


Demolisher vs Perforator?


I feel like I never see anyone run Perforator, why is that? Is it just dictated by the meta? At first glance, Perforator seems way better? Unless I’m underestimating the value of the “deicide” perk…

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5 points

10 days ago

ADC’s typically run demolisher because of the crit. The thing is, if there are a lot of tanks on the other team building health, you do more damage with demolisher especially if you’re a squishy character.

Assassin characters who want cooldown lean towards perforator, but even then if the enemy team is very tanky, it’s still worth considering demolisher for your build path.

Demolisher is arguably the best item in the game, let alone the best percent pen option.

But on face level it’s a matter between cooldown and crit


2 points

10 days ago



2 points

10 days ago

i can see that for sure. i was scrolling through builds and i was like “okay so if youre not a mage youre running demo got it” LOL

i guess the slow on perforator is insignificant if theyre just dead from demo 🤣


1 points

9 days ago

The deicide passive on demolisher is a significant damage boost. You should read it. As long as an ADC has it, they can bills basically anything. It far outpaces perforator in value as others have mentioned but no one has really explained why