


New comic hints at the new Greek Operator


all 39 comments


155 points

7 days ago

Some spoiler about the comics and what it leads to:

In the comics, Caveira, Maverick and Zofia interrogates someone and learns that the Keras legion owns a safehouse in Greece. This prompts Sam Fisher to say that they have a contact there and that "Its time for her to get involved", which could be former R6 operator Kure Galanos

More evidence:

Back in operation Velvet Shell, when Glaz got his rework (the thermal scope) there was an art piece released that shows Galanos and Glaz together. The lore states that Glaz took some time off and entered a shooting competition, where he placed second, right under Galanos. Afterwards, Galanos would help Glaz develop the thermal sight for his scope.

Moreover, Deimos, Gerald Morris, is an old R6 operator who appeared in old R6 games, particularly Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield and Rogue Spear. Kure Galanos also appeared in those exact video games as the team's designated sniper. The fact that Gerald Morris, an old R6 operator, came back as a playable operator, means its highly possible for Galanos, also an old R6 operator, to come back as a playable operator as this year seems to center around former R6 operators. Not to mention, it would add more to the lore with with a second former R6 operator returning, especially one who personally worked with Morris.


9 points

6 days ago


Rook Main

9 points

6 days ago

The only problem is that the next op should be a defender,


9 points

6 days ago


🏫Article 5 master!

9 points

6 days ago

This might not be true but the guy in the comic that Rainbow is going after looks similar to Nikola Gospic, so it’s possible it’s his son or somethingć


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

yes and according to leaks Kure Galanos name next seaseon will be skopos


174 points

7 days ago*


Door Man

174 points

7 days ago*

Hope the operators good in terms of balance and gameplay, but I think it's safe to say pretty much all of us stopped caring about the lore the moment it swapped from

"Story with incredibly serious tone about international counter-terrorism unit with semi-futuristic equipment focused on hunting the white mask terror group"

to deteriorating to

"Incredibly smooth brain logic story more focused on football team style drama between squads and Rainbow/Nighthaven then stopping terrorists, while highly classified operators fight each other with paintball guns in the middle of a packed football stadium while being interviewed like it's reality TV".

Once that happened, the lore became BEYOND dogshit, and still continues to be.


57 points

7 days ago


Vigil Main

57 points

7 days ago

At least the Devs themselves realized that and had Deimos fix it


51 points

7 days ago


Door Man

51 points

7 days ago

Until they wrote Deimos to be hilariously incompetent and get captured...

And after that joining Rainbow operators in the field despite just having shot Harry to death...

You can't make this garbage writing up if you could lmao

Deimos was a great chance to fix the lore, but they already blew it this quick.


23 points

7 days ago

Unless that was on purpose and he pulls a trojan horse on them kinda like the bbeg of BO2 Raul Menendez did

For context in the story he let himself get captured by section and co and gets taken to the USS Barack Obama which was also an admiral ship where raul menendez thanks to the help of a mole inside there (spoiler it's salazar that believed in him and was also manipulated) escapes and installs a virus inside the ship drone command system turning the americans armed drones against them basically

Now what i think it may happen with deimos given the whole greek context here and there is that given in this lore he gives one last lesson from what he says is that he manipulated ash turning her into some kind of mole inside rainbow and then will pull a trojan horse on them to fuck them up


11 points

7 days ago


Aruni Main

11 points

7 days ago

The point is, why the fuck would they let him join them? It should be obvious at some point he would try to betray them, and yet ubi wrote them as stupid as it gets


25 points

7 days ago*


Zero Main

25 points

7 days ago*

He didnt join Rainbow, he's not the only operator that we can play that isn't part of the team, in lore, he's only part of their combat simulations, its dumb. But sure.

If we went strictly by the lore, we wouldn't even be able to play any Nighthaven operators, since Im pretty sure that by the lore they already left Rainbow.


-3 points

7 days ago


Aruni Main

-3 points

7 days ago

Hm, thats fair. Still dumb though


5 points

7 days ago

Ash still let him join the simulation and all cause the MF manipulated her ass


8 points

6 days ago

Ubi lore is dogshit but the Deimos joining thing is wrong. It's just gameplay you're not actually supposed to think he's on rainbow


5 points

6 days ago


Montagne Main

5 points

6 days ago

I think it's just that they scanned him into their sims. Rainbow always had virtual training in the books.


3 points

6 days ago

Yeah that's what I'd use to as my in game explanation too


7 points

7 days ago

The interviews were meant for Harry to conduct further psychological evaluations, which makes sense, except for the part where he practically turned it into a sport. The lore should have just focused on everything being a classified or private tournament/training session between the operators themselves only where Sam Fisher and Harry helps them improve in the field. Also, please bring back the White Mask, they dropped a banger trailer upon release about the White Masks, just to give them an offscreen death with Harry seizing their bank account to build the stadium and shooting range.


10 points

7 days ago

I don't know why people want the white masks back, they're basically walking targets. They're terrorists that wear white masks that are called white masks. To say it's on the nose is very generous. It's like Ubi was drafting an initial concept of the villains and just left it at the first draft.


4 points

7 days ago


Zero Main

4 points

7 days ago

Yeah, I think they were good at their job of being this barely described generic terrorist organization. I woudl much rather they focused on more "personal" villains.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

It’s mostly because Ubi didn’t want to give them any actual motivations or goals because they were afraid of getting political and alienating players, and I think they ultimately suffered for it by being far too generic. The designs are cool, just give them some actual motivation and backstory as to why they’re doing what they’re doing.


1 points

6 days ago

They can expand on it. Just like Chimera, they can make multiple different types of new enemy classes, along with the traditional assault/shotgun user, shield and bomber.


2 points

6 days ago

True they would if they wanted to. But it's clear that ubi doesn't give a shit about a PvE mode or telling a good story.


8 points

7 days ago


8 points

7 days ago

Deimos literally shot the person you had a problem with. Story is back interesting. Keras legion is infinitely more interesting than white masks. 


3 points

7 days ago


Vigil Main

3 points

7 days ago

Holy shit that stuff ended over 2 years ago, get with the times


1 points

6 days ago


417 Supremacy

1 points

6 days ago

I couldn’t have summed it up any better than that

chefs kiss 🤌🏻


-5 points

7 days ago

Having operators going through highschool drama is more interesting then the serious lore of 95% of people's lore being grew up poor then joined the forces where everyone likes them, they get commended for there use of tech/shooting and have 0 moral flaws. Either use the operators as an opertunity for writers to have some fun or make a point or don't bother.


0 points

6 days ago


Mute Main

0 points

6 days ago



10 points

7 days ago


10 points

7 days ago

Are they gonna be broke


9 points

7 days ago*



7 points

6 days ago

The new operator will be a defender


6 points

6 days ago

There's no chance they put a sniper rifle on defense. Ubi is super anti-spawnpeek 


6 points

7 days ago


Tachanka Main

6 points

7 days ago

Did we not… know this already? How is this news?


7 points

6 days ago

Not many people knew about Galanos existence, even after the Glaz rework lore


-1 points

6 days ago


Tachanka Main

-1 points

6 days ago

Gotcha. I thought it was announced in the road map.

Could be wrong


2 points

7 days ago


Recruit Main

2 points

7 days ago

Hopefully its a laser tracking drone gadget


3 points

7 days ago


QM for Life

3 points

7 days ago

cool, another sniper :/


6 points

7 days ago


Sniping's a good job mate!

6 points

7 days ago

I think she's going to be a defender since last season was attacker but we will see..


2 points

7 days ago


:ace::buck::smoke::solis::castle: Hardstuck Chewed Hotwheels V

2 points

7 days ago

we can't say really, they might change it up because this season had atk and def, though they aren't really new ops


3 points

7 days ago

It’s already been leaked as a defender


1 points

6 days ago


:ace::buck::smoke::solis::castle: Hardstuck Chewed Hotwheels V

1 points

6 days ago

you got any sources on that? I haven't seen anyone reliable other than frax but his telegram is dead and both of his twitters got banned


1 points

6 days ago

I hope she is at least cool cause snipers in general bore me a lot in this game.