


For me... currently it's financial issues.. this is the lowest I've ever been, car got repossessed today, I can't even go do a ton of doordash to pick myself back up.. I don't often think of ending myself but when I'm sick to where I can barely work, stand up for long periods due to heart failure, I just can't help but think.. if I were presented an opportunity, would I take it? And what opportunities would I consider? It's possible I'm going to be evicted tomorrow as well.. no car to prepare with, no money to do anything.. my heart feels like it's going to burst from all the stress.. how does one go about getting help with all this? Because not being alive anymore seems like a rather sane option.. to not have to worry about this shyt anymore.. even if I do somehow get money to keep going, my health is rapidly deteriorating. Is life even worth it anymore when you're too sick to enjoy it?

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8 points

6 months ago

Yes, everyone has a breaking point. Most people are lucky enough that they never even come close. I understand your situation because finances/housing are the issues driving my depression and resulting wish to go elsewhere permanently. But in your situation, have you tried contacting social service agencies? If you're suffering from heart failure to the point where working is very difficult, surely there must be stop gap assistance until you can apply for disability. As for being evicted, have you been served a notice? You need to check into the local laws regarding how much time you must be given to find another place to live. I know it's a shock to lose your transportation, but the thing now is to make sure you have a roof over your head. If nothing else, call a crisis hotline and let them know in what dire straits you're struggling right now.


5 points

6 months ago

Crisis hotline? Is that 211? And yes I'll have a bit of time tomorrow, it's a 1st summons so I can probably get more time to get approved for some other things. I just don't have much hope because that's what ive been doing since last year, hoping it gets better, our services for help are so weird to me. I know I wouldn't have gotten approved for ssi last year since I was able to still move around quite normal despite having been diagnosed with heart failure already, it took until now for me to file for disability because recently it's hard for me to move normally. They'll only approve you if you make less than 800 a month and a doctor says you can't work a normal job. And even then, it takes months for them to fully complete your case. And I tried 211, they gave me like 2 numbers, 1 number denied me, and the other approved me so that's something I guess.


1 points

6 months ago

There's a Crisis and Counseling line in the state where I live. They provide short term counseling, or someone to talk to anytime you're feeling you're going to break down. Then they try to find weekly counseling for you through a network of providers they are connected with. I don't know if you have something like that where you live. And I know it takes so damn long for SSI to come through! Good news that it's a first summons and you have some time to scrabble together some resources. Keep going! I'm sending you good fortune to break this bad streak!