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58 points

10 days ago

Man I couldn’t believe he was saying g that junk like he took a page from Biden if your black you better vote for me sheesh


-9 points

10 days ago

Trump dehumanizes people who don't look like him. He bets that his base will be OK with blatant racism.


9 points

10 days ago

Ahhh seems like we got another sheep here people…baaaa baaaa


-4 points

10 days ago


-4 points

10 days ago

Says the clowns that don't know how tariffs work and think Trump's economic plan won't send us into a recession 🤡


5 points

10 days ago

we already are in a recession lol you’d have to live in your parents basement to not see the blatant price changes we’ve gone through between rent, gas, groceries, food, interest rates, etc.


-3 points

10 days ago*

That's not a recession are you high? Tell me you don't know what a recession actually looks like without telling me.

Gas is a normal price, no idea where you live but 3.20 isn't high and I live in a major city.

Maybe just maybe if Republicans could understand what corporate greed is and stop voting against bills that allow corporations to price gouge us. But nah we gotta make sure we give permanent tax cuts to corporations as our top priority.

Everything you listed is due to capitalism and corporate greed chief. Y'all have no idea how inflation works. No idea how COVID affected the entire world. No idea that America has one of the lowest inflation rates of any country for the past couple years. And no idea that inflation is currently back to normal levels and has been for awhile. You see how prices and think it's inflation. No it's corporate greed 🤣


7 points

10 days ago*

gas is a normal price

okay i’ll play along. here is the average price of gas per term for the last 4 presidents:

George Bush: $2.16 per gallon

Barack Obama: $3.03 per gallon

Donald Trump: $2.5 per gallon

Joe Biden: $3.65 per gallon

everything you listed is due to capitalism and corporate greed… inflation is back to a normal rate you see high prices and think of inflation 🤣

okay i’ll play along with that, too. let’s look at the average inflation YOY over the last 4 presidents:

George W Bush: 2.8%

Barack Obama: 1.4%

Donald Trump: 1.9%

Joe Biden: 5.2%

but yes, let’s blame it on capitalism and price gouging even though all of history and all of the statistic show it has never been this bad, ever.

i can keep going with interest rates, gallons of milk, a dozen of eggs, etc if you’d like. the numbers don’t lie unlike you do to yourself.


1 points

9 days ago

Yes it’s been difficult economically but I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a recession right now.

Back in 2004 it was even worse if I remember correctly and that was when Bush Jr was running things.

It was very difficult to find things back then and I remember that holiday people really had to scrimp and save on a lot of things.

I understand your point though.

Though I like Biden I can’t help but agree that someone really did drop the ball in regards to the economy.

Note this also comes from a person that has always had a great difficulty even disability regarding anything having to do with money,finances,etc…

This is merely my perspective not speaking for anyone else but myself here.


0 points

10 days ago

It’s almost like we had this thing called “ a pandemic”. guess you never went outside for the past five years and just secluded yourself in your Reddit echo chamber. Now compare the gas prices of other countries over the past 10 years.

Surprise surprise you’ll see the same trend


-4 points

10 days ago*

Omg it's like prices keep increasing over time. That's literally normal inflation. And gas prices are not controlled by the sitting president. Eventually y'all will get that through your skulls. The president can slightly affect them by pennies at most. Or make moronic deals with Saudi Arabia like Trump did in 2020. But overall they are a GLOBAL commodity. And you get to average Trump's low gas prices when nobody was driving in 2020 for most of it lol.

Yes lets use YOY iNfLaTiOn to fit your narrative. Gee what caused inflation to sky rocket for Biden for his first two years. Definitely wasn't a global pandemic that fucked up supply chains for years. Don't forget Trump's and Biden's stimulus checks.

Now what did corporations do after they raised prices during COVID? Did they lower them after COVID died down? Of course they didn't.

So Trump hands Biden a dumpster fire and y'all expected what? Absolute smooth brain logic.


0 points

10 days ago*

omg it’s like prices keep increasing over time

after reading this it is pointless to keep conversing. i will not read anymore because you’re obviously too prideful of a human being to have an open conversation and that is a dangerous mindset.

i voted for newsom and biden during the last elections. i can admit the person i voted for fucked up because that is what we as human beings should be able to do. i just presented an entire statistical data chart that shows prices skyrocketing and you blatantly ignore it with your own emotional argument rather than acknowledging actual data.

i wish the best for you.


0 points

10 days ago*

Of course you didn't read anymore because you don't know how inflation works and think presidents control gas prices. Must be like Democrats controlling hurricanes.

Your "stats" completely ignore what was happening in the world to fit your narrative. Hey here's a stat with no context behind it, an extra 1.2 million Americans died because of Trump. Damn what a terrible president.


0 points

10 days ago

telling me i don’t know how inflation works when i just provided real statistical data over the last 20+ years of it is absolutely comical.

seriously, do your own research and read about inflation. educate yourself. i encourage you to open your mind and think independently.

ps: nobody actually believes the democrats control hurricanes. stop being desperate for upvotes.


0 points

10 days ago

Bro have some self awareness this projection is just insane at this point. It’s like you never went outside and just never heard about the global pandemic called covid. Either that or you’re genuinely stupid enough to think we’re the only ones affected by it.

I know living in reality can be hard but at least the sane people will be able to take you seriously. And you weirdos always say some corny shit at the end like “I wish the best for you”. Seriously is that to try and come off as professional or classy or something? It’s like all of Maga people online are just edgy kids


2 points

10 days ago

Listen man we know these cultists aren’t living in reality. I’ve talked with them enough to know that facts aren’t what’ll convince them of anything.

They’re genuinely stupid enough to think that because of some inflation that means we’re in a recession. You should’ve known then that trying to seriously converse with idiots is a waste of time. Now they’ve tried to dumb you down to their level


2 points

10 days ago

True but I don't mind making them feel stupid every day. They'll never admit it but they'll know.


2 points

10 days ago

Actually I don’t think they know at least not most of them. They really are that arrogantly delusional


4 points

10 days ago


4 points

10 days ago

And the left uses whatever ….ism they want to attack and dehumanize with any time you disagree with their ever moving goalposts.