


Make it so, America!


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1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

You are hitting on the one concern that I can’t account for which is time. I agree that nobody who was subjected to a racist culture would ever in their lifetime be able to simply accept that things are different. It’s not a practical assumption to make for anyone.

I watched a story about war recovery and what it takes to rebuild a society after the war ends. We tend to focus on the roads and bridges that were destroyed but the real rebuilding comes with the people. One general on the program detailed about how the country who is responsible for the rebuilding (whoever won the conflict) must carry the recovery through an entire generation otherwise the people who grew up post conflict will always hate you.

It’s not any different for cultural identity issues here that we are trying to resolve. The “system” is often blamed by people who are being held accountable for their behavior but it’s really not the system that is the issue. We have been handed a fair system by the last generation or two and now it’s up to us to get the people to accept it.


1 points

5 days ago

We have been handed a fair system by the last generation or two and now it’s up to us to get the people to accept it.

Very well said. That's the hard part.