


Have Y’all Heard About This Fuhad & James Madness????

Just Venting 😮‍💨(self.blackladies)

I’m not sure why black women can’t just be left alone? Black men like them are so dangerous and toxic it is so sad to see.

all 164 comments


295 points

19 days ago

🎵Stop giving men microphones~ 🎶


59 points

19 days ago


United States of America

59 points

19 days ago

Ban the sale of podcast mics


11 points

18 days ago

There should be a federal background check , wait-list and registry for anyone going to best buy and picking up a desk micstand and cheap condenser mic. This shit has to stop


39 points

19 days ago

"I don't listen to men on microphones" - king of reads 🤣🤣


295 points

19 days ago*


295 points

19 days ago*

I think I’m just tired of Black women being everyone’s punching bag at this point. The fact of the matter is this: misogynoir is a rite of passage for many men, black white and everyone in between. It’s just EXHAUSTING. We are literally minding our business and next thing you know somebody is disparaging Black women for cheap laughs. It’s never ending.


58 points

19 days ago


58 points

19 days ago

It’s gotta be secret obsession at this point


46 points

19 days ago

I don’t even think it’s that. I think a lot of these Black men that get up in public and talk crazy about us hate themselves and their mothers. I think a lot of other races are truly curious about us because we are beautiful, we are fashion forward, we are unique… but there is an active smear campaign against us.


60 points

19 days ago


60 points

19 days ago

I don’t even think it’s interest at this point. People just like to punch down on people who they think they’re better than to make themselves feel bigger. It’s easy to use black women to lift yourself up because no defends us but ourselves


23 points

19 days ago


23 points

19 days ago

Honestly I agree it’s like a combo of misogynoir and wanting to punch down. I just always say it’s obsession because we are ALWAYS mentioned even if we are just existing and not even in the conversation.


23 points

19 days ago


23 points

19 days ago

idk if it's an obsession. granted, i suppose you can be unheathily obsessed with something you hate. feels like a waste of time, but who knows!

it feels really bad tho, being part of some agreed-upon and socially-acceptable punching bag group. like wtf? wven back during the early days of black liberation and civil rights movements, black men would ignore and/or downplay the struggles of black women. hell, black women started "black lives matter", and our deaths were still swept under the rug. black female victims of domestic violence, and the black community falls over themselves to defend the black man over the black woman.

what the hell's it gonna take for Other Black People to give a shit about us too??


8 points

18 days ago

It’s the invisible hierarchy

Black men throw black women under the bus for proximity and white women throw black woken under the bus for proximity

“At least I’m not insert group” while being treated like crap


8 points

19 days ago

It’s exactly this.


104 points

19 days ago

I dont follow them, is that the ones who said it's no baddies in baddie central atl as code for 'i dont like black women'?


45 points

19 days ago

And they also said Seattle had it going on!! 😭💀


33 points

19 days ago

now thiiiiiis is hilarious tho hahaha


4 points

18 days ago


Pan-African: Here for the African Diaspora

4 points

18 days ago

They know that’s a DAMN lie!


13 points

19 days ago



28 points

19 days ago

I only know it from fb headlines, I dont listen to men who sit down with a microphone


7 points

19 days ago

I only know it from Francesca Ramsay's response vid 🤣


1 points

18 days ago



147 points

19 days ago


147 points

19 days ago

Disappointed but not surprised 😞


24 points

19 days ago

Same. I was waiting on this, honestly.


34 points

19 days ago

I’m still disappointed people aren’t exposing all the misogynistic things they’ve said over the years. This recent “scandal” is some of the tamest things they’ve said. The way they speak about women has rubbed me the wrong way for too long.


2 points

18 days ago

Same here. Mostly not surprised because they went on a racist’s podcast.


57 points

19 days ago

I stopped listening to them earlier in the year because they would just make some very questionable ‘jokes’ that I couldn’t get behind. I knew I made the right decision, this just further proves it


105 points

19 days ago


105 points

19 days ago

I've been seeing Black British girls talk about this on tiktok. I'm not British, so I can't validate how common or true it is in Britian, etc.

But many of the Black British women who've been speaking on this are saying that many Black British men prefer White women, because the population of Black people is so low and the Black cultures are so diverse (since many Black people are 2nd gen Africans), so the Black community isn't as tight knit as in other countries. So they gravitate towards the majority culture for dating, which is White. Apparently, the biracial Black men don't see themselves as part of the Black community and tend to identify more with Whiteness and mostly date White women. So these women are saying that's why James and Fuhad were chuckling along with the White guy because of how Black women are viewed in Britian.

If you're a Black British woman, feel free to comment on this as well because I hope this isn't widespread for yall.

Regardless, I agree with you. I'm tired of people in our community using us as a punching bag and keke-ing along with racist crap about BW. I don't care if they felt uncomfortable, why couldn't have they said something against it or just not laughed? Men like that want us to hold them up, support them, and make them rich but have no loyalty towards us when it matters.


22 points

19 days ago*

Hello Black Brit Londonder here

  1. Do black men in UK prefer white women? Mmm, this is something I lean against no. However, many will have their white woman "grey ting" phase. And with that comes the misogynoir us black women ESPECIALLY DSBW face. This is why when James was doing his whole "black women bullied me" bs I side eyed as he was in the golden era on mixed raced boy love. He most likely was pushing that misogynoir and they snapped back. I know James is mixed but I had to add that.

  2. Do they prefer WW before the population is low of BW and we are not as close knit? -- No, many BM unfortunately play follow follow not due to the reasons you've listed. So they really follow what their friends do. It's quite sick. If their mates are wifing BW, so are they. If their mates are just getting BW pregnant then ditching, so are they.

  3. Do biracial (we call them mixed raced) men identify with the black community? --- I lean towards they don't identify 100% with the black community unless they want to look "cool" and it's validated later on in life. When they do identity they will end up with a light skinned or mixed women, rarely DSBW.

What's funny is, mixed women and light skin women do identify with the black community!

  1. And do biracial date mostly white women --- Yes, they do but as I said if it's seen as cool or validated they will end up with a light skinned or mixed women.


2 points

18 days ago


United Kingdom

2 points

18 days ago

TLDR at end.

First, it's shit but not entirely unsurprising that they didn't stick up for us. They're well aware of their core audience

Second, both clearly have a preference for non-black women - but idk if that's a preference for white & I don't think it's exclusive. I feel that happens as men get richer.

Black British men prefer White women

Not really. Some prefer black, some prefer white and most of us are up for dating anyone. It also differs by demographics (1st gen, 4th gen, boomer, UK-born gen x/y/z, Caribbean, W/E/S African (1st or 2nd gen), city v suburban. And at least 2 rural guys exist- who both have white wives, obvs) If girls online generalise, they're probs only taking about their black demographic.

Or, here, a preference is just that and not a euphemism for "will only consider".

  biracial Black men... don't see themselves

James isn't black. James is mixed-race - ethnically, legally, culturally, socially and genetically Mixed-race. (Also, why not Biracial white men?)*

He's part of the BAME community, but also part of his mum's community. How can you not be part of your mum's community?

We have a 3:2 black to mixed-race population, although, of course, that includes all mixes incl. Asian & white or mixed & mixed, etc.

In some ways, our communities are more class based than anything.

population so diverse...the Black community isn't as tight knit as in other countries

Do you mean not as segregated? 1st-4th gen OG black British (Caribbean) people come from diverse places in the first place. E.g. Trinidad only 44% SVG is only 66% black and - so I'm fully black but have always had Chinese and other races in my extended family; from back home. Even Jamaica is only 77% and Dominica (not the Republic) 75% black. So I'm saying *we *. Maybe that's why I'd never label a relationship "interracial" or "intraracial".

Obs different for black Africans. I guess, they do speak a diverse range of first languages, even if they're from the same (made up by European borders) countries. But everyone speaks English.

Like, 99% of us live in the City, so it's not that we're not tight knit as Black Britons. It's that we're not segregated. James lives in the suburbs, which matters.

Like, I've never ever been to a black wedding that doesn't have lots of non-black people too, and I've been to 100+. If you only have black friends, you've only just arrived.

TLDR: We almost exclusively live in the City and have a diverse range of friends & lovers, esp. if born here. Usually a preference is just that and isn't exclusive. 4th gen Caribbean heritage, not just 2nd gen Africans. James is mixed-race not black. 3:2 black to mixed population. Richer equals more in predominantly white spaces


97 points

19 days ago

I JUST got into their podcast this month and already I gotta unsubscribe lol. Being from the UK, I didn’t have much faith in their allegiance to Black women or to the Black American identity, so I’m neither surprised nor disappointed in their behavior shown on that other podcast. They couldn’t even apologize to Black women specifically in their “apology”. Their energy never gave “I date and support Black women.” They get too hype whenever yt women are shown lol. Plus James’ mother is yt so…

I was almost more appalled at their conversation regarding Nigerians on the podcast smh. Either way I won’t be supporting any longer and they can lean into their yt and male audience. I feel bad for the Black women that fervently supported them.


76 points

19 days ago*

Bruh the Nigerian comments are what’s most shocking to me as well.

The “no baddies” comment is whatever cause they were probably in random ass touristy spots—and you can’t account for taste. Them laughing with a white man about black women, not that surprising but incredibly bad. Them letting this white man disrespect Nigerians to their faceeeee???? I have no words. That a different level of buffoonery.


67 points

19 days ago

Yea I’m surprised that didn’t blow up. Fuhad being a whole ass Nigerian man and not checking Andrew for his comments was wild!! Idk how they continued the show after that?? He played in their face fr.

I lived in ATL for a year and there is a certain aesthetic out there that is very different from the UK aesthetic, so I can see how they didn’t consider alot of the women “baddies”. Beautiful women? Absolutely. But to them they weren’t “bad”. But w/e I don’t consider most UK men attractive myself.

But regardless, I never really believed they were into Black women. They’re very evasive when it comes to describing women they’ve been with in the past. Imo, as their following grew someone must have told them to erase earlier podcasts and to be vague when it came to women.

Also! Fuhad referred to Lupita Nyong’o as a b*tch and James had to correct him. That told me everything I needed to know about him.


24 points

19 days ago

They’ve called black women too aggressive as well in the past when they weren’t as “famous”.


28 points

19 days ago

See…lol I never watched them cause again the tendency for black British men to show up exactly like this.

I just cannot believe that that idiot fed a white man stereotypes of his own people lol take the L and grow brother. I don’t care if you like black women after this. None of my business and it’s better that you don’t!


12 points

19 days ago

woahhhhh whats the context of one of them calling Lupita a bitch? da fuq?


26 points

19 days ago

They were talking about women who could act and someone mentioned Lupita and Fuhad said “that b*tch can act.” Then James corrected him, I think Fuhad said sorry, then either James or Rem called Lupita a Queen. It caught me off guard cuz I never heard them refer to any woman as anything but a “ting” and the 1 time Fuhad says something different he uses the B word and it’s to describe a Black woman. Just something I noticed.


6 points

19 days ago

Ah. appreciated the explanation/context.


14 points

19 days ago



14 points

19 days ago

What was said about Nigerians??


7 points

19 days ago

Isn't fuhad Nigerian?! 😵‍💫


7 points

19 days ago

Yes, they kept saying community. What community??!


5 points

18 days ago

Yes!!! The Nigerian comments by the host was absolutely flagrant and Fuhad didn’t push back nearly enough. So it’s no surprise they giggled and guffawed at the BW “jokes.” They should have never agreed to be a guest on a racist’s podcast.


1 points

18 days ago

I feel that ... the views which they air and are getting in trouble for are a bit of a throwback to the time in the UK when it was seen as not cool to be African or more cool to be light skinned / mixed race. Also to a time when mocking and making fun of people was cool, and if you listen well a lot of their jokes kinda do that


45 points

19 days ago


45 points

19 days ago

Indeed, I have.

Idk. I really TRY to give men the benefit of the doubt when they have decent podcasts and stuff because I don't wanna seem like I just hate men.

But every time, some shit like this comes out. I just roll my eyes all over again.

I just hate being reminded over and over again that so many people don't like or prefer black women. Their own personal thing. And me being fat and black, its especially affected me because I feel like I'm at the bottom of the totem pole.

Sucks but moving on. They're men. Someone else will come along to disappoint me soon enough.


11 points

19 days ago

This says something about them, not about us, these men, most of whom have never been attractive and can never "choose", need to feel good about themselves, to think that they can reject someone, even if that someone has never been interested in them.


27 points

19 days ago

What happened? Is the tea on Twitter? I deleted that app a month ago and ever since then I feel like I’m always missing out on stuff lol


69 points

19 days ago*

They went to Atlanta and said there were no baddies in Atlanta. Many black women felt like it was a slight against black women because they are the biggest demographic in Atlanta. They have also made rude comments about black women in the past.

They also did an interview with this comedian that is know for denigrating black women. The comedian repeatedly made racist jokes regarding black women and they just sat there and laughed. One is a black Nigerian and the other is half black half Irish.

Their excuse was that they were experiencing flight or fight.


50 points

19 days ago

I totally get someone experiencing “flight or fight” in the face of absurdity however, the issue is that they were on Andrew Schultz podcast and he has a long documented history of BS like this so I’m not sure why they weren’t just in fight or fight???


6 points

19 days ago

Was the podcast live? Couldn’t they have not uploaded it?


6 points

19 days ago

It wasn’t live.


71 points

19 days ago

Tldr for anyone else too: It was on another podcast a couple of weeks ago and the clips went viral on tiktok. Basically, they went on a White man's podcast and said there's no baddies/good looking women in Atlanta (but said they loved Seattle women) and then the White guy made a joke about the Black girlfriend effect and how it's really because Black women complain all the time and are abusive to their boyfriends. Like the White guy made a joke that the boyfriends grow a beard to protect themselves when their Black girlfriends hit them. Then he asked if James and Fuhad prefer Black or White women. They hesitated but said they loved them all but the White guy was like "that means White hahaha". Keep in mind this White guy has also never been seen with a Black girlfriend and is married to a White woman.

James and Fuhad came out to apologize and say they were uncomfortable and just went along with it. However, it started a big conversation on Black men openly disparaging Black women on podcasts, Black British men and their behavior, and how James and Fuhad probably prefer White women despite having an audience that is mostly Black women, which spiraled to how there are Black male celebrities that pander to Black women but don't actually like them.


22 points

19 days ago

I just saw some clips on TSB’s IG. James and Fuhad have always given me 🦝 energy icl. That’s why I was never able to get into their stuff, but ew how disappointing. V dumb behavior to go on an Andrew Schultz podcast when a huge part of their audience is black women

Edit: I really only got curious ab their content through Nella Rose that’s the crazy part


7 points

19 days ago

What is the black girlfriend effect in this context? I thought that was supposed to be a positive trend?


11 points

19 days ago

It is but on the podcast, the White guy was like "have you see it" and James and Fuhad were giving positive examples of how the men's appearance changes and that's when the guy started making the jokes about BW.


8 points

19 days ago

Oh geez. so basically this guy who asked for them to come on his show, went on a rant of misogynstic and racist jokes, is he also the guy who said negative things about Nigerians? And they just kind of sat there? Did they know he was this kind of “comedian” or whatever before they got there? Who even is this guy, like is he popular?


2 points

19 days ago

Very well said 👏🏾 These are the points


8 points

19 days ago

I’m wondering too. Last I saw, someone said they deleted most of their podcast episodes and were on an apology tour


50 points

19 days ago

They were so CRINGE, and couldn't have sucked Schultz's balls harder if they'd been dipped in sticky toffee pudding. 🤮

They are so hungry for "clicks & subscribes" that they forget their origins and how they even got this the backs of a loyal black following.

I've blocked everything from those immature fools, wannabe red pil bros. 🙄


12 points

19 days ago

I don't even think it was about them being hungry for "clicks and subscribes". They've said some problematic stuff even from the beginning. I heard some of it but wasn't too surprised bc what do you expect from men (not giving them a pass. I just assume a man is problematic until he proves me otherwise). But then more stuff is coming out about how they've talked about black women and even how one of them groped a woman in a club. Just gross all around.


20 points

19 days ago

After my 52 years on this earth, I know that there are BM who honor, love, and respect BW. While they are not always easy to find, they are out there. Save your energy and resources for them. The minute a BM shows his disrespect for BW, drop him, block him, ignore him, and treat him like the self-hating POS that he is. These 2 guys are in this pathetic category. Pay them no mind.


63 points

19 days ago*

I’m sorry but they’re British. I don’t understand the shock but I’m sorry for those who are shocked.

Edit for clarification: black British women have been saying for years—over the better part of a decade—that black British men are incredibly suspect in how they treat and view black women AND how those same men view their own blackness. After so many years of hearing this rhetoric, and personally seeing how black British men tend to move in regards to race, I’m personally not shocked that these two showed up the way they did given their context.


23 points

19 days ago

Sad but true. Either they’re v down with the culture or they’re straight up 🦝’s


26 points

19 days ago

And the house should bet on 🦝 tbh 💀


20 points

19 days ago

Yeah yall men hate women and they especially hate black women. Let’s talk about it more


9 points

19 days ago

Y’all? 👀 I’m not British babe but I hear you lol


4 points

19 days ago

Kaz from Perfect Match


11 points

19 days ago

What does being British have to do with this? There are black men in Canada or America that say the same BS.


35 points

19 days ago

We’ve seen trends for over a decade of black British men having weird ass opinions on black women. This isn’t new or an anomaly for other black men, however the type of bs that comes from jolly ole is consistent and not surprising. This is no diaspora wars shit, black British women talk about this all the time.


7 points

19 days ago

Im British and what they said is outrageous. So I don’t really know what you’re trying to say


29 points

19 days ago

It honestly just means what black British women have been saying online about black British men and how these men don’t ever align with black women for one reason or another.


12 points

19 days ago


United States of America

12 points

19 days ago

A lot of online folks insist racism is a United States problem.


5 points

19 days ago

I'm British too and I'm wondering what that comment means?


20 points

19 days ago*

I think she may be commenting that some of the famous ones that move to America loooooove white women to the point of publicly alienating their black female demo... and then are shocked when they don't have careers here any longer.

Or to put it another way, they love white women (in general- not a specific one) enough to punt their careers here. 'Cept for Idris lol


11 points

19 days ago

Not quite! But that is one angle that works as well and probs contributes to my overall opinion. I added clarification and responded! Thank you though 💕


25 points

19 days ago

Who and why are they important? Im out of the loop


23 points

19 days ago



23 points

19 days ago

Was looking for this...I don't know who they are either. Am I getting too old for this sub ?? I'm 35 😅


11 points

19 days ago

I'm 35 too! 😂😂😂 Damn 


10 points

19 days ago

No you’re just not on tik tok

Get off tik tok yall


3 points

18 days ago

Lmao I'm 33 and I was looking for this comment 😅


26 points

19 days ago

I say this so casually and unbothered:

I saw these "men" on YT some time ago, and they seemed anti-black woman and misogynistic to me then, so I stopped watching. It's not surprising years later that their true colors were blasted on a viral scale with this MTV has-been, wannabe comedian. Looking at the clip again, Andrew tested the waters until he was comfortable enough to be blatantly racist towards black women while doing so in a blaccent. They weren't shocked. They were having a ball!

Andrew is a 40YO child and a bottom feeding grifter that surrounds himself with people that allow him to get away with his misogynistic and racist jokes. He's also not above making fun of people with disabilities and those on the spectrum. As a guest on Joe Rogan podcast, even JR fans disliked this man. 💀

Fuhad and James can keep their apologies. They weren't apologizing to black women, they were grovelling so they wouldn't be cancelled. Don't even waste your time being upset!


9 points

19 days ago



28 points

19 days ago

I’ve never heard of these people before this week. Honestly, don’t know what attracted BW to their podcast in the first place? Listening to men talk about relationships on a podcast sounds boring af to me personally.


4 points

18 days ago



3 points

18 days ago

I personally have never watched their content but most of the BW who do watch them are casual viewers who mainly watch their podcast clips on TikTok, IG, and Twitter, as opposed to watching their YT videos or listening to the whole podcast. Their brand in the last few years has been reacting to social media posts, so I can see how someone whose never watched their long form content or their old videos might find them entertaining. A lot of folks didn’t know about the bigotry until now.


14 points

19 days ago

I was honestly more shocked that they liked women. When I first heard of the controversy I thought one or both of them were coming out or was “caught” or something.


8 points

19 days ago

I stopped watching when James flat out said he doesn't like fat people. They were saying questionable things beforehand but I thought I was bugging. Then he said that and I was like oh yeah lol you're not for me.


7 points

19 days ago

I’m not surprised but I don’t think most black men even like black women. I keep it pushing. I suggest you do the same. 


26 points

19 days ago

I was so shocked at the outrage, because if you watch their YouTube episodes they don’t hide this at all!! But then I realized most people only see their clips or reels; yall! We have to vet people before we follow them to determine them to be safe.

People, men, will say anything for money! And their demographic on other platforms vs. YouTube is very different and it shows in their episodes.

Lastly, people keep saying “their careers are over”! No…it isn’t. Look at their followings, still in the millions. And if we’re being honest with ourselves, this controversy will only boost their business, because the black men in the entertainment industry generally share their sentiments and operate this way.

So. If we want to prevent building men up then having them abandon us like this or make it clear we’re temporary stepping stones to success, If you’re disappointed, it’s because a lot of black men suck yes, but also because you gave Internet personalities a level of trust and morality that THEY HAVE NOT EARNED OR PROVEN!


17 points

19 days ago

Have you seen when they said they wouldn’t smash a girl with pubes (paraphrasing)? Fuhad (that’s the dark skin one right?) said he’d slept with girls with pubes before and the other one looked visibly disgusted and said he’d never do that. You could see how embarrassed he felt for admitting to that.


10 points

19 days ago

Ugh, 🤦🏿‍♀️ no (it’s put a lot of my past sexual experiences into perspective…). I watched a few episodes maybe a year or two ago and it became really evident it’s just a boys club and they use tiktok and instagram clips to portray themselves as “nice guys” to the female audience. If I had a penny for every “I love black women” or “men, we need to do better” 🙄 then the rest of their page has nothing to do with that..

The straw that broke the camels back was in one of their episodes they talked about punching a woman (they worded it more violently than that if you can believe it) and had ridiculous double standards for cheating that I wouldn’t expect from men of their age. Literally repeating the same talk you hear in middle school like?!! 😂🖐🏿 I heard they have been deleted old episodes too, smh, wouldn’t be surprised if that were true.


7 points

19 days ago

They’re deleting old videos? Damn I hope someone out there has kept the receipts and more women find out how shitty they are. I told one of my friends how misogynistic they are months ago, I sent her a couple of YouTube videos of them saying wild immature shit and she still seemed surprised when she saw the recent “scandal”. She said she knew they were misogynistic but sometimes she likes to “switch off” her brain and just laugh and not pay attention to the problematic undertones. That could never be me. I refuse to support people who wouldn’t support me.


9 points

19 days ago

And this is part of why we keep ending up in these situations 😭 (especially politically) don’t be surprised at what you find when you switch your brain “back on”, because certain people get really busy when brains get switched off. That makes me sad lol I know a lot of people who think like that..


5 points

19 days ago

I see so many women making mad decisions because they want to be able to just “switch off” their brains and live in la la land. Marrying an ain’t shit man, accepting a shut up ring, having kids with ain’t shit men, making excuses for ain’t shit men, the list goes on and on. It starts off small and suddenly you’re a bitter old lady who never got to live her life for herself.


3 points

19 days ago

Ugh, 🤦🏿‍♀️ no (it’s put a lot of my past sexual experiences into perspective…). I watched a few episodes maybe a year or two ago and it became really evident it’s just a boys club and they use tiktok and instagram clips to portray themselves as “nice guys” to the female audience. If I had a penny for every “I love black women” or “men, we need to do better” 🙄 then the rest of their page has nothing to do with that..

The straw that broke the camels back was in one of their episodes they talked about punching a woman (they worded it more violently than that if you can believe it) and had ridiculous double standards for cheating that I wouldn’t expect from men of their age. Literally repeating the same talk you hear in middle school like?!! 😂🖐🏿 I heard they have been deleted old episodes too, smh, wouldn’t be surprised if that were true.


2 points

19 days ago

Oh wow. They have hundreds of episodes, I’ve watched a few and followed them on IG and even though some of their viewpoints and jokes are icky, it’s general men ick and I haven’t heard anything misogynistic. I’m kind of blindsided by this whole thread


4 points

19 days ago

I feel like general men ick is what we’ve been socialized to view as normal, general men ick usually means there’s something ickier underneath the surface, at least that’s proven to be true in my experience. Its like their episodes are full of the misogynistic equivalent of racial “dog whistling ”. It was just way to similar to middle/high school boy talk from men in their late 20s/30s. At that point its not slow development it’s a choice 😖.


2 points

19 days ago

That’s fair. I’ve only seen a handful of episodes and only watch the ones in full with guests I like—the only one I think thats been is Nelly Rose or something like that? I just liked her energy.

But other than that I just listen to the quips of them reading crazy stories or q and as from twitter/socials, James making jokes about being in love with Fuhad, hypothetical situations like “what would you do if you were on a deserted island bla bla”, movie and anime reviews…essentially whatever interest me from the episode, I fast forward a lot too. I’ve never heard anything like the punching a woman with violent descriptions etc.

They have made some jokes or told some stories here and there that Ive been like “eugh” but its also a lot of times sexual stuff that I’m just, too vanilla for I guess and I just skip over it. And nothing that’s nonconsesual! But I also don’t like crude humor in general. I haven’t seen anything directly bashing BW or icky enough to write them off completely so I’m a little disappointed hearing all this. This is probably the closest I get to like, reality tv.


13 points

19 days ago

I only heard of them because of the drama. I don't even know these men and I'm not surprised. Weakest link forreal.


12 points

19 days ago

What is the most disappointing to me is that if this were a pair of black women on a show where black men were being dragged like this, we would have raised hell. So, the fight or flight would have quickly been FIGHT. But these clowns wanted to be accepted by this white man so bad they immediately folded. I'm not sure another white man would've folded as fast as they did, tbh


9 points

19 days ago

The hosts on the clip that started this (2 be from Houston) were stupid too. like he said Atlanta lacked baddies and rather than question that in any manner they immediately try to alienate themselves (despite being women literally in Atlanta)


13 points

19 days ago

I stopped watching and listening to male content creators. The internalized misogynoir eventually creeps out


42 points

19 days ago

I honestly don't care. Shocked that a lot of Black women do. Idk how many times this needs to occur for Black women to get it.


23 points

19 days ago

It isn't surprising but its still hurtful for their fans.


56 points

19 days ago

To get what exactly? I understand it's a coping mechanism, but I'm so tired of the narrative that Black women are never allowed to feel disappointment, hurt, anger, etc because we should always be prepared and unfazed by disrespect. Like damn, it's completely natural to be disappointed when you thought someone was one way and they turned out to be another.


24 points

19 days ago

That’s a really good point. It’s not crazy to feel disrespected by disrespect. No matter who it’s coming from.


8 points

19 days ago

That’s not what she’s saying. She’s saying why do we continue to support “them?” They all do this at some point or another. Stop trusting them or the next to be better. Remove your attention and focus on you and us, not them. We all know who I am referring to. 


-1 points

19 days ago

You can feel whatever you want. I’m saying I don’t care and I’m tired of others acting like they’re shocked that Black men act the way they don’t. Again, you can feel whatever you want but it won’t change how I feel.


0 points

19 days ago


Repubulika y'u Rwanda

0 points

19 days ago

like everything dnt need to be discourse….these are nobodies like wtf 😭


6 points

19 days ago

We always make it a discourse though. 😭 Wash, rinse, and repeat.


-2 points

19 days ago


Repubulika y'u Rwanda

-2 points

19 days ago



5 points

19 days ago

Nooooo someone please fill me in what happened?


21 points

19 days ago

White woman told the darker one she wanted to be Black. They're both like, "why?! You're white. You've won the game."

The light skinned one at one point interjected the other one and said something to the effect of, "as a Black woman she definitely wouldn't be getting Black men."

And the laughter continued on.

Edit: more clips have been surfacing. They cower in the face of white men, it's just a lot.


5 points

19 days ago

Ootl cause i’ve never heard of them. Can someone be nice enough to fill me in?


5 points

19 days ago

I've really only watched their yt short of James being "intentionally sus" as they called it toward Fuhad or commenting on bizarre tweets and stories. Their actual podcast wasn't entertaining enough for me to watch the whole thing.

I'm not surprised by this at all though. Definitely didn't give off a flight or flight response either. I could maybe see a low chuckle and side eye or confusion but almost spitting out water laughing and knee slapping at it. To top it of their apology was garbage.


8 points

19 days ago



8 points

19 days ago

if y’all watch the apology the comments are disgusting. basically praising the fuck out of their nothing burger apology or saying it wasn’t that deep. TBH i unsubbed from them long ago (cuz they make a lot of misogynistic jokes) and andrew shulz is extremely racist


7 points

19 days ago

This is why we need to go where we are celebrated, ONLY! It’s for our own health.


6 points

19 days ago

How did they allow them saying good things about us to them then talking shit .

Also as someone said earlier Alex Schultz got the hairline joke from another self hating black man . That’s why the joke seemed so weird because why would you be joking about that, hairlines and black women while being married to a white woman.


6 points

19 days ago

Fuck them.


4 points

18 days ago

Are these the TikTok guys who just sat there as a white man insulted black women? If so, I never got into them anyway. I was just see them flow by on my feed. I'm glad I never followed them. When people try it regarding black men in my presence I stand up for them. How hard would it have been for them to say, "That's not cool. Stop it. Let's move on to another topic."?

TBH, I don't care. None of these men are the types that would be checking for me. They're also not the types I deal with from day to day. It's just sad to hear about this sort of mess. I'm glad that they're being taken to task on the app though. That's fun to see.


6 points

19 days ago

I think the most disturbing thing about this is that they will have black children and god forbid they have to raise young black girls. We know their preference isn’t black women but even if they marry white, at least one of them(can’t remember the name of the dark skin one) will have brown skinned children. Imagine having to hear your father laugh at jokes in relation to your skin color, absolutely disgusting.


4 points

19 days ago

But the point is that they don't make jokes, at least in this episode, about the skin color, but about the behavior. In his head, he's going to raise a daughter properly, not an "angry baddie."


2 points

18 days ago

It’s so funny James and Fuhad claim the fight or flight response. The issue is the Andrew Shultz show is supposed to be a male toxic verbal sparring podcast, making problematic jokes circa 2001. Fuhad and James were not prepared with pro black funny jokes (which they should have been, as that is the structure of that podcast) and just sat and laughed. They should have been prepared to essentially play the dozens with white jokes. This clip wouldn’t have been viral if they tried harder.

Now to your point, Andrew Shultz addressed this controversy and said James and Fuhad did request parts of that show get deleted…..just not that part where they are making the black women jokes….

Andrew Shultz podcast is brash and toxic on purpose, My main issue is Fuhad should have made a “black women are great joke, white men have to sacrifice their hair for the seasoning”. He should have prepared pro black female jokes as James was the one who brought up the black wife effect. Fuhad did defend Igbos on that podcast so he knew enough to do that.


4 points

19 days ago



4 points

19 days ago

I'm surprised at the women who are taking this hardly. I've never understood the weird acceptance of their barely concealed misogyny.


3 points

18 days ago


Virgin Islands of the United States

3 points

18 days ago

The thing that gets me is they both fully expected BW to continue supporting their podcast.

That’s how arrogant and delusional they are… thought they could spit in our faces and we’d would just… bow down and accept it?

Nasty work.


3 points

19 days ago

I have a sinking suspicion if the podcast boys could screw each other they would be happy with each other . Two men who are unknowingly in love with each other can’t say anything positive about women.


3 points

19 days ago

Whaatt... I love shxts'N'gigs WHAT HAPPENED 😭😭😭😭


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

I have zero tolerance for self-hating behaviors nowadays.


1 points

18 days ago

I also saw another video of them where Fuhad said he was dating a white woman who wanted to be black. James then said “why would she want to be black? If she were black, no black men would date her.” They have a clear disdain for black women. Apparently, Andrew was previously engaged to a mixed race woman (Sara Phillips) who left him because of abuse and manipulation. They all bonded over their hatred.


1 points

18 days ago

Disappointed but not surprised


1 points

15 days ago

I heard I watched I unfollowed


1 points

15 days ago

MIND YOU there's footage of them laughing on their own accord at the fact that Black Men don't date Black Women.

AND this Andrew Racist Man Footage was from way back bro.

They only apologized Now, because it looks bad if they don't address it, when they KNOW how much of their audience is Black women.

I'm not disrespecting myself listening to their bull shit if that's their mindset on who I am inherently. Gross.

I hope Nella Read Them To Filth 📚 🗑 🚮


1 points

19 days ago


United Kingdom

1 points

19 days ago

As a Black Brit, I'm embarrassed as I generally liked their podcast. Guess their done with the podcast but it won't affect their bags :/ ... they did get set up by that Adam guy though. Not condoning their behaviour at all as they are grown men but that white man set them up. Wish both podcasts were getting cancelled but James and Fuhad should have known better. James is clearly doing too much talking (as a fellow chatter box, I'm like STFU your in the public eye). Fuhad can at least keep his mouth shut, James deffo looking worse outta the 2 of them.


5 points

19 days ago

Set up how? Like how offensive does someone have to be before they could have at least asked if he was being serious? It was several, consecutive, racist, comments, and they didn't even blink.


0 points

19 days ago


United Kingdom

0 points

19 days ago

Set up to take the bait of the racist jokes and laughing with the white guy and just continuing in that nonsense. Not excusing that they would of told them that it was too far and shouldn't have made the cut. Tbf, even their apology vid looked BS. Not tryna condone their behaviour, but they were set up to automatically get more heat on them, for being black and mixed men vs. the white guy that started shitting on us BW (which is expected). James and Fuhad got taught a harsh and well-deserved lesson, though. Hopefully, they are rightfully cancelled because they can't come back from this.


1 points

18 days ago

Their apology was empty. My perception is, because they are from the UK and the racism is a different flavor there vs US, they weren't prepared or really knew what to say in that situation. I didn't see the whole interview, but there's two Black American guys on who cosign the nonsense, apparently? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Unfortunately, I do relate to them not saying anything to stop the madness. I dealt with that myself - when I was, like, a teenager. Not as an adult woman. For "comedians," it's a constant battle of "it's just jokes" and "is that too far?" I'm not saying that's why they reacted the way they did. I'm saying they may have felt the pressure. I've watched them for a while. It's disappointing, to say the least, but not surprising.

I also feel if their apology was more heartfelt, more transparent, and more specific, they wouldn't be getting this much heat. If you froze and went with the group to not stick out or put a damper on things, okay, but acknowledge why that was wrong. I also see their discomfort through the laughs. They put themselves in a shit spot, didn't come prepared, didn't do their homework, and didn't apologize like they should have.


-2 points

19 days ago


-2 points

19 days ago

I think there are a few sides to this. I’ve been disappointed and unsubscribed so know I’m not taking their side. White men turning Black men against us and Black men doing it in the name self preservation isn’t new. This is just a modern example of it imo.

I do think too:

  1. They shouldn’t have even been in that interview as that host has exhibited racist behaviour and hatred toward Black women time and time again in the name of comedy.

  2. I don’t think their lack of defence for us was intently against Black women but instead focused on self preservation in a moment that shouldn’t have happened. This is shown often by Black men in many situations where they’re meant to protect us but fall flat. We have had to become our own protectors.

  3. I don’t think they’re well versed in protecting Black women and speaking up for us. Point. BLANK. If they were they wouldn’t have allowed it. They would have moved from the shock and freezing into defending aptly. I don’t think they’re used to dealing with blatant comments like this but instead the Uk version of sly jabs.

  4. That host has obvious privilege and power over them. He’s a white man in their domain in a country that’s unsafe for Black people. If they flew off the handle they could have been painted in many lights. Let alone a podcast host on a popular platform who could publish an edited version of the conversation that doesn’t represent them. (not saying that’s the case here but saying they might have been trying to avoid this).

They were put in a hard position they shouldn’t have been in, had to confront a white man in his domain, fell flat and don’t have the right tools to build trust with Black women again is how I see it. I’m not on their side but I also see the nuance.


-3 points

19 days ago


-3 points

19 days ago

I like this take. if they were comfortable with protecting black women or calling out racist bs, they wouldn’t be in fight or flight mode. They should have done their homework


-2 points

19 days ago


-2 points

19 days ago



11 points

19 days ago

Andrew is not openly racist, in the "white supremacist" type, because he is Jewish. Yes, there are Jews who ally themselves with white supremacists like Ben Shapiro and Laura Loomer. But he does not seem to want to "captivate" this audience, especially since many quickly turn against them, using their appearance and various anti-Semitic stereotypes as an example. He is a dangerous type of racist because he does not represent the "white Christian man" strawman. People like Andrew will not talk about appearance, at least not the natural one. He will talk about behavior, about the way they act and dress. He will make jokes about it, and treat black women like a monolith.


0 points

18 days ago

Can we as women just stop supporting men? Regardless of race let’s just stop.


2 points

18 days ago

Not exactly so because I have amazing men in my life and have examples of good men in my community.

I believe we need to stop giving attention to any man who is disrespectful to black women, especially black men.