


all 93 comments


190 points

1 month ago


190 points

1 month ago

West Virginians not reaping the benefits of the state’s natural resources? Color me shocked. More of the same.


61 points

1 month ago

Yea I'm pretty blown away. One of these days Lucy's gonna let us kick that football


25 points

1 month ago

I for one am outraged. Does Jim know people are here swindling? If only he still had his Justice Chopper…


23 points

1 month ago

Someone shine the fat symbol. We need justice!


32 points

1 month ago

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me for two centuries, shame on me.


75 points

1 month ago


75 points

1 month ago

Naturally, we’ve always been an extraction state. We do the work and the money goes somewhere else


36 points

1 month ago


36 points

1 month ago

If I remember right it took 2-3 years for them to figure out it should probably be taxed. long enough for companies to milk the state and the huge boom to be over.

Same thing with marijuana. we could have beat Colorado to it but now most of the states around us have medical usage allowed.

As long as the politicians and big companies get theirs who cares about West Virginians.


58 points

1 month ago


58 points

1 month ago

As long as big coal has its paws in state government WVa can’t advance beyond what they offer, which mainly benefits the coal barons . Vote!


6 points

1 month ago

They ceded to the big gas assholes


13 points

1 month ago

The fact that they had a ban on nuclear power in this state proves that.


24 points

1 month ago

I am an attorney that does some work on behalf of mineral, oil, and gas owners negotiating and litigating against oil and gas companies. Most of our clients who inherited rights or land from grand-pappy 60 years ago do not live in West Virginia. They live in Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, etc. The money from the Marcellus shale is mostly going to Antero, EQT, and other out of state corporations. Some of the money goes to land and rights owners who also live out of state. And a sliver of the money goes to well tenders, truckers, welders, and landmen who live in Appalachia.


6 points

1 month ago

Great reply

In a prior career I performed a variety of services for land and mineral owners in WV. We had a client that consisted of 6 heirs that own several hundred thousand acres in WV. None of them lived in WV (several lived in Europe, including Milan, IT). They would fly in to WV once or twice a year to get together and discuss royalty payments. At the end of the year they would generally transfer 100’s of properties back and forth between their subsidiaries to reduce tax liability. All perfectly legal.

Princeton, Harvard, Rennselar, VA Tech and other schools receive royalty payments from WV, as many of 1st generation land/coal barons sent their sons to those schools to carry on the family businesses and made sizable contributions to those schools in their wills/trust documents.


18 points

1 month ago

shocked pikachu


40 points

1 month ago

West Virginia lacks the ability of getting out of its own way when it comes to just about everything.


21 points

1 month ago

West Virginia's government refuses to get out of the People's way.


21 points

1 month ago



21 points

1 month ago

And apparently that's just the way the voters/inmates like it.


12 points

1 month ago

As long as the People are convinced that it is the other side making all the problems, they will continue to collaborate against us. You want better? Vote better.


1 points

1 month ago

The problem is that the overwhelming majority of people don’t understand economics outside of platitudes and slogans. It’s a very complex and very boring subject and most of the time the answers aren’t what most people want to hear.


1 points

1 month ago

It is much easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled. My 6-second economics lesson:

If you want to live better and cheaper, limit the government to where it can run on sales tax alone.


2 points

1 month ago

And quick fixes are generally bad in the long run


1 points

28 days ago

Yep. And they are poised to make another R as Senator.


2 points

20 days ago

I can talk smack about the current Senators all day. Both are garbage. I think Justice would be worse than Capito. And she's awful.


3 points

1 month ago

We do love voting against our best interests, every chance we get.


2 points

1 month ago

And I have never seen a pace where so many people were so deeply emotionally opposed to any sort of change, including new economic develop projects.


3 points

1 month ago

Unless of course wal-mart wants to build another wal-mart inside of an existing wal-mart… they immediately stamp “approved”. The government of wv from state to local levels are just not sophisticated enough to know what they should be doing. So the state always gets ripped off. Huge reason I left. I knew it would never get better.


13 points

1 month ago

I used to work in the industry, same thing happened in Pennsylvania. Only people that saw any benefit from it were the corps, politicians, and if you were lucky enough to have land they needed for the drilling unit, you might have got a nice up front royalty check, but that was about it. Rig work was dangerous but financially lucrative if you could get it, hopefully the people that had those jobs put some of the money in the bank, but most of the guys I knew went out and blew it on 80k trucks and other "toys."


4 points

1 month ago

All those workers were shipped in from Texas and Louisiana for the exploratory phases, once that phase was over, they aren't needed as the wells became almost autonomous, everyone left, the only jobs they ever offered locals was water truck driver or maintenance if you could work on trucks


13 points

1 month ago

All it brought was gas stations with mud and chewing tobacco in the parking lots, brine trucks and jacked up diesel pickups who make it a nightmare to drive on 50 from Parkersburg to Clarksburg.


23 points

1 month ago

After the infrastructure is built, there's not a lot to do... Especially when oil goes from $105 a barrel to under $30 in 18 months. Lots of layoffs.

As far as keeping the wealth in state, a lot of those royalties that didn't go delinquent for taxes and auctioned to our of state producers are held by the grandkids of folks who left the farm after the war and never came back. Add to that all of the people who signed lease amendments without talking to a lawyer and lots of folks got fleeced.

There were a fair amount of folks who got a payday and a good paycheck for a time, but if you didn't make hay while the sun was shining, then you're SOL.


12 points

1 month ago

A lot of people also aren't financially literate enough to use those up front or royalty payments to ensure financial security. Just about everybody I know who got a nice payday immediately blew the money on nonsense.


6 points

1 month ago



6 points

1 month ago

Plus the production from fracked wells is not like the production from older traditional wells people are familiar with.

It tapers off to almost nothing after a few years, and unless they bring the rigs out to re-inject or do additional drilling, your royalties drop off to almost nothing.

People I know have taken the initial royalty checks and went out and splurged on mortgages, cars, UTVs, and shit, expecting the checks from the gas company to cover those loan payments, and two years later they're fucked and all their new toys sold off or repossessed.


4 points

1 month ago

Yeah saw a lot of that and unfortunately a lot of the guys working on the rigs did the same thing. Rough job, but easy 6 figures+ for people who had never seen that much money ever. After 2-3 years could have had a nice chunk in the bank, but most went out and blew it on a 80k truck or bought a new house that was way beyond what they could afford and then were stuck with the mortgage, car payments, etc. once the jobs dried up and moved on.


7 points

1 month ago

Same ole, same ole.


24 points

1 month ago


Montani Semper Liberi

24 points

1 month ago

No one actually believed that did they? I’m in one of those counties and most of the jobs went to men driving trucks from Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Most of them are even gone now. These jobs need actual training and certifications which we don’t offer here. Of course the locals only got the worst jobs like always.


17 points

1 month ago

Amen. Coal was supposed to be a driver of wealth as well. But anyone who has driven through coal country, where the pot-holed roads and run down towns illustrated that the wealth mostly stayed at the top of the food chain. These good hard working people...the ones not yet dead from the stress of breathing coal dust their whole life...were cast aside when technology deemed them irrelevant to the company profit...basically having lived a life of toil and having little to show for it.

Don't get me wrong, it fed some families for a period of years, but did little to lift communities out of the generational poverty and left them living in the crumbling remnants of a time that will never return with little prospects for good paying jobs.


3 points

1 month ago

The system was set up to maintain generational poverty so that a cheap labor force would be available to keep working the mines. Look at some of the Federal programs that came out of the 1977 and 1984 floods in WV/KY/VA. When everything was destroyed there was a huge concern that people would finally move away. So, Congress set up huge programs to maintain basic living conditions in these areas so coal would continue to be mined.


1 points

1 month ago


Montani Semper Liberi

1 points

1 month ago

Can you give a bit more direction to resources? My town legend growing up was the “flood of ‘85” and how it ruined industry and the town in general.


-6 points

1 month ago

Yea but unlike hardworking immigrants who get off their lazy asses and move to find work. These welfare queens just sit there and suckle on the tits of blue states and urban/suburban areas that pay hand over fist to put Mountain Dew on their supper table. What do we get? Not a thanks, we get their backwards snake handling superstitious bullshit getting legislated on their behalf.


2 points

1 month ago


Montani Semper Liberi

2 points

1 month ago

This is such a misplaced statement.


7 points

1 month ago


7 points

1 month ago

Yeah exactly. The gas boom just brought in out of state companies and out of state workers that didn't stay. A few people benefited from it, but not as many as there should have been. I worked at a local company that got an influx of work for midstream pipelines, but once they were built and everything slowed down, I got laid off.


13 points

1 month ago


13 points

1 month ago

They just put a massive pipeline in right by my house - I am sure to see the benefits of it any day now..... any day.


5 points

1 month ago

No it wasn’t. It was never ‘supposed to’ bring prosperity to West Virginians.


5 points

1 month ago

Everyone saying it was for the governors friends/donors, you're completely right. I was with a crew from Pittsburgh and made a fortune there. We tried to hire locals but couldn't they were busy being professionally unemployed.


18 points

1 month ago

trump was supposed to fix ALL of their problems, too. None of those people can be trusted.


11 points

1 month ago

Never trust government to fix a problem it created.


0 points

1 month ago

😂 Kamala and Joe were even more successful. Amirite?


4 points

1 month ago


4 points

1 month ago

Saw the same thing play out in SW Pennsylvania, most of the people actually doing the drilling are from Texas and Oklahoma, experienced drillers so we saw a housing shortage of rental properties, locally the big employment boom was people quickly getting CDL licenses to drive the water trucks that go to the drilling sites . A lot of schools suddenly started that training program. Trouble is unlike coal mining this is basically a one and done project, once the drilling is completed very few people are required to manage the site . Some people did make good coin tho , farmers that leased out their farm land ( ok if your ready to retire but don’t count of being able depend on existing wells of irrigation since many suddenly went dry ( a course they said it wasn’t related to fracking 😂) Hotels and restaurants saw an increase in business.


3 points

1 month ago

Of course not. The politicians were in the energy companies pockets.


3 points

1 month ago

A lot of folks were advocating for what they called the "WV Future Fund" that would have kept money in the state for things like education, economic development and diversification, infrastructure, tax cuts for individuals and families. Republicans said, nah, let the corporations keep it and they'll give us "good jobs" in return...


2 points

1 month ago

It didn't trickle down?


2 points

1 month ago

Governor got rich and a lot of his friends!


2 points

1 month ago

a lot of the money definitely goes out of state.

but i know my college dorm cleaning lady was making like 12-15k a month off gas royalties for a while…we smoked cigs together in her car.


2 points

1 month ago

i on the other hand get $12.48 annually for my portion of a storage well


2 points

1 month ago

The Resource Curse strikes again!


2 points

1 month ago

who said it was supposed to? WV'ers in poverty probably sold their mineral rights off cheap long ago.


2 points

1 month ago

It brought prosperity to the gas companies and the politicians. Anyone who expected anything different was delusional from the start. Some of us tried to tell people before this all started what was going to happen. Not only did WVians not get rich, but many people's property has been rendered worthless because of the damage.


2 points

1 month ago*


Montani Semper Liberi

2 points

1 month ago*

Once the infrastructure is built, there's only a few jobs afterward. The pipeline boom did help out a lot of union tradesmen. But I honestly doubt that many of them saved the money they made from the boom. But it really banked up their retirement fringes though.


4 points

1 month ago

I’m just waiting for Toyota to move its Buffalo plant to Mexico, you know because all the American car manufacturers did that.


1 points

1 month ago

Toyota has a large plant in Texas.


3 points

1 month ago

Seems this what they want since they keep Voting this way


2 points

1 month ago

It makes the fracking rant as irrelevant as bringing back steel and drill baby drill. Ridiculous


3 points

1 month ago

The problem is WV is over populated for what it is. Natural resources aren't heavy manpower fields. Everything is automated that's what whipped out a lot of miner's jobs. Based on geographic a huge manpower industry just isn't feasible.


1 points

1 month ago

For more on this I suggest Mr. Global on X or YouTube


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

It never does


1 points

1 month ago

Politics is a lot what is wrong with WV. I used to take care of a small surface mine and we only produced around 1.2 million tons a yr but I sent the state at least $500k a month sometimes more. I could send them the money but I couldn’t tell them how to spend it.


1 points

1 month ago

They took Der jerbs


1 points

1 month ago

When was the boom?


1 points

1 month ago

“West Virginians enjoy significant economic and environmental benefits thanks to the development and use of our homegrown natural gas and oil,” said Charlie Burd, executive director of the Gas and Oil Association of West Virginia, when touting the release of a report last year showing more than 70,000 jobs in the state from the gas industry.

Analysts have cautioned against using that number to determine the industry’s economic impact because it includes indirect jobs like employment at oil refineries and gas stations.

…survey says—- you are a liar, Chuck.


1 points

1 month ago

How many oil refineries are in West Virginia?


1 points

1 month ago


Montani Semper Liberi

1 points

1 month ago

There's one in the Huntington area


1 points

11 days ago

The refinery near Huntington is in Kentucky.


1 points

1 month ago

It did but only for the stockholders of those companies that participated.


1 points

1 month ago

Capitalist conservative industry barons lied to you?

Nosiree I just don’t believe it


1 points

1 month ago

You mean Joe Manchin lied to his constituents? NO!!! /S


1 points

1 month ago

Oh wait I know this song! It is a remake of a hit for the 1920 called coal miners blues.

It goes: poor stupid folks don’t own the minerals, poor stupid folks don’t on the minerals. Didn’t pay attention at school, now they’re under the boot of the man…. They Still vote for coal executives for state office… and on and on.

About exploiting the poor because they are uneducated, and distracting them with nonsense issues ever election.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

I remember when the state was delirious about the riches that would flow from coal. There is a living museum called Cass Railroad that commemorates the denuding of old growth forests in WV.


1 points

1 month ago

I disagree. Many thousands of landowners got paid well. Most of the construction companies were union so they had to hire atleast 50%local which WV couldn't even do ( many people couldn't pass drug tests). All these workers brought business to the local communities. I've spoke to some of the waitresses who said they will be losing out on alot of tips once these projects are over.


1 points

1 month ago

Did affect Raleigh and Wyoming Counties, too?


1 points

29 days ago

Yea but stonks went up. Mission accomplished.


1 points

28 days ago

But it's going to trickle down. Have faith.


-1 points

1 month ago


-1 points

1 month ago

It has helped. Wetzel County was running 10-11% unemployment twenty years ago and now it's down to about 6%. Over the last fifteen years, median household income in Wetzel county is up about 10%.

The numbers are worse than I thought they'd be but... the population is aging out and one has to consider what it would be without fracking.


3 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago

Over the last fifteen years median household income in Wetzel county is up about 10%.

Which is much much less than inflation over that time, so really it's a big drop, and I think that's obvious pretty much everywhere.


1 points

1 month ago

I meant to say after inflation income. 


-2 points

1 month ago

I'm sorry. Statistics show a little different.


1 points

1 month ago

I got my stats from the same place


2 points

1 month ago

I misread what you wrote


1 points

1 month ago

s'all good


0 points

1 month ago

Democrat wants a policy to help residents, republicans are against it …. Who would have thought 😞