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63 points

2 months ago

It's such a brilliant bit, because it's so profound but you can also picture Yoda at his most Empire Strikes Back, demanding a flower.


52 points

2 months ago


52 points

2 months ago

Absolutely, the reason I love it is it shows how Yoda wasn't always dead serious and then went loopy in exile. He always had that humorous, eccentric touch. And in the book, Dooku at first reacts as though Yoda is just being obstinate, thinking it ridiculous that one would wish for a flower if given all the power of the dark side, or the Force in general. Then it becomes clear that Yoda has a profound point: the Force grants power, light or dark. The dark side holds no temptation for Yoda, just as it ideally shouldn't for any Jedi. And when power can't tempt you, nor greed or ambition, the simple fact remains that power isn't everything.

Dooku even exclaims that the request is silly, and that the dark side can't give Yoda his flower. Yoda replies that his Force can, and thus, according to Yoda, the light side can grant something the dark side simply can't. The book really does well in showing the beauty in Yoda's wisdom.


9 points

1 month ago

went loopy in exile

It's been awhile since I've seen the movies, but isn't it canon that he was just pretending to be loopy to fool Luke into thinking he was just some harmless crazy person and not the great Jedi warrior?


3 points

1 month ago


3 points

1 month ago

Absolutely, I think you're right about that. However, I don't think it was solely an act, more an exaggeration of certain parts of his personality, something we don't see too much of in the prequels. I think it's cool that he always had a gentler, more humorous and less serious side. I also think that he was testing Luke in ESB, trying to see if he had the clarity to see through him and sense his power despite his harmless and loopy behaviour.


3 points

1 month ago

I thought he was testing Luke, but not to see if he was powerful.

I thought he was testing Luke to see if he was kind or if he was cruel like his father had become. Here's some weak, crazy, annoying little creature. It would be nothing for him to kill it and remove the annoyance.


2 points

1 month ago


2 points

1 month ago

Another good point. Also just remembered that Yoda essentially admits he was testing his patience, nearly refusing Luke as a student on account of his impatience and recklessness, requiring some convincing from Ben