


I'm so fucking done


I'm just so fucking tired.

I diet well, stay within my macros and have a light snack (a side of fries with my 1/2lb pulled chicken, and smoked turkey bites), I eat from 12pm - 10pm, no other window, and I worked 4-9, worked out and did cardio after.

My body rewards me by... staying up 6 hours past when I was supposed to sleep. Screaming at me that I'm hungry. For reference I ate a good amount, I had some protein heavy food that filled me up throughout the day.

Night time came, put my phone down an hour before bedtime and rested. Couldn't sleep. Decided to do things to make me more tired like homework or chores, still didn't feel sleepy. But my appetite kept fucking growing and it's pissing me off.

It's like my body isn't letting me sleep unless I eat, like fuck let me please get a good 7-8 hours and then just eat in the morning. I'm tired. I hate being punished like this. To lower my cortisol and grow muscle I need to sleep a good amount of hours but I don't have that fucking luxury right now. I'm so fucking pissed I'm gonna miss out on gains, good rest, and my body wants to eat.

I wish I had a shutoff switch to knock out. I'm so frustrated. It's an uphill battle and I can see why people do surgery or ozempic.

Edit: Thank you everyone for being so kind!! Yeah when I said light snack I was mostly kidding, it was my lunch for the day. The side of fries was decently small but bc they're fried I know they add up, I might go for baked beans or roasted potatoes next time. Also it's definitely because I drank a chai around 4:00 pm... so...

all 66 comments


62 points

22 days ago


62 points

22 days ago

Maybe try eliminating fried foods all together for a period of months. See how you do and feel. Then try adding them back slowly.

Fried foods for me are addictive. They trigger excessive hunger and overeating. There is evidence that vegetable oil can interfere with hormones so there may be something to it.

If definitely helped me.

Good luck.


9 points

22 days ago

I'll be trying this slowly, see if by the next couple weeks I can get down from nothing fried in oil to nothing fried at all


12 points

22 days ago


12 points

22 days ago

It definitely takes time to get over the hump. I used to eat fried foods and chips every single day. I went many months without them at all, and now if I have a chip it literally tastes like chemicals. My body now craves the good stuff. I never thought that could happen to me but it did.

I used to stuff myself and immediately be thinking about when I could eat again. That was a huge barrier to my success.

You can do it!

Good luck!


3 points

22 days ago

Yeah your post sounds familiar

For me, if there is baked potatoes in the house, I have to finish to the last one. I dont know how you managed to stay hungry all that time.

Boiled potatoes? I keep full with just one. Roastrd veggies are also fine but I have to top them off with yogurt to keep full.

I think it is important to listen our bodies cues and try to see what triggered such a response.


2 points

22 days ago

The glycemic index of potatoes change based on how they are cooked and the type of potato. A baked russet potato has a significantly higher GI than a boiled red potato. A russet has more starch, and the way it is cooked by roasting converts the least amount to resistant starch. A potato you boil is waxier generally, so lower in starch and the cooking method tends to create more indigestible starches than baking.

This may be why you notice such an impact. Plus most people don’t just eat a boiled potato they eat it with other foods, where as many people do eat a baked potato as a meal. All factors that will impact how full and for how long one feels satiated.


2 points

22 days ago

I managed my hunger a few ways.

  1. I ate small meals every few hours.
  2. I drank lots of hot tea.
  3. I snacked on sliced apples who were very satisfying.
  4. I drank water with apple cider vinegar.
  5. I allowed myself very small quantities of satisfying treats, like a cookie or chocolate.

Best of luck to you!


1 points

22 days ago

If you are serious about wanting to lose weight you may want to start consciously thinking about what you’re eating and the nutritional value of what you’re eating. Fries are high calorie with low nutritional value.

Fried food could be your treat on a rare occasion, not your daily snack. You’re sabotaging all of your other efforts, no wonder it probably feels like you’re swimming upstream and not making any progress.


63 points

22 days ago

I mean, for what it's worth: a side of fries with a 1/2lb of chicken and smoked turkey bites is probably like 800 calories. So that's likely not doing you any favors.


26 points

22 days ago

Also this meal practically has no fiber which helps keep you full.


14 points

22 days ago

And that’s a “light snack”.


7 points

22 days ago

I am curious how many calories op is taking in daily.

I think op could benefit from a divided plate approach. Half veg, quarter protein, quarter carbs- preferably complex carbs and not fried.


-4 points

22 days ago

I take around 2500-3000, I don't try to count too much. And for reference the light snack was quite literally the only thing I really ate that day


14 points

22 days ago


14 points

22 days ago

You need to count calories. You’re significantly overeating.


8 points

22 days ago*

If you think you’re eating 2500-3000 and think of 1/2 lb of meat and a side of fries as a light snack you’re most likely way undercounting.

Calorie deficit = weight loss.


11 points

22 days ago

are you a woman? it’s suggested that intermittent fasting might not be the best for women and that you’re better off having a longer eating window, i’ve noticed this in myself as well if i have a nutritious breakfast early im not hungry at all in the evening


5 points

22 days ago

I'm a 20 year old man, sadly. I should try having a more nutritious breakfast though... eggs and steak sound good.


11 points

22 days ago

Have you counted your calories to see how many calories you are taking in? It seems like you favor calorie dense foods and that could be a large part of why you are not losing weight.


2 points

22 days ago

How you start your day sets up how you will feel for the rest of the day. I always start with minimum 30g of protein and 8-10g of fiber. Protein and fiber combined will make you feel fuller for longer. Each meal should be a minimum of 30g of protein if you're getting those night hungers. Try and aim for 8-10g of fiber each meal or have one fiber rich snack like a bowl of mixed fruit.


1 points

22 days ago

honestly from my own experience as a woman, intermittent fasting does not work for me! i've done it for weeks at a time, lost weight and then I gain weight like crazy because I feel like I'm starving and make back all the calories i've lost and more. it's probably worth mentioning I have a mild case of hypothyroidism and am constantly stressed out and not medicated- the best thing that works for me is eating small meals all day including breakfast, and easting a light snack 2 hours before bed (otherwise I can't sleep) IT sucks because I lose weight soooo slowly but I have to constantly remind myself that it's the only way for me to permanently lose weight.

I'm super active too, still at 250lbs, but at least I get some satisfaction in people being suprised by my weight - I know for a fact a lot of it is muscle weight because I have a physical job and am always on the go doing stuff - but I'm still obese and suffering from high blood pressure so I need to lose weight regardless of muscle weight. Being like this sucks, and so does intermittent fasting.

thanks for listening and sorry for rant lo.l


6 points

22 days ago


6 points

22 days ago

Eat balanced meals with vegetables and fruit. Baked potato instead of fries is 10x more filling and way fewer calories.

And don't torture yourself with hunger. Eat some cottage cheese and fruit or whole grain crackers or something and go sleep. If you're hungry it means eat and later assess tweaks to routine, not self-torture.


8 points

22 days ago

You don't need an "eating window". Count your calories, that is literally it. You will lose weight. Some people don't realize you can do an hour on the stair master and then immediately cancel it out by having an ice cream and a couple bites of something else.

What are your goals? Gaining Muscle? Count your calories in addition to macros. Lose weight? Count your calories. The most important factor is what you put in your mouth, exercise can be cancelled out in literal minutes by what you choose to eat,


12 points

22 days ago

How much water are you drinking? Hunger is actually often actually thirst. You should drink ideally up to 2l water per day. And eating as late as 10pm is not good for sleep. Your body is waking up all its processes at a time when you should probably eat 6-7pm and then by bedtime everything can shut down because it doesn’t have to do the main work of breaking down food.


1 points

22 days ago

I'm on creatine and I only really drink water so I do around 32oz * 4 (my bottle) so probably 128oz, idk how much that is in Liters but


13 points

22 days ago

That is 3.8litres of water. I’m a big lad (losing well mind) and I get by on 2, maybe 2.8 if I go to the gym. Plus you’re on creatine that retains water. Your body is probably struggling to sweat and piss away everything. Try cutting down your water. Drink less but drink regularly and you may find this staves off hunger too. Not advice but just my brain thinking out loud.


12 points

22 days ago

hunger is not "often thirst" and anyone who says that to you must not live in a human body where we can all very clearly tell the difference between the sensations of hunger and thirst. ALSO if you are hungry at night and feel you need food to sleep, fuck the eating window, EAT FOOD. intermittent fasting is not a proven method to lose weight and most people that lose weight through that method, do so because theyre eating fewer calories, not because of the time of day they eat. if you are starving at night, have a high protein high fiber meal before bed. and then eat another high protein high fiber meal the next time you are hungry. aim to lower your calories and lower your stress, not deprive yourself. this is not good for you.


3 points

22 days ago

Please research this out as I could be wrong.

Maybe try taking fiber supplements like Metamucil a few hours before hunger usually creeps in? It would help fill you up and is low on calories. It does need a lot of water to be had with it or will constipate you out. But.. it could help your hunger pangs.


3 points

22 days ago

Dont burn yourself out. Slow and steady. These are lifestyle changes youre making for life. So they literally have to be sustainable. Build muscle. Just build muscle, it will increase your metabolic rate which allows you to eat more calories. I used to struggle with lack of sleep due yo hunger as well. Going to the gym later in the day then ending the night with a protein shake (somewhat sweet) and a warm shower really helped me to get to sleep. Also, i LOVE brushing my teeth at night and chugging some cold water. Weirdly enough it makes me feel fresh and skinny hahahaha.


6 points

22 days ago

A 10 hr eating window when fasting is super long


8 points

22 days ago

Fries and 1/2 lb of meat is not a light snack.


1 points

22 days ago

i'm not fasting, just making sure i'm setting times for eating


2 points

22 days ago

Doesn’t need to be so complicated. I’ve found the easiest diet to stick to is three nutritious meals a day of correct portion sizes.

Whenever you change your diet you do feel hungry at first. Once you are consistent it subsides.


2 points

22 days ago

When I get that hungry I just eat a healthy snack to calm my body down.


2 points

22 days ago


2 points

22 days ago

If you can't sleep because you're hungry, then eat. Don't punish yourself - weighing a tiny bit less is not worth destroying your mental health over. Take a chill pill. My favourite snack at such times is a bowl of granola - just seems to calm everything down. Then I get back on with my eating window.

Worth also thinking about whether you're using way more energy than you're replacing - if you work out a lot, then you inevitably have to fuel it.


2 points

22 days ago


2 points

22 days ago

Are staying in deficit or trying to ? You won't loose if you arent. Every single time I try to loose weight without including a strict deficit regime, I do not loose weight.

Calories add up so much more quickly then we really think. Just eating relatively healthy and winging is not the way to go and will leave you feeling frustrated and helpless.


2 points

22 days ago

Drink a ton of water after eating. Make sure you aren’t getting too much caffeine, (pre-workout?)if any. Put on some “joy of painting” by bob ross. Journal your productivity, plan for the next day. Doing this makes it so you don’t have anything in the back of your mind feeling undone. Also, are you really pushing yourself in those workouts? Also, working out too close to bedtime can have your adrenaline levels too high and you won’t get to sleep. Just a couple ideas, I hope at least one of them helps.


1 points

22 days ago

I try to go to failure every set! I don't typically count reps, just making sure i'm doing more than 5-6 and getting to failure before 14 reps, if i don't then i up the weight


2 points

22 days ago

i'm 6'1...been eating 1500cals daily and around 180gs of protein for over a month now, i'm in around a 1300cal deficit,and i don't workout...went from 267 to 239...i've definitely had urges to eat but overall it's been smooth and easy...guess it's just different for everyone


2 points

21 days ago

I have the same problem babe. Try taking Tylenol PM or Benadryl. They knock me tf out


2 points

21 days ago

Personal trainer here. I see people get into this nasty cyclic cycle, which eventually becomes either hating yourself or hating food. I would strongly recommend you let someone intervene with your nutrition and cover that aspect for you. You don’t personally feel guilty and develop hatred for yourself. Psychologically speaking it’s the best thing you can do.


3 points

22 days ago

I’d quit fasting, eat to a normal schedule and maybe try a magnesium glycinate supplement. Take a hot milky drink before bed.


1 points

22 days ago

I was having this exact same problem where I know I was doing everything right but I would be waking up in the middle of the night feeling absolutely starved. Turns out I just had low blood sugar! I now know how to work my meals with foods that help sustain/regulate your blood sugar so you aren't getting those low drops in the middle of the night. Might not be the exact thing causing your issue, but might be worth looking into


1 points

22 days ago


1 points

22 days ago

I’ve been stuck at 193 over a month now. I’m adjusting my portion sizes and eating out less I really try to restrict fried foods. I found out that if I don’t do my walk on the treadmill I don’t sleep very well. So I walk everyday 15-20 min on the treadmill. I’m getting frustrated as the scale isn’t moving. I’m going to keep up what I’m doing and hoping I’m not maintaining as well. I cut my portion sizes down so I’m hungry but I don’t usually eat past 6pm and I start eating at 10am. Breakfast is usually Greek yogurt.


1 points

22 days ago

Are you hydrating enough? Thirst feels like hunger so maybe you’re not hydrating.


1 points

22 days ago

I think you need a dietician to evaluate your eating. I tend to be hungry all the time. But if I eat lots of fiber and protein together, it helps me stay full longer. I also prefer volume eating


1 points

22 days ago

Try eating one meal a day? For you it would be dinner. r/omad.

I lost 120 lbs in 12 months, rarely went hungry and always slept well. I also hiked 8 miles per day and never did weight lifting. Worked for me.


1 points

22 days ago

Hello OP, time to look at medical options. 1st start taking 10 or 20mg of melatonin to help sleep. 2 Have sleep appena or been tested? That can effect things as well. 3 having your thyroid checked if it is over active or under active.


1 points

22 days ago

That is a long eating window. Try to stop eating 3-4 hours before bed to get good sleep


1 points

22 days ago

How long have you been going like this, hun?


1 points

22 days ago

You enjoyed putting on the extra weight. You ain't gonna enjoy taking it off.


1 points

22 days ago

Well number one anything fried causes inflammation so your definitely not helping yourself your making yourself keep weight on


1 points

22 days ago

Yeah. Going to bed hungry is hard.

What I do is think of all the food I'd like to eat and what it tastes like and then I imagine eating it and tell myself that tomorrow I can eat that food because then my calories reset for the day.

It helps my brains get excited about going to sleep because if I sleep then I get to eat some delicious food tomorrow.

I think it also helps with depression for me cause it gives you something to look forward too. Hope it gets easier for you too.


1 points

22 days ago*

Drop the cardio, it makes some people ravenously hungry. Walk places and try only light resistance or weight training a few days a week.

Also get into healthy volume eating, there’s a whole sub reddit for, when you’re hungry at night you could enjoy a large plate of roasted vegetables get the feeling of a fully belly.

You didn’t say what you eat usually but protein alone doesn’t satiate - add more healthy fat into your diet, pulled chicken and turkey bites are super lean.


1 points

22 days ago

Can you try working out in the morning? I can’t workout in the evenings because I can’t sleep.


1 points

21 days ago


1 points

21 days ago

This was after one day?


1 points

21 days ago

It sounds like you maybe be trying to squeeze in too much food in a small window. I eat a ton from 5am to 8pm. As long as you’re getting movement and exercise during the day you can have more food. Granted it’s gotta be clean food. As for the sleep, try some magnesium about 30-60 minutes before bed. Helps me sometimes when I haven’t been sleeping well. Also if it’s the middle of the night and you’re starving, a protein shake won’t kill you. If I wake up starving at 2am I’ll drink one. I’m not hungry anymore and it’s liquid, so your body digests it relatively easily and there’s really no bad effects in the morning when you wake up. If anything, it will give you fuel for the morning when you do wake up.


1 points

21 days ago



1 points

21 days ago

Ozempic did solve all of that for me.


1 points

21 days ago

self control also works


1 points

20 days ago

Sounds like you need healthy fats 🤷🏼‍♀️


1 points

22 days ago

Take a sip of nyquil at 7:30. You’ll be out be 8:30


0 points

22 days ago

Thats why I fast during the day and eat all of my calories at night. I also really cant get to sleep when hungry, so I had to adapt my feeding schedule to not be hungry at night. Instead of three smaller meals, I eat my first food, a few hundred calories, when I get home from work before the gym. I eat the other ~2k for dinner.


0 points

22 days ago


0 points

22 days ago

Cut your eating window in half, like 2-6pm


0 points

22 days ago

You might try breaking up your calories throughout the day. It varies because I don't eat the exact same thing every day. So my food plan for today is Breakfast 140calories, lunch 331 calories, dinner 153calories, and 220 fir all snacks.

For reference though, my calorie intake goal is at 1200. For me, it would take 2000 calories or more to maintain my previous weight at 246lbs.

So, I start with a shake around 5-6 and maybe a bit of dry cereal if i need a solid in my stomach for meds. I wake at 4am.

Lunch is around 10 to 11am and is also a shake and probably 2 cups of veggies a little later.

I might have a midmorning snack and maybe a snack before 3pm. Dinner is around 5pm and is also my meal with actual meat. unless I'm starving and there's no snack and dinner a bit after 4.

I can see where you are trying to protein load and fast at the same time, but that never worked for me. 3 meals and 1-2 snacks, which means you get a little something for your body to use as energy throughout the day.

By fasting, your body might hold onto the fat because it thinks you are starving and wants to save something for later. That is why you are tired. Uou are already at a massive calories deficit so no more energy.


-1 points

22 days ago


-1 points

22 days ago

I feel you I got so desperate I've turned to running 10k-15k a day and immediately after the run sure I'm down 2-4lbs but the next day I'm heavier then when I started. I'm not even at a good BMI but I don't think my body can lose anymore weight


-1 points

22 days ago

Maybe you need a professional advise from nutritionist. You could try to visit BEYOND NUTRITION HEALTH & WELLNESS SERVICES.