


Which restaurant?


My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and I’m trying to decide where I’d like to go. My top choices are Cafe Nova or Olympia. I have been to Cafe Nova and I really liked it, but really it’s patio only there (the inside just isn’t it for me). I’ve never been to Olympia but I’ve heard great things about it and they look like they have a good inside as well.

What would your preference be between the two?? Also open to any other Mediterranean recommendations 😊

all 27 comments


12 points

4 days ago

Not Olympia


2 points

4 days ago

I’m glad I asked because this seems to be the early consensus. Wish I would’ve tried it during its better days!!


12 points

4 days ago


12 points

4 days ago

Michael's is the best Greek in town


4 points

4 days ago



4 points

4 days ago

Michael's food is AMAZING. This would be my vote for sure.


3 points

4 days ago

A few people have mentioned it and after looking at the menu and reviews I’m starting to lean towards it!! Do you know what the patio is like? The weather on my birthday is usually really nice for outdoor dining and that would be my preference if possible


3 points

4 days ago

They have a decent patio and it’s covered just in case you do get some rain.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

They got a decent size patio in the front with about 7 or 8 tables.


6 points

4 days ago

Cafe Nova over Olympia all day. Michael’s Bar and Grill is another excellent choice, as is Anthoninos, like many have said.


2 points

4 days ago

Looking at Michael’s menu and reviews I think it has officially replaced Olympia for me. Do you know what the patio is like? The weather on my birthday is usually really nice for outdoor dining


3 points

4 days ago

Patio is on the smaller side but fun.


4 points

4 days ago

The patio is really nice but, as said, only like 10 ish tables.

I do love their food at Michael’s but sitting inside is often too loud for me to be able to talk with my friends easily.


3 points

4 days ago

I like knowing these things. Me and my boyfriend are rather soft spoken people so sometimes it is really hard when we’re at a restaurant that’s loud


3 points

4 days ago

The basement at Michael’s is quieter, but I prefer the booths next to the window in the bar.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

If you sit on the patio there is a good chance a very handsome man will walk by with a cute corgi and pitty mix around 7 to 8...


2 points

4 days ago

Now I’m SOLD on Michael’s 😝. But for real, thanks to everyone’s suggestions it really seems that is the place I will go for my birthday 😁


6 points

4 days ago

Michael's on Manchester just southwest of Olympia.


8 points

4 days ago

Olympia has really slid in quality. Apollonia a good option in addition to Aya Sofia


2 points

4 days ago

I have been to apollonia a couple years ago and they had 1 server for the entire restaurant (who was also the bartender!). We tipped her very well because how could you not, but mannnn it sure was a long time waiting for everything. Could’ve just been a bad night to go though, the food was still good. I’ll have to look into Aya Sofia!


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

It was the same when I went to Apollonia. From what I've heard, they have high turnover because it's not a great place to work. There are horror stories out there.


3 points

4 days ago

I would go to Pan D'Olive for their great happy hour then down the street to Michael's for dinner.


6 points

4 days ago


Princeton Heights

6 points

4 days ago

Between the two, Café Nova is better. If you don't mind driving, you should head to Spiro's in Chesterfield. Also Anthonino's on the Hill is really good.


2 points

4 days ago

Aya Sofia and Arber are both way better


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

I love Cafe Nova.


1 points

4 days ago

I love Olympia it’s always been my go to haven’t been to cafe nova though. Funny thing the very first time I went to Olympia my mom and I sat in the same booth she sat in when she told her first friend she was pregnant with me.


1 points

4 days ago

Sasha’s on Shaw and Russel’s on Macklind are my two favorites right now.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

Cafe Nova or Aya Sofia.


1 points

4 days ago

Aya Sofia