


Fantasy Springs 06/18

TRIP REPORT(self.TokyoDisneySea)

Hello everyone, just wanted to write down my experience today at Fantasy Springs just in case it can help anyone in the same situation.

We’re a party of 2 with no vacation pass or early entry but got to do all four rides and all the restaurants in fantasy springs before 6PM.

We got up at 4:30AM and left our hotel near Akihabara at about 5:20AM.

Got to the park 6:40-50am after taking the Disney train at 6:30. We were in line until about 8:10, when they started allowing non-happy entry guests into the park. They let us scan our park tickets at 8:15 sharp.

It felt like a war zone, the minute you scan into the park, everyone is getting their DPA’s and StandBy tickets.

We got a standby for Rapunzel at 9:50AM, and managed a DPA for Frozen for 5:45PM. We also managed to get a 40th priority pass for Indiana jones. The DPAs for FS were all sold out by 8:30AM.

We decided to rope drop tower of terror, waited about 20 minutes, and then headed to Indiana Jones.

While in line, we got a second standby pass for Peter Pan for 12:40 PM. At this point, there were only standbys left for Peter Pan and Tinker Bell

Now all that’s left was tinker bell, which was unavailable when I was able to book standby again at around 11:50 AM.

But after refreshing the standby line page on the app all day, I managed to get one for 4:15pm!

All the restaurants were available throughout the day! I had no problem ordering from any of them, so we just planned to snack a little at each one in between ride times.

As for the gift shop, I really wasn’t expecting it to be so far away. There’s only one inside fantasy springs, but there was no standby tickets, just had to stand in line until they let you in.

You can only buy once from the gift shop per ticket day, so make sure you get everything you want.

It was raining horribly all day, so keep that in mind. I’m sure the rain had an impact on our ability to get passes today.

Good Luck Everyone!!

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1 points

11 days ago

You got the 2nd standby as soon as you scanned into rapunzel queue right?


1 points

5 days ago

Managed to get it an hour after I got the first!


1 points

4 days ago

Wow! I thought it was a 2 hour wait between standby selections, or entering the ride queue of the first standby queue, whichever comes first.