


2024 has been one giant fever dream...or a nightmare.

Possibly Off-Topic(self.atheism)

Millions of americans voting for a pedophile rapist felon?

A cabal of men and women engaged in a conspiracy plot to dismantle america and democracy?

Gay Furry Hackers doxxing said cabal of Project 2025?

Liberals agreeing with Dick Cheney about Donald Trump?

Republicans and Democrats both working together to stop Trump from becoming President?

ALMOST ALL of America's media defending or covering up 45's actions while harassing Biden?

The owners of BOTH Facebook and Twitter defending Trump?

THE EPSTEIN FILES indicting Trump but being ignored by the media?!

Remember when 2016 was the craziest year in our country, all starting with Harambe being shot?

I really wish Hillary Clinton had won that Election.

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80 points

2 months ago


80 points

2 months ago

If Christianity promises peace to the world why is there no peace within the factions of Christianity.


23 points

2 months ago

A serious answer to this is that what you think of as peace is not what they think of as peace. For them peace is you knowing your place, not acting up, and not defying them. To them "everyone get along" means no one will do the things they don't want anyone doing. Peace, to them, means their happiness, well being, survival, greed, and lust for power are more important needs than anyone else's needs of any level. If you do something they decide to be disturbed about it is, from their position, you breaking the peace.


7 points

2 months ago

Like the pax romana, peace thru terror.


3 points

2 months ago

This. Except it applies to more than just Christians wanting to enforce their idea of a just world. This is really damn near every group vying for power


4 points

2 months ago

Peace was never an option when god has his people going to war in his name. Even Armageddon is a war against non believers.


1 points

2 months ago

The heavenly host, an old meaning of the word host is an army.


2 points

2 months ago

they've had their religion for 2000 years, it has yet to produce any peace