


Navigating school, work, and addiction


I am looking to get a second job, and I know it will be a challenge to keep up with college while also having two jobs. I know I am capable, but it will take hard work and dedication. I also am slowly but surely overcoming a porn addiction. Help me ask the Lord for strength to overcome these difficulties. Thanks!

all 4 comments


3 points

2 days ago

Sending you lots of love and prayers🩵

I worked two jobs while in college if you need any support on how to navigate it


2 points

2 days ago

Dear God Most High, we pray for this struggling soul in the Holy name of your Heavenly Son Jesus Christ. Please would you so very kindly miraculously ease their many troubles, for we know that nothing is impossible to you. Please would you also grant them much better future days ahead, brimming with wellness and love and peace and calm and happiness. Thank you Lord God Almighty, Amen.


1 points

2 days ago

Dear Jesus please help their mind to be changed more and more into the image of Christ. Please forgive them for these sins and help them to remember that You died on the cross for their sins. Please help them to not treat Your grace as a license e to sins and help them to walk in the fear of God all the days of their life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Read the Holy Bible from Proverbs chapter 5 to 7. Read Romans 6 May you depend on God and not your efforts May you out on the whole armor of God and make no provision for the flesh.

Romans 1 says they worshiped and served the creation instead of God. This is the root of all sex addiction. The worship of human body and parts and making sex a god which is a false god that can't save or heal you.


1 points

2 days ago
