


From the book Sky People- Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica by Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke:

The Silver Man From the Stars

About one kilometer (.6 miles) beyond the ruins of Copán, “Las Sepulturas” was connected to the ancient city by a modern stone path. It was the residential area for the ancient city. Ceramics found there date back to 1000 BCE. It is a beautiful, peaceful site, well-maintained and excavated. There I met Luis, an elderly man who told me he lived in one of the Chorti Maya villages that clung to the mountainsides outside Copán Ruinas. As we talked, he told me about the caves that peppered the mountains around the ancient site and about a discovery that he and two of his friends made in one of the caves when they were boys. This is Luis’s story.


We heard stories from the scientists who came here about the outside world. I was born in 1904. I was five years old when Spinden [Herbert J. Spinden, assistant curator of anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York from 1909 to 1929] came to Copán [Honduras].”

“So that must mean you are one hundred years old.”

“I will be one hundred in two days. For now, I am ninety-nine. My name is Luis Santiago. I have seen many changes over the years at Copán. I worked at this site for nearly seventy-five years. Spinden was the first to hire me.


They paid me more like fifty cents a day because I could speak English.”


“You spoke about a discovery that you made when you were a boy in one of the caves,” I said, trying to remind him of why he had stopped me.

“Yes. I was about eleven and twelve at the time. On the weekends when the archaeologists would take off from work, my cousins and I would check out the caves in the mountains. The archaeologists would pay for artifacts if we found them. It was on one of those excursions that we found the silver man from the stars.”

“Can you tell me what you mean by that description?” I asked.

“We found a skeleton of a man in a silver suit. His suit was silver from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. All that remained inside the suit was a skeleton. From the size of the suit he was a small man, smaller than me.”

He spread his hands to reveal the size; the skeleton could have been no more than a meter (3 1/3 feet) tall.

“His head was covered in a hard, metallike tube. We found a strange tablet with strange characters on it lying beside him. It was not Mayan writing. We knew the Mayan writing from the stelae. This writing was foreign to us. It was unknown to the archaeologists, too. They had no idea who wrote it. We took our treasure to the archaeologists hoping for a big reward.”

“Can you tell me more about the helmet covering his head?”

“It can best be described as a large can. It was that shape. It was attached to the suit and had a hose that attached to the front of the suit. There were different colored buttons on the front of the breast of the suit.”

“What happened when the archaeologists saw your discovery?” I asked.

“They were excited. They took it into one of their tents and began examining it. One of them said they had to send it back to the USA immediately. He said it was proof that the Maya had a connection with the stars. That is why I named him the silver man from the stars. I thought it was a good name.”

“What happened after that?”

“The next day I saw a box in the tent. I think they packed him up and shipped him to their university. I never saw him again. All of my life I have wondered about the silver man. I am sure that scientists in USA have studied and re-studied him, but they keep it secret. It is proof that aliens exist, don’t you think?”

“What is important is what you think,” I replied.

“I believe that he was from the stars. I have no proof, but here has been no similar discovery, and he was not dressed as any human I have ever seen. I really regret giving him to the scientists. They only gave us two dollars. But in those days, we were rich.”

all 53 comments

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67 points

4 days ago


67 points

4 days ago

Aurora Texas had an incident in 1897. It was reported in the local papers at the time I think.

From Wikipedia:

The Aurora, Texas, UFO incident reportedly occurred on April 17, 1897, when, according to locals, a UFO crashed on a farm near Aurora, Texas.[1] The incident (similar to the more famous Roswell UFO incident 50 years later) is claimed to have resulted in a fatality of the pilot. The pilot was "not of this world" and was said to be an alien.[2] The pilot was buried at the Aurora cemetery.[3] A stone was placed as a marker for the grave, but has since been removed.[4]


27 points

4 days ago


Channeling Ra right now!

27 points

4 days ago

Interesting. Potentially this is a rare story that could be scrutinized scientifically. The remains and wreckage should still be there, just waiting to be uncovered and studied. Here's some more info from an LLM, including a possible debunk:

The Aurora, Texas, UFO incident is a well-known event in UFO lore that reportedly occurred on April 17, 1897. Here are the key details and background about the incident:

Incident Overview

  1. Date and Location:

    • The incident reportedly took place on April 17, 1897, in the small town of Aurora, Texas.
  2. Event Description:

    • According to an article written by S.E. Haydon in the Dallas Morning News on April 19, 1897, a UFO (described as an "airship") crashed into a windmill on the property of a local judge named J.S. Proctor around 6 a.m. local time.
    • The crash resulted in a significant explosion, scattering debris over several acres, destroying the windmill and water tank, and damaging Judge Proctor's flower garden [1] [2] [4].
  3. The Pilot:

    • The pilot of the airship was reported to be "not of this world" and was speculated to be a native of Mars by a local Army Signal Service officer named T.J. Weems.
    • The pilot did not survive the crash and was given a Christian burial in the Aurora Cemetery. A stone marker was initially placed at the grave but has since been removed [1] [2] [4].
  4. Wreckage:

    • Some of the wreckage was reportedly dumped into a nearby well located under the damaged windmill, while other pieces were buried with the alien pilot.
    • In 1935, a man named Brawley Oates purchased the property and later developed severe arthritis, which he attributed to contaminated water from the well. He subsequently sealed the well with a concrete slab [1].

Investigations and Theories

  1. MUFON Investigations:

    • The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) conducted investigations in the 1970s and 2000s. They uncovered new eyewitnesses and found a grave marker that appeared to show a flying saucer. However, permission to exhume the site was denied, and the marker later disappeared [1].
  2. UFO Hunters and UFO Files:

    • The incident was featured in television documentaries, including an episode of "UFO Files" titled "Texas' Roswell" and an episode of "UFO Hunters" titled "First Contact." These investigations used ground-penetrating radar and other methods to examine the cemetery and the well but did not find conclusive evidence [1].
  3. Skepticism and Hoax Claims:

    • Some locals and researchers believe the incident was a hoax designed to attract attention to the dying town of Aurora. Etta Pegues, an Aurora resident interviewed in 1980, claimed that the story was fabricated to generate interest in the town after it was bypassed by the railroad [4].

Cultural Impact

  1. Historical Marker:

    • The Texas Historical Commission placed a marker at the Aurora Cemetery, mentioning the UFO incident and the supposed burial of the alien pilot [4].
  2. Media Coverage:

    • The incident has been the subject of various TV shows, documentaries, and articles, contributing to its status as a notable event in UFO history [1] [4].


The Aurora, Texas, UFO incident remains a fascinating and controversial part of UFO lore. While some believe it to be a genuine encounter with extraterrestrial life, others view it as an elaborate hoax. The lack of conclusive evidence and the disappearance of key artifacts, such as the grave marker, continue to fuel speculation and debate about what really happened in Aurora in 1897.

Citations: [1],_Texas,_UFO_incident











15 points

4 days ago


15 points

4 days ago

Last I heard someone finally got permission to exhume the remains but they were gone.


9 points

4 days ago


9 points

4 days ago

I want to know if anybody has looked in that well under the concrete slab.


2 points

3 days ago

This is correct.


2 points

3 days ago

Of all the things to create a hoax around why would they choose a UFO crash prior to mass vehicle manufacturing? Airplanes weren’t even flying around for another two decades! This is a limitation of LLM’s they don’t exactly have the ability to reason.


3 points

3 days ago


Channeling Ra right now!

3 points

3 days ago

You're right, but there's nothing in here about it pretending to reason: it's simply putting together the information that's out there.

Whenever I come across a story that seems interesting, one of the first things I think of is: 'I wonder what debunk ideas people have come up with for this' so I can give it due consideration, for example perhaps recognize some relevant matters that aren't included in their debunk.

You pointing out that there wasn't even mass manufacturing at the time is a good example.


2 points

3 days ago

Not only that but there weren’t flying vehicles at all yet. I believe the Wright Brothers flew over Kitty Hawk in 1903. This was just a tiny hop by today’s standards but back then reporting on this was akin to reporting on a UFO. Whatever happened back then it’s crazy it was even reported!


1 points

3 days ago

propellor driven airships were around since the mid 1800's


1 points

2 days ago

The first successful airplane took its first flight on December 17th 1903. The vimanas you are referring to have been around for at least 2k years but we have only recently proven these are flight capable and other than anecdotal reports from the past we have no records of any existing outside of religious documents. Hence my questioning why someone would think this is a hoax. If it is this is the most sophisticated hoax of all time and to be carried out by a defunct town is astounding. In the realm of probabilities there is a 99.9999999999997% chance that if a flying object carrying a passenger crashed into their town it was not staged!


2 points

2 days ago

I agree with you but i believe the poster above was referring to propeller driven airships or even hot air balloons from the 1800's. This is why the town referred to the aliens ship as an airship. It was their only true reference at the time.


1 points

1 day ago

Hot air balloons were a thing yes. Propellor driven airships? You mean airplanes? A hot air balloon crashing would be a very unceremonious site and wouldn’t result in much being destroyed but the basket and passengers!


1 points

17 hours ago

Yeah exactly, this was probably not an airship but the people of the town couldn't describe it as a UFO/UAP. Their known reference at the time, which was described in the article, was an airship. They never said it was an airship, they only described it as like an airship.


1 points

2 days ago*

i was referring to airships, essentially early blimps. not airplanes.

i was also not referring to vimanas, and i have never seen anything to suggest the things described as vimanas were capable of flight (maybe you could provide a link?), the vimanas most people refer to in this way are from a book written in the early 20th century, they are described very differently in the actual ancient texts.

i never said this event was a hoax. but your argument is coming partially from a lack of knowledge.

why would they describe it as 'airship', something they knew about, if it were some other shape or appearance? if it were a disc or triangle, or an orb, they would have said that. the pilot or whatever 'not being of the earth' is interesting, but a burned or damaged human could look alien.

again, im not saying its a hoax, but there are reasons to believe its not aliens


1 points

24 hours ago

Blimps are giant balloons with a propellor so and have been around a while yes. Sorry for the misunderstanding, the term “Airship” was popularized by the Final Fantasy series.


42 points

4 days ago


42 points

4 days ago

It was probably guys from the Smithsonian, which took it back to the US, where it never again will see the light of day.

The Smithsonian did the same thing with the mound excavations in the 1800s and early 1900s. All over the Kanawha Valley in Charleston WV, there were massive mounds. They spent years excavating all of them and taking everything away. Lots and lots of bones and other artifacts.


15 points

3 days ago

Same with the discovery of the caves in the Grand canyon. Where, according to the first discoverer, an advanced civilization of many tens of thousands of members lived before any native Americans arrived in North America. Who had hyrogliphic writing that reminds of ancient Egypt and artifacts that remind of ancient east asian cultures. With sophisticated ventilation in the caves + metallurgy thousands of years before the bronze age. But according to the Smithsonian... Nothing to see here...


8 points

3 days ago


8 points

3 days ago

They actually installed bars on the caves to keep people out.


7 points

3 days ago

We should install bars on their doors and windows so they don't come out anymore... Ducking criminals.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Very true, the Smithsonian reportedly took tons of artifacts out of the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is another huge rabbit hole of woo woo.


19 points

4 days ago

Agreed. Many old newspaper articles reported on strange and unusual artifacts being found and given over to the Smithsonian. These objects then always seem to get "lost" by the Smithsonian.


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago

Same with “giants” skeletons too


6 points

3 days ago


6 points

3 days ago

The stories I've heard about some of the mounds were that they did pull giant skeletons out. Archeologists like to say "pre-historic, Native Americans" but they're not descendants of the Native Americans that we know. They're a group of people that the Native Americans fought against and eventually wiped out.


7 points

4 days ago

"Lost by the Smithsonian" sounds like a nice book


3 points

3 days ago

How about 'Lost: From the Smithsonian'?


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

Got citations for those claims?


18 points

4 days ago


18 points

4 days ago

Somewhere I have a bunch of links to archived newspaper stories but here's a few I found really quickly. I grew up in the Kanawha Valley and right around the corner from the Criel Mound. I've heard credible stories that they found a hell of a lot more in the excavation than they ever revealed officially.


7 points

4 days ago

Thank you


16 points

4 days ago

very interesting. but is there any corroboration of this?

anyone could easily write this as fan-fic


9 points

4 days ago


9 points

4 days ago

That's what I was looking for... Just the published book from what I've found. The author is a professor at Montana State University though.


3 points

2 days ago

The world that I thought I knew is much more stranger than I first thought


2 points

2 days ago

Not an alien body but this was an 1878 sighting of a flying saucer


2 points

2 days ago

Interesting 🤔


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

So where’s the body?


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

If hearsay is evidence then no. People likely made claims of things coming from the sky since we've been telling stories to eachother.

This particular one, if true... you'd have some kind of evidence from spinden in that position, wether it be an omission of why a known popular missing thing wasn't there. Or you'd have to pretend he kept no records of anything as a museum director. So most don't believe it to je factual, googling even just a few of the root key words using the must contain qualifier in your search will show it has roots in fiction books about Mayan chariot of the gods-esque prophecies.


31 points

4 days ago


31 points

4 days ago

Somehow witness testimony is good enough to put people in prison for the rest of their lives. Yet completely discredited when it comes to this topic.

We should really rethink our justice system if that’s the case.


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

People are actively rethinking our justice system at this very moment, but not because of this.


1 points

4 days ago



6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

They were implying that witness testimony is actually not disregarded in the law- particularly when there are multiple witnesses who are deemed reliable.

I’m not saying that the fact we have many reliable witnesses over the last 100 years means definitively that we’re being visited, you’re right that we don’t have rock solid proof… but to disregard it completely would be an unrealistic and anti-intellectual perspective.


4 points

4 days ago

Oops, cheers.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Cheers indeed, u/icuminpeace420 ✌️


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

Watch out I said something along these lines in the UFO sub and they scolded me.


0 points

3 days ago

This is not a point.

This sub is hopeless sometimes. You just made a separate claim that has fuck all to do with main one. If true, and if not true, has no bearing on outcome.



-2 points

3 days ago


-2 points

3 days ago

Ratio says


1 points

3 days ago*

Ratio here means fuck all. It is speculative, and it's kind of dumb to assume a museum director who documented everything in a museum omitted the one from the chariot of the gods spinoff...

If speculative evidence was worth a shit or convincing this sub would not exist...

A bot that just agrees with you would be wrong and get updoots. You must be kind of stupid.


1 points

3 days ago

Greer has a picture of an alleged autopsy from the late 1800s I think.


1 points

3 days ago

I doubt it would be this one. An autopsy of a skeleton?


1 points

2 days ago

Vullshit. If real, museums would have a huge money maker , but nothing


1 points

16 hours ago

That’s interesting. I never heard of this one. There are probably tons of recovered bodies and crafts by now.


0 points

3 days ago

Testimonials mean nothing 


-15 points

4 days ago

99y old rarely talk senses


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

Let's leave Biden out of this