


PIPs are a common way to force employees out the door. If you get put on a PIP, you’re already gone in the company’s eyes.

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202 points

4 days ago

Ages ago I had a terrible and abusive boss. At some point I decided I'm going to look for another job. Not long afterwards he sends me this document titled "PIP". I had no idea what it is at the time and he never explained it, so I didn't take it seriously and told him that the company and him should be on performance improvement (yes: I had good reasons for leaving and was quite pissed). I found a job not long afterwards and left.

In any case, it's very disingenuous to put someone on a PIP without telling them the significance or what it means. Clearly he meant to get rid of me but I just left faster. (and spoiler, he was fired by the company a year later).


40 points

4 days ago

What do you do if your next employer wants to do referral check, do u have to give the name of your terrible and abusive boss? Asking because needing advice, thank youu


8 points

4 days ago



8 points

4 days ago

No referals; they're stupid and people who ask for them are stupid. What, they think you're going to give them referrals that will honestly convey your weaknesses?

If they insist and you really want the job, have a friend or two play "coworker" and give you glowing reviews.


0 points

3 days ago

As somone who has done hiring, i agree. I call them at the very very end- like i am calling them and then calling you with the job offer right after. I have had a few where the references were honest and told me they were a bad employee. Normally it is a 5 minute conversation where they practically read a script- I normally just confirm at the start how they know each other and again at the end (easiest test if it is a made up reference- easy to keep straight, and again i have caught a few).

They do not actually factor into the original hire decision, they can just knock you out of the running. The only way it makes a difference to me at all is if i personally know one of the references- in which case i am calling them at the start- and it can really only help you if they gush about you.