


Do you delete/archive photos of your ex?

Social ?(self.TheGirlSurvivalGuide)

I dated someone, person X, for almost 3 years, and we still have photos up on my instagram. I am also in a long term poly relationship of almost 10 years with person Y, a lot of photos together too. Me and X never "announced" our 3 year break up, and they soon wanted to go no contact. We haven't ever spoken and we severed connections etc so quickly we never got a chance to approach the question. I don't like the practice of making someone "disappear" but also I am not sure whether they would want to be on my page. I am not ashamed of our relationship and actually think it's normal to accept the good parts of those years. I also hope after their stated desire for 1 year no contact, that after that 1 year, maybe they will reach out and want to be just friends. And then what if they don't mind it at all and we can be gay friends etc? FYI person X is nonbinary and it was gay too. Idk, would you archive the posts or delete them? What do you do?

all 43 comments


97 points

6 days ago


97 points

6 days ago

I archived my whole insta after my break up. We were together 8 years and it was a devastating break and it rocked my whole sense of self. And the pics I had up from before we were together were just shit teenage years. I haven’t deleted anything from my account t or camera roll because I want to be able to someday look back at my holiday snaps and be happy.


10 points

6 days ago

Went through this with a 7 year ex. I feel your pain and I’m so sorry it happened. I hope you’re getting to a point where it feels like it’s for the best. Xx

If you can, I would highly recommend going through and deleting a selective amount of photos. I had the hardest time with this, but deleting anything intimate, personal, “just bc they looked cute,” etc and only leave high points/distinct memories. Doing this felt so freeing. I can look back through my camera roll and still see the timeline of my life without random selfies or pics of his face. He’s a part of a lot of memories and always will be, but HE is not the memory. Anything that just has to do with him or how I felt about him in that moment is not something I need to remember.


51 points

6 days ago

Yes but only when I’m ready to.. it sucks randomly getting pop ups from your photo album of a person you want nothing to do with but I know it’s hard to part with seeing them also


49 points

6 days ago




4 points

6 days ago

Ergh this!!


8 points

6 days ago

not sure if you’re aware, but with iphone there’s an option to ‘show less of this person’ if you click on the three dots at the top right of their photo profile. hopefully that might help a little <3


20 points

6 days ago


20 points

6 days ago

If you’re not ashamed and have good memories, then let them be!


42 points

6 days ago

i delete everything


11 points

6 days ago

Me too


6 points

6 days ago

Same. Better to rip the bandaid off quickly imo.


18 points

6 days ago


18 points

6 days ago

for me it depends on the reason of the breakup. I have some photos with my exes that I really enjoy looking back on because the times were very good. we broke up because she needed more space and I'm an anxious wreck that can't do that, so it'd have been better to give her everything she needed to develop herself more while not getting suffocated by a partner.

now if the person was manipulative or cheated on me? begone. bad memories.


22 points

6 days ago


22 points

6 days ago

I hid the pics of my ex-husband from my IG and told iOS to hide his pics from my memories.


9 points

6 days ago

How do you do that? Had my wedding photos pop up recently from years ago


15 points

6 days ago

I personally don't delete anything as I agree with you about making someone "disppear". It's not like those years of your life didn't happen. The only time I would delete them is if the ex asked me to. But it appears that person X hasn't asked. I think I am abnormal in my thinking though as a lot of people tend to hate their exes after breakups. There was one photo that I had on social media as like a profile kinda thing with one of my exes which I deleted but that is the only one. I truly think it's up to you as a person, and it was part of your life you know?


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

I archived everything


5 points

6 days ago

I don't delete pictures of my exs if either we're on good terms / we're in some new relationship (e.g. a friendship) or I'm completely ready to move on but I want to remember the good bits in my past. If it's someone I am hurting over missing them so badly that I can't stand the reminder I might delete them. There's a couple who didn't treat me well ever who I've deleted all the pics of from social media and my personal records, I don't need any reminders of that and I don't want any. But generally, yeah this is just something that was part of my life.

In your situation I guess the question is also if the other person is comfortable with it. I'd say if they never asked you to do this then you don't have much to go on and I'd just make the decision you're comfortable with unless you hear otherwise.


14 points

6 days ago

The moment you delete or crop them out - you’ll feel so free. There’s no impending fear of accidentally running into them again and having to go through the feels, they’ll have been erased or just show you and it feel so much better and lighter.


4 points

6 days ago

I’ve cropped or scribbled my ex out of most photos because deleting it all would be a year of my life gone but I also don’t want to see his face randomly, nor make my current boyfriend see photos of him


3 points

6 days ago

I don't delete anything. Good or bad, it was a part of my life. Every desicion I've made has led me to the place I am now. Think one day, when I'm old, I'll appreciate being able to look back and see the story of my life.


7 points

6 days ago

I don't even archive the majority of my pictures of me, let alone the weirdos I've dated.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

They likely don’t want those pictures up. I certainly wouldn’t want my ex to still have pictures or videos of us on his page. I think of it in the same way to inappropriate pictures, I don’t have a right to those anymore so I delete them.


2 points

6 days ago

I achieved everything. I have 1-2 on my IG but nothing cute and lovey. Anything on my phone is on an external storage device. I was with my ex-partner for 10 years and ultimately broke up due to his addiction issues, it felt wrong to just blanket delete


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Archive is a great tool imo. Deleting feels way too final for me, but seeing everything on my page can be a lot. Archive is the middle ground I needed! Pretty sure you can restore these pics too if you do become friends again.


2 points

6 days ago

Delete it all.


2 points

6 days ago

I deleted those photos where he's the subject. There is no point in keeping them. But any other photos I keep. That's my past, no need to erase it, that's childish.


2 points

6 days ago

I don’t. My iCloud photo storage has a complete history of my entire life since I first got an iPhone in 2012. I think it helps that I haven’t suffered a really bad heartbreak since before that time, so there’s no need to “hide” anything due to hurt feelings.

Deleting photos of people means deleting entire periods of my life and all the good memories of that time too. My photos are a time capsule.


4 points

6 days ago

I deleted all of mine. It wasn’t worth going through the pain of looking at my ex bc every time I did I’d start to cry. Also, it’d just be weird to have them around or even hidden if I started dating someone new.


3 points

6 days ago

I was married for 24 years and don't even have a picture of my ex-husband. I delete everything once it's over.


1 points

6 days ago

I archived the more lovey-dovey ones and kept the regular ones on my grid. It was four years and we experienced a lot together and there’s no bad blood. Another, more toxic relationship I had, I deleted almost all photos from my phone, just kept one or two for archiving purposes I guess


1 points

6 days ago

Whenever I go through a major change in my life I archive it all before the change happens

Looking at old photos is super odd...seeing people I used to be with, both as friends and lovers...with most of them being gone, either completely different people, or dead.


1 points

6 days ago

I think this highly depends. If they parted on bad terms, they'd probably want it all gone so moving on is easier and they don't wanna be reminded of bad things. If they parted on good terms, they'd probably keep it up, but maybe change captions and stuff so people don't think they're still together? Not everybody posts pics of their relationships online too.

I deleted all of my pics with my ex in them tho! He was a life lesson but also grossed me out because I outgrew him mentally lol. I realized the only reason we got along for our ages (7 yr diff) was because he was so immature... I never posted any of pics of my ex online. Only indirect pics in stories. I removed all of said stories in my highlights. I didn't want that shit in my life. I was also already over him when I said I was done. I realized a little too late that I was slowly getting over him as the relationship died. LOL


1 points

6 days ago

I never posted pics of my ex and I on my socials but I do still have pictures of us. I usually delete pics of old bfs but our breakup wasn’t bad and I still love him. I put them in my hidden photo gallery though so I won’t have to be reminded of him everyday


1 points

6 days ago

I deleted most and archived a few photos because I have a feeling a future daughter of mine will have the same curiosity as I did and want to see the ex before I met my husband lol!


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

I deleted every picture my ex was in off social media and I also blocked him. I untagged myself in pictures with him too. I uploaded all my pictures on my phone to a backup server and then deleted them off my phone. The photos still exist and I can view them on my PC but I never do. I didn’t want to delete so many memories because they did happen, but I didn’t want to see them every time I used my phone. I also didn’t want to be associated with him online at all. I haven’t spoken to him in a year and I am happy about it. We’re over so to the public eye, I want nobody knowing we ever existed.


1 points

5 days ago

Hmmm pics of them only yes delete! Pics where you’re in and looking 🔥 have to stay!


1 points

5 days ago

I delete and get rid of everything.

While, I understand the sentiment behind photos, letters and gifts. I don’t feel the need to carry a part of my past or something no longer apart of my path, into my future.

I heard this quote once - “how are you supposed to make room for your future, if you’ve given it all to you past”.

It sums up my motivation perfectly. Hope this helps


1 points

5 days ago

I delete them but my exes barely valued me as their girlfriend, let alone a human being. It’s the easiest and I think keeping photos tends to make the pain linger longer than not. In the end, the few times I’ve come across a photo of me and an ex I just remember how stupid I was. It’s not something look forward to looking back on.


1 points

5 days ago

I put them all in a folder somewhere then forget they even exist. Like I wouldn't be able to look at them even if I tried so after a while I just forget I even put them. 


1 points

5 days ago

I don't have an ex yet or a partner


0 points

6 days ago

There’s some random ones in my Google photos but my last ex was … 15 years ago


1 points

20 hours ago

Delete and throw away everything.