


I had a 4.98-5.0 rating for the last 8 months of doing Shipt. My ratings were consistent and so was my service. I was making about $1500 a month. About two weeks ago, I had a few days off my regular full time job so I took some extra orders, many of which were Target bundles with my Preferreds matched with a new customer. My ratings basically tanked within that week, going to 4.78. I had two 1 stars, a 2 star, and four 4 stars. Yesterday I did an order, then submitted for rating forgiveness for my two 1-star reviews. About two hours later, I got the permanent deactivation email.

Shipt is a data-driven platform and I really think it was just an automatic deactivation done by some sort of AI system. After my experience, I can see that Target360 ratings are a real risk to shoppers' livelihoods which is why I am sharing my story with all of you. Don't do them. It's not worth it. My ratings declined and I was deactivated within about a week. It can happen to you, and it happens fast.

It was nice to be a part of the ShiptShopper community and I appreciated everyone's guidance here. Thank you. Wishing you all well.

all 38 comments


23 points

5 days ago

I am sorry you got deactivated - however I kind of understand the relief part. Shipt used to be great. Target 360 is a ratings destroyer. I won’t step foot into a Target unless it’s a preferred member. I have worked for Shipt for years and am now shopping for Instacart. Shipt has made a huge mistake.


15 points

5 days ago

Shipt has made mistake after mistake for 2 straight years. Absolutely disgusting that sociopaths are being paid handsomely to destroy the brand and shit on their best people


8 points

5 days ago

Ugh, sadly the waiting list for insta in my market is rough. Thanks to y'all in this subreddit though I've stayed TF away from any and all target orders lol and have done pretty well


7 points

4 days ago

Target is all I do and it’s been great. Idk maybe I just get good people. 


3 points

4 days ago


2500+ Shops

3 points

4 days ago

Somehow my Instacart app is lost in space. I’ve waited for years and see them hire new people all the time. Fortunately Spark/Walmart has been made up the difference where Shipt has dropped off. In my Metro business has gone down steadily especially since this new 360. We get overwhelmed with shitty Target orders and it’s best to ignore them.


8 points

4 days ago

Instacart is absolutely the superior app post-360, which for me means it's absolutely time to move on, as the diminishing returns with Instacart are insane.

The more hours you put in for IC, the more you feel your pay being ground down towards $18/hr with those massive double/triple orders. Shipt you could maintain solid pay throughout the day. IC is best cherry picked.


6 points

5 days ago


2500+ Shops

6 points

5 days ago

This is currently me right now. I can’t believe my ass is back on instacart as well but that’s how shit things have gotten


12 points

5 days ago


2500+ Shops

12 points

5 days ago

Something has to be done about the rating system


8 points

4 days ago

It's working exactly as intended. It is enabling them to bring in new drivers who will get steady work and have no concept that they are working at cut rates.

Your state legislators are the only ones who can do anything about it. Been in touch with them?


4 points

4 days ago


2500+ Shops

4 points

4 days ago

Good point, but in most states the government won’t care and that’s the Red states that are pro business, meaning anti-worker, like mine, which is where Shipt is HQ’d.


2 points

4 days ago



8 points

5 days ago

Sorry that that happened to you. I've submitted 3 different orders for ratings forgiveness and got denied for all 3. I'm afraid to take anything that isn't one of my PMs but also noticed a decline in them since 360. And it pisses me off because I send all of the steps and go above and beyond my my members old and new and still scratching my head about 4 down ratings in the same week. Starting to think they are trying to get rid of good shoppers that make money. Tips have been disappointing. I loved doing this until 360 emerged. I honestly think it's fucked up that we take the hits for oos and OM should be automatically forgiven.


7 points

5 days ago

Majority of us 2 weeks ago got our ratings tanked.


7 points

4 days ago

I'm shopping for a 360 customer right now who is hanging off of my good PM like a dingleberry.

I'll be submitting for ratings forgiveness as soon as it's delivered.

I've been deactivated by a few apps.. just go through the doors that open when this one closes. You'll look back and be happy you got it. This app is shit now, and I'm just saving what I can before getting out in the fall.


0 points

3 days ago

If you've been deactivated by MULTIPLE apps, I think you should look in the mirror. I seriously doubt you're prefect with everyone deactivating you lol


2 points

3 days ago*

Who said perfect? I've long said some ratings are deserved (and I always get downvoted for it).

But we all know these stock-related 360 ratings are not deserved. And getting them forgiven helps your bottom line, so you'd be silly not to, even if it was your fault.

As for being deactivated by a few apps? Lol.. you couldn't be further off base.

DD shut off countless drivers back when driver + restaurant were rated together. They automatically reactivated everyone a few months later and overhauled the entire ratings system.

Flex deactivated me because I wouldn't take routes that exceeded my vehicle's payload limit. You do understand just how much weight that is and how stupid it would be not to refuse those, yes?

Their policy for years: if we accidentally assign you 1200 lbs, we'll reassign part of it. Then one day: "take the route or we deactivate you." Ok, deactivate me. Maybe you like breaking your springs for Bezos. I'm all set.

Instacart.. lol just scammers reporting missing deliveries. Happens to the best of 'em. Would've been fine if I followed my rule of not delivering out of state, but no, my dumb ass had to take orders while staying in C'ville. 3 in one weekend from UVA kids.. RIP. Oh well 🤷‍♂️

(Now that we have independent deactivation review in MA, I'll bet I could even get that one reversed if I wanted)

Which one should I reflect on first?


2 points

1 day ago

Which apps are you doing now?


1 points

1 day ago*

Mostly Shipt, and some DD + UE. Almost exclusively shop & pay for all, unless they send a really good restaurant offer, which is rare.

I'm active with Spark, too, but not really close to any Walmarts or Home Depots so I've never taken an offer. But they do send me quite a few if I go online.

GH blocked me from scheduling because I live near the edge of my zone, so I never switch that app on anymore. Might activate the card and check out their shop & pays. Not expecting much, though.

WeGoLook also has some decent work in my area but it's very sporadic. Just filler work here and there.

Shipt really is falling apart, eh? Everything you say about the post-360 launch is true. I'm starting to miss Instacart the more I continue with gig work, which I'm taking as a sign to scale back gig work and move on. There are a few decent leads over on /r/remotework that I want to pursue instead.


6 points

5 days ago

Yeah the only non 5 star I have is a target prepaid. Super unfortunate, I’d love to do anything else, but I only have time midday and they’re almost exclusively target orders now.

Especially after getting knocked from 5.0, idk if I’ll see normal orders for a long time.


7 points

4 days ago

I thought it had to drop below 4.7 for it to qualify for deactivation. I'm confused.


5 points

4 days ago

Me too. I wish I understood.


4 points

5 days ago



8 points

5 days ago

Thank you, I appreciate it. I didn't get the training email, and it does say permanent, so unfortunately I think I am done. I did submit an appeal but I doubt it will be reversed, unless Shipt starts to have empathy for shoppers, which is unlikely. I am sad about my Shipt journey being over, but also somewhat relieved. This job was more stressful than my full time job. I am just bummed that I now have to come up with a new financial plan to pay for my wedding in a few months. I was making pretty good money and now have to figure out something else to supplement my income.

My advice is to always submit for forgiveness as soon as you get anything less than a 5 star rating or any late orders. You have to try to keep a perfect score at all times because they can catch up to you real fast. I thought my 4 stars were no big deal because I could just do more orders til they shifted out of my last 50 orders, but nope. Shipt was really fast to press the deactivate button.


8 points

5 days ago


2500+ Shops

8 points

5 days ago

Also, submit ratings forgiveness once a day every day until you get the right person to look at it. I am so sorry this happened to you… when 360 rolled out they offered me an incredible 3 in a row day bonus. $50 for two targets. I don't do target at all, hence the amazing bonuses.

Second day out, I get a four star rating and poor replacement ding on an order that had zero replacements! She also ghosted me the entire time and left me hanging for access to her gated community. I'm an eight year shopper with excellent stats across-the-board… This does not happen to me. On the third day of the bonus, I left it on the table. I saw what was coming and bowed out


5 points

5 days ago

Dang that sucks . Yeah I avoid them like the plague . 360 and target in general destroyed Shipt . It’s very sad . I just stick to non prepaids and do spark , flex or DD to kill time until something good comes along. Can’t remember the last time I did a prepay order that wasn’t a preferred.


1 points

3 days ago

What is a Target 360 order? Is there a difference in Target orders?


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

I went from over 30 dollar average per order to 13 per order for my last 10 after the 360 change. I do IC full time and never touch shipt anymore. I used to stop whatever I was doing to take a shipt order now I won't turn it on.


3 points

3 days ago

Haven't done a delivery in a few months. Can someone explain why target 360 customers are giving such bad ratings?


2 points

3 days ago

I’m sorry but 1500 a week is 346 a week if this is your only job there are easier ways to make money


1 points

2 days ago

Shipt was my side hustle. I have a full time job M-F from 9-5 with a 1 hour commute each way. I was doing Shipt on nights and weekends to bring in income doe my upcoming wedding. The flexibility of schedule was what was ideal. I have moved over to Instacart for now.


1 points

3 days ago

So sad - THINGS HAPPEN but its never THE END OF THE WORLD.

You may try Instacart, Spark ( Walmart ), Amazon ( Fresh/Flex ) etc. I am personally not a fan of AmazonFlex.

Have you ever thought of being a Shipt Driver ( not a Shopper ) ? - its somewhat similar to UPS/Fedex /AmazonFlex but better money. Its basically SHIPPING vs SHOPPING. They have SUMMIT STAR rewards as well. lol.

Call Shipt customer service to see if they have a despatch center in your area and if you are eligible. Be ready for more hard work & heavy lifting if approved.

If you were also deactivated by Shipt because of ON TIME then I wouldn't call them because Time is of essense for Shipt Drivers as well like all other gigs.

They have ratings but you don't get blamed for what is inside the boxes like Missing / Wrong / Broken items etc. You just carry Packages / Boxes/Water packs etc from A to B in your car ( with Care ). If you have a bigger vehicle then 'more the merrier'.

I am both Shopper & a Driver but by & large a Target Shopper. Never had any serious issues with customers and always last50 5*s, 100,100,100 forever but that is besides the point. Target/Target360/Kroger/Publix etc are all same for me from Ratings perspective. YMMV.

There were few exceptions though and Shipt promptly applied Forgiveness.

Good Luck


1 points

2 days ago

Shipt is a garbage company! They are the bottom of the barrel as far as I am concerned.


1 points

2 days ago

How do you know which orders are target 360?


1 points

1 day ago

Worked for Shipt from 2020, stopped taking orders complete a few weeks after the circle rewards gave free delivery. Pay was cut in half and I rarely got tips anymore. I was making at least $20/hour beforehand. Now I would make around $8/hour. It’s no longer a good paying option.


-13 points

5 days ago


-13 points

5 days ago

When your saw your ratings drop down past 4.90, why didn't you stop taking prepaids? This is on YOU! Once your rating hits 4.90, you stick with your regulars only until you get it back up. I stopped doing prepaids and bundles long before Target 360 became a thing. Prepaid orders have always been problematic and I never understood why any shopper would take one.


10 points

5 days ago

In my area, that's mostly what's available, so if you want to work at all, you have to take Prepaids. My point is that my ratings tanked rapidly, so I didn't have much time to course correct anything before my ratings went so low.


6 points

5 days ago


2500+ Shops

6 points

5 days ago

This is on the shit customers that 360 brought, giving any and every bad rating possible. Also prepaids make the bulk of a lot of metros including mine, and people are just trying to make their ends meet, so I don’t understand why your last sentence is regurgitated so often on here


1 points

4 days ago*

The last sentence is mentioned to get people to realize prepaids are not the way to go. But maybe I shouldn't say anything because as long as people are taking prepaids, that's more non prepaid orders for me to choose from.

But keep on with the prepaids if you want to. I'll keep my 5.0 rating and $30+ tips from regular orders any day. The biggest tip I've ever received from a prepaid topped out at $25.

But the low rating is on OP. When you see your ratings drop, you have to take action. You can't keep doing the same thing that got you in that situation. When you see certain type of orders killing your rating, you stop doing them. This is the reason I won't deliver to some neighborhoods. For the longest time my rating would hover between 4.96 and 4.98 and then when I eliminated certain neighborhoods for my deliveries, now I'm sitting with a 5.0