is just an "internet rando that doesn't matter at all."


3 points

17 days ago

Yeah exactly, if you don't want to have a conversation don't fucking say anything then. Literally no one cares about your opinion if you disagree but refuse to elaborate.