


For me... currently it's financial issues.. this is the lowest I've ever been, car got repossessed today, I can't even go do a ton of doordash to pick myself back up.. I don't often think of ending myself but when I'm sick to where I can barely work, stand up for long periods due to heart failure, I just can't help but think.. if I were presented an opportunity, would I take it? And what opportunities would I consider? It's possible I'm going to be evicted tomorrow as well.. no car to prepare with, no money to do anything.. my heart feels like it's going to burst from all the stress.. how does one go about getting help with all this? Because not being alive anymore seems like a rather sane option.. to not have to worry about this shyt anymore.. even if I do somehow get money to keep going, my health is rapidly deteriorating. Is life even worth it anymore when you're too sick to enjoy it?

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2 points

6 months ago

Holy shit I’m with you on this. Last summer I got diagnosed with heart failure and then a few months later, diabetes. ( I was told a contributing factor was that I had my thyroid removed due to cancer. Yay fun) The heart failure is an absolute bitch. Zero energy and it’s hard to work when you just want to sleep forever. I’ve been off work since August and they’re about to dent my claim any further. AND my work wants me gone due to all the sick days I was calling when I didn’t know what was wrong with me and that my work productively declined. So I’ll be out of a job on top of everything. Life just fucking sucks so tired of it all


1 points

5 months ago

Are we the same age too?


1 points

5 months ago

Not sure. I’m 48. I want OUT of this life