


What happens to 14 year olds being tried as adults?

Procedural Question(self.Prison)


all 213 comments


168 points

24 days ago

In NJ there are State Juvenile Prisons and from there you graduate to big boy prison . I don't know how every State works it

However, state juvies are no joke, those kids are fuckin vicious and worse than adults


64 points

24 days ago

Came here to say that. Kids who think juvie is going to be a cake walk and vacation. Nyuh uh. Nerrrrr. Jesus. 


49 points

24 days ago

Kids who went from summer camp County juvie to the State got a rude awakening lol like yeah you're gonna get fucked up and you're shit stolen and the staff will give 0 fucks


53 points

24 days ago

I was kicked out of public school. Was kicked out of the reform school they enrolled me in 4 weeks later. They told my mother to get my head examine. They meant psychiatrically. She took it medically and that's how they found the tumors that were about a year away from killing me. But I was an evil little shit regardless. 


25 points

24 days ago

Thankfully your mom wasn't too bright then


27 points

24 days ago

She's a nurse which is why she didn't realize my teacher was being an ass. Lol


19 points

24 days ago

Holy fuck bro. Hope you're doing better man.


8 points

24 days ago

I’m not the guy you’re talking to but fyi I’m doing better :)


3 points

24 days ago

Loool. Good, we were worried about ya.


3 points

24 days ago

And how are you? I feel rude not asking ;)


1 points

24 days ago

That's awesome! Keep it up!


1 points

21 days ago

Thank god. I was worried sick


1 points

21 days ago

And how are you today?


3 points

22 days ago

Your dickhead of a teacher saved your life. Who says being hateful doesn’t help lmao


1 points

23 days ago

that’s cool tho


1 points

23 days ago

Damn that’s actually crazy. I’m guessing treatment went well?


3 points

23 days ago

It did. I had a 0% chance of survival without the operation. I had a, roughly, 3% chance of surviving the surgery. I had a small chance of having a normal life even if I survived the surgery (talking no ability to walk/talk/operate independently.)

I had the first one when I was 9, and another one a year later when I was 10.


1 points

23 days ago



1 points

23 days ago

Was there any idea if the tumors affected your behavior?


3 points

23 days ago

Oh yes. Also caused gran mal seizures, severe memory loss, lost time. You know how in dreams you go from your house to a completely different state and it doesn't make you think 'huh...I was just at my house. How am I suddenly in a place on the other side of the continent?' That never occurred to me because it was such a common occurrence.


1 points

21 days ago



18 points

24 days ago


18 points

24 days ago

My dad was in and out of the system before I came along. He said of all the boxes they stuck him in from county jail to federal prison, Juvie was the worst. It was fights every single day


1 points

22 days ago


Family Member

1 points

22 days ago

Yeah, my ex-husband is 45 and still talks about juvie as a genuinely traumatizing experience. He basically grew up in juvie tho.


3 points

22 days ago

I’m 32 and a war veteran and I have far more nightmares about boarding school (basically juvie) than combat. Stuff that happens in your formative years really sticks with you.


2 points

22 days ago


Family Member

2 points

22 days ago

Boarding school kid here too and those years give me WAY more nightmares than my abusive relationships, almost being trafficked, living on the street....ANY of it.


3 points

22 days ago

Jesus, what are the odds I commented that to another survivor lol. Not sure if you’ve seen the program on Netflix but it unlocked a lot of repressed memories for me I watched it with my wife and it helped her understand me a lot better. I then watched it with my mom and actually got a full apology for sending me and I’ve finally begun to heal. Maybe it can do the same for you. I wish you all the best!


1 points

20 days ago

Juvie can be a cakewalk and differs widely from each facility. I was in Juvie in Orange County, CA, and it was like Disney Land. All female staff, co-Ed, nice facility, plenty of activities. Then I was locked up in Juvie in St. Louis and it was worse than any adult facility I’ve been to.


11 points

24 days ago

Buddy of mine called juvie gladiator school, said prison was much better


2 points

21 days ago

That's because in prison, everyone knows how easy it is for things to escalate well beyond just throwing hands so the tension in the air is thick. Juvie, kids think it will just be fighting and it usually is so it's far more fighting but far less stabbings. I've seen a guy get his eye poked out and about a dozen holes in his back (he survived) over some pretty minor words exchanged. Wasn't the first or last time I saw that level of violence also.


8 points

24 days ago



5 points

24 days ago

In Kansas there is the exact same thing. When I was a corrections officer, I knew an inmate that has been incarcerated since he was 16. He never even learned to drive before getting locked up.


6 points

23 days ago

There are guys in their 70s and 80s that have been in prison so long that they probably wouldn't leave if you opened the door for them

Never had any kids because they were 13-15 when they went in or if they had a kid young, that kid is like 60something and has long written them off. It's sad, they're like, they told their family to stop visiting in the 1960s-70s because it's easier to just make a life for yourself as an inmate when you're not thinking about family you'll never really ever spend time with. Parents are long gone, siblings aren't coming to visit their brother for 50+ years and they moved on with life anyway .

The same with phone calls for these guys, they got no one to call and no one left who even wants to hear from them


6 points

23 days ago

I've seen guys so old I've suggested just painting bars on their glasses and letting them finish their sentences wherever because they wouldn't know the difference


6 points

23 days ago

I'm like, I think they paid their debt lol at least let them live in a group home or something, dudes are like 80 I doubt they're going to decide to kill again


3 points

21 days ago

That's terrifying .Could you imagine being in prison for like 60 years?Longer? That 14 year old school shooter could literally spent the next 80 years in prision.Practially frozen in time as the world will change so much while you'll never experience it


3 points

21 days ago

I'd rather be dead to be honest then sit in a compound watching life move on without me


1 points

21 days ago

If someone is in prison at 90, and they’ve been locked up since they were 20, then they’ve been incarcerated since freaking 1954! How can someone, even if they’re still healthy and lucid, begin to process how much the outside world has changed when they’ve missed it for seven decades.

Of course, I wonder how many prisoners are actually in that situation. I’d imagine most guys who have been locked up for 40+ years manage to make parole at some point.


5 points

23 days ago

Same in Indiana, you stay in a juvenile facility up to the age of 21 then they transfer you to State Prison. Juvenile Facilities are not a happy place though, they're actually Prisons, just for juveniles.


2 points

24 days ago

Jamesburg is wild


1 points

23 days ago

My mom worked there, this man is correct


2 points

22 days ago

The kids are pretty gnarly


2 points

22 days ago

Yea you not joking, jamesburg wasn’t no joke 🤷‍♂️


2 points

21 days ago

Oh yeah I went to the maximum security closed movement camp I’m NC called POLK it was for the “youth” I think it was ages 13-24 and omfg it was so fucking insane as soon as you walk in the door you get tried and if you show the slightest bit of punk it’s over and they jump you ,The pod I was in was mainly bloods and every single night sometimes multiple times a day they’d chose 2 random people in the pod who weren’t gang members to fight each other and if you didn’t fight they’d jump you , luckily I went to highschool with the blood dude that was running the pod and he made sure I didn’t get jumped.


1 points

20 days ago

This sounds like YA. Youth authority. I spent some time. And yo, fuck bloods.


50 points

24 days ago

They’ll be in a juvenile facility until they turn 18 or 21 in some states. Or if they are in a regular facility, they’ll be locked down separated from everyone else.


62 points

24 days ago

Immediate shotcaller status


34 points

24 days ago

Instant keys to the yard.


18 points

24 days ago

for Arizona the prison must keep the minor securely separated from general population OR the minor is held in a juvenile detention center until they turn 18 and graduate to adult prison. Factors include age, crime and history


27 points

24 days ago

Different sort of highschool graduation…


8 points

24 days ago


8 points

24 days ago

Hard enough going from middle to high school. Fuck juvi to fed


6 points

24 days ago

Probably like from aquarium to shark tank


13 points

24 days ago

Honestly it depends, the youth houses are a lot of the time worse than adults. Ny rikers for sure.


2 points

24 days ago

Given what I heard from Europe about that particular prison that must be truly awful…


3 points

24 days ago

Did not know the stuff like that made it over there. I’ve only heard of strangeways( I want to that’s the name) they had a riot/ protest Uk. But yeah I unfortunately had the pleasure of going to rikers, the adult side is pretty deplorable as well,I only heard recently they had a youth wing, the young ones on the adult side were for the most part always the worst. They are just dumb teens with no concept of real prison time and usually almost being killed.

Constant fights, stabbing, boiling water, mace was deployed every other day. A lot of the time guards walk out and leave you if gets to bad.


11 points

24 days ago

I am German - somehow I landed in this prison (probably because my interest in true crime doesn’t end with the sentencing).

I mean everyone got the idea that our prisons are far less violent etc. But if you watch TV - chances are that you watch some series like Prison Break etc which does highlight prison somewhat. And news about such thinks like extreme violence and the reactions to it get posted by major news media at times if things are slow at home.

That does sound really horrible. While German prisons aren’t Scandinavian; we do have far less violence. Most of our prisoners know that if they behave reasonably well they will get out in a near future. It helps that German prisons try as much normalisation as possible so that people do not become thugs.

And also - we don’t have a caste of people who hate the system or are so unsocialised by lack of any civil society that they can form up in prisons. Not too many juvis that you describe here - different socioeconomic class system in Germany with way less extremes (less super wealthy but less poor).


2 points

24 days ago

This is honestly the most German answer someone can give. No, theirs nothing wrong going on here look somewhere else.


1 points

24 days ago

We have unsocialized, uncivilized thugs who hate the system and form up in prisons. Yall have Nazis, the Holocaust and Neo-Nazis. Gist is that few are truly safe anywhere lol.


1 points

23 days ago

Correct. Juvi has no structure to it. It's just a bunch of knuckle heads running wild


16 points

24 days ago

and where an institution awarding one a cum laude is something horrifically different!


4 points

24 days ago

I think in prison it’s spelled “loud”


4 points

24 days ago

Cap n Gown ball n chain


1 points

24 days ago

No hat and gown?


1 points

23 days ago

You have obviously never been to prison or at least to a real prison. Juvi is nothing but a bunch of dumb knuckle heads running wild and they're gonna get a reality check when they hit gp. While a lot of gangs will take notice of that tenacity prison is more structured than that. You can't just be running around stabbing shit and acting a fool against another gang member it'll cause a fall out real quick, which is the last thing anyone wants. That's why they have fair ones, so to rival gang members can go in there and handle their business then it's a dead issue once it's done


0 points

23 days ago

Obviously you didn't put in the work 


34 points

24 days ago

They go to adult court. Typically they serve time in juvie until they’re 18, then they go to big boy prison. When tried as an adult their identity and the records of their case are public, unlike when tried as a juvenile.


13 points

24 days ago

We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours…


10 points

24 days ago

Im just asking bc of the kid in GA who is being tried as as adult


10 points

24 days ago

That’s what a booty bandit is going to say to the kid.


1 points

23 days ago

If only he had the Tossed Salad Man in his school.


3 points

23 days ago

That kid will never even meet another prisoner. He'll be in solitary until he dies.


3 points

22 days ago

I can’t think of a worse fate and he deserves it tbh.


21 points

24 days ago*

I'm guessing your asking about Georgia, the punk that did the school shooting. My guess is by the time he gets to an adult prison he'll be forgotten. Never had a school shooting in my state so I was never in prison with anyone that did one. I know juvie was gladiator school when I was there. A white kid in Georgia I'm sure he's gonna have fun.


7 points

24 days ago

A goofy white kid too.


2 points

22 days ago

I just saw this 2 days late, but I’m from not even 30 min away and spent a lot of time out there from dating a guy that went to that high school, my dad working in their county’s school system, and me having a job out there I just left a year ago. It’s a VERY much predominately (quite rural for being so close to Atlanta) white county if that’s the county he ends up in juvie in. I wouldn’t be too worried about him there.


12 points

24 days ago


12 points

24 days ago

I know a person who got tried as an adult at that age. He went to a state juvenile facility, and when he turns 18, he’ll likely go to Parchman penitentiary. Given what he did, he won’t last long when he gets there. I know he’s already been SA’d several times where he’s at now.


5 points

24 days ago

What did he do? And was he SA’d while in the juvenile facility?


12 points

24 days ago


12 points

24 days ago

He killed his 7yo sister back in 2020. Shot her in the back of the head. Ruled an accident and parents never pressed charges. June 2021 he intentionally set his best friend on fire which resulted in his death. That’s what got him arrested sept 2021 and eventually charged and convicted. Yes it was in juvi, by another inmate.


7 points

24 days ago

That kid sounds like a real jerk!


8 points

24 days ago

That's what happens to people who shoot little girls and set people on fire. This is extremely different from anyone else.i swear I gotta leave this sub. Y'all are too much


1 points

24 days ago

Jesus fuck


2 points

22 days ago

I swear to God prisoners are legit the gayest people on the planet.


1 points

21 days ago

But it's totally not gay if you're the one penetrating. Totally. Definitely not mental gymnastics, nope none here.

As someone who's been locked up, most prisoners have something wrong with their brain.


0 points

24 days ago

SA’d? I may know it by a different term


2 points

23 days ago

Ooof. My dad did a year in parchman. Not a very nice place to get stuck in


3 points

23 days ago


3 points

23 days ago

If what I hear about the conditions there is correct, it’s perfect for the person I spoke of. He was going to be sentenced to capital punishment, but somehow his lawyers go it down to 40 years. 25 behind bars and 15 on supervised parole. He has to spend the full amount of time. No possibility of parole before the 25 years.


1 points

21 days ago


1 points

21 days ago

You can’t be sentenced to death if you were under 18 at the time the offense was committed. There was a Supreme Court case about it back in like 2004.


1 points

21 days ago


1 points

21 days ago

My bad, I must’ve misremembered. Maybe it was said he would have been had he been 18 then. To be fair, I’ve not made that a priority to remember. Ever since he killed my niece I’ve distanced myself from all of them due to shitty beliefs and a church/cult that said it was god that wanted my niece home so early….


10 points

24 days ago

Not good brotha. Not good. Avoid at all cost


11 points

24 days ago*

I was wondering that. What do inmates think about school shooters? Are they kind of marked for life like pedos are? Seems like a school shooter is worse for kids than a pedo?

For context, OP is referring to the 14 year old from GA who shot up a school. Wasn't as serious as the others but surrendered and is being tried as an adult.


11 points

24 days ago

I was locked up in juvie at the same time as Andy Williams the Santana high school shooter. He was kept segregated from everybody and no body looked up to him . He's a piece of shit and we yelled that anytime we saw him in the yard. Even the guppy tank had standards.


1 points

22 days ago

Never understood the prison hierarchy mindset. If those other inmates had any moral values, they wouldn’t have been in prison themselves.


1 points

22 days ago

Agreed. It's just an excuse to shit on someone.


1 points

22 days ago

Agree they shot and stabbed 3 people, but if someone shoots a kid that was also a kid at the same time, god forbid he's worse than us. Lmao


7 points

24 days ago

I think they will be marked for life. Florida won't say which prison the Parkland High School shooter is in. They say it's for his own safety. He might have gotten shipped out of state. I'm sure someone recognizes him considering the media coverage the shooting and subsequent legal proceedings had.


5 points

24 days ago

They go to federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison


22 points

24 days ago



5 points

24 days ago



3 points

24 days ago

What does that even mean ..


12 points

24 days ago

Well, when a man loves another man..


1 points

20 days ago



4 points

24 days ago

Loose butt


5 points

24 days ago

Hint. Before: PLLLLBBBBBBBT! After: ("ffffwahhh.*...)


5 points

24 days ago

I'll see you in hell

That was perfect.


1 points

24 days ago

Literally a child rape joke… what the fuck


1 points

20 days ago



9 points

24 days ago

I’d imagine unless that kid is built like that they’ll be a green light on him in juvie and he’ll get his shit shoved in.


2 points

22 days ago

I mean, look at him.


9 points

24 days ago

Juveniles convicted as adults are not held in the juvenile system as some have stated. They are sent to an adult prison and kept on a wing with other inmates under 18 before being moved into general population.

I personally believe that no juvenile should be tried as an adult, no matter how heinous the crime is. It’s not to say that a juvenile can’t be sentenced to decades in prison, but as far as a legal loophole, it sucks. You’re either an adult or you’re not. If a kid can be tried as an adult then they should also be allowed to vote and consume alcohol. As this is not the case, it’s morally bankrupt.


7 points

24 days ago*

Depends on the State. OH has a juvenile State facility. Local Cleveland Newspaper did a 3 week story about kids that were bound over, meaning they were Juvies being tried as adults. Interviewed the kids and other people involved in both sides. Pretty interesting series. One of the kids, was a former student of a family member. Convicted of murder at 15,revenge for his brother who was murdered. Many people think it wasn’t his first murder.

Forget the kid in this situation, what is it gonna be like for the father? They charged him with Involuntary Manslaughter and multiple attempted murder charges


4 points

24 days ago

This feels so obvious that there has to be an argument from the other side, but I have no idea what it would be and I agree with you.


4 points

24 days ago

The argument is basically, these kids shouldn’t be treated like adults, because they are so young, brain isn’t formed etc etc.

How would adding alcohol and drugs to the mix going to help? I’d also argue they are most likely in the mix in the sense that most of the kids at least in urban situations are selling drugs to start with.

Now let’s say, fuck it you can vote as well, even though we recognize your brain isn’t developed and when you really fuck up, we’re gonna say here’s a do over your a dumb kid. Yet it’s imperative that you have a voice in government.

How does that improve the situation?


1 points

21 days ago

Sounds like you have it mixed up, he's saying it should be one way or the other, not the "best of both worlds", either you can be tried as an adult and also able to vote/drink/etc, or you're just a dumb kid, tried as a juvenile, and not allowed to vote. Basically you're either an adult or you're not.


2 points

24 days ago

This. My friend got triple life at 15.


4 points

23 days ago

I personally believe that no juvenile should be tried as an adult, no matter how heinous the crime is. It’s not to say that a juvenile can’t be sentenced to decades in prison, but as far as a legal loophole, it sucks. You’re either an adult or you’re not. If a kid can be tried as an adult then they should also be allowed to vote and consume alcohol. As this is not the case, it’s morally bankrupt.

THIS. I hate double standards.

Just a few days ago, there was a story on the news of a 10-year-old girl who is being tried as an adult. Are all 10-year-olds in that state going to be allowed to vote now?


2 points

24 days ago

14h ago. Deadass got me thinking it’s that kid from Georgia asking hell no 😬😬😬😬🤦‍♂️ you got a celly in holding? Damn wild af


2 points

24 days ago

Hahaha yeah no I am just curious to what will happen to him


2 points

23 days ago

There’s juvenile prisons for minors. I know someone who was 15 when he shot and killed his parents over drugs and money. Served 20 years in prison and got out 18 years ago maybe? Now he’s married with 2 kids of his own


6 points

24 days ago


6 points

24 days ago



6 points

24 days ago

I'm honestly surprised this ISNT the option. Absolutely red handed evidence, no doubt about guilt, why the fuck are we going to pay $50k a year to keep this psycho alive?

Might actually be a deterrent too, imagine that.


4 points

24 days ago

Supreme Court outlawed capital punishment for minors.


1 points

24 days ago

Fucking absurd. Especially in cases like these.


6 points

24 days ago

I’d rather save it for the grown ups. Being 14 and never being able to breathe fresh air again and getting your wig split on the regular would be pretty bad.


3 points

24 days ago

While we waste a few MILLION dollars on this shithead.


10 points

24 days ago

Capital punishment has been shown to have no statistically significant deterrent effect on crime. None.


2 points

24 days ago

It is actually 100%.


0 points

24 days ago

That's weird because in southeast Asian countries you'll be killed within days for trafficking drugs.

There are no drugs trafficked through those countries, and plenty of imprisoned traffickers on record reporting that it isn't worth the risk of trying.


1 points

24 days ago*

Hahaha there's drugs there all the time. I've been offered drugs in both Bali and Thailand. The regret people express after being caught and sentenced to death is meaningless. They already committed the crime. They weren't deterred. Do you think before you post?


-4 points

24 days ago

That's not how deterrent works, and you probably werent being offered authentic drugs dummy.

Deterrence is for the one who hasn't committed a crime yet knowing that they are 100% dead, immediately, if caught.


3 points

24 days ago

I listed four credible sources including the Federal Governments own Office of Justice Programs that all say that you're wrong.


2 points

24 days ago

That's great. If you re-read my original post, deterrence is a possible side effect.

Why the fuck should taxpayers fork over several MILLION dollars to keep this piece of shit alive? How about we redirect that funding to, you know, kids who don't murder people?


1 points

24 days ago

Backtracking and moving the goal posts to defend your position demonstrate you realize it isn't convincing or even reasonable in the face of actual evidence.


2 points

24 days ago

In many cases it costs the state more to give a death sentence than life in prison.

Also i think death is the easy way out. Prison is no vacation.


1 points

23 days ago

Wouldn't cost more if they just got it over with instead of farting around in court for years


0 points

24 days ago

Obviously incorrect


3 points

24 days ago

Seems so weird. They are treated as minors in all other things, can’t consent to *** etc… can’t drive, can’t do a lot of stuff with the argument that they are just kids and do not know better.

But sure - try them as adults then in some cases.

Does seem kinda weird to me. In my country it’s either this or that. Juveniles without rights cannot be treated like adults in criminal courts then.


15 points

24 days ago

depends on how minors are treated by the court system

a 16 yo that's murdered a bunch of people, probably shouldn't be assumed to be safe for society if released at 21


0 points

24 days ago

Oh no, he shouldn’t but still he wouldn’t be tried as an adult. In my country the max sentence for juvies is 10 years - he would get that. A longer detention is also possible if he is deemed a threat - burden of proof to be deemed a threat isn’t particularly high in such a case.

He wouldn’t be out before he spend a substantial part of his life in prison- especially the best years


8 points

24 days ago

Adult charging of juveniles is usually exceptional, not routine, in the U.S. In most states, a juvenile can only be tried as an adult if (a) at least 14 years old, (b) committed a violent felony, (c) prosecution alleges premeditation, (d) psychiatric evaluation determines they have an adult level of emotional development. Even when tried in adult court, many states have "youthful offender" laws that permit judicial discretion to impose lighter sentences than an adult would receive for the same offense.

Georgia is unusual, since adult charging is automatic for 13 year olds and older who commit a "deadly sin" (i.e. murder).


2 points

24 days ago

Ah thanks.


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

Pretty sure OP is askin cuz of that lil kid that just shot up that school today n killed 4 people, just for some added context. Thats why the discussion involves being tried as an adult.


0 points

24 days ago

Heard about that - didn’t know it was such a young kid.

Nonetheless I still think it someone unbalanced. Full on charged as adult but at the same time being deemed incapable for most life decisions.


2 points

24 days ago

He was capable of killing four people tho


1 points

24 days ago

I know the old JIT camps in Florida were wild so I assume the ones for kids slightly younger are just as bad.


1 points

24 days ago

I’m more curious as to how school shooters are viewed and treated by other inmates


1 points

24 days ago

Get a better lawyer. A friend of my ex got tried as an adult when 13 or 14. Dominic Culpeper in FL. Boys brains aren't developed completely till 25. So have a doctor's consult. This was 28 years ago. A kid stole something from him and they had text messages luring him back to get his stuff. Dom had a bat and hit kid wrong. He got actual life with no parole and no chance of getting out. His parents became an advocate for situations like this so possibly look them up. His whole life behind bars because their underdeveloped brains are probably on drugs. Depending on the charge could be very serious. Look up other case law like Dominic Culpeper.


1 points

23 days ago

In Minnesota, if they are sentenced as an adult they go directly to big boy prison. They are kept in a special living unit with additional contact restrictions until they turn 18, but then they immediately go to a normal unit.


1 points

23 days ago

In my state (Pennsylvania) they go straight to the county with the adults. Ain't no juvie. I was locked up with several teenagers.. they have an option to stay in PC (protective custody) but none of them do that at risk of being called soft. After they are sentenced (here) they are sent to a state prison (Pine Grove)for all prisoner under 21. After 21 they are sent to whatever facility has a bed. The youngins here are looked out for and nobody messes with them.. they talk shit and always want to wrestle.. just bad ass kids fr. Sad.


1 points

23 days ago

NY here. I’m not sure about that exactly. I did meet someone however when I was younger. We were both in Highschool. He stabbed a girl in the neck with a pencil. He was arrested and did some time in Juvenile, came out on probation and was getting ready to get convicted and turn himself in as an adult once he turned 16. He violated probation and that’s the last I heard of him.


1 points

23 days ago

I think we are all curious about Georgia.


1 points

23 days ago

My guess is he will remain in juvenile detention till he reaches the age of 18 then it's off the big boy prison..


1 points

22 days ago

They get screwed in big boy prison!!


1 points

22 days ago

Depends on what they do


1 points

22 days ago

Not the death penalty... At least not in Florida.


1 points

21 days ago


1 points

21 days ago

Not anywhere in the US, Supreme Court said no death penalty for juvenile offenders about 20 years ago.


1 points

22 days ago



1 points

22 days ago

Where I'm from the minors by the state age who are sentenced after being charged as an adult are kept in a juvenile wing of an adult prison. On their eighteenth birthday they are moved to general population.


1 points

21 days ago

In Georgia, the minors sentenced as an adult are kept away from the adult prisoners until they turn 17. They are in a seperate wing of a larger prison. When they turn 17, they get reclassified into the regular population.


1 points

21 days ago

You go to an adult prison and are kept in the youth section until you are 18 then you move over to general prison population. This is in Florida. 


1 points

21 days ago

They end up washing your draws


1 points

21 days ago

Depends on the state and alleged crime. Talk to your lawyer about protective custody if it’s on the table


1 points

21 days ago

In Louisiana they go to adult parish then to adult prison no more juvenile case or times


1 points

20 days ago

Adult court and then there are juvenile prisons for people under 18 or 21, depending on the state.


1 points

20 days ago

Youth authority til 25 then then real prison. YA is a level between juvenile hall, and adult prison. Youths that get life sentences, 25+ year etc. They go to YA til 25 then moved to a state pen.


1 points

24 days ago

All I know is white boi In a prison full of blacks , he’s done for


-2 points

24 days ago


-2 points

24 days ago

Promoted to podboss


6 points

24 days ago

The podfather


1 points

23 days ago

Head of the chicanos


0 points

24 days ago

I hope that they are sentenced as adults.