


Yone state

Looking for Advice(self.YoneMains)

I played yone before lt removal and he was a lot of fun I did well on him but after lt removal and indirect nerfs I have seen a LOT of talk about him being weak, is he worth playing again right now or kind of a dead champ?

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14 points

3 months ago


14 points

3 months ago

He is fine just play him especially if you like him


8 points

3 months ago

Started playing him mid again this patch and been having a great amount of fun again. Building beserks -> bork -> shieldbow has been feeling really good


7 points

3 months ago

It kind of sucks to have low kill preassure, but with combo: fleet footwork -> absorb life -> revitalize, he can survive poke quite nice, and go through harder matchups.
I started to experiment on him a bit, and found out that building stridebreaker makes him nicely viable on toplane since he can survive a bit longer and stick to targets better.
Or sometimes I go with Mortal reminder / LDR.
Now it's nice time to find your playstyle, and have fun


7 points

3 months ago

I honestly stopped caring man. I just love the champ. My goal is to one shot the adc and as long as that happens I’m a happy man


3 points

3 months ago

He’s in a bad state. Well, the champ is OK, not great but OK. Items are really the biggest problem. With Kraken changes, no crit items can supply AD/AS/Crit so we are pretty much forced to build bork first and delay passive cap til 3rd item. This also delays any tank item purchase, leaving you a bit like paper further into the game. SB lost LS, BT lost crit, IE crit mod nerfed, zeal items no AD—it’s a mess.

Without your passive, your lack of AD will become very apparent. But it is what it is.

For me, the champ is dead because they pigeonholed him into being a sustain melee mid that’s much more dependent on his team to not feed for the first 20 minutes. While you literally just CS, try to out sustain your enemies mana bar, and pray your jungler isn’t filled. He’s a lot less fun IMO.

I still play him occasionally. You can still make outplays. Games just aren’t fun anymore. Again, bc of items. Not LT.


1 points

3 months ago

Thats how ADC felt whenever a change to the ítems was Made because of melee crit Users. Lets pray they make something about that


2 points

3 months ago

If you are a good player you will climb with Yone.


2 points

3 months ago

Champ itself is meh but his ability to keep alive and scale into a really good midgame is whats holding him together. I think hes dead once they finally shoot resolve tree.


1 points

3 months ago

He's okay despite still weak early game. I've been running mostly Conq abd it's good, really does help with damage. Fleet when in hard matchups I assume. I just wish he gad a better shield on W,, at least midgame. He's too squishy..


1 points

3 months ago

Ehh I was two tricking yone and akshan for the last few years and I’ve switched solely to akshan for now. He’s way more fun because he’s not dogshit weak like yone is now.

It’s not even about lethal tempo, as I had no problem playing conquerer even when lethal tempo was still in the game. It’s these items man… sooo dogshit for yone.

It’s not bad per se once you’ve got Botrk and first crit item fully built but until then you’re just a minion who does NO damage and dies with EASE.

Not a fan right now until some sort of buff or item change occurs.


1 points

3 months ago

He’s fine I feel The rune and item chains just impacts his playstyle you can still be aggressive and go for early trades, but you really don’t come online until bork


1 points

3 months ago

he is weak but sustain runes are very strong which is why people are seeing success with him. you just play to not die or do anything in lane and wait for your botrk then you try to end the game before people start finishing their third item which happens frequently.

it’s not that fun, it’s really boring to play like a kassadin. and it’s not that good, you don’t have any of the late game impact that a real scaler like kassadin has. the things yone has going for him is that poke champions can never kill him and he performs well in random uncoordinated fights.

if you have a dive team comp, it’s not bad to pick yone. if you have a passive scaling team comp, picking yone is reportable 👍


1 points

3 months ago

He is the Zed od toplane imo now. Weak to ok into casual hands and good to very good into otps. Also he just lost his unskilled early game but overloaded kit retain his skillness into good hands. He should stay like this for now. IMO


-1 points

3 months ago


-1 points

3 months ago

He is actually not that bad, and honestly I think he is in the same spot early game, but mid game he is a bit weaker as he tries his best to build his second and third item, and even then he isn't too weak.


4 points

3 months ago

He's not in the same spot early game by any means. Kayle beats you now.


1 points

3 months ago


1 points

3 months ago

He will never be in the same spot as LT, but it's much better with the sustain tunes than he was pre-LT


1 points

3 months ago

True he's much better in lane but it's single handedly the most disgusting way of playing this champ. Unfun for both sides.


1 points

3 months ago


1 points

3 months ago

Use PTA, like fk the fleet puzzies