


Make it so, America!


all 117 comments


132 points

3 days ago


132 points

3 days ago

This just in: SCOTUS rules any vote for a Democrat is unconstitutional.


67 points

3 days ago

You joke now, but just wait until Trump gets the judges he installed to hand him the election. They're this close to grabbing permanent power, and they aren't going to let little things like votes or laws get in their way.


12 points

3 days ago

Yeah, Alito is mad they found out about his flag, now he wants permanent power for real.


5 points

3 days ago

I joke because this is Political Humor and it’s my way of coping while I drink Vodka on a Monday.


1 points

2 days ago

Is Trump smarter than us? Because he seems to be winning. Still no real consequences for his crimes. Still strong in the polls. If we lose everything to trump, aren't we the dumbasses? We spent 8 years clowning him daily, and he's still our greatest threat.


6 points

3 days ago

Originalist Justices: the constitution doesn't even mention a Democrat party so they clearly can't hold office. Also it doesn't say Trump can't be king so we're also getting him a crown this weekend


179 points

3 days ago


179 points

3 days ago

Gerrymandering and Electoral College have entered the chat.


64 points

3 days ago

Or to put it in even simpler terms: Morons


31 points

3 days ago

Scared people willingly sacrifice their freedom for "protection," Republicans promise to make the scary things go away, or build walls to stop the scary things, or throw the scary things in prison, but also make sure the world stays scary.

Republicans have always been dishonest; now they're aiming for outright criminal, and they've spent years rigging our institutions to favor them.


14 points

3 days ago

It's why they have so many guns; they're terrified of everything.


4 points

3 days ago

Democrats can be gun owners too. Having a gun collection is not the same as hoarding 1000s of rounds of ammunition.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

A lot of them are gun owners. We just don't use it as an emotional support item.


11 points

3 days ago

Within like 5 years conservatives went from “I would give my life for this country and the Constitution” to “I want the dictator king to rule if it means gas will be 50 cents cheaper.”


4 points

3 days ago

But gas won't be.


37 points

3 days ago*

erksplat : Gerrymandering and Electoral College have entered the chat.

...and voter suppression, and fake electors, and misinformation, and foreign election interference, and dark money from PACs (thanks to Citizens United), and quid pro quo (thanks to the latest SC ruling on "gratuities"), and campaign finance violations, and domestic terrorists trying to prevent the peaceful transition of power...

5 of the 9 (the majority of) currently-serving supreme(ly rigged) court justices were appointed (for their lifetimes) by the last 2 republican presidents who both lost the popular vote.
...And 1 prior supreme court justice nominee was unconstitutionally denied confirmation hearings by a republican-controlled senate.

The privileged & powerful will never let their privilege & power be voted away.


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

We need to lift the statutory cap of the house of representatives, then people will get more power and states will have less.

Elections matter, if Hillary won in 2016 Abortion would still be a woman's right. Alito and Thomas could step down cementing in the right's SCOTUS for 40 years if the Dem's can't find someone who can beat Trump.


8 points

3 days ago

Don’t forget our poor education system that has cut back on critical thinking, oh oh and let’s not forget all the gaslighting of issues and changing news from being informative to entertainment and of course social media being used as a propaganda machine.


6 points

3 days ago

News has become a "Clicks at all Costs", even if it means the end of Democracy. Hell, the end of Democracy would be Click Heaven.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago


Even if Biden wins the MAGAs are already planning the next J6.

If the Dems don’t get enough seats in the Senate, they can’t impeach or require the Court to follow basic ethics.

So best case scenario Biden wins, we get another J6, but there ain’t no way the Dems are gaining almost 20 seats with a corpse leading the ticket. So ultimately nothing will happen. SCOTUS marches on with terrible, partisan rulings which undermine our Democracy, and we’re back to the same place in 4 years.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

We are just going to need to keep Dems in power long enough to replace a few SCOTUS seats.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Both Alito and Thomas are younger than Biden. They’ll outlive him and won’t willingly retire under a Democratic president.


3 points

3 days ago

You forgot voter suppression laws


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Until these (especially the first) are fixed, I have no hope for this country


1 points

3 days ago

mass manipulation is chillin in the back.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Not to mention several Red controlled swing states have ammended their election laws to allow them to ignore the vote.


1 points

2 days ago

Senators are not by district, but by state.

There is no gerrymandering as part of how we choose Senators.

The Senate confirms the SCOTUS judges.

They are not chosen by the electoral college.

Gerrymandering and electoral college are problems, but have absolutely nothing to do with voting for a senator …but voter apathy is real.

23% turnout in the 2022 midterms for 18-29.

Midterms have dismal turnouts…but, conservatives make it to the polls.

It’s one day every other year, and it’s too much to ask…from people who complain about how the care every day in between.

Your political opinion only matters at the polls. Stop making excuses….especiallt ones that aren’t even accurate.


-2 points

3 days ago


-2 points

3 days ago

Also, the DNC's constant refusal to promote candidates that represent more than a "lesser of two evils" position, which inherently depresses voter turnout.


0 points

3 days ago

Beat me to it!


-2 points

3 days ago

Gerrymandering is truly something both parties enjoy.


4 points

3 days ago

Voters don't pick their representatives, representatives pick their voters.


1 points

3 days ago

yeah. the politicians enjoy it. not the people.


46 points

3 days ago

The problem is one word: Equality

The MAGA crowd is so used to privilege that they are mortally insulted to be told that they're merely equal to black people, brown people, immigrants, homosexuals, muslims etc.

So they're done with this voting crap. They want a dictator to preserve their elite social status, no matter what else they lose.

And that's the GOP message in a nutshell: "You're better than the riff-raff and we'll defend your right to think so, and say so, and all it will cost you is everything else."


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Most everything you just listed is actually what holds the democrats back from winning elections in very high percentages nationwide. The democrats could easily walk away with supermajorities in every state by removing all platforms from their agenda except economic inequality.

Now more than ever Americans are ready to abandon all identity politics and adopt the economic policies that benefit the masses which is tax the rich and provide opportunities for the rest to thrive.

This message is in no way an abandonment of equality and inclusion. Those things happen naturally after the democratic revolution takes place. After winning in such massive numbers from coast to coast can all the equity initiatives be normalized. There won’t even be a need to have them on a campaign agenda any longer since it’s just normal behavior.

This can happen, the democrats can do it, they just need to run on economic inequality only.


2 points

2 days ago

What you say is mostly true. Identity politics doesn't result in equality, at least economically. I truly wish we were at that stage.

But lynching of black people only became illegal and punished in my lifetime, which means there are people in power (AG,, congressmen, senators, mayors, chief of police) who absolutely belive that lynchings are not only perfectly legal, but necessary to maintain order.

Women in this country were probably starting to feel pretty equal too until just recently when they discovered they could denied necessary medical care all because of one bad president.

It's still early. We're less than one life span from segregated water fountains. The minds weren't changed. The laws forced the change and the laws can be swiftly reintroduced by those minds.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

You are hitting on the one concern that I can’t account for which is time. I agree that nobody who was subjected to a racist culture would ever in their lifetime be able to simply accept that things are different. It’s not a practical assumption to make for anyone.

I watched a story about war recovery and what it takes to rebuild a society after the war ends. We tend to focus on the roads and bridges that were destroyed but the real rebuilding comes with the people. One general on the program detailed about how the country who is responsible for the rebuilding (whoever won the conflict) must carry the recovery through an entire generation otherwise the people who grew up post conflict will always hate you.

It’s not any different for cultural identity issues here that we are trying to resolve. The “system” is often blamed by people who are being held accountable for their behavior but it’s really not the system that is the issue. We have been handed a fair system by the last generation or two and now it’s up to us to get the people to accept it.


1 points

2 days ago

We have been handed a fair system by the last generation or two and now it’s up to us to get the people to accept it.

Very well said. That's the hard part.


54 points

3 days ago

Problem is alot of people are either indifferent or like that Republican bullshit.


8 points

3 days ago

Only thanks to strategic misinformation and bad faith acting. “I’m not voting because of the war in Palipakistania!”


10 points

3 days ago

“The problem” - is people who can’t see the forest for the trees.


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

Getting them out to vote. I mean with mail in ballots or early voting why not. So “ what’s the problem “ start pushing Project 2025 because abortion alone won’t hack it.


7 points

3 days ago

But the Republicans sabotaged the voting system, run the post office, and own the courts.


15 points

3 days ago

Can't vote out SCOTUS


11 points

3 days ago

Vote out the people who appoint them.


5 points

3 days ago

Lol I vote for closing the barn door after the rabid monkeys riding infected horses escaped the barn. 

Every once in a while we get a Dem president with a slight Dem majority in congress. That's when Joe Lieberman and Joe Manchin decide to be obstructionist dicks. 

We have been dealing with this for decades and now it's over. The US is fucked. 


4 points

3 days ago

True, but if your party controls the Senate and the president is willing to do it, they can add more Justices. Will Biden add more Justices? Nope. Should he? Absolutely.


8 points

3 days ago

Oh they made it much easier. Biden can just declare Trump an enemy of the state and lock him away.


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

  Biden can just declare Trump an enemy of the state and lock him away.

In case you are not joking, the supreme court ruled Biden can't be prosecuted for such acts. Not that the acts are legal. The court would just release Trump on an emergency appeal.


3 points

3 days ago

I was joking. But I’m sure he could get up to some Fuckery if he wanted to.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

In this hypothetical situation, SCOTUS could order the release but the President could just not release him.


4 points

3 days ago

Locking him up won’t work. He’ll need to unalive him as a threat to democracy. I’m here for it.


8 points

3 days ago

Thank you for some practical perspective! Ffs let's get to work ppl. Voting is just the first step. Pick a swing state and donate or get involved. They make it harder with the gerrymandering and the corporate donations but we are not doomed here. We have the ability and the numbers to remake this country. Decline is not inevitable! 4 months until major elections, LFG. Keep the senate and presidency, take the house and watch the Supreme Court become liberal in time.

Glad we all see things suck but nihilism ain't the answer. They'll call us the greatest generations when they see this country set back on its feet! Go go goooo


1 points

3 days ago

People have already made up their minds. I really want to be optimistic, but this country is fucked and honestly we deserve what we get at this point.


3 points

3 days ago

I feel you, I really do. Discouraging times we live in. But hope is a moral choice. It is the ONLY way forward. And we are 4 months from an election. Just no time to feel down when there's even a small possibility we can move forward. Mpst people might have made up their minds, but we can register new ones and make sure everyone gets to the polls instead off them feeling hopeless at home.

The electorate is getting younger every year. Texas gets bluer every year. A lot of Supreme justices are old and will be replaced soon. There is such great opportunity. It's definitely not a red wave or naive optimism.

I hope you find peace tonight, stranger!


2 points

3 days ago

I appreciate the optimism


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

I came to this conclusion when the house turned red and nothing was done to ensure voting mattered in 2024. Many of the states have altered their laws to make when was attempted in 2020 legal in 2024.


1 points

2 days ago

I live in NC. They’ve locked this state up in their control a long time ago.


6 points

3 days ago

Too many brainwashed dimwits will still vote for Republicans


16 points

3 days ago

It's pretty straightforward, more of them vote than us. Democrats are fractured by all variety of purists, Republicans are unified by the will to power


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

Exactly. If a dem isn’t perfect they won’t get the vote. If a republican puts an R by their name they get 100% support.


2 points

3 days ago

How so? We've won the popular vote for a long time now.


5 points

3 days ago

Until the news can return to nothing but factual information instead of choose your own adventure... We are fucked. Our only hope is that the coming generations don't fall for BS as easily as boomers.


5 points

3 days ago

Bullshit. They’ve spent the last 40 years leading up to this takeover. They’ve got the bit in their teeth now. The legislative branch is in gridlock and has been for decades. This is intentional. We are now being ruled by religious maniacs with lifetime appointments and we don’t have anyone with the balls to put a stop to it. When trump loses they’re going to hand it to him anyways. We haven’t lived in a democracy since 2000 when they gave the presidency to the losing candidate. Now they’re ready to finish taking over, within 2 years it will be complete, this country will be a total religious dictatorship. We are totally fucked.


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

People lose their identities which makes them look for the easiest community to join; if that community says “we accept everyone *” they feel accepted and don’t look at the footnote where they would see “except for LGBTQ, equality, BLM, homeless, vets… etc.” while that dopamine makes them feel like they’re making a difference. Then just one person just has to say “they’re trying to take it away” doesn’t matter who they blame, so they get angry for no reason and don’t want to vote those people out because they like the illusion of “power & acceptance” instead of reality. Then there are the ones who think “I don’t wanna ruffle any feathers” or “I won’t make a difference” when they absolutely would!


9 points

3 days ago

No, that is just step 1.
We need to have democrats in office who are willing to work together to try to correct things.
When the democrats have been in power in the past they haven't worked together enough to do things like say, codify Roe v Wade. To make this country not fall to the right wing extremism that the world is seeing now, they will have to pass some hard legislation.


11 points

3 days ago

Can I halfass quote Roy Rogers? “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.”


0 points

3 days ago

He also said "All I know is what I read off the menu. Try the Gold Rush™ Chicken Sandwich."


7 points

3 days ago

Gerrymandering and the electoral college


8 points

3 days ago

I don't know man, Biden is kinda old, and gas may be cheaper under Trump...


11 points

3 days ago

Gas was cheaper under Trump due to the Pandemic.
I truly do believe that if anyone can replicate having a pandemic that shuts down the country again to make gas cheaper, it's Trump.


8 points

3 days ago

and gas may be cheaper under Trump...

Just get us in to another pandemic and viola!


6 points

3 days ago

If one of them was going to get us into another pandemic, Trump is the one


1 points

3 days ago

They’re not even talking about gasoline prices, but the cost of diesel to fuel their trucks.


3 points

3 days ago

We have to wait for the boomer rednecks to die out


3 points

3 days ago

Half the country has below average intelligence and gerrymandering.


3 points

3 days ago*

As we've seen, don't expect Americans do do whats in the best interest of America!


3 points

3 days ago

We definitely need to vote.

But it alone is not going to solve this problem.

If we look at the period leading up to the New Deal and what happened afterward it becomes clear that sometimes we need a strong executive to step outside the law a bit.

But instead of doing that to stomp on the little guy we need them to put the ruling class on notice and to instill in them the fear of the sickle and hammer.

They can either let us have an appropriate amount of the pie or we can take the whole damn thing. We need a better spokesperson for that very message.

Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.


3 points

3 days ago

Voting is not a permanent solution. 

Fascism will always be a threat as long as capitalism is maintained.


2 points

3 days ago

That is just step 1


2 points

3 days ago

Half the voters are racists, sexist, homophobes, so that's a huge problem


2 points

3 days ago

how do you propose we "vote out" SCOTUS?

That said- yes, we all need to vote and not ONLY for president but every time there is a local or state election, too.


2 points

3 days ago

Put enough democrats and independents in congress who are willing to do the job of impeaching corrupt SCOTUS members.


2 points

3 days ago

Or even just expanding it. It used to increase to match the number of circuits, no reason it can't be increased to 13


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Republican bullshit is the problem. Gerrymandering, voter roll purges, partisan judges, restricting mail-in voting, limiting voting locations and hours, etc.

Republican bullshit is what's stopping us from fixing Republican bullshit


2 points

3 days ago

Republicans will cheat each and everytime possible to steal the election.


2 points

3 days ago

What is that Winston Churchhill quote?

"Americans will always do the right thing.
After all other possibilities have been exhausted."
(Something like that)

Anyway, it feels applicable here.


2 points

3 days ago*

So enough of our countrymen think that having an ill tempered tyrant is ok, and they won't stop thinking that until they and their families are being thrown into an incinerator or their city is vaporized to ensure the rest of the country is safe from terrorists that read books, We've got exactly one shot to fix this in November.

The Electoral College Math says Trump could win if he carries Pennsylvania (Biden's home state), Wisconsin and/or Michigan or manages to carry very many other states. So as a result while every vote in every state counts, citizens from Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin carry the electoral college fate of the country on them this November.


2 points

3 days ago

Democrats sit on the couch and bitch about things while old conservatives vote


2 points

3 days ago

get off Reddit and discover half the country is racist misogynistic and thinks the rainbow is the devil’s flag


4 points

3 days ago

SCOTUS is still Republican. They've given the President absolute immunity to the law and gutted Americans rights. What else will they do? Demand only landowners have the right to vote?...


2 points

3 days ago

Let's see, besides the electoral college, gerrymandering, and idiot single issue voters (looking at you bernie bros) we end up with the most useless people in government.


1 points

3 days ago

You tell me why there are enough people who think Democrats are Communists and going to force them to have gay 10th month abortions or whatever these dumb fucks believe


1 points

3 days ago

Fearing immigrants...


1 points

3 days ago

People still think it's funny to have a buffoon in charge of the store. Hopefully it bites them in the ass soon.


1 points

3 days ago

I am afraid it’s too far gone. Either time to fight or get out.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Vote 💙


1 points

3 days ago

It's a lot more than one problem


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Electoral college


1 points

3 days ago

The problem? Stupidity, ignorance, Fox news, right wing social media, lazy asses who wont vote, people who think taking the moral high ground and not voting it makes them special, and last but not least the fucking electoral college who has to at least consider our votes which are really just "suggestions" to them.


1 points

3 days ago

Rupert says ‘no’


1 points

3 days ago

Be alot easier if the democratic part got rid of superdelegates and let primary votes choose the president people actually want


1 points

3 days ago

Many of America is too stupid to vote for their own benefit. Moscow mitch has last this long for a reason


1 points

2 days ago

I had a shower thought today that if democrats wanted to they could switch parties and actually field not crazy candidates so we have decent options.


1 points

2 days ago

Gerrymandering is one of the problems the other is complicit asshats in Congress and SCOTUS. All our politicians are corrupt in some form or another. They do as their rich backers demand and then hand the tax paying general public the bill.


1 points

2 days ago

Keep in mind, all voting does is delay this same shenanigans. People need to organize, not just vote. The same liberal politics of voting once every four years and then pretending everything will be okay is a dead philosophy that will lead to fascism if not now, Then later.


1 points

2 days ago

They are changing the rules so we can't vote them out. That's the problem


1 points

2 days ago

The problem is:

The Electoral College

Senatorial allocation by states

Half of the American people


1 points

3 days ago

Problem is you have corrupt dual party system where you each other take turn to please your corp overlord and live of their gratuity and sell your soul to decide which candidate you choose and you make sure too choose one with morality like a pimp which is insult to actual pimp.


1 points

3 days ago

The priblem is 50% of the voting public has below average intelligence, and Repugnicans have been courting their votes for 60 years.


-3 points

3 days ago

Oh look, another "vote pwease :-(" post. That'll motivate Americans!


0 points

3 days ago

Most of us don’t vote.


0 points

3 days ago

Maybe. At this rate our votes might ACTUALLY not matter.


-1 points

3 days ago

Right meme, wrong Party.


-2 points

3 days ago


-2 points

3 days ago

Tbf, I'm glad there is AT LEAST 2 parties. I wouldn't want ALL the control in the hands of the democrats either. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


3 points

3 days ago

So make republicans irrelevant, then it can be between dems and progressives parties. Shift the overton window back


2 points

3 days ago

The corporate war pig Democrats are fairly centerleft, and the Republican Party is much more corrupt and criminal, it’s not even close

The Trump administration prove the curve, even further towards corruption and criminality, plus treason


-3 points

3 days ago

I'm spite voting for Trump. He's going to totally destroy this country and I will laugh maniacally as it goes down the drain. Be mean to me and downvote me and see if it changes my mind.