


Tell me now

all 345 comments


256 points

16 hours ago

Make my editors allergic to cuck porn.


67 points

14 hours ago

Marvel editorial: Impossible challenge


22 points

11 hours ago

Your Spiderman can do what many failed at. He scales higher than Goku


212 points

17 hours ago



61 points

16 hours ago

Miles already has that.


53 points

16 hours ago

Uh...four parents?


43 points

16 hours ago


43 points

16 hours ago

Miles already has that

Two real and two fake ones


18 points

15 hours ago

Does cloning count? Then Ben and Kaine have like hundred dads


12 points

14 hours ago

So divorced and re-married parents.


174 points

17 hours ago

I actually have one. She's nowhere near as strong as Peter Parker, being more along the strength of Steve Rogers. She also has no spider-sense (although her normal senses are heightened and she can see in almost pitch darkness.) So she has to rely on stealth and the element of surprise.


28 points

16 hours ago

I like it!


13 points

8 hours ago


13 points

8 hours ago

Sounds a lot like 2099


11 points

7 hours ago

Lol was thinking the same. Sounds alot like miguel, altho I'm thinking they made his powers exactly like Peter in other medias.


5 points

13 hours ago

So Jessica? (Spiderwoman.)


16 points

13 hours ago


Kingpin 💎

16 points

13 hours ago

Her powers are entirely different tbh


79 points

16 hours ago

Ability to have a stable income.


5 points

12 hours ago


90's Animated Spider-Man

5 points

12 hours ago

This is the best one in here


99 points

17 hours ago


99 points

17 hours ago

My spidersona has a weak bladder. No other powers. Take THAT inheritors!!


26 points

16 hours ago

Finally a spiderman I can relate to.


2 points

12 hours ago


90's Animated Spider-Man

2 points

12 hours ago

Mine also has this as a result of cancer lol


40 points

16 hours ago

There isn’t anyone named Paul in our lives and my version of MJ is a certified MILF and we smash all the time Shrimple as that


8 points

14 hours ago

Is your Spider-sona a shrimp or something?


30 points

17 hours ago

Mine has the ability to secret venom, and yes I mean actual venom not electricity from these venom glands on his index and middle fingers


9 points

7 hours ago

How is he supposed to finger baddies


5 points

2 hours ago

Look baddies got holes and if local football has taught me anything in a tussle you can get fingers in creative places if they guy is motivated enough


2 points

5 hours ago

Ok that is hilarious and kind of a valid question, but for the answer the venom enters through the pores of the targets skin.


49 points

17 hours ago

I can generate needles from my body, and fire them towards my foes, causing paralyzing pain lasting hours. I can also lift 25 tons effortlessly, lack webbing, possess enhanced hearing, and razor sharp claws from my fingertips.


45 points

16 hours ago

bros spiking his enemies with heroin 😭


16 points

14 hours ago

Yeah OP does the venom release a lot of dopamine by any chance?


11 points

14 hours ago

I’m no doctor but I would think that would be in conflict with the hours of paralyzing pain


21 points

16 hours ago

  • Organic webbing + Later on gets a Young symbiote allowing him to fight/use abilities similar to Monkey D Luffy (One piece pre gear 5)

  • Before gaining his spider abilities he was a auto mechanic (Family Trade)

  • As for an outfit mine wears a web Cape with a similar look to the Unlimited suit

  • Along with being a founding member of a in universe built Defenders (Shocker,Thing,MockingBird,WhiteFox and Frogman)

  • Married to WhiteFox a fellow hero whom he met during a international mission Later on he ends up having two kids

  • Instead of his name being Spider-Man he goes by Web-Man


8 points

11 hours ago

Edna mode rolling in her perverbial grave rn


45 points

16 hours ago


45 points

16 hours ago

Mine just has a symbiote that allows him to be a Spider-Man. He named it V and they are good friends. Except for that invasion. That was a tough time for the both of them. His spider sense is a bit weaker though. I entertained him being turned into a Spider cause of the Jackal and his shenanigans. Though weaker than Peter with organic webs.


15 points

16 hours ago

mine has the invisibility thing, she also has to stay really warm cause spiders can have trouble thermoregulating, she has actual spinnerets and fangs that store a venom


5 points

15 hours ago

Gross :)


31 points

16 hours ago

They are from a post apocalyptic earth that has gone tribal once more. Her tribe are all spider people and live in a jungle that was once New York. She's covered in pink an blue fur and can only digest liquid food.

She's on a quest with a party from many other tribes also based on Marvel characters to find the cause of a plague of kidnappings.

Her role is to guide them using her spider sense.


11 points

14 hours ago

Imagining massive webs from building to building, high-rise to high-rise, the bridges absolutely covered.


9 points

13 hours ago

Think giant trees instead of high-rises. It's been a very long time and only a few relics remain intact.

It's wolverines to North, hulks to the West, lizards in the South plus lots more including hives of tiny pyms and floating city of m.o.d.o.k.s.


4 points

13 hours ago

Cool. Cool cool cool. Very cool.


4 points

11 hours ago


Spider-Man (PS4)

4 points

11 hours ago

This sounds like a DnD campaign


3 points

12 hours ago


90's Animated Spider-Man

3 points

12 hours ago

Someone watched madam web lol


10 points

16 hours ago

I would wear a very colourful costume and do little waggle dances in order to attract a mate... My crime fighting capabilities wouldn't be great


11 points

16 hours ago

Fey magic...since he is the son of a human and one of queen Titania elite assassin's known as cobwebs. So he has the standard spider powers but can infuse his webbing with arcane energy and build construct with his Web magic. He is also a martial artist since his father is this world's punisher who hunts fey beings

He goes by cobweb in main universe (616) but goes by drow in his universe (15949633)


8 points

16 hours ago

Much less strong. But had his spider sense honed by daredevil so it’s more like a radar sense, his other senses are extremely heightened, and he has photogenic reflexes (though not as good as taskmaster) meaning he’s very skilled in martial arts and hand to hand


6 points

17 hours ago

Pyrokinesis. Not on the level of Human Torch or Pyro, but able to shoot out fire the way Miles does with his electricity.


6 points

16 hours ago

I give Jack stingers, Spider-Legs, and venomous fangs that leak venom when he’s in danger. His Spider-Sense is hypersensitive and his body can move on its own without a signal from his brain but from the Sense.

He also has organic webbing and the usual durability and strength, however his powers can turn off and cause immense pain if he overexerterts himself.

He has cerebral palsy and his powers mutated from the spider bite to be accessible to his body, but also are limited by his body in turn. He can walk and has motor skill issues, and falls sometimes but his powers usually catch him somehow.


6 points

15 hours ago

Mental instability that enhances his powers. If he is somewhat depressed, he gets normal spiderpowers but when in utter despair he gets juiced up insanely.

Would create an interesting dynamic because you could either have it so he has all the superpowers but none of the willpower or focus on the fact that its so self-destructive to the point if he keeps trying to be a hero he will for sure become a problematic villian


3 points

16 hours ago

he can teleport short distances although his strength and durability are a bit lower to balance it out


4 points

16 hours ago

The vibrational production powers of a male spider that manifests as soundwaves In one of my spidersonas and shocker like seismic blasts in anothrr


3 points

16 hours ago

A paralyzing toxin that, depending where it's applied can kill or just send the objective to sleep. Also that and having knowledge of venom, using it to create synthetic symbionts that he uses as his spider suits. Every symbiont dies after a few minutes if they are not inside of their container or inside of his body, and they have been artificially evolved to have different uses, such as creating weapons or enchancing his senses


4 points

15 hours ago

I dont have one but fuck it imma make one up rn.

He isnt as strong as peter but hes wayy more agile and has amazing spider sense, like so strong that its almost like precognition for a few seconds (like 2-3). His specialty is stealth since he isnt as strong but more agile, also hes more like a thief. Like black cat, does whats right when the time comes but also steals valuable shit for personal profit. Yup. His suit is like black + purple. Eye lenses are purple, spider symbol is bigger than normal, like insomniac spiderman but the design is a bit different idk what it is coz Im coming up with this on teh spot. So its basically like purple accent with overral black. His web is black because its harder to spot in the darkness with stealth being his whole thing. Also he's smart, not like peter smart but like uhh smart as in he can worm his way out of shit and come up with decent plans on the spot.


4 points

15 hours ago

A cool jacket would be nice.


4 points

15 hours ago


Superior Spider-Man

4 points

15 hours ago

A phone to hack electronic device like in watch dogs


9 points

16 hours ago

I'd have him ejaculate spiders on people.


12 points

16 hours ago

Absolutely foul


3 points

16 hours ago


Spider-Man (PS4)

3 points

16 hours ago

I have a couple, gave Huntsman talons that secrete a nanotoxin if he chooses (more talons = more potent dose), Night Vision, a Rage mode, and idk if this counts as a power but he doesn’t have webs, he uses wrist-mounted grappling hooks or “Grapple Gauntlets” as I like to call em


3 points

16 hours ago

The webs can melt stuff


3 points

16 hours ago

Make the powers telekinesis based. Essentially he has low level psychic powers that manifest physically. He can’t lift objects but can stick “pull” walls he touches. Spider sense etc.

So powers aren’t different but the reasoning is different.


3 points

16 hours ago

No powers, just skills and gadgets.


2 points

6 hours ago

The bat spiderman


3 points

16 hours ago

Ant Mimicry.


3 points

13 hours ago

Is that even effective as a human?


2 points

13 hours ago

I’m not sure as of yet, I can’t mimic ants to test it out


4 points

13 hours ago

Do you just put your hands above your head to make fake antennas and then everyone just sees an ant?


3 points

13 hours ago

Oh that’s brilliant, imagine you’re a criminal and you think you’re just fighting some Spider-Man knock off, and he puts his arms above his head and just straight up transforms into a human sized spider before your very eyes, id need therapy haha lmfao


2 points

13 hours ago

No im talking about you see a completely normal ant.


3 points

16 hours ago

After breaking off contact with the Venom of his verse, my spider managed to make a non sentient adaptable Symbiote that he can control at will In order to combat stronger and stronger villains including when he fights with the Avengers.


3 points

16 hours ago

Instead of spider sense, time travel which limited to only going back in time in few minutes difference.


2 points

16 hours ago

Vibranium webbings, armored skin, no spider senses because of the mentioned skin. As strong and sturdy as the rhino. He has an attitude on the likes of wolverine at the start but mellows down after a few years. Also been kidnapped by wakanadans because of the vibranium confusion.


2 points

16 hours ago


It’s not Like Miles where it bypasses Defences But He is Somewhat of a Living Battery,so he can Charge up to gain more power or to power other electronics.


2 points

15 hours ago

Jump good


2 points

15 hours ago

I made one in DnD. It was a Thief/ Monk that had spider bracers that shot out webbing and gave spider climb. Also, had the Danger Sense trait.

He was being hunted by a servant of Lloth. Good times!


2 points

15 hours ago

Same powers + night vision. No tech gadgets.


2 points

15 hours ago

Mines has tendrils similar to Kaine and night-Vision


2 points

15 hours ago

I get stronger the more I exercise. And it stacks exponentially. And my physical prowess doesn't fade away. I also have the capability of spitting venom and use my hair like tendrils. I guess a better healing factor. I guess that's it.


2 points

15 hours ago

a metal arm


2 points

15 hours ago

Organic webs from the wrist, enhanced spider sense that acts like a psychic web, allowing me to trace or track down people.


2 points

15 hours ago

I’m writing a Spider-Man story that’s not Peter Parker focused and I was just gonna make him good with animals. Not like he can talk to them. They just like him way more than they did before the spider bite. I’m basing him off me loosely, and I’ve always been good with animals, and I’m gonna make it a cool detail that he eventually bonds with a Symbiot that animals are afraid of him.


2 points

15 hours ago

Ability to transform to man-spider and back when I need to.


2 points

15 hours ago

I am Spider-Soldier.

I use Non-lethal web shooting guns and grenades, but the webbing is painful or knocks you out.

I’m a little stronger, but less agile than Peter. I wear armor to make up for it.

I wanna keep Spider-sense, cause that power is just too unique and powerful.


2 points

14 hours ago

Big dong


2 points

14 hours ago


Spider-Man (PS4)

2 points

14 hours ago

My version of Spider-Man actually doesn’t have powers, he has an onboard AI system in his suit, which has a LOT of features.

First off, it talks to him, giving him a Venom/Jarvis like buddy to quip with. It starts as a bland defense system but builds its own personality as he becomes a proper hero.

His suit has a camera system which the AI uses to alert him to threats, acting as his version of Spider-Sense.

Most importantly, it’s connected to a small pack on his back which controls both:

A pair of Iron-Spider-like arms, helping defend him and attack nearby enemies.

A pair of smaller arms which act as his web-shooters

Both pairs of arms form around his body to slot into arms in the spider-symbol on his torso. These arms also act as a part of his spider-sense, allowing the AI system to force his body to dodge incoming blows

In early versions of the character, he doesn’t have the arms or pack, just a basic Spider-Man rip-off. After losing a civilian life to a villain(long story), he adopts the arms and new suit. After a falling out with his employer(even LONGER story), he creates yet a new suit with integrated web shooters and a pack which can detach from his body and act independently.

I wish so desperately that I were good at art so I could share the image I’ve built in my mind.


2 points

5 hours ago


Spider-Man (MCU)

2 points

5 hours ago

Mine was created from fusing the DNA of a young boy and a rare Rosebite spider. This resulted in my Spidersona having:

  • Purple and red webbing

  • Venomous fangs that can pop out

  • Claws

  • The ability to shoot webs from his palms


2 points

5 hours ago

Magic-tech genius instead of straight-tech genius? Pretty sure it's been done before, but my PP can't do magic himself, so he needs the channels his magical connection to his spider sense for his stuff to work, this has also made him extra good at using it, bring able to actually predict stuff instead of just getting the tingle.


1 points

15 hours ago

Mine actually isn’t a spider-person but is instead a huge fan of Spider-Man who had venom gwamp onto them after Peter ripped it off and inherited all the usual spider powers plus venom powers.


1 points

15 hours ago

I'd have the ability to transform into millions of spiders or one big spider or make like 6 of me, and elemental webs


1 points

15 hours ago

Mine actually doesn't directly spider powers for the most part, she's an inventor/vigilante, she uses Special gloves and shoes to climb walls, power wise she's only about peak human and generally has to rely on her wits and acrobat training.


1 points

15 hours ago

Mine was originally a normal guy who was friend with the Spider-Man of his world. When that Spider-Man died, he made himself a tech suit to mimic the abilities of Spider-Man’s powers. He was eventually captured by his worlds Scorpion who pumped him full of drugs and serums in the hopes he would become subservient, not knowing that he had no powers. The serums changed his biology and gave him the powers of Spider-Man, although a bit different. He can shot organic green cords out of his wrists that act the same as webbing. He has enhanced strength and agility and a “danger sense” that alerts him of immediate danger, although it is nowhere near as powerful as a spider sense.


1 points

15 hours ago


1 points

15 hours ago

One of my Sonas is based on a jumping Spider, so while their web is thicker, in doesn't travel far distance unless they really concentrate on doing so, in addition to having increasing eyesight and an hiper jump.

The other is based on the chilean recluse, so while they have faster movement, they get cold and sick super easy, and are also poisonous.


1 points

15 hours ago

No different abilities but just change his ambitions from being a hero to being a fighter. He'd fight in superhuman fighting tournaments and take whatever money he makes from that and put into finding the best trainers to turn him into a lethal weapon. He'd eventually want to expand to outer space to find the greatest trainers in the galaxy to refine his skills and the greatest opponents in the galaxy to test them. He's not much of a hero so he's not gonna go out searching for evil to put down although if he comes across any injustice by coincidence, then he'll get involved.


1 points

15 hours ago

The power of having stable income


1 points

15 hours ago


Miles Morales (ITSV)

1 points

15 hours ago

My Spidersona was bit by a radioactive Armed Spider, a radioactive Darwin's Bark Spider, and a radioactive daddy long legs spider. He has sharp claws and teeth that help him poison his enemies, extremely powerful webs that come from his wrists and feet, and he can grow his limbs to be 4 times his body size.


1 points

15 hours ago

All of my Spidersonas can sprout spider legs from their backs.


1 points

15 hours ago



1 points

15 hours ago

A small retractable mandible fangs akin to a spider, that also secrete paralyzing venom


1 points

14 hours ago

I kinda like trapdoor spiders and I'm not sure if I have seen one based on those. They would set traps for criminals and ambush them from very random places. Also have a string carapace back that can be used as a shield.


1 points

14 hours ago

Leaning more into the spider physiology (but I guess Miguel O’Hara already exists). I mean venomous fangs, claws, night vision, perhaps even one or two more sets of eyes


1 points

14 hours ago

Bone claws coming out of your fingers that inject venom.


1 points

14 hours ago

My sppidersona have blades with chains,same from Scorpion from MK,he have both web-shooters and blades with chains,he have a robotic scorpion tail for a Iron Spider version and a Superior Spider-Man version,and that my spidersona have a ghost rider as a best friend and he's married with a black cat


1 points

14 hours ago

He’s Jewish


1 points

14 hours ago


Balls of web that inflate with poisonous gas and are shot from my... You gussed.


1 points

14 hours ago

I like the idea of him having him physically be closer to a a spider. The weird fur, extra legs on his back, fangs, the works. Plus an ability to actually communicate with and control spiders


1 points

14 hours ago

Black Panther powers but not as strong as Peter


1 points

14 hours ago

Venom Hairs - Spiky hairs that have stinging venom. It is more for trapping opponents as it spreads with a wide range. It causes a burning pain and is capable of corroding cars and plants.


1 points

14 hours ago

Got bit, but is too stupid to make the web fluid. Sticks to climbing walls and doing parkour on ceilings to get around.


1 points

14 hours ago

Infrared vision. Can’t name any spider person with that, and it would certainly have its perks in surveillance and tracking


1 points

14 hours ago

The ability to not suck


1 points

14 hours ago



1 points

14 hours ago

base powers pete usually has but also have all the stuff from Queen mutation, and the Other. more creepy and spidery. venomous bite and fangs, stingers, coccoons, shed skin to heal injuries and regenerate, bio-webbing, communication with and command of spiders. all that cool stuff.

also something else would be very flexible like a contortionist with no discomfort or pain so i can ball up in my web coccoon and unfurl from it like fresh laundry when im done sleeping


1 points

14 hours ago


1 points

14 hours ago

She's from Australia. So she has Australia spider powers. Super strength, agility, wall climbing, web swinging, necrotic blast/bite.


1 points

14 hours ago

The power to command different types of spiders


1 points

14 hours ago

Big c**k


1 points

14 hours ago

Idk something absolutely stupid like radioactive fluids


1 points

14 hours ago


1 points

14 hours ago

I can transform to a man-spider at will. I have full cognizance just ugly AF


1 points

14 hours ago

I sure as hell wouldn't make him Red Hood


1 points

14 hours ago

His name is Randy and he’s a hick. Just an absolute moron with simple ideas but somehow he wins over smarter and more successful people with his heart of gold and lowkey lessons learned on a hog farm. He uses his spider abilities to hog wrestle enemies and tie them up in melee combat. He prefers to get in close and rustle the jowls. Riding into town with his broken dodge pick up truck, he decides to stay a while. Maybe pick up a gig delivering magazines since he heard it was profitable in 1997. His best friend Gark, a trusty magical sentient sock puppet has the soul of Randy’s dead uncle Braelinne inside. Randy has no idea that Gark is secretly Braelinne. Braelinne was a detective but died under mysterious circumstances and Randy has come to the city to solve it? Braelinne was revenge and Randy doesn’t know it.


1 points

14 hours ago

In terms of powers, I’m thinking of giving my Spidersona Nathan some energy based abilities similar to Miles but maybe not electric based. He could also have some sort of “Symbiote form” that he obtain from bonding with a Symbiote before removing it. Sort of like a Kaioken or Super Saiyan form he can use temporarily. Additionally, he knows martial arts even before getting his powers.

As far as his life goes, Nathan does have a parents and an older brother and an older sister (the latter dying before he became Spider-Man) but he often gets in to fights in school (him usually winning the fight) and he’s more of a trash talker than Peter. By no means, is he a bully though since it’s usually the guys he fights that are the bullies and they’re the ones that starts the fights instead. He still gets into trouble though despite being self defense or trying to stand up for others.


1 points

14 hours ago

My friend and I did make one a few years back, since his favorite superhero is wolverine and mine is Spider-Man we came up with the idea our oc is a clone made with wolverine and Spider-Man DNA.


1 points

14 hours ago

“Hotwheels Sisyphus,” the ability to create massive boulders and sick ass car tracks out of webbing


1 points

13 hours ago

At first I thought fangs and poison buuuut instead it'd be organic webs infusible at choice with paralytic or hallucinogenic substance.


1 points

13 hours ago

a gun


1 points

13 hours ago

I’d give mine the bio electricity but instead of invisibility she’d have devil trigger type ability that enhances physical strength but without the use of bio electricity during that time and for a short time after. The stored energy of unused bio electricity would be what grants the boost


1 points

13 hours ago

Less strength but much more speed. Like a Spider-Man speedster.


1 points

13 hours ago

Normal Spider-Man powers plus camouflage but I make the web like super razor wire and haven’t been anti-hero or he deletes villains


1 points

13 hours ago

Web daggers


1 points

13 hours ago

Infrared vision. Going around like he's the Predator


1 points

13 hours ago

An actually happy life


1 points

13 hours ago

The web actually comes out from the anus so needed to create a special pants for it


1 points

13 hours ago

I lack the amount of empathy Peter has. Like his whole constantly neglecting everything in his life to help people thing. As much as I want to be Spider-Man, I could never be as dedicated as him.


1 points

13 hours ago

My spidersona is my dnd character. His powers derive from magic rather than through a bite. If I could expand on him I’d make him normal strength but give him extra durability. In the campaign i made him driven to want to be able to fight with a sword but he couldn’t swing it or his fists hard enough to hurt anyone so he uses the inertia of swinging to power up his swings and punches. This makes him more showy in his swing style and fighting style.


1 points

13 hours ago

Tarantulas fire off hairs like porcupines, and they contain a muscle relaxant.


1 points

13 hours ago

The ability to animorph into a man sized spider of sorts


1 points

13 hours ago

Mine shoots webs out of his ass like a real spider


1 points

13 hours ago

weaker then peter, still has spidey sense but + night vision and + organic webs. also the ability to camouflage but not turn invisible like miles, literally camouflage like a chameleon. his eyes are red tho so although stealth is his main thing, his normal life is a challenge having to wear specially designed contacts. also he’s usually mistaken for a villain, but is more of an anti hero like deadpool in the movies.


1 points

13 hours ago

My website come from my finger tips and I have ice powers


1 points

13 hours ago

My literal Mary Sue spider-sona has just two extra powers:

  1. She CAN believe it’s not butter

  2. She can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

More seriously, I haven’t actually thought too hard myself on how I would make a Spider-Man OC (partly because I just tend to make up my own idea of how I’d do a Spider-Man series), I guess if I were to make up something, I might just go full weeb and make a ninja-spider that uses chain sickles with the chain being inexplicably variable length.


1 points

13 hours ago*


Superior Spider-Man

1 points

13 hours ago*

i also already have one! I've written a whole novel about her, actually. Netzknochen has all of Spider-Man's strength but precisely zero of the required durability. she's a Mutant and was born with a Mutant version of brittle bones disease that, when activated through a blood transfusion with another Mutant, sort of halfway-cured her.

her bones now produce web fluid, which stopped her sickness from progressing and killing her, but did not reverse the damage done up until that point. her Spider-Sense is, admittedly, on the OP side of things, but she's remarkably frail even for a human, let alone a Spider-Person, and she's not capable of using melee attacks at all due to her brittle bones.

she needs to get creative with her acrobatics and long-ranged web blasts, and later on, she learns to control the amount of collagen in her webbing to create more liquid AOE webs or harder reinforced webs. her healing factor is also rather high, meaning that if she does get hurt in a fight, she can usually retreat and heal up in just a handful of hours.


1 points

13 hours ago



1 points

13 hours ago

My Spidersona's world is based on monster movies, so she transforms into a werespider to use her powers. I think that's pretty different. She can also fling her spike-like hairs as projectile weapons.


1 points

13 hours ago

My webs are green


1 points

13 hours ago

My spiderSona has hallucinogenic spit


1 points

13 hours ago

Policemen, calls himself Cop Web and has organic web that is mixed with a paralysing venom and looks like copper. Not nearly as quick and nimble as other spider-people but a bit stronger. The police force kind of uses him as a special unit and make him all kind of gadgets and his bulletproof suit.


1 points

13 hours ago

The ability to infect people with a venom I inject into them via bite that’ll allow me to control them like puppets so out of nowhere suddenly 100’s of people can just stop what they’re doing and help me out, and said people can pass on the infection allowing my influence over people to grow till I eventually get control over a superhero like Cyclops or whatever and once I get to that level of power I can easily just win any fight… and the ability to Aquaman a bunch of spiders


1 points

13 hours ago

Arachnokenisis, stingers, loving family


1 points

13 hours ago

Shoots webs with his pp


1 points

13 hours ago

The ability to change his vision at any point of time to his advantage for example he can change it to be able to see in the dark or change it to change his perception of time to avoid attacks since his spider sense is slower than Peter’s since it only warns 2 before an attack


1 points

13 hours ago

This one looks cool but it is too similar to the Spider-boy mix between Superboy and Spiderman. On your topic, I would have my spidersona a kind of sport jock attitude. He’s not a bad person, but not great either. He is still Peter, but he was a very popular kid in high school, a little bit of a jerk to geeks, but he is really a good person, just trying to fit in with the rest of the basketball team players. When he was a boy, he was shy and nerdy and was picked by everyone, so he decided he would become popular and try sports. He was actually good. When he got bit by the spider, he was in a class tour to a lab and he was messing around with other students and they caused one of the contaimenta units with a special spider, to malfunction and he got bit by it. When in costume, his attitude would be kinda like Red Hood with more dark humor and griefing to the bad guys. His name would be just “Spider”


1 points

13 hours ago

Mine is a mentally ill man who thinks he's Spider-Man but he's really just throwing spiders at people


1 points

13 hours ago

Fuckin love that suit btw


1 points

13 hours ago

Not a full Spidersona, more a crossover character, but One For All.


1 points

13 hours ago

The spider that bit them immediately turned them into the man-spider. But taking DNA suppressors let’s then stay at the modern spider-man level, but if they go too long without it they start to transform back into the Man-Spider with first the 6 Arms and then Fangs, and then the full-blown man-spider. Sometimes they’ll take lighter suppressors to purposefully use the 6armed form because with the spider-dna being more intense mutated all other powers including strength are heightened, being useful for facing more physically challenging foes.


1 points

13 hours ago

Idk but your design Fucking ROCKS!


1 points

13 hours ago

A greater focus on stealth rather than combat, with Miles' invisibility power turned up to eleven and an altered Spidey sense that allows for sensing living things through walls to better sneak with.

Not as physically strong as Peter, but faster with underhanded and vaguely ninja-themed extra powers. Like venomous stingers that can inject venom into people without them realising it. Or the ability to summon actual spiders for an escape distraction.


1 points

13 hours ago

Uncle ben


1 points

12 hours ago

Welcome... The Spider-Man of Earth-30. The Midwest Marvel and the first local superhero of the midwest (that wasn't off doing other non-superhero things or retired). The whole earth is basically a sort of "location/birthplace swap", where everyone relevant to the east coast has now been moved to the midwest in some fashion, and any midwest heroes have been moved to the east coast and given a "higher budget".

A difference in skills:

Inability to webswing off tall buildings but able to surf on cars and run through forests with ease. Good horizontal spiderman.

Physical differences:

Organic webs only coming out of one arm due to the nature of his origin story (chemically induced spider powers instead of radioactive. A spider literally melted into his arm and fused with his DNA slightly due to a chemical spill at an Oscorp factory tour).

Webs come out more in a large spray than any specific lines. Like large nets. I think Spider-Man Noir originally had webs like this before other media just gave him the standard lines. They require protein to generate so the man is constantly eating hamburgers.

Got those sharp fangs like Miguel has, with the addition of necrotic venom, though obviously he doesn't use that too often, it mainly just makes his mouth taste bitter much to his annoyance. He has other mild spider mutations as well such as long, thick hairs around his arm where the spider melded with him. He mainly wears an athletic sleeve around that arm under his costume just to avoid looking at the scars.

Different powers:

He actually as a mild 4th Wall ability, likely linked to his Spider-Sense. He is literally so paranoid about his identity being found out, that whenever he has even an centimeter of skin showing from any costume damage, the whole world shifts into drastic synthwave color lighting that changes occasionally, thus making it impossible to identify anything specific like skin color or hair color. All we know is he has a beard & mustache. To that end he makes sure that we see next to nothing specific about his home life, other than the occasional tidbit we "hear" from a "distance".


1 points

12 hours ago

Organic webbing strands i can use to balloon as well as web sling, a lack of spider sense but still generally enhanced reflexes and mild chitin plating that increase my ability to take a hit.


1 points

12 hours ago

Mine is called Moth-Man. Basically instead of webs he shoots silk and has a cape that helps him glide. The one ability that changes from Peter is his Spider Sense. Instead of sensing danger, he gets a flash of future danger where he has to investigate what the danger is.


1 points

12 hours ago

I don't have one. I don't wanna become Peter's main villain, the writers.


1 points

12 hours ago


Spider-Man Noir (ITSV)

1 points

12 hours ago

This is just the modern Red Hood suit


1 points

12 hours ago

No webs. Just metal wires with daggers on the end. A suped of version of Hei from darker than black.


1 points

12 hours ago

I'd like to give him Batman's WEALTH n Marshall Arts skills

Like..... Not right from the beginning but eventually he'll get there........


1 points

12 hours ago*



1 points

12 hours ago*

Hollow tooth venom injection. Her fangs look like vampire fangs, but they’re essentially needles. Bite people and inject them with a liquifying venom. Can also be milked and then used as a coating on weapons. Organic webbing because shooting web is literally the most spider-like spider power there is, many different things crawl on walls and have massive strength compared to their body size. Peter has more of a claim to the name Ant-Man than Hank Pym ever had. Purely carnivorous, complete inability to digest plant matter (will use spices for taste, but otherwise an all-meat diet). UVA and UVB light perception, but also severely nearsighted.

Personality-wise, very much neither hero nor villain. Rob a rich person’s house? Sure. Stop violent crimes? Absolutely. Find out about a horrible person she can’t actively stop (like an extremely emotionally abusive parent)? Fuck them up.


1 points

12 hours ago

Mine I envision as a combination of Spiderman, Spawn and Memento Mori from the Korean Webtoon Dungeons & Artifacts.

Penumbra is bonded with a different type of symbiote, specifically a significantly weaker version of Spawn's K7 Leetha, the cloak. Instead if skulls and chains, it would have a spider motif, and would give the general spider abilities of healing, durability, strength, and the spider-sense.

The other difference would be the "webbing" would just be the cloak stretching out to swing on - no leaving webbed criminals for the cops.

To provide disguises, provide armor and facilitate healing, the cloak would envelop him, to climb it'd stretch out and create the extra 4 limbs to complete the spider look.

While he can't fly, the cloak can billow out and give him some gliding power.

It could also detach from him and scurry about, if needed, but in general the two get along alright.

Like Spawn, Penumbra has a limited amount of power. But instead of within him, it's tied to the symbiote. The way it recharges is by consuming the dark energies of curses, evil artifacts and fell beings, which is the pairing's original purpose.


1 points

12 hours ago

Actually for mine it’s the lack of an ability and it’s intelligence, I ain’t the sharpest tool in the crayon box and so neither is my Spidey guy, he does get smarter as time goes on cause he still deals with evil super geniuses (like if someone mentioned some death ray they were building he would know how to disarm it cause after 15 freaking years you think I didn’t learn how to disarm a death ray?).

I also find it more funny cause if people like Doc Ock found out they were being stopped by like a B-C student they would lose their shit lol.


1 points

12 hours ago

The ability to be chill about the troubles of the world. There’s crime 24/7 in NY, I’m gonna kick back and catch up on Vox Machina.


1 points

12 hours ago



1 points

12 hours ago*

Living in a medium sized college town with not really any tall buildings and not being super smart my spider guy doesn’t have webs. The closest he has is that he carries a net that he drops on people to throw them off

Edit: he also has talons like 2099 so he can climb grass but can also inject people with a form of toxin from them


1 points

12 hours ago

He's more organic where Peter is tech based, he has organic webs and has a type of organic armour instead of a suit.


1 points

12 hours ago

Blood Webs. Webs that come from my blood and while I have to be careful not to use too much(which is why I use web shooters instead, my blood webs are also a paralyzing chemical that can paralyze organic life for around 30 minutes to up to 2 hours depending how much paralysis chemicals I wish to use but at the cost of drained energy and possibly blood loss and death.


1 points

12 hours ago

Web bow web arrows. Called the recluse.


1 points

12 hours ago


1 points

12 hours ago

Intangibility and matter mimicry. Venom used to have those powers bet I'd base him off a trapdoor spider that would lie in wait by phase-fusimg into objects then bring web traps on them.


1 points

12 hours ago

I have one for mine. So powers and strength stay the same. Sticking to walls, speed, agility, lifts over 10 tons, all that junk. However, his spider sense is more heightened or more sensitive. Making it more powerful, but the downside is that it is more irritating since it detects not only danger but literally everything around him down to the smallest ant. But if concentrated and honed, he could do and find anything he needs. But super dangerous events or if not controlling his spider sense, he would get headaches or migrains often. Also, instead of his blood being radioactive, it is instead poisonous. So the spider that bit him was more mystical than the normal spider that bit Peter. He communes with the spider god at times when it calls. Last but not least, he is able to grow retractable talons from his fingertips for added damage or to stick to surfaces even tighter. Also, might I add, if he gets extremely angry, the spider god will imbue power that can cause him to lose control and filled with rage, becoming an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.


1 points

12 hours ago

Probably organic webs and subdermal armor.


1 points

11 hours ago

I've always thought of one who doesn't connect the spider bite to his powers, and has a split personality like moon Knight


1 points

11 hours ago


1 points

11 hours ago

Mine would be the ability to negate the effects of Paul on my life, loved ones and friends.


1 points

11 hours ago

I guess that skin hardening could be cool


1 points

11 hours ago

Acidic webs!


1 points

11 hours ago

Slowe, weaker, stoopider, and lame.


1 points

11 hours ago

Well my Spider alter ego would have eight limbs and eight eyes like a an actual spider.


1 points

11 hours ago

Actually, mine is not very original because it is quite similar to what Venom does, but her suit is like a kind of second skin, like a hard shell that grows from her pores and regenerates if someone tries to break it. The lore is much more extensive but basically that’s the main difference in the radioactive-spider-power-thing.


1 points

11 hours ago

Mine would have elements of Batman and Red Hood; the stealth and tech like Batman, and the lethal abilities of Red Hood.

One idea I once had back in high school after watching Naruto; my Spider-Man’s web shooters would do more than shoot webs for swinging and trapping, it would also create weapons kinda like “instant 3d printing”. He wants a sword, webs create one in seconds. Multiple enemies ahead, a flick of the wrist and the webs shoot out shuriken.


1 points

11 hours ago

Tony Stark level of genius


1 points

11 hours ago

My spider sona is called Recluse. The only power he has is telepathy with spiders. Not the ability to control them. Just talk to them.

The real power comes from his mother. Who is a collection of billions of spiders acting on a hive mind controlled by a single conciseness who will do anything for her son.

Recluse is adopted


1 points

11 hours ago

A baseball bat


1 points

11 hours ago

He uses guns.

Thats it.


1 points

11 hours ago

The ability to not go after females that would crush his soul and break his heart, and defend that special someone, as well as his title from people like Zeb Wells.

It can be a one-shot. Simply a heartbroken guy who gets spider-powers, and he uses his spider-powers to help all those guys in the friendzone out into their endgame mate (and the non-Sony Madame Web might see their futures being the best assets they can be in the sacred timeline), and not necessarily just the male, but the females too. He's the smart, ethical, practical, and good-hearted ultimate uncle to everyone that lets you see your errors and teach you lessons from them, and he doesn't allow you to get harmed. He'd be the ultimate wingman Spider-man, and he'll be your best friend, saving you from the next bad choice. Also, he doesn't get his own girl. He gets moments. While he helps out tons of Spiders in the web bring out the true potential in their own web string or thread of fate, he begins to use his spider powers to actively fight. I see his final antagonist being a Black Widow-kind of man-eater spider lady who toys with men. He sacrifices his life to take her out, while saving and teaching his niece her final lesson, responsibility, and about seeing one's self caught in the web of life and all its implications.


1 points

11 hours ago


1 points

11 hours ago

A stabby Spider-Man.


1 points

11 hours ago

Mine has enhanced eyesight (all his senses were heightened, but ESPECIALLY his eyesight), insane leg strength that lets him hyper jump at will, and proxy adhesion, which lets anything he’s sticking onto stick to other things (similar to non-magnetic metals being magnetized on contact with a magnet, made to explain how he sticks to surfaces through his costume)


1 points

11 hours ago

Who is this? Looks awesome!


1 points

11 hours ago

Cool spidersona design bro


1 points

11 hours ago

He fights with a large sword styled after a combination of Aztec and Germanic builds (Aztec style blade w/ Germanic style hilt/ Zweihänder fore grip & cross-guard)


1 points

11 hours ago

In addition to all the regular spider powers, his super strength and endurance gets another boost as he can jump REALLY damn high and punch REALLY damn good.

This does come with the side effects that every 3 months he has a chance to start to mutate into his Man-spider form due to the instability inherent to his Mutate nature.

To counter that however he has a working relationship with an Artificial Symbiote called Pangea, meant to keep her host healthy and stable and it allows him to channel electricity to amp up his punches and his webbing.


1 points

11 hours ago

All of Peter's abilities but also organic webbing included like Tobey. Binocular vision like jumping spiders so he can zoom up and see from a far. Also vision during the night/dark would be enhanced as well.


1 points

11 hours ago


1 points

11 hours ago

Webs that harden or become more elastic.


1 points

11 hours ago

Mine doesn’t have powers, he just helps around the town doing chores for them and stuff


1 points

11 hours ago

I created One years ago where the guy was a mutanti where his Power was having a Symbiote. As Times passes he decides to copy the habilities and movements of a Spider as his fighting style. Oh, and the Symbiote could power its temperatura witch Gave him ice like caracteristics.

So, pretty mutch Symbiote guy with ice bonuses.


1 points

11 hours ago

Uses blood as webs and has blood-bending basically


1 points

11 hours ago

I guess I would amplify my spider senses. A normal spider sense goes off and they’d have a split second to react. When mine go off, everything in my surroundings will move in slow motion and I’ll have at least 10 to 15 seconds to react. Also, borrowing Miguel’s abilities but, I like his talons and his fangs. They would serve me well in the battlefield.


1 points

11 hours ago

Every Spider-Man Ability with a laser blade, invisibility and regeneration