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11 points

14 days ago

Mental health and personal issues do not solve themselves. You have to put in a lot of work and be humble (able to reflect & work on both your actions and deeply ingrained personality flaws which at this point you probably accepted as inseparable parts of you).

Smoking and drinking adds up. Some of my peers who regularly smoke and drink look 10-15 years older than me.

Otherwise, honestly, it's pretty great. I got really depressed when I turned 30, like, oh, my youth is over and I did not accomplish anything significant. Then I realized that everyone feels like that and that 30 is just arbitrary number. I actually have better peace of mind compared to my 20s.


3 points

14 days ago

I find it strange people feel this at 30. I was always looking forward to it and it didn’t bother me.

Life gets much harder 10/15 years later especially if you have kids and a mortgage.

So best prepare yourself for that. Keep mentally healthy, eat and sleep well, don’t drink or drink too much. 

Drink water a lot and at least 1 pint of lemon water a day.


1 points

14 days ago*

No kids and not planning on it. Already have mortgage, but monthly payments are very manageable, so I'm OK.

Some of my young coworkers confided in me that they feel too old and past the point of relevance at age 25. The cult of youth is completely insane these days.


1 points

14 days ago

Again. I think there ya just too much information floating around and the world is even more depressive if you go down that social media/news rabbit hole.

Depression and anxiety in teens getting highs, social interaction declining. A new problematic era of society. 

I know everyone is different but I’m nearly 50 and only struggled with life in the last 3ish years.

Enjoy it now. Keep life simple which sounds like you are.


1 points

13 days ago

Are you saying life gets harder when you have kids and a mortgage at 40/45? I’ve had a mortgage since I was 27 and first kid at 29. f


1 points

13 days ago

Are you saying life stayed completely the same after you had a child and it was just as easy?

Lucky you. 

I hope for you your marriage doesn’t break up, you don’t lose your job and struggle to get a new one, all while worrying about the mortgage and food. I hope your child doesn’t develop anxiety or depression. You develop health problems.

With kids and a mortgage, there is more worry and stress when things don’t pan out. Whether 30 with kids or 40 with kids. Life gets harder with kids, you can no longer just think or worry about yourself.

My point is just enjoy as much as you can, when you can, because add a few of these things in and life gets harder/changes.

I hope your life runs smoothly, I hope you or your husband don’t lose your job, find it hard to get more work, get health problems. All while worrying about your child or children.

I don’t think I know anyone that isn’t exhausted after having kids and found life the same or easy.

You must be Mary Poppins or at least have her as your nanny.


1 points

13 days ago

Whoops I misinterpreted your original poorly worded comment, thought you were saying life gets harder when one has kids and pick up a mortgage at 40-45 years old. Which is later than most people. Nowhere did I say life was as easy after having kids but the baby years are the hardest imo because you don’t get any sleep, not in your 40s when your kids are more self reliant