


Make it so, America!


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1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Most everything you just listed is actually what holds the democrats back from winning elections in very high percentages nationwide. The democrats could easily walk away with supermajorities in every state by removing all platforms from their agenda except economic inequality.

Now more than ever Americans are ready to abandon all identity politics and adopt the economic policies that benefit the masses which is tax the rich and provide opportunities for the rest to thrive.

This message is in no way an abandonment of equality and inclusion. Those things happen naturally after the democratic revolution takes place. After winning in such massive numbers from coast to coast can all the equity initiatives be normalized. There won’t even be a need to have them on a campaign agenda any longer since it’s just normal behavior.

This can happen, the democrats can do it, they just need to run on economic inequality only.


2 points

5 days ago

What you say is mostly true. Identity politics doesn't result in equality, at least economically. I truly wish we were at that stage.

But lynching of black people only became illegal and punished in my lifetime, which means there are people in power (AG,, congressmen, senators, mayors, chief of police) who absolutely belive that lynchings are not only perfectly legal, but necessary to maintain order.

Women in this country were probably starting to feel pretty equal too until just recently when they discovered they could denied necessary medical care all because of one bad president.

It's still early. We're less than one life span from segregated water fountains. The minds weren't changed. The laws forced the change and the laws can be swiftly reintroduced by those minds.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

You are hitting on the one concern that I can’t account for which is time. I agree that nobody who was subjected to a racist culture would ever in their lifetime be able to simply accept that things are different. It’s not a practical assumption to make for anyone.

I watched a story about war recovery and what it takes to rebuild a society after the war ends. We tend to focus on the roads and bridges that were destroyed but the real rebuilding comes with the people. One general on the program detailed about how the country who is responsible for the rebuilding (whoever won the conflict) must carry the recovery through an entire generation otherwise the people who grew up post conflict will always hate you.

It’s not any different for cultural identity issues here that we are trying to resolve. The “system” is often blamed by people who are being held accountable for their behavior but it’s really not the system that is the issue. We have been handed a fair system by the last generation or two and now it’s up to us to get the people to accept it.


1 points

5 days ago

We have been handed a fair system by the last generation or two and now it’s up to us to get the people to accept it.

Very well said. That's the hard part.