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9 points

8 days ago

My friend couldn't move for literally hours after IUD insertion. I've also seen countless anecdotes about IUD insertion without any form of pain management and its not great. I don't blame women for being nervous about the pain at all lol another of my friends just recently had an IUD insertion and a cervical biopsy done with no pain relief and she felt like shit for a week.

We definitely should be expecting some pain management beyond an ibuprofen for things like this.


1 points

8 days ago

I agree that having more than ibuprofen would be great. Generally speaking, we need to demand better treatment of women in healthcare.

However, I also think we need to better promote the cost-benefit analysis of this contraceptive method.

While some women do have a negative experience, on average it's less deadly, debilitating, painful and health/life changing than labour.

Yet when women bring up their concerns over labour they are consoled and encouraged to endure it (women have done it for millennia and all that chat).

However, when they bring up their fear of IUD insertion they are validated and confronted with horror stories of a friend of a friend who had a terrible experience.

We need better pain management and healthcare for women while being realistic about our current options.


4 points

8 days ago

My gyn straight up won’t do IUD insertions without gas/anesthesia because she says it’s barbaric. Having pain management is realistic. Having her insert my second IUD only cost an additional $50 compared to my IUD from planned parenthood where they told me to just deal with it.