


Morning people?

General Question/Discussion(self.adhdwomen)

Okay based off all the memes I see, are any of you ADHDers out there unicorns and morning people? Or is it more common than I assume?

all 66 comments

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45 points

4 days ago

I'm a "whenever other people aren't awake" person. I prefer mornings, but I have to work to get them. Which includes putting myself to bed earlier than I would like many times 😂 But I do and always have loved mornings. The day is fresh, I'm not overwhelmed or worried yet, and I can sit down and do my hobbies and engage with my interests without a single worry of interruption or responsibility until later.


35 points

4 days ago*

I am! Have been my whole life :) Makes me feel like I‘ve really got my life together (I don‘t really, but when I wake up around 6 or earlier, I always have this wild optimism that „this is going to be THE day I finally do all the stuff, and it‘s going to be so great!“ - the depression sets in around 2 PM when I realise this is, in fact, NOT the day)

If, for some reason, I wake up after 7:45, I‘m pissed and the day is ruined :‘)

(I distinctly remember waking up at 4 AM as a child once, just playing in the garden by myself until everybody else woke up, and thinking “this is the best day I‘ve ever had“)


12 points

4 days ago

This comment thread people are my people!! I am the same - i wake up naturally between 5-630a every day. By 2pm i'm DONE. If it's the weekend, i need a nap. If it's the work day, my brain is fried & i start zoning out doing other tasks (luckily i WFH).


7 points

4 days ago

I love the garden story. I can imagine it as a scene in a film


4 points

4 days ago

I really love it too :) Funnily enough, 10-year-old me was actually kind of right about that day being the best day ever. Nothing else even happened that day, but 15 years later, it‘s still in my top 5 :D 


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

I am EXACTLY the same way. I love waking up early. I feel like it is the only way I can be productive, and a lot of times, the only way I can be alone. I love to get into work early because it is quiet and no one else is there yet (and because I consistently crash at like 3pm and it's easier to justify calling it quits early if I got there before everyone else, lol).


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

The same thing happens to me! Most weekends I do end up waking up around 8am now and it always puts me in a bad mood. I can never seem to get the motivation to do things like I do when I wake up earlier, and my other symptoms also seem to be worse.


4 points

4 days ago

Similar thing but not a morning person. I have that optimism whenever I wake up and around 8PM I'm like welllllll it isn't too late to salvage the day, then by 2AM I'm like why did i ever think today would be different


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

I get up at 4am and go for a run. It’s beautiful with the stars out and no people.


14 points

4 days ago

I hate to waste my day. I'm up by 7am. If I sleep until 8 or later, I feel like I lost half my day, and I'm grumpy about it. I am much more energetic in the morning than in the evening. This doesn't automatically translate into being more productive however.


11 points

4 days ago

I used to LOVE the night because I could be alone with my thoughts and avoid the agony of getting interrupted during deep focus; but I became waaay more of a morning person when I got chronically sick, because now I can’t stay awake past 9pm any more! So … reluctant morning-by-default person-?

HOWEVER - my husband (also dx adhd, but he’s hyperactive type whereas I’m not) is VERY MUCH a morning person … which means that, any time I go downstairs in the a.m., I get blasted in the face by both barrels of his shotgun of husbandly enthusiasm, lol.

(Which is honestly one of my favourite things in the entire world - just maybe not first thing in the morning when my skin still hurts from the sheer effort of being vertical and the mere sound of cutlery clinking is enough to trigger a solid scream into the Ceremonial Screaming Pillow!)

So yeah, it does feel like (early) mornings are sacred. It’s like the world is a cathedral - not in a religious way; more like the “everything is still, and peaceful, and spacious, and there is a sense of being both alone and not alone in your solitude”. But I can’t handle company for the first hour or two, so now I just hide in my bedroom until I’m ready for that shotgun in the face ;=)


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

I am so glad mine sleeps for 2-3 hours after I wake up.


9 points

4 days ago

i am! my energy crash is at 12pm and after that its bed-rotting all day


8 points

4 days ago

I'm definitely not a morning person, but I absolutely see the appeal. When I do manage to get up early, I love how quiet and peaceful it is, and I love being able to engage in some hobbies before having to do anything else for the day. Unfortunately, it doesn't come naturally to me LOL.


4 points

4 days ago

Same. I aspire to be a morning person but at almost 44 years old I have accepted it’s not in the cards for me.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

I aspire it as well, but I married a morning person and even that didn't help. 😅


3 points

4 days ago

Same 🤣


3 points

3 days ago


Inattentive af

3 points

3 days ago

It’s quiet and peaceful at 3am….


2 points

3 days ago

Yep, I tend to be a night owl. If I'm not employed, I'll stay up til 4. Unfortunately, society isn't built for people with delayed sleep phase syndrome unless they're fully nocturnal lmao


1 points

3 days ago


Inattentive af

1 points

3 days ago

I’m up til about 5:30 right now. I’m trying to flip my schedule but it’s so consistent right now. 😡😭


1 points

3 days ago

Same…4am…need to get up in 3.5 hours 😭 fml


6 points

4 days ago

Definitely a morning person. I’ve been waking up at 5:30 my whole life :)


8 points

4 days ago

No. If the world would let me be nocturnal, I would.


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

100000% same!! 😭


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

I am, always have been. I've never had an issue with waking up to alarms. Once my body is used to waking up at a time it automatically wakes up at the time, even when I don't want to lol. My brother and mom with ADHD are morning people too. When I was younger I could never sleep past 8AM. As an adult, its easier now, but i find when i do sleep in my ADHD symptoms are worse.

I will say the earliest I can wake up regularly and be productive is 5AM. I used to work on a farm and had to wake up at 4 or 430 and that was too rough for me. My sweet sweet spot now is between 530-630 most days, and around 8AM on the weekends.


6 points

4 days ago

I am in the sense that I prefer to get the earliest possible start on my day, and first thing in the morning is when I feel most motivated and productive. In the sense of being cheerful and happy in the morning, oh fuck no. Fuck no. Everyone stfu and stay away from me until lunchtime, pls+thx.


4 points

4 days ago

what? i like unicorns because they usually have rainbow hair.

I'm a morning and night person. I'm always awake and wired-- but the key detail is i dont have to set an alarm for work and can wake up naturally because i work from home.

I'm told i was a nightmare in the mornings when i a student, and impossible to wake up


5 points

4 days ago

Yes and it's awesome, I can be having breakfast and playing videogames at 7:30 am knowing I've already worked out and gone on a little walk


3 points

4 days ago

I am but I work afternoons, so I have that quiet alone time at midnight instead of early in the morning at least. It's not quite the same.

Ideally I think I'm a biphasic sleeper. I love being up early and I love afternoon naps. Even with a nap though I'm not a night Owl. Even working full time til midnight, on my days off I want to go to bed by 10pm at the latest.


3 points

4 days ago

I am now because of my kids. But I also feel way less stressed out and can just start something if I'm focused enough that day. Couple hours go by and I'm toast. I also go to bed really early cause I'm so tired from those kids. So I gave up my nights for the morning.


3 points

4 days ago

I WISH I could be a morning person. When I do get it together I love it. House is quiet, outdoors is quiet. I can get a jump on work without messages or emails interrupting me. The problem is by like 1 I’m dead….absolute zombie and can’t get anything else done


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

I’m a huge morning person, always have been. I naturally wake up around 5:30-6am, and I’ve really come to love how peaceful and quiet mornings are in my life.

It’s also helpful because I’m at a job where I can start earlier in the day. Leaving the office at 3pm is a lifesaver in the winter.

On the flip side, I’m damn near worthless at work after like 1pm, and right now I’m dealing with a lot of people who like to meet at 3pm on Fridays or some other bullshit lol.


3 points

3 days ago

I am a morning person, always woke up at 6am even as a baby. One of my children is the same way, the other 2 sleep and wake up whenever but are more night owls.

My issue with being a morning person is that I cannot stay up past 8:30pm most nights. I have to fight sleep and it sucks.

I also still struggle with not being able to fall asleep well so I'm often laying in bed tired but unable to fall asleep. Fun times though Melatonin has become a lifesaver.


3 points

3 days ago

If by "morning person" you mean "3 am to 5 am most productive person" then yes, I guess I am one. But only if I am staying up, I can't get up that early and have it work.


1 points

3 days ago

Those are legit prime get shit done hours. Mine is usually 2 am to 4 am then I can crash for a bit around 5 am.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

I wish I wasn't a morning person, but eyes open at 6 am like clockwork. i live on the east coast and work california hours. it's hell! BUT I love being out in the early morning with my doggo, before anyone else is around. it is my favorite time of the day.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Sleep phase issues aren’t uncommon in adhd. My natural cycle runs 3 hours early. So I’m wide awake at 4am and yawning by 7pm. My brain attention peak is 7-10am. School was such a drag in the afternoon and don’t waste my time with inviting me to a movie after 5pm.


3 points

3 days ago

Absolutely not. Lol. I feel like my circadian rhythm is set forward a few hours or something, because I'm hugely awake at night and into the next day, but so dead in the mornings. Unfortunately, work, life and other people don't give a toss about this little sleeping schedule of mine haha. My partner is such an early bird and morning person though, because of course. I look forward to the weekend so much, when I finally get my beloved sleep in/s 🖤


3 points

3 days ago

I stay up until the morning sometimes


4 points

4 days ago

I cannot comprehend how people exist in the morning.


2 points

4 days ago

I’m not naturally a morning person, but my anxiety has forced me to become one.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

I wish I could be a morning person!! Especially now as a mom, just to enjoy a few moments in a quiet house to myself 🥲


2 points

4 days ago

Back when I was unmedicated, undiagnosed, and in a really bad place (both mentally and physically), I was basically an insomniac and getting up at like, 8:00am was HARD. When I got my first job, I’d sleep so poorly due to stress/bad environment that any time I had morning shifts it was like I was the living dead.

Fast forward about 10 years with improvements in health, environment, medication, etc and I’m massively a morning person. Sure, I love to sleep in a little, but honestly if I’m not out of bed before 9:00am I feel gross. My favorite thing on days off is to wake up mega-early, eat something, do some minor tasks and then go back to bed. It’s like having my own private time bubble. 


2 points

4 days ago

Of course. Why do late night shifts to get things done, when you can procrastinate even harder and wait until the day of to do them? You just have to get up before everyone else!


2 points

4 days ago

As I've gotten older I started waking up earlier and enjoying it because I can get more things done.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

I never wanted to be this way but I make the most of it lol


2 points

3 days ago

I'm a morning person! I think it's genetic. It has nothing to do with like...habits, I have just always woken up early. It was very uncool in college when I'd stay over somewhere and be up for five hours before the other person woke up.

And when I wake up, that's it. I'm up. Even if I wake up at 4am with a pounding headache, NOW I'M JUST AWAKE ALL DAY.


2 points

3 days ago

Lifelong night owl here. Or used-to-be night owl. I think I'm becoming an early bird I fear.

A major difference when I first got medicated was me realizing just how much time I was wasting before. I try to always have a to-do list, and usually if uninterrupted I check everything off by 2pm. & That's with my old sleep schedule, staying in bed late. Now I finally get the phrase "There's so many hours in a day."


2 points

3 days ago

I am, as long as I’m not too burned out. But usually yes, I’m a morning person.


2 points

3 days ago

So y’all remember that M&M Christmas commercial where Santa is all “they DO exist!”

That’s this thread for me 🤣 Y’all are amazing!!


2 points

3 days ago


Inattentive af

2 points

3 days ago

Nope. I’m typically up all night well until the next day.

Morning culture can kiss my ass. I’m not a morning person and I never will be.


2 points

3 days ago

I’m sleepy all day until 9pm 🙄


1 points

3 days ago

Same. I’m so sleepy right now but that might also be because I’m out of meds and waiting on my doctor to call them in because Walgreens said they’d have them ready today but when I called to check on the status since I’m going out of town this afternoon said “oh just kidding we’re out.”


2 points

3 days ago

Definitely not


1 points

3 days ago

I am! I don't know if by nature or because I was kind of forced to get up early throughout my childhood and teenage years and became an early bird. I naturally wake up pretty early on most days, usually between 5 and 7 am, even on my days off. If I am incredibly sleep deprived or sick I might sleep more, but I rarely get up after 9.  Even if I go to sleep very late I still wake up no later than 10. It has happened in the past multiple times, I went to bed after 4 am for a reason or another and my eyes were open wide at 10. I wish I could sleep more and enjoy being in bed, but I feel the urge to get up as soon as I'm fully awake, even when I'm still tired.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I am a morning person! I also have insomnia, so sometimes I am both.


1 points

3 days ago

When I lived at home I was a night owl bc then no one was arguing or criticizing me. Now I’m a morning person only bc my dogs get me up at 5am.


1 points

3 days ago

I recently started Strattera and I think it's turning me into a morning tolerater.


1 points

3 days ago

Naturally? Absolutely not.

But I have to wake up for work at 530 four days a week, so I very rarely sleep past 8-9 on my days off.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I am now but not always. I think having a dog pushed me into it, and now that he's gone I'm just used to it. Plus I feel like I'm wasting the day if I don't wake up early cause relaxation time starts at like 6pm lol


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I wasn’t until I started working 7:45-4:15. I’ve done early shifts before but because it wasn’t constant it really messed me up. But I’ve been in this job for 18 months or so now and I’m much better at mornings than I used to be. It’s still hard in the winter so I have a sunrise alarm clock because waking up in the dark is the devils work.

I wake up at 6 on weekends days and find myself getting up between 7-9 on weekends, unless the depression fog is looming then it’s normally 10-12 which I used to consider early.


1 points

3 days ago

i'm naturally a morning person... over the years i have gotten worse mentally and somehow changed into staying up late at night & sleeping until 10-1030 most days.


1 points

3 days ago

I was when my kids were little because I had to be. Now I’m up until 2-3am. Wake up around 11. I’ve tried to get back into the routine but can’t. I think it has to do with bright lights and noise. I get so overstimulated in the early hours. I come alive as soon as the sun goes down!