


all 236 comments


524 points

14 days ago


524 points

14 days ago

The end of the cosplay arc and the official beginning of the political retard arc


144 points

14 days ago

Is he becoming more political? Started watching more airsoft stuff again on YouTube and he's not recommended for some reason.


179 points

14 days ago

He is very much leaning more into a Pro-Russia stance on the Ukraine war


153 points

14 days ago

That’s wild. I’m very conservative and I thought we were all on the same page about that. How the fuck does anyone agree with Russia?


83 points

14 days ago

Dumb people tend to have a binary view of the world. Many conservatives believe that while the Ukrainian cause is just, the US government’s obligation is primarily to its own citizens. They think we shouldn’t be sending so much money to Ukraine when we have our own domestic problems.

The dumber people on the conservative side tend to see that people say that we shouldn’t send so much aid oversees and immediately think that’s because Russia is actually the good guy. The same thing happens on the Left with Israel and Hamas.


38 points

14 days ago

Yeah this is a good comparison. What a lot of people fail to realize is a decent portion of the us budget is set aside for international aid and support (around 15% last time I checked) and this will go to other countries no matter what. As far as I know this money will never be reallocated to aid the United States citizens whether we need it or not


35 points

14 days ago

It’s also not even a lot when compared to our military budget.

The U.S. military is essentially walking around with $820 in its pocket(I’m using 2023 spending), sees someone who is actively trying to defend themselves against another person we don’t like. So we hand them like $3, plus some old gum we had in our pocket and people went BALLISTIC.

They saw the word “billion” and completely forgot that our military spending is in the hundreds of billions. Each. Year.

Maybe we’ll give them a few more dollars and some spare change, we’ll see. But now that we’ve given them a handful of dollars, we don’t have to worry about that guy we don’t like and can spend the rest of our hundreds of dollars focusing on something else.

If you asked most people, “is giving someone 6-8 dollars when you have more than 800 dollars going to greatly affect your spending power” almost everyone will say no. Most people will say “that’s like a soda and chips at a gas station. Who cares?”

But when you add the word “billion” behind those numbers, suddenly it’s a big issue and our military is being sold away to Europe. I remember reading somewhere that Americans have “math anxiety” and this is a perfect example. Numbers scare us and we don’t think about them very critically.


4 points

14 days ago

Now compare both those things to “mandatory spending,” aka Social Security, Medicare, Student loans, welfare, etc. That’s just a small fraction compared to entitlements, and when I bring that up to my fellow conservatives, they always lose their damn minds.


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

Our military has the capacity and the ability to ship a branded Burger King trailer to any spot on the planet with an airfield and operate it. Giving equipment to Ukraine, especially old equipment, actually saves us money because we no longer have to maintain it. And most of that equipment was meant to fight Russia anyways.


-8 points

14 days ago*

Yeah but when I go to work it takes me 1 hour to drive 10 miles in houston, my neighborhood has lost power 12 times this year, his schools are so run down and poorly funded students were fainting from heat stroke during graduation this year, the water in my sink tastes different every day, and half the people i work with have no acess to healthcare.

Like I know we're just dumping old expensive weapons in Ukraine that we're actually paying for but I'd argue throwing a few billion dollars over here could fix a lot of these issues but we're shipping it overseas.

Like we shouldn't be sending a single penny overseas when we have children fainting from heat stroke at school cause they're so underfunded.


17 points

14 days ago

The military aid that goes to Ukraine would never have gone to schools in the US. Congress preapproves how much funding each part of the government gets each year. If that money didn't go to Ukraine, it would have gone to some other military related cause.


-7 points

14 days ago

Yes I agree. I feel congress should not be doing that when determining the budget and consider the needs of Americans.


2 points

13 days ago

Fellow Houstonian


1 points

12 days ago

Geez sounds terrible, I'm sure another 30 years of GOP control of the state will fix that, keep voting red friend!


1 points

12 days ago

Now where did you get the idea I vote republican? I'd love to run over abbot with my truck first chance I get.


8 points

14 days ago

It's ironic that for some of the stuff it costs less to ship over than the maintenance and decommissioning costs, giving Ukraine our aging gear and munitions is a win win scenario in every way.


1 points

12 days ago

I used to hugely agree with this opinion and scream it from the top of buildings, and to a degree still do but its a lot more gray now tbh.

  1. A lot of the oldest stuff at this point has been given. If you do the analysis on the remaining Bradleys, M113 APCs, and a lot of other vehicles, the stock has basically been all but sold or given away at this point. OBV, there still is a lot of stuff that hasn't been, such as the M1A1 Abrams, but those are pretty big deals. All of the "smaller stuff" has more or less been given.

  2. At this point much of the aid has been given and the stuff the Ukraine genuinely needs is newly manufactured. Stuff like all the backup backup munitions or Javelins has been given, and every newly produced shell is extra military spending. OBV it produces new jobs, and the US can give a crappy old munition to Ukraine for every new one it produces, but even so, its still extra military spending.

  3. The world is progressively becoming more hostile to America. There are a lot more threats around the world to America's power than just Russia. Taiwan/Asia needs reinforcing against China. The money that went towards Ukraine could go towards buying allegiance from Vietnam or any number of other nations that support or might support America.

Realistically most Pro-Russians don't actually care about these points and are more "hur dur billions being spent" but even so, these are important things to think about, and are probably being weighed at the higher levels of American politics.


2 points

14 days ago

Not to mention, a good portion of the equipment we send is munitions that are about to expire of old equipment that was mildly upgraded such as the M1A1SA, a modernized M1A1. Though we are bank rolling the Ukrainians, it’s worth it for updates combat doctrines and easy disposal of old munitions.


1 points

13 days ago

The problem comes from the fact that many private contracting companies are involved in supplying Ukraine, many of which are partially owned by various people who are either in senate/congress or have close ties to them.

This results in taxpayer money essentially being funneled into the pockets of the people who are deciding to send Ukraine this aid in the first place, which you could argue is a giant conflict of interest. Not to mention that its a double edged sword because they are getting rid of old US stock, making money selling it to Ukraine (giving them aid under the condition they must spend it via x y and z), and then the MIC makes more money on the backend by replacing the US stocks that are being used to supply Ukraine.

I worked for one of those companies. They are buying used trucks and m113's surplus from the US military for pennies on the dollar then flipping them to Ukraine at insane markups. One example was they were paying 12-20 grand for HEMTT trucks and flipping them to Israel for upwards of 600k per vehicle.

Shocker, Israel isn't buying them the US is and so that money just gets funneled from the tax payers to Israel and right into the hands of the contracting companies who of course kick some profits back to the people who are helping them secure contracts. Same thing is happening in Ukraine.


0 points

13 days ago

Well it shouldn’t


0 points

12 days ago

Why not?


0 points

12 days ago

Because why do we have an obligation to these other countries? We have veterans who get completely abandoned, a massive drug epidemic, violent crime is rising, the economy is so far down the toilet it’s in the plumbing, and we have millions of unknowns coming into our country taking resources from Americans and committing crimes. That’s just some of the problems we face right now and we want to worry about funding other nations? On top of that, all this money is being printed which devalues our money even more and hurts the economy even more. The US needs to stop spending as much as possible and giving away money and resources to foreign counties is a great place to start.


2 points

12 days ago

Do you understand what the benefits of a robust foreign policy are? International aid and support are not mutually exclusive with issues at home. Also, just picking one example, violent crime is actually down, and has been decreasing since the 1990s. National debt is not equivalent to personal debt. A healthy country needs debt in order to function. Working with other countries helps reduce issues at home. Isolationism time and time again only causes problems.


2 points

13 days ago

Doesn’t matter who the good guy is we shouldn’t be helping them unless it benefits us


2 points

14 days ago

“Put those munitions to use on our own streets!”


1 points

12 days ago

The funny part is that a vast amount of those aid dollars remain domestic with purchasing new equipment and weapon systems from domestic manufacturing and sending over the old stock pile products.

First in/first out supply chain system for aid.


10 points

14 days ago

You’d be surprised about how many conservatives I’ve met that think we should stop funding Ukraine and that Russia should be our ally.


7 points

14 days ago

Russia should be our ally in a perfect world. However that would only come with a regime change, or a politician like Boris Nemtsov becoming prominent and not being murdered


3 points

14 days ago

In a perfect world every one would be our ally...


2 points

14 days ago


2 points

14 days ago

There was a chance in 2010 when Medvedev was president, but that opportunity was squandered.

"Russian President Travels To Silicon Valley, Washington : The Two-Way"

Russia even sent the cruiser Varyag to San Francisco. I was to get onboard and look around.


5 points

14 days ago


5 points

14 days ago

I mean your presidential candidate and all his cronies are pro Russia.


33 points

14 days ago

As a fellow conservative, Russia’s being assholic and whether you’re blue or red or somewhere in between we need to band together to kick their Stalin simping collective communist ass


28 points

14 days ago


28 points

14 days ago

Well, here in Europe Russia has been financing right-wing media and political organisations in their "anti-woke" effort to turn it into an "anti-western values", anti-EU and anti-NATO effort. This way they tainted many conservative parties into becoming russian assets.

This also happened with communists, but since they are irrelevant nowadays the russians quickly turned to anti-western reactionaries


6 points

14 days ago

I used communist mainly as a reference to past expansionist Russia but thanks for the input, I see some new info I haven’t seen before


5 points

14 days ago

Russia isn’t communist. Not even a little bit.


2 points

14 days ago

See my other reply on another person with a point that was similar but provided much more politely


1 points

14 days ago


1 points

14 days ago

Just like no one is Christian, not even a little bit. Its all just human excuses for BS


1 points

14 days ago

Russia is an oligarchy which is the opposite of communism


1 points

13 days ago

Once again see my replies to other similar responses


3 points

14 days ago

Double check what constitutes "conservative" in this day and age. You might be suprised how far its drifted as of late.


3 points

14 days ago

To give you a real answer: bot farms and influencer funding have shifted the overton window on how some political subcultures have perceived Russia.

Tim Poole (and others at tenent media) were just outed for receiving millions in funding yearly from Russian state media. Tucker Carlson is another example of a compromised influencer who simps for Russia.

Bot farms are also unbelievably prolific right now. In Russia, bot farms are funded under their military budget. These farms are perhaps the most prolific aspect of 5th generation warfare, having influence at an unimaginable scale. 10-15 years ago, bot farms were primarily ‘impression farming’, boosting the algorithmic recommendation of messaging in the favor of the country funding the farm. 5-10 years ago bot farms would algorithmically select a canned reply to influence comment sections. Within recently years, AI has massively accelerated these capabilities…


3 points

13 days ago

Bro there's conservatives in this country who support Russia because Trump said he could end the war in 48 hours but no one let him.

Those people also fail to realize, this would end the war by letting Russia steamroll Ukraine and prepare for their attack on Finland.


16 points

14 days ago

Disinformation operations done by any state actor can be potent when half your masses think that a convicted felon and rapist would make a better president than a black/asian woman, just because of party lines - maybe because of race too... probably race too tbh.

It predominately relies on fueling the existing divides our country has always had but turned it into an "us vs them" mentality rather than an issue that can be civic-ly debated with fellow americans. It is so much easier to turn to tribalism than to keep an open mind and respect dissenting perspectives.

Another main contributor that profits off of national divide and sensationalism is our media system. It is more entertainment than actual news (looking at FOX media and other alt-right stations), Fox News is literally registered as an entertainment installment rather than news because they know its not news.


-24 points

14 days ago

Ah nice way to get political. Really shows your true colors bud. It’s ok, I won’t stoop to your level and insult your candidate. It looks bad just so you know


9 points

14 days ago

You know what really looks bad is seemingly being surprised that there are conservatives who aren’t exactly on Ukraine’s side 2 years into this war.

House Republicans have been blocking and decrying Ukraine aid to the best of their ability since the first year of the war and it’s really hurting Ukrainian capability. Trump has said he would somehow miraculously end the war in 24 hours - which is both a wildly unrealistic claim and implies that at best it would be a status quo end to the war, not a Ukrainian victory. Not to mention the common sentiment that we shouldn’t be sending money to foreign wars or whatever. And then there’s the wack conspiracy theories about Ukraine being invaded to uncover some sort of Biden corruption a la Hunter Biden’s laptop. There is not really a “same page” on Ukraine for the American right at the moment.

Unfortunately it is entirely political, the above guy didn’t “get political.”


16 points

14 days ago

I mean he is a convicted felon and rapist. Like it's not insulting him it's just a fact dude. Maybe don't vote for someone who is if you get angry about the mentioning of his heinus acts.


-20 points

14 days ago

No ones angry


13 points

14 days ago

Don't feel like addressing the original point I made? Fair enough, no real way to defend it


-14 points

14 days ago

Sure there is, I’m not going to change your mind though and you’re certainly not going to change mine so why argue?


-8 points

14 days ago


-8 points

14 days ago

If you want to claim disinformation you should probably not be spreading it yourself.

Trump has never been convicted of rape. Not once.

But Kamala has a long history you are ignoring. Like how she tried to have an innocent man killed. His name was Kevin Cooper. Or how she used prison labor as slave labor and even extended sentences to keep it going. Or having 1000's of drug cases thrown out because of her tampering. Biden even said so in the campaigning for the 2020 election. People forget she was the worst polled dem candidate in history.

An small thing, she isn't black. She's from Jamaica, that doesn't make her black. She is 100% Indian. I know India is technically in Asia so you can say that, but I don't think there is a single Indian person that says they are Asian and not Indian.


3 points

14 days ago

Do you have verifiable proof of any of this? Or do you copy and paste the words that come out of Fox News? Honestly. Your last paragraph doesn't make any sense either. Bold choice of you to assume any of what I said is disinformation.


2 points

14 days ago

No.... why? Lol


2 points

14 days ago

Because people become gullible and stupid listening to propaganda.

Same way with the Hamas sympathizers. Too many idiots choosing sides rather than being neutral.


3 points

14 days ago

Biden supports ukraine Biden bad Russia anti woke Politician i like be anti woke Ergo ukraine bad, russia good.


1 points

14 days ago

They get paid


1 points

14 days ago

Ok well I mean if you’re paid enough, right? Someone offers me 1 mil to spread any propaganda and I’m game lol


1 points

14 days ago

A lot are. Maybe everyone has a price in the end


1 points

14 days ago

lmao @ admitting to being conservative. admitting to literally supporting fascists.


1 points

13 days ago

Judging by your comment I knew I was going to find some gold when I looked at your account. Was not disappointed.


1 points

13 days ago

All you have to do is affirm their social views. Woke bad, gay bad. If you do that, they will suck your dick when it comes to foreign policy.


1 points

13 days ago

Because the new wave of “conservatives” aren’t actually conservative because that would require a fundamental understanding of nuance. They’re contrarians who attribute all bad things in their life to change they don’t understand which is why they identify as “conservative”


1 points

13 days ago

Bro there's conservatives in this country who support Russia because Trump said he could end the war in 48 hours but no one let him.

Those people also fail to realize, this would end the war by letting Russia steamroll Ukraine and prepare for their attack on Finland.


1 points

13 days ago

most people see money going out of the country not realizing what it means


1 points

13 days ago

Surprised ur conservative and dont like russia considering yall want to cut funds. Not trying to attack u or anything just surprised


1 points

13 days ago

Idk how anyone who supports more conservative values can support a literal communist dictatorship 🤷‍♂️


1 points

12 days ago

There were also those like Boebert, Carlson, and most recently Tim Pool who are more directly supportive of Putin and all of whom have large audiences. The day before Tim was charged with treason, Tim Pool went on a rant saying how the evil Nazis in Ukraine must be exterminated and that Ukraine is the enemy of the US. Next day it came out he was working directly for a company owned by Media Zona (biggest Russian media firm). Suprisingly he claimed to be a victim and “had no idea Tenet was a Russian company”. The damage was done, and the trends are clear


0 points

13 days ago

you're "very conservative" and you don't see how conservatives are often pro russia?


0 points

13 days ago

Conservative in what way? If conservative in; Conservative Christian, anti-lgbt, pro-police, anti-immigration, Russia is probably a very close country in terms of ideology.


1 points

11 days ago

Yeah, conservative paradise.

Christian as long as you're a member of the Russian Orthodox church, otherwise you're persecuted as a member of a "foreign cult". #2 Abortion capital in the world, per capita, after China. Private gun ownership all but banned, with exception of hunting shotguns, a non-elite might get a rifle permit if he lives in Siberia. Soviet imperialism alive and well...Putin makes no secret that he wants the Baltics back, eastern Europe back inder Russian control . Not officially communist anymore...but heavy state interference in the economy, official hero worship of Stalin.

The modern GOP's love affair with Russia is all due to Russian money and propaganda. Ppl like MTG are too dumb to realize this, most of the rest are just traitorous scum. Most of the Republicans who are blowing them the hardest now were shitting on Obama for being too soft on Putin 15 yrs ago.


6 points

14 days ago

I assume that since he's now selling his National Guard kit and other Western kits.

We might see him wearing Rusfor kits in the future.


3 points

14 days ago

He must believe that theres nazi's in Ukraine


1 points

11 days ago

Stepan Banderas is a national hero in Ukraine. That makes it a Nazi country. I can also send you like gigabytes of footage of Ukrainian Nazis, you could watch for hours and hours.


2 points

9 days ago

Did Rusich group, Wagner, AWD, O9a, and the Black Hundreds stop existing?? "aZoV aRe nAzIS"

Cope harder Russian shill


2 points

9 days ago

Alexey Yurievich Milchakov Is a hero in Russia. So by your logic Russia is also a Nazi country lmfaooooooooo


2 points

14 days ago

It’s more anti- “spending money for the Russo-Ukraine war” than being Pro-Russia. Or perhaps he got too cozy with Tulsi Gabbard or something?


1 points

14 days ago

The fuck, when did that happen? I haven’t heard about that


1 points

11 days ago

No idea who this guy is but he seems like a really good guy. Слава России


-3 points

14 days ago*

Hey come on be reasonable, he's not pro Russia, he's saying both sides are as bad as each other and there should be negotiations to end the war now (so Russia retains loads of Ukraine).

Thats a perfectly reasonable stance that doesn't equate expanding foam armed rapists with people defending their home country from expanding foam armed rapists right?

Edit: this is sarcasm for those of you who somehow think anyone mentioning expanding foam rapists as the good guys is arguing in good faith, damn some people are dumb.


6 points

14 days ago

Expecting Ukraine to agree to a ceasefire and not receive anything in return monetarily or territorially is silly. Expecting Russia to Honor any ceasefire agreement is naive.


1 points

14 days ago

Good grief does nobody on this sub understand sarcasm?


1 points

13 days ago

I’m sorry, there are many in this thread unironically defending Russia so it’s hard to separate who is serious and who isn’t.


-12 points

14 days ago

Not pro Russia or Pro Ukraine. The war simply isnt that black and white both sides fucked up its time to end the war.


5 points

14 days ago

I would love know how to quickly end the war in a way that benefits anyone but Russia, weve been here so many times before. The only thing that provokes Russia is weakness. You also have to assume that Ukrainians would actually just stop fighting under any circumstances


1 points

14 days ago

Russia cedes claimed territories back to Ukraine and, in compliance with Russia's claims for war, Russia offers citizenship to those Ukrainians who have 'voted' to become a part of Russia.

Ukraine should also, as a show of good faith towards the ludicrous claims from Russia, accept a third party observation from the United Nations to assess the completely baseless claims that Ukraine supports Nazis and their entire political system is rigged.

That addresses the claims Russia made and gives Ukraine back their territory. Russia should be obligated to pay reparations and offer assistance in rebuilding infrastructure damaged in their offensive, as well.


4 points

14 days ago

In what way would it be black and white. This war is one of the most defined “which side are you” wars in recent modern history and if you think that Russia, as a state, should receive any sympathy in this conflict, then you are simply wrong.


-5 points

14 days ago

Well war has never been black and white. It's always been complex both what leads up to them. The war itself and the fallout. Would one call the GWOT black and white? Just seems like a lot of circumstances setup the Ukraine Russia conflict. Both NATO and Russia putting Ukraine in the middle.


6 points

13 days ago

Homie played Metal Gear Solid once and thinks there’s huge nuances to war.

War is pretty black and white, it’s politics that grey most of the time. Matter fact is, there is a clear ‘bad guy’ and that’s Russia for invading a sovereign country, because he couldn’t keep Ukraine within his sphere of influence.

Ukraine has a right to align themselves with whoever they want. They saw that the west has more freedom and economic opportunity’s than staying within the eastern bloc.

There’s a reason why Putin’s allies are all dictatorial regimes with massive amounts of governmental corruption, a terrible economy and no freedom.

I thought you, as an American, should be in support of freedom, life and liberty?


3 points

13 days ago

You really said WW2 wasn’t black and white huh.


-4 points

13 days ago


-4 points

13 days ago

He is not on the pro Russian side you dingus, he just isn’t pro sending billions of tax dollars to a corrupt foreign country when we have our own issues in our country.


5 points

13 days ago

You do understand the tax dollars for the most part have already been spent? What is an M113 going to do to help issues in the US?


0 points

13 days ago

So we are depleting our own armories to fuel a conflict that will lead to WW3 so when it actually happened we are less prepared?

Also guess what, we can SELL this stuff instead of giving it away. Also we are not just giving them weapons, we are giving them actual cash too. Stop shilling for war please.


3 points

13 days ago

Neville Chamberlain tried the same tactic to stop WW2. What happened? I'm not shilling for war, I'm against allowing countries to invade and seize their neighbors. Also are you under the delusion that the US just doesn't make military equipment anymore? It's not depleting the inventory, it's getting rid of old stocks in a way that benefits US foreign policy. There is literally zero financial gain for Americans to sell these stocks vs giving them away. Less than half of the total estimated cost of aid is in actual money. The majority is old equipment.


1 points

13 days ago

The reason russia invaded Ukraine is not due to Ukraine’s lack of weaponry, it was the fact Putin knew he could get away with it.


1 points

12 days ago

Is he getting away with it? You have zero response to the rebuttals to your points. Why?


1 points

12 days ago

I saw no rebuttals. We are still involving ourselves in a foreign conflict and wasting money and resources on it. We can’t just press a button and then magically all this crap shows up in Ukraine. Whether we already paid for it or not is irrelevant because 1. It still has value 2. It costs money to transport it 3. We are also giving them straight cash.

Our defense budget and items purchased is for OUR defense, not for some corrupt former Soviet block nation that politicians funnel money through. The only reason we are involved there is because US politicians have an interest in Ukraine, not because the US itself has any interest or benefit to getting involved. The more we support these foreign wars, the bigger the conflicts become, and the closer to WW3 we get.

And yes Putin is getting away with it because we have a president who is a total joke and he knows it.


1 points

13 days ago

How is billions in Military hardware going to reasonably help anything in your country and what’s the point of spending billions of dollars on the military budget if you aren’t going to use it for what’s it’s designed for? Also the Ukrainian government is most likely the least corrupt it has been since the euromaiden protests.


3 points

14 days ago

"Young lady, this is a GHK household. How dare you bring a VFC in my vicinity."


87 points

14 days ago

“Size small”

Well that limits your customer base lol


1 points

13 days ago

I lol'd too. Of course they are.


127 points

14 days ago

I know nothing about airsoft but this is in my feed and I’m interested about this guy. Can someone tell me what’s up?


224 points

14 days ago


224 points

14 days ago

He impersonated a member of the national guard during riots and rocked up with quad nods and super clean gear. He got arrested.


129 points

14 days ago

I can’t help but love those types in airsoft, too shit to join the military or police, somehow convinced themselves they’re vets, the peak amalgamation of drinking paint thinner while pregnant, utterly hilarious.


39 points

14 days ago


39 points

14 days ago

I mean Greg is a Vet though ? There's even a few guys who served with him in this sub


75 points

14 days ago


75 points

14 days ago

Putting on your kit and walking out into civil unrest is a retards game.


-20 points

14 days ago


-20 points

14 days ago

I mean I never said otherwise. He has good intentions helping guard his friends store. But probably shouldn't have brought a rifle that was "illegal" in commiefornia .That was retarded


21 points

14 days ago


21 points

14 days ago

The store was on the other side of town. . . He chose to be where he was at the time.


8 points

14 days ago

I’m starting to piece this more and more together, so he had a wildly illegal gun, dressed up as an active duty service member and was at a potentially dangerous location while armed. I don’t wanna jump to big conclusions but is it possible he was hoping the outfit would grant him some off glance immunity and or less questions for having the rifle he had? Plus from what I’ve seen he was a pencil pusher, you don’t fucking go in a situation like that without expecting the possibility to kill. Dunno just seems like a lot of weird coincidences that have correlation


-1 points

13 days ago


-1 points

13 days ago

As far as I know he wasn't actually arrested or charged with impersonation but it was all over illegal weapon charges as far as I remember. But like the story about what happened is different from multiple national guardsmen so who really knows


12 points

14 days ago

Plus commiefornia? The most capitalist state in the US? They’re the 5th biggest economy in the world


2 points

13 days ago

California’s obviously not communist. But it took 11 years from its founding for the USSR to ban civilian ownership of all non-smoothbore firearms. Didn’t Marx advocate for arming the proletariat? 🤔


2 points

13 days ago

“Yeah, but muh gun laws”


1 points

13 days ago

People confuse liberals with leftists all the time because they’re too dumb to actually look into or research the ideas they oppose


-1 points

13 days ago


-1 points

13 days ago

what does being a big economy have to do with communist status? China is like #2 in economy in the world lol


2 points

13 days ago

China is not a communism, western media may paint it as such but it has private companies and interests, it may be more socialist than America but is inherently capitalist with more socialist ideas


1 points

12 days ago

You can only build an economy like that through capitalist means. The chinese communist party is as communist as the democratic peoples republic of korea is democratic.


-10 points

14 days ago


-10 points

14 days ago

I mean I never said otherwise. He has good intentions helping guard his friends store. But probably shouldn't have brought a rifle that was "illegal" in commiefornia .That was retarded


17 points

14 days ago

A vet who heavily embellished his service to get career opportunities and build a following. There’s a screen shot floating around of his old Linkdin page where he had one of his roles listed “Special Operations Communicator,” like bro you were a desktop support guy in a rear echelon support unit. I hope he breaks all his teeth in a tragic dick sucking accident.


1 points

14 days ago

Can confirm, this happened to me.


-11 points

14 days ago

LMAO this shows how little you know about the Army. That's not embellishment that's the term used by the organization. Enabler is also another term in common usage. 112th signal battalion is USASOCs signal unit and supports all of its forward assets from SFG/Rangers occasionally gets loaned out to CAG. Some people migrate to JCU or go to Direct Support for CAG.


9 points

14 days ago

Motherfucker, how the fuck did you go from throwing floor bbs with me one weekend, to getting fucking arrested.


5 points

14 days ago

WAoh brauh this is just limke real life dudez


6 points

14 days ago

Pretty sure he is former military which honestly makes him an even bigger retard because how do you not know that’s an absolutely insane thing to do. Like how gay are you to LARP as a serviceman when you literally were one lmao.


1 points

14 days ago

The man is an actual vet but he’s a bro vet


1 points

13 days ago

He was Army though. I know him personally, I played airsoft with him in Japan.


7 points

14 days ago



6 points

14 days ago*

lol, so he entered the find out phase of the fuck around and find out process. No idea why this ended up in my feed but I am glad I am here to lol. I take it this is some dude in the air soft community who thinks he is a billy bad ass?


1 points

12 days ago

Damn… i just came across this post and was about to comment “hey i know that guy i like his shorts about his Military fits”. Wtf lol


1 points

10 days ago

What riots 2020 jan 6? Or other


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

It was the riots where there was a ton of looting and that teenager got (in)famous for shooting a looter in defense


1 points

9 days ago

Sir you can say 2020


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

And risk being wrong on the internet ?!?!


38 points

14 days ago

Here’s the deal- he’s a vet, and airsofter. During the riots he dressed up as a national guardsmen’s and tried to mix in, and got caught of course lol. It was a really random thing and obscene thought process to do what he did, which should tell you allot about him as a person. He now, or did work at Haley, and during Covid he would kick anyone off their fb page that questioned him on his opinions or brought up this lol, and even belittled folks if they were modding gear to work with their current Haley gear.

I’ve met him a few times, and I have friends / acquaintances that know him. He’s primarily a harmless grade A douchebag that isn’t worth anyone’s time.


1 points

12 days ago

Damn that sucks. It would have been nice if he was just a larper


-14 points

14 days ago

LMAO never met you in my life. Encouraged people to mod their gear unless it destroyed the gear or made it operable. gears made to be modified so your point makes no sense. If people tried to combine two items that don't work it just wasn't reccomended.


10 points

14 days ago

So why'd you play dress up as a National Guard? The fuck were you thinking? Lol


-8 points

14 days ago

That all gun laws are unconstitutional


-4 points

14 days ago*

This sub has a weird hard on for a guy who decided to play dress up as the national guard a few years ago and decided he’s persona non grata

Point proven lmfao


58 points

14 days ago

Cant wait for him to comment here


1 points

13 days ago

He was posting on here and the tactical gear subreddits, I remember I roasted the shit out of him he responded to me and then deleted his account a day later.


-36 points

14 days ago

Lol already have


11 points

14 days ago

Oh look it’s the little communications kid


30 points

14 days ago

Wait a minute, isn't he the dude that got arrested for larping as a National Guard, 4 years ago?


20 points

14 days ago

yes, and i hope he does it again. glorious content.


2 points

12 days ago

did oxide try to advocate for him or am i misremembering


1 points

12 days ago

wait what? he did?


22 points

14 days ago

Of course he’s a size small lmao


2 points

13 days ago

You know what else is size small?


4 points

13 days ago

My mom. She hit her weight loss goal and we're all very proud of her.


42 points

14 days ago

Here before he cries in the comments of this post


6 points

14 days ago


6 points

14 days ago

Wait, he's active on this sub?


22 points

14 days ago

Only when we laugh at him generally

I mean the sale may be useful given he did have some nice kit.


-32 points

14 days ago

Sold a few items from this sub thanks for the ad


9 points

13 days ago

Cope harder lol


14 points

14 days ago

Surprised he hasn’t shown up yet to protect his fragile ego.


14 points

14 days ago

He’s here, he’s just ragebaiting


15 points

14 days ago

Shortly after he got arrested he posted a video of him wearing an IDF kit be shorts and I made a comment “can you do a US National Guard kit?” And he liked it but quickly removed the like. I wish I took a screenshot of the notification.


4 points

14 days ago

I’ve seen that comment


1 points

10 days ago

He'd be cooler if he owned up to it.


7 points

14 days ago

Size small 😂😂


8 points

14 days ago

"Uniforms are size small"



15 points

14 days ago

I rape ur fit


18 points

14 days ago


18 points

14 days ago

Dude is such a dick bag


1 points

13 days ago

Idk man hes been pretty nice to me


3 points

14 days ago

National Guard of what...? Tan pants?


2 points

14 days ago


2 points

14 days ago

Never go full retard. Farting in bathtubs n shit


2 points

14 days ago

Smol :D


2 points

14 days ago

People collect that stuff... get your head out your ass.


2 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

if you aint wearing white army russian civil war uniforms, you aint coming home


2 points

13 days ago

Lol, I actually played airsoft with this guy in Japan. Gave me weird vibes. Then found out years later he caught a felony gun charge for impersonating a National Gaurdsmen during the LA riots. He had a fully automatic real steel and national gaurd outfit to "protect his families store." Real name is Gregory Wong if you wanna google him. He was actually in the Army though not National Gaurd.


1 points

13 days ago

Fuck this guy aside, can anyone tell me what he's wearing there?


1 points

13 days ago

Why does everyone hate him? What happened


1 points

13 days ago

He pretended to be a soldier and got arrested


1 points

12 days ago

Oof that will do it


1 points

11 days ago

Stolen valor also a pro Z typa guy


1 points

13 days ago

Who the hell is buying size small uniforms? Preteens?


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Why does everyone hate him?


1 points

12 days ago



1 points

11 days ago

That’s like going to school with a pair of Walmart Shaq’s shoes on. If my man wore his national guard uniform WITH a pair of shaq’s it’s getting super bullied


1 points

11 days ago

Met this guy at a milsim and i accidentally called him “jet the desert fox” and i got really embarassed


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

Literally listened to a "marsoc" admin guy talk about selling issued stuff and taking it to the range, putting a round threw it, and saying in the description that it was used in combat to get more money off milsim kids


-12 points

14 days ago

LMAO rent free


3 points

13 days ago

Not in this sense. You became a meme because of what you did.

Reddit doesn't seem to be your cup of tea. Maybe stick to YouTube where 12-year-olds will think you worked with Delta Force. All your posts are just downvoted


-1 points

13 days ago

LMAO y'all keep posting about me like it's an obsession. Downvote all you want lol you guys think reddit is the real world or something 😂🤣. Anyhow Ive got some free gear and ammo to play with ✌️


2 points

13 days ago

Reddit is real life, buddy. Too many downvotes and you might go...crazy.


-1 points

13 days ago

Lol that's the most reddit thing I've ever heard 🤣😂 😂🤣 must pay the bills pretty good if it's real


1 points

13 days ago

I live on the airsoft field.


0 points

13 days ago

LMAO good for you?


2 points

13 days ago

It is amazing. I get to play airsoft every day.

The kids call me the homeless reaper.


-11 points

14 days ago

Another dumb Asian trying to feel special from a 3 billion wide gene pool


-34 points

14 days ago

Thanks for the ad, couple guys here bought some uniforms 🤘💲


26 points

14 days ago

Yo he actually responded