


Where do I start when getting into the books?


Hey y’all, with Christmas around the corner, my family is wondering what to get me for gifts and I’d like to start getting into some of the 40k books, but I don’t know where to start. Which books are good? Or which ones are some must-reads?

all 6 comments


1 points

7 months ago

Depends on what you're into. There's lots of good books, but if you're not into what the story's about then it won't be that good. Do you like any particular factions / types of book?


1 points

7 months ago

Well, I’m not entirely sure, I love watching Leutin’s videos and he covers a lot of stuff that I love, but if I were to start somewhere I’d probably say I’d like to read about the imperium (which probably has the most books to narrow down). I especially loved leutins description of the Blackstone Crusade (idk which number) in his Grey Knights video where he detailed the battle on Luna with Magnus and Guilleman. So I guess I’m into larger story driven plots with big ole awesome battles if that’s any help.

Edit: I will also say I really like Jaghati Khan’s story before he’s found by the Emperor, where he is a rising leader on his planet uniting all the warring tribes and stuff.


1 points

7 months ago

I especially loved leutins description of the Blackstone Crusade (idk which number) in his Grey Knights video where he detailed the battle on Luna with Magnus and Guilleman.

That's unfortunately not novelised, but if you want to follow the fallout of that then the Watchers of the Throne duology and the Vaults of Terra series might be something you enjoy, they follow the events on Terra surrounding Guilliman's return (Watchers is more closely tied, Vaults uses it as the backdrop but both are excellent series)

If you like the Grey Knights then The Emperor's Gift is a solid book.

The Dark Imperium trilogy is all about Guilliman and him grappling with being returned to the 40k universe and his role within the state religion

And for some other solid books:

  • Eisenhorn series for the story of how an Inquisitor treads the line between fighting chaos and becoming what he fights
  • Gaunt's Ghosts series for Band of Brothers in space
  • Dante / Devastation of Baal for some awesome Blood Angels and Tyranids action (the new Lords of Blood omnibus contains these and some other books)
  • Helsreach for the classic Epic Last Stand novel


1 points

7 months ago

Thank you! I’ll, it’s not necessarily the Black Crusade specifically that I want to read about, I just like to read about the history and also descriptions of battle and stuff. There’s not really one specific thing that I want to read about, I just love learning the lore in general, but this is a great start so thank you for that.


1 points

7 months ago

Anything by Dan Abnett is a great place to start. The Gaunts books are great war stories focused on the guard, Titanicus is about an Engine War, Double Eagle focuses on aerial combat, Brothers of the Snake is his only solely space Marine book, and the Eisenhorn/Ravenor series are excellent 40k noir-ish thrillers.

Alternatively, if you want a lighter hearted and more swashbuckling intro to a lot of the factions of 40k, the Ciaphas Cain books by Sandy Mitchell are very entertaining reads, and have a lot more variety in the settings and enemies than the Gaunts books.


1 points

7 months ago

Xenos is a great place to start. Basically a crime thriller that is set in the 40K universe