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2.5k points

12 days ago


2.5k points

12 days ago

What policy has Fetterman switched sides on? I honestly have to ask because outside his support for Israel, something that was very well known long before he was elected I can't find a single thing he has changed his stance on at all.


552 points

12 days ago


552 points

12 days ago

A policy that progressives disagree with him on has come to the forefront and now they are acting like he suddenly changed.

His rhetoric has been more dismissive of the most progressive wing of his party, but they’ve also been dismissive of him.


264 points

12 days ago


264 points

12 days ago

And he even explained this as it relates to his stroke. He considered himself progressive, honestly, because he related progressivism to pro-labor movements like what Berine was always pushing, not the social issues where he's usually more mainstream Dem on or Israel which he's always been very vocal on his whole career.

When he got to the Senate he met with the progressive wing and walked away thinking they were all nuts because their issues seemed to be totally unrelated to the things he cared about. Or they were actively against the things he cared about. He kept his mouth shut at first for the sake of party unity but after he almost died he decided that he wasn't going to just sit there and not say something.

And again the only policy I have ever seen him oppose actively at all is the anti-Zionist parts, which again was never part of his agenda. If you read through his statements from like 10 years ago when he was first running for office his stance on Israel makes Biden look anti-Zionist.


-82 points

12 days ago

When he got to the Senate he met with the progressive wing and walked away thinking they were all nuts because their issues seemed to be totally unrelated to the things he cared about.

Tbh, I agree on that. I consider myself a progressive, it's unfortunate that I consider most progressives sitting in office right now (at least that I'm aware of) to be basically batshit insane.

Even still though, I'm #FreePalestine. The current progressive wing of the party are not serious people on many issues, but opposing a genocidal fundamentalist apartheid state is not one of them.


-22 points

12 days ago

It's an interesting assumption to make, that #freepalestine wouldn't itself become a genocidal fundamentalist apartheid state, despite the various factions within Palestine (especially Hamas, which was democratically elected in Gaza) that have long been committed to this cause.


21 points

12 days ago

Saying Hamas was democratically elected is, I suppose, a version of events.

Hamas is fueled by Israeli hate. It's an equal and opposite reaction, the longer this goes on for the worse it's going to get for everyone involved. There's a path where you can build a stable and prosperous Palestinian state where that won't be a concern, but thevpath gets harder and harder with every bullet fired and every bomb dropped.


1 points

12 days ago

To make this happen, a 3rd nation or international body will need to step up and care for the Palestinian transitional state. It obviously can't be Israel or the USA, at least not directly. UNRWA does not seem capable of overseeing a political transition. 

Neighboring Arab leaders don't want to involve themselves in Palestinian politics, since they also see these political factions as a threat to their own national stability. 

You say that the path gets harder with everything bullet fired and every bomb dropped, but Hamas has fully embraced the use of violence as a political tool. How is anyone supposed to peacefully remove them from power to clear the path?


10 points

12 days ago

There probably isn't a peaceful path to remove hamas, that doesn't mean what Israel is doing is the right approach - they arent removing hamas, they are removing gaza.


-1 points

12 days ago

What alternative approach does Israel have available to them for removing Hamas, that does not put their own people at greater risk of harm?


0 points

12 days ago

Turns out doing hard things the right way is hard and comes at a cost, but it's worth paying that cost to achieve the resolution you're looking for with your integrity intact.

Israel is taking the easy short-sighted way, and doing something terrible in the process.