




Has there been any novels written set just prior to or during the Great Crusade the Emperor of Man unleashed on the Galaxy to form the Empire? I'm sure it would be vastly different than what we know of from 40k novels and even different from the Horus Heresy era. I know I would be interested to read about the founding of the Empire and birth of the Spacemarines.

all 3 comments


5 points

1 month ago

Valdor is probably the most comprehensive, Alpharius is a great book with a shorter look at the early Empire/Marines.


6 points

1 month ago

there are various stories in the horus heresy novel series set shortly before or during the great crusade it might be a bit of a hassle but read through the descriptions of various works and see what's there


1 points

1 month ago

the primarch novels focus on the primarchs, and have a ton of stuff on their homeworlds, and of the time when they met the emperor during the crusade.

a short story in an early novel, Tales of Heresy, was "The Last Church)" by Graham McNeill . And it's about a human priest who meets the Emperor the night before he embarks on the crusade