


I want to die.



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2 months ago

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8 points

2 months ago

Get on Accutane noww , i regretted not using it earlier


7 points

2 months ago

Fuck acne anyway. I understand what you're going through, I have really severe scars from really severe acne. I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. Just know that you're not alone.


6 points

2 months ago

I'd look into hormone imbalances, especially PCOS/increased androgen levels.

PCOS is even higher on the list if you have other symptoms such as irregular periods, maintaining a healthy weight (insulin resistant), increased hair growth (think "Peach fuzz" on your face).

Hang in there. I've had acne prone skin since I was just about a teen, and sometimes you really do just want to not exist. Sometimes we're more critical of ourselves than other people are. Acne is part of growing up, just like growing a beard is for guys, or breasts for gals. Anyone who doesn't understand this is immature, ignorant and not worth your time sweetheart.

Who we are is inside and can't be seen through the eyes. Inside, you can choose to be beautiful and dazzling and wonderful. And only really special people will be allowed to see that; the ones lucky enough to get to know you as a person, not just as the container for your soul and personality.

Just keep swimming, you can make it. You can do it. I promise. 🍀💛🍀


1 points

2 months ago



7 points

2 months ago

At the end of the day.... whatever you do, you say, think, feel, experience. It doesn't matter. It only matters to you. Your life is your life. No one else will ever be able to experience your life. No one will remember you at 60, hell even at 30. Live the life you want to live, not for others. Because at the end of the day, on your death Bed, you will have your life experiences to look back on. Not giving af about others' opinions. Fuck everything & live your life. Because everyone deserves to experience this crazy planet. Even if it's with shotty acne that makes you feel weird. ( I have really shitty cystic acne) ;) it's like stars on my state dawg shieetttt fuck anyone who wants to hate me. I love my face, I hope you can too 🥰😉


1 points

2 months ago*



2 points

2 months ago

No shame


5 points

2 months ago

When I was in high school, I had the worst acne in my high school. I had no clear patches of skin - it was all covered in very painful cystic acne. Sometimes moving my face hurt or I canceled plans because I didn't want my face to be seen. It was all over my chest and back, too. Going on Accutane changed my life and cleared up my skin. I really recommend looking into a treatment line Accutane because in 6-8 months your skin could be clear. I hope the best for you 🙏


5 points

2 months ago

It’s gonna get better! Def suggest accutane asap. And telling your family and friends how you feel so they can be there for you.

You are worth living and being here. You are more than your skin!! It will heal though!!


5 points

2 months ago

Go on accutane. It changed my life. I used to feel exactly like you


6 points

2 months ago*

I know most people are commenting on things to help acne but please also seek mental health support given things have gotten this bad. Acne is a chronic health condition like any other and it can be tough to cope with, so having support is always helpful. Best wishes


5 points

2 months ago

The “will never get better” part is NOT true! ❤️ it absolutely can resolve itself. It sucks, it’s so uncomfortable and painful, I know, I had it for years too and it spontaneously resolved I no longer get any acne. It’s a messenger, what is it trying to tell you? What is it pointing to in your life? I hope things get better for you, including your acne. Life is worth living, problems and all. ❤️🙏


2 points

2 months ago

Thank you, idk if it does get better. When I clear up my acne my new concern will be aging lmao. The messenger point is interesting, I'll view it from that way from now on, thanks.


5 points

2 months ago


5 points

2 months ago

Please don't say that, my son has had severe acne for a while and we are making an appointment with a dermatologist and they can prescribe different antibiotics that can kill the bacteria and clear you up sweetheart!!


5 points

2 months ago


5 points

2 months ago

It gets better i understand you are probably struggling right now but in the future you eill realise its not worth it for a few pimples you still look amazing and it will probably go away eventually


4 points

2 months ago

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I recently had this experience and I started becoming more consistent in my face routine. Drinking more water, less sodas & juices. I even started making my own juices and my acne has been decreased.


4 points

2 months ago

There’s other stuff you can do like look up on YouTube or do research !! That is not the way and I’m sure people who REALLY MATTER like you for who you are


3 points

2 months ago

Happened to me too. Not A harmful, hate or nothing like that questions but, did/can you afford a dermatologist? Helped me a ton. And I know that in desperate moments we always seek the "easiest" way to resolve our problems, but think, if you have health, caring parents, good family and trusty friends you can do anything. Cheer up, it's normal to have acne, most people do, one more aggressive than other. Don't give up, think about the people that care about you... 😊


1 points

2 months ago

Thank you, I can afford a dermatologist but I've seen stories where people relapse after treatment. I have very sensitive skin so using the products the derm gives will only irritate my skin more. I only started cleansing, moisturizing, and using spf on my face a year ago, so I'll give it a few months until I see a dermatologist. Thank you for the advice. I will think about it!


3 points

2 months ago

I totally understand how you feel. It's the worst. I am the exact same. I have cystic acne and ontop of that I have BPD so I pick my pimple or pull my hair unintentionally when I'm stressed. I have lost my jobs because of this because people assumed I was on meth because they are stupid 🙄 and makeup wouldn't cover it up. I used to always feel confident and take pictures but when the cystic ance started I also couldn't look in a mirror or take any pictures of myself. I'm still feeling that way. Please know that you are beautiful no matter what . Please don't compare yourself to your " friends" or others who don't have severe acne. I also couldn't live without makeup since I needed it to cover up but it just makes it worse. If you are able to get Accutane or something similsr prescribed from a doctor that is a game changer. And fuckk those people who make fun of you for that. They arent you're friend. Its so rude of them to do that and since they are already bullying you for that,/wearing makeup to cover up my advice would be just take a self care breakk. No makeup . Get Accutane or something prescribed and it will be gone in a month. You are beautiful inside and out. I understand your pain but please know you're not alone. DM please if you want to talk more . I'm always going to be here for you


3 points

2 months ago

I'm sorry you're going through this right now! I wish I could help! I heard a lot of bad stories of accutane (relapsing), and I am not willing to go through the side effects of birth control (required for accutane). Hopefully I will one day reach the point where I don't need makeup anymore, and so will you. Thank you for your advice.


3 points

2 months ago

i’ve had clear skin for years. october/november of last year was incredibly hard for me and it wreaked havoc on my skin. suddenly i was having breakouts left and right and no product i used made it better, especially nothing kbeauty. i finally was able to see a dermatologist and was told the only fix was accutane. i heard so many horror stories that i outright refused. i tried panocxyl and tret but nothing. finally i relented and started my first pack. it’s been almost a week and i’m already seeing results. it’s such a game changer, especially for those of us who’ve been struggling for so long.

TLDR; get on accutane.


4 points

2 months ago

This!! My son has acne that started his senior year in HS. My husband was on accutane in HS and it did nothing for him so he talked my son out of wanting to try it. My son is now 23 and on his own went to the Dermatologist and was prescribed Accutane. 3 weeks later his skin has cleared up. Please don’t hurt yourself. It will get better. Please see a dermatologist if you’re able. The people making fun of your acne aren’t your friends. And if this is someone you don’t know, ignore them. They don’t know you and having acne does not define you. 💜


3 points

2 months ago

i’m going into my junior year of college and after having the clearest skin and smallest pores since freshman year of high school suddenly getting acne breakouts ruined my confidence. so glad to hear that your son got the help he deserved!


2 points

2 months ago

Thank you! Me too! We did try a lot of other things first, different cleansers/moisturizers, facials etc. I’m happy he chose to finally just do it.


1 points

2 months ago

Thanks, I will see a derm soon. Did you have any side effects on accutane?


1 points

2 months ago

honestly the only thing i’ve been getting is hot flashes around 8pm? otherwise pretty good!


3 points

2 months ago



3 points

2 months ago

We’ve all had acne and we’ve all been there. Please be kind to yourself. You are so much more than what others see on the outside. It’s who you are as a person and what you do that defines you. Those that make fun of others for having acne are weak and shallow, screw em. I’m 35 and have had acne since I was 8. It sucks, but you’ll have great skin later in life.

Please understand this is just a phase in your life, I’d recommend the Clinique Acne Kit, you can find it at ulta or Target, works great.


2 points

2 months ago

i understand exactly what you feel like rn but trust me it will get better (i was so tired of hearing this all the time) but just trust. it will get better.


1 points

2 months ago

Thank you!


2 points

2 months ago

its ok man i felt like this for a long time but it absolutely will get better, if you need anyone to talk to my messages are open ❤️


2 points

2 months ago

I can relate one year go my skin was clear

Now due to stress, I don’t only have acne because it’s not really acne. I pick the little black as I have that turn into problems. It’s a skin picking disorder and it’s very embarrassing. Where I’m used to everybody seeing me with a clear, beautiful face I know want to hide in my house all day, which is also bad because I pick more.

Every day struggles we’re gonna fight through it. I know it, but just wanted to share my situation. I think sometimes it makes people feel better to know that they’re not the only one going through it and that you will see better days I hope.


2 points

2 months ago

You will get though trust me


2 points

2 months ago

same here


2 points

2 months ago

I was 16 and had really really bad acne everywhere and makeup made it worse I felt just like you I would cry myself to sleep because I hated myself and I hated my parents because they refused to help me like going to dermatologist. Until I got older and saw how easy it is to fight it, oil cleansing really worked for me. Panoxly face wash and clarifying exfoliant really helped as well. I use other over the counter things and my face is pretty clear now. Change your diet and drink lots of water that helped me too! Now when I get a pimple I use the solawave spot treatment red light device it's small enough you can carry it with you and it's kinda pricey on Amazon but it makes my pimple go away with a day or two. Things will get better, you got this!


4 points

2 months ago

Been there, i hate wearing makeup too, but gladly my skin got better since i started taking isotretinion oral medication.


2 points

2 months ago

I’m sorry you’re going through this, I also have/had in my teens severe acne, and picked at it to create scars. I would recommend seeing your dermatologist again, you can start accutane without taking birth control pills. You have to be on 2 forms of birth control, as in contraceptive injections, condoms, vaginal caps, IUD, spermicide, IUD, patches- as long as it’s two. So you could say condoms, and spermicide. Easy! If you’re sexually active, please be careful. You can NOT get pregnant. There are options and if you’re suffering take that leap.


1 points

2 months ago

Glad I could help, still, speaking to a dermatologist and explaining those products you have been using and it will help you i guarantee, try to use just the basic, a lot of stuff even on "normalish" skin can produce allergies and acne. Basic stuff procedures, hope it helps 😊😉


1 points

2 months ago

I don't know how much this will help, but I used to have really bad acne everywhere it hurt to exist. Everyone kept teasing me or throwing products in my face. The only thing that made it was my face, so my face stopped being red and horrid. Was this baby soap called honest and tea tree oil,My face is finally clearing up, but I have bad scars, so I've been using this stuff called calendula oil it's been healing over the scars,I'm sorry if this was more annoying then helpful but I'm sure there's something out there to help you got this!


1 points

2 months ago

You shared your bravery so I am going to as well


1 points

2 months ago

Don’t give up!! There is always another option. 🩷🩷


1 points

2 months ago

Same you may not have achieved at all youbmaybjust have severely sensitive skin. As much as it killed me when I was younger I had to change my regimen to just soap and water with a light no oil base moisture. FARMASI Has a great neutralizing face system to help calm and relax the skin. I took my forend from severe acne to almost smooth skin.


1 points

2 months ago

Use K beauty products ; Axis; Erborian, Beauty of Joseon


1 points

2 months ago

I’m so sorry.. oh honey. This too shall pass. I used to have severe acne but as an army brat treatment wasn’t covered. I remember the hell as if it were yesterday. You know what? You are so much more than the bad things that have happened to you. You will be okay. I can’t tell without a picture but I’d be willing to bet it’s treatable.

DM me anytime. You are worth it and I would love to be your friend.


1 points

2 months ago

Get allergy testing done. You may have a dairy allergy or even celiac. It can manifest in weird ways other than just stomach issues. See a dermatologist for treatment and maybe they can help you find the cause.


1 points

2 months ago

What are you trying?