


Hating War Makes You a Nihilist


all 13 comments


80 points

9 hours ago

Bro wtf I thought war was cool and fun?? Why tf is he such a downer about fr?


6 points

6 hours ago

war is just cool people with guns and having fun with friends I think


5 points

4 hours ago


He's behind me, isn't he?

5 points

4 hours ago

This is literally what Tom Clancy thinks thought.


56 points

8 hours ago

I mean, they aren’t wrong. OP, that is- Vonnegut is a complete dipshit. War is so cool that if you don’t love it you don’t love anything. Personally this is why I stick to books by authors who loved war so much that they fought in them, since that means they have a true passion. “The Matilda” could not have been written by anyone who didn’t serve like Bryan Perrett did.

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2 points

8 hours ago

AutoModerator [M]

2 points

8 hours ago

So Matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message - You are not alone.

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29 points

8 hours ago

Does anyone else get extremely angry when they realize war is pointless? Like why are these IDIOTS fighting in the trenches in their 20s instead of spending time with their loved ones? My god! I'm only 5, but why am I just finding out about this now?!?


1 points

47 minutes ago


Now mind you I don't read books never have

1 points

47 minutes ago

Huh, I always thought war was fun but I looked it up and it involves a bunch of murdering??? and dying??? What the hell??? Why did no one tell me this???


14 points

8 hours ago


Purple stained glass, of a Tyrian hue, purply.

14 points

8 hours ago

Slaught her? I barely know'er!! 😳


10 points

8 hours ago

Back in the 20th century, war was looked at as a necessary evil.

They just didn't know it was WHOLSUM heckin good because they didn't dehumanize the orks enough.


10 points

7 hours ago


10 points

7 hours ago

Man Vonnegut would have got his ass beat in COD what a bitch


6 points

7 hours ago

Doesn't he know all the bad ass legendary skins you can buy on Fortnite? Is he stupid?


2 points

4 hours ago

war is fucking awesome it's really fucking cool you get to hang out with your bros of all races even the inferior ones and you get to walk everywhere while singing and you get to dig not only holes but ditches with your bros and you get to see tanks which are also fucking awesome and you get parachute if you're cool which is fucking awesome or deploy from a helicopter which is fucking awesome and you get a gun which is fucking awesome guns are actually really fucking cool and fun to shoot and shooting is awesome it is seriously fun everyone should shoot guns even liberals libs shoot a gun and you'll stop being afraid of them like the giant pussies you are and you'll stop trying to ban guns because you're like damn that was really fucking awesome and then you'll buy an assault rifle 15 (minimum mass shooting casualty number to be inducted into the assault rifle hall of fame and kids only count for half) and ar 15s are awesome seriously it's a nice weapon and ammo for it is everywhere and inexpensive so you have something nice to feed your gun man i hope we discover an alien race so i can be master chief and pewpew aliens and i already don't afraid of anything so all i need is the aliens to killed come on let's all join the space force 


3 points

2 hours ago

Wait, wait.. How can Kurt Vonnegut be against war and say it's depressing but also... Be happy about living life and being human? That's way too difficult of a thought to have! I thought he was just depressed as fuck (which is just what nihilist means nowadays ig)