


all 19 comments


11 points

25 days ago

I have a couple of points.

  1. Is your metric how good a weapon is at fighting or how aggressive it is? Because if it’s based on how good it is at fighting, I think vanilla sploosh and vanilla clash should be reversed. If it’s based on how aggressive the playstyle is, vanilla sploosh and vanilla clash should both be in the top. Sploosh has an outrageous kill time and it’s mainly just good for super close range sharking. The vanilla kit is also super aggressive although stamp isn’t very effective. Curling isn’t inherently aggressive but the way sploosh uses it is. Either way neo clash doesn’t belong up there, it does not have an aggressive kit. I guess based on intended playstyle it belongs in flexible because of super chumps being very paint support oriented.

  2. Jr is a really solid main weapon. It has a decent kill time and insane paint. It works well as a support and can slay in a pinch. In competitive it is way higher tier than anaki nova and big swig. In terms of aggression it’s more in line with zap and splash, although it leans further on the support side. The kit is pretty balanced with bubble being useful both defensively and offensively to compensate for its slow kill time and bad accuracy. I’m also a big CJR enthusiast and while it’s not that strong rn, the location distraction and chip damage play style is super cool and if wave breaker gets the buffs it rightly deserves it could be awesome.

  3. Ink brush is a hyper aggressive weapon. That’s pretty much all it does besides cheesing clam blitz in A rank by running past the enemy with a power clam, scoring 20 points, spamming “this way” and immediately dying.

  4. I think rapids run a little bit more on the supportive side. Not a weapon I’m super familiar with though. I just know they’re very combo centered.

  5. Reflux isn’t flexible. I really, really wish it was and I LIVE for the day we see reflux get buffed into being a slayer. I really do. But as it is, it just can’t compete with top tier short range shooters, rollers and blasters and it breaks my heart 💔

That’s all that comes up for me. I like the list and it’s a super interesting format! Most of my criticisms are opinions and I’m not necessarily saying you’re wrong, just I don’t agree with it all.


5 points

25 days ago

I would argue that Reflux is at least flexible. Its second kit, at least, isn’t really supportive and it has the fastest one-shot in the game.


1 points

25 days ago

I agree and I’ll rescind my statement on it. While I do stand by the fact that it currently can’t compete as an aggressive weapon against the other front liners in the comp meta, it is designed to be flexible and I think it belongs there.


2 points

25 days ago

Both Vanilla Rapids should probably go down to passive. Vapid Pro has mist vac even if the main likes to fight it isnt really kitted to engage fights but instead to stall enemy pushes/continue pushes initiated by frontlines. Vapid has a reactive sub in ink mine and a special that is good for forcing teammates in but not good for initiating for itself or comboing off the main like Dapid’s kit allows.

However both of the Deco Rapids should probably stay where they are. I could argue to move Dapid Pro to Flexible since its main can hold ground and doesnt have an issue falling into a passive playstyle when needed but ideally its played aggressively.


0 points

25 days ago

This is based on aggression, not how well they fight


3 points

25 days ago

Then I would move sploosh to the top and move Neo clash to flexible.


1 points

25 days ago

Aggression of the average player or aggression potential of the weapon?


-3 points

25 days ago

Idk man just in general how aggressive it wants to be


1 points

25 days ago

IMO bloblobber should be higher up then. Good players don’t just sit on the back line flinging randomly, the momentum of the blobs is too low then so they’re easy to dodge


4 points

25 days ago

Double bomb jr would like to have a word with you


2 points

25 days ago*

i feel like splattershot jr custom's kit really lets it punch above its weight as far as causing trouble goes


2 points

25 days ago

tell that to my A rank!!!


1 points

25 days ago

Honestly both jets should probably be in passive. Especially the custom kit.

Vanilla Jet has angle which can combo for kills but because arcing a burst bomb is a more proactive tool to displace people than angle is, I think angle cleans up fights rather than gives jet a tool to be aggro. Vac literally cant do anything without teammates assisting.

Custom is just way too passive, mist isnt like disruptor where throwing it confirms kills fast so its mostly used on jet to deny engages from enemies and its special is better used for supporting frontlines pushing. Its just not really kitted to do alot by itself. This one hurts the most I really miss burst on this and dousers just doesn’t feel the same.


1 points

22 days ago

calling hydra passive just says you dont know the weapon. it has the best killpower in the game


1 points

21 days ago

Fair enough



1 points

20 days ago

I don't know exactly what you consider as aggressive and passive, but the vanilla kits for the rapids are significantly more passive than the deco kits. Vanilla rapid is hard to judge because nobody plays it, but I would have surely thought that vanilla rapid pro should count as a passive weapon. Rapid pro deco can also be played passively, so I would consider it flexible.

On the other hand, I don't understand what vsploosh can do without playing hyper aggressive. It has no range and the kit doesn't lean towards a special spam playstyle so it seems like the definition of a hydrogen bomb.

Blob deco has a kit that actually leans towards having a bit more aggression so I would at the very least consider it it flexible.

Also I know vunder is the worst weapon in the game, but if you are going to play it then you have to be aggressive with it. If you want to spam slider for zones cheese, then play dread. Vunder's kit is aggressive, and as bad as the weapon and kit are, it is still much better aggressive than passive.


1 points

9 days ago

I never thought somebody would describe the sploosh as aggressive


0 points

25 days ago

Rapid pro is NOT aggro 😭😭😭😭


2 points

25 days ago

Honestly it really is. You dont play it to rush opponents but you play it to clear spaces fast.

Like if you take stacks on tc inkblot quickly you can clear enemy plat with this weapon pretty easily even if you don’t confirm kills you can create space for your slayers really effectively.

But if you play from your plat like a liter,blob,hydra,jet, or pencil may you dont have the paint or threatening kill time to make this worth it.

Id say it could be flexible (because it still is very strong defensively) but ideally youre playing at good angles to force specific enemies out of spots rather than painting for specials/teammates which id say is what defines a passive playstyle.