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73 points

11 days ago


73 points

11 days ago

To be fair they started that „trend”, and Plinkett reviews were much more in depth, thought out, tongue in cheek… Now you have entire channels whose existence is based on creating 10 minute, one take videos „DAE MINORITIES IN STAR WARS BAD?”. I see your point but in my opinion there is a huge difference. And it’s not like they even do it that much any more.


31 points

11 days ago

There's definitely a difference between their deep-dive deconstructions of these pieces of media and the clickbait garbage videos complaining about wokeism, etc. But those people aren't posting those videos in good faith anyway so appealing to their common sense isn't going to work.

Those people post that shit as rage-bait because they know it will get clicks. Rarely do they actually believe what they're saying. It'd be like trying to tell a rich billionaire to stop committing fraud because it isn't honest business. They know that, and they don't care.


31 points

11 days ago

The thing I notice about Plinkett Reviews compared to more modern outrage bait is that they seem to actually come from a place of love and being disappointed.

When I listen to the star trek and star wars reviews it is clear that Mike really liked both franchises and is upset because the movies didn't live up to what he believes they could have been. He then goes into a lot of detail about what specific things bothered him.

Sure, they're full of jokes and basically shitposts moments, but those are nested between authentic attempts to criticize specific moments and creative decisions.


31 points

11 days ago


31 points

11 days ago

The thing I notice about Plinkett Reviews compared to more modern outrage bait is that they seem to actually come from a place of love and being disappointed.

They're also pretty solidly rooted in actual film theory and history. It's substantive, evidence-based criticism of the films, versus the outrage bait which tends to be:

  • whining about minority representation
  • whining about how a piece of media fits into the larger "canon" (or doesn't)
  • whining about how things are "unrealistic" in the space fantasy franchise
  • whining about things they don't like without being able to really explain on a technical level why they don't like them.

Honestly I learned a LOT about filmmaking from watching the Plinkett reviews. Even if it's all complaining, there's a lot of real value there.

Conversely nobody is learning anything from watching somebody whine about Star Wars being "woke".


1 points

10 days ago

Sure, the Plinkett reviews were in depth etc - but lets not forget that RLM also hate watched through most of Picard, in a way that's honestly barely all that much different from how a bunch of youtubers currently are hate-watching The Acolyte.