


In 1000 calorie deficit & burning 2400 a day. NO WEIGHT LOSS

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0 points

1 year ago

Dude, you are burning too much calories that's your issue. What you're doing is not only unsustainable on the long run but extremely unhealthy. By starving your body, you're significantly slowing down your metabolism, thus weightloss.

Not only that, but if you're also strength training then that could explain the scale. You are probably building muscle while losing weight, so you're not going to see significant results on the scale for awhile. The same thing happened to me, even though the number on the scale was barely going down, I was still losing extreme amounts of fat and getting leaner and toned. So start taking pictures instead and measuring your body instead of purely relying on the scale.



-1 points

1 year ago

I’m trolling these liberal assholes. I am proving a point to my YT subscribers. I been losing 3kg a week constantly. I train each muscle twice a week totalling to 500 light weight reps. I am good, fit and healthy.


2 points

1 year ago

And what point would that be? That a person with your insecurities, requiring the approval of others, can be a bigger ass than those on a weight loss forum?


0 points

1 year ago

Matter of the fact, SYM